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What a pi(g)sstake...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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40 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

The pandemic is proving both a hindrance and opportunity for Brexit; only a fool would be so one-sided (that's you, LCS).

But I cannot argue on behalf of, or defend the UK government, over the fuel crisis. The public is also to blame for being so incredibly fucking stupid to vehemently believe the mainstream media and panic-buy fuel – thus exacerbating the situation. There is more than enough fuel whose distribution has been thwarted by too much demand too quickly. Thick, thick cunts.

If I am honest, I fear the situation irreversibly getting worse, for the reasons above, in the coming weeks. Driver and fuel shortages will lead to food shortages and fast-rising prices. In turn, this will lead to inflation, which could damage the pandemic-era economy still further – just as it was showing signs of recovery. More elderly people could die from lack of inaffordable energy bills and rising food prices this coming winter than from cunting coronavirus. No double-jab or booster will remedy this situation.

Closure of fuel stations means millions will again work from home, so not all is lost, aside that China provides the lion's share of the technology which enables people to do so.

Still, at least the Chinks don't own our water companies. In the event of global warming becoming so intense that the UK's climate is identical to Australia's, at least we'll have control over our water reservoirs to quickly put the fires out, lol.

Enjoy the shark nets, dingos, box jellyfish and lack of autumn splendour. Oh, and the forest fires.  

It’s hard to tell whether it would be viable to profitably ship the water back to slope land, but simply judging their cerebral purchasing of tinned air, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did.

Chinese buy bottles of fresh air from Canada


Wednesday 23rd December 2015 05:03 EST

Beijing: Making money off the intense and hovering air pollution issues, a Canadian start-up company bottling fresh air from the Rocky Mountains has seen sales to China soar. Vitality Air was founded last year in the Edmonton, but began selling to China less than two months ago. “Our first shipmen of 500 bottles of fresh air were sold in four days,” co-founder Moses Lam said. With a crate containing 4,000 more bottles on its way to the Asian country, Lam says most of the shipment has already been brought.

A 7.7 Litre can of crisp air taken from Banff National Park in the majestic Rocky Mountains range sells for roughly 100 yuan (£10), which is 50 times more expensive than a bottle of mineral water in China. Most of their customers live in big cities in the northeastern and southern parts of China where severe pollution warnings have become a common occurrence. However, the Canadian company is not the first to sell fresh air to the Chinese. Last year, Beijing artist Liang Kegang fetched the equivalent of £512 for a glass jar filled with air taken from a business trip in southern France.

Lam said he started out the company as a joke as well when he and co-founder Troy Paquette filled a plastic bag of air and sold it for less than 50 pence on the auction site Ebay. A second bag sold for £105. “That’s when we realised there is a market for this,” Lam said. Vitality Air sells bottled fresh air and oxygen across North America, to India and the Middle East. But China remains its biggest overseas market. The company's China representative, Harrison Wang, said their customers are mainly affluent Chinese women who buy for their families or give away as gifts. But he says senior homes and even high end night clubs have also stocked up on their product. “In China fresh air is a luxury, something so precious,” Wang said.

The company finds trouble keeping up with the constant demand as every bottle is filled with hand. “It's very labour intensive but we also wanted to make it a very unique and fun product. We may have bit off more than we can chew,” he said.

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Wars over roops baby..why the shinners look like they'll be the majority partay in the northern Ireland assembly.


The whims and wishes of Eire and Northern Ireland is dependant on negotiations between the UK government and your political masters in Brussels. The Emerald Isle's inhabitants on both sides of the border are mere bargaining chips to be played at the adults table. Who may or may not be the majority party in the Northern Ireland assembly is moot at best and probably irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. 

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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

No fisticuffs over fuel or food here in Dublin or Belfast either doc ..funny that..with the pandemic and all


1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Apparently it’s a “hindrance and opportunity for Brexit”, Panz.

All I see is the world pissing themselves with laughter.

This place makes for strange bedfellows sometimes, but I can’t say I predicted an alliance between the itinerant Republican saxophonist and the petulant Remainer quack. Let it go, lads, let it go, lest the schadenfreude come back to bite your sorry arses.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

May I politely ask what Miss Swindon Mensa 1994 thinks of the current state of the post-Brexit UK? I have vague memories of you thinking it was all a spiffing idea and as ever trying to Excel spreadsheet your way to a lucid point of view. I wonder if like every other English middle class pillock I hear from these days you’ve gotten distinctly vague on the summer of 2016 and are desperately employing the reverse ferret to your friends over the Balsamic and Olives. At least The Judge and Sir John Trucking-Jones have the balls to stay on their sinking ship as the water laps around their nipples. You’ve presumably just remembered you were Chairperson of Britain in Europe all along, having discovered it just between Master of The Rolls and All-England Bar Skittles champion on the Worlds’ most elaborate CV. 

Do tell. All going just as you expected?

Back in 2016 I said I was voting "out" for reasons of national self-determination, accountability and the preservation of democracy. I also made it quite clear that the economic arguments on both sides was inconclusive though I was inclined to think that any benefits would be in the long term only. In subsequent postings I also made it clear there would be hiccups in the short and medium terms. What I did not expect was two years of uncertainty which put many manufacturing decisions and planning on hold thanks to the verbal and legal gymnastics by Remainers who despite saying the "wishes of the electorate must be honoured" fought tooth and nail to engineer a Brexit that was in name only. And yes Covid did not help.

54 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

No fisticuffs over fuel or food here in Dublin or Belfast either doc ..funny that..with the pandemic and all


49 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Apparently it’s a “hindrance and opportunity for Brexit”, Panz.

All I see is the world pissing themselves with laughter.

Hmm, when Britain sneezes, Ireland catches a cold which is probably why the general manager of the Irish Freight Transport Association is bitching about an Irish shortage of HGV drivers and logistical workers in Eire. Already some chilled lines are no longer available in the Emerald Isle and the problem will only get worse as UK producers will prioritise the domestic market. As for Australia, they too are experiencing low skilled shortage issues and we won't talk about medicine shortages...

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55 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

This place makes for strange bedfellows sometimes, but I can’t say I predicted an alliance between the itinerant Republican saxophonist and the petulant Remainer quack. Let it go, lads, let it go, lest the schadenfreude come back to bite your sorry arses.

Baws baby this place is built on a solid foundation of oneupmanship n shameful joy cant let this opportunity go without comment now can we


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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

The whims and wishes of Eire and Northern Ireland is dependant on negotiations between the UK government and your political masters in Brussels. The Emerald Isle's inhabitants on both sides of the border are mere bargaining chips to be played at the adults table. Who may or may not be the majority party in the Northern Ireland assembly is moot at best and probably irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. 

Twould seem the chips are playing the players roops baby ..you'll not get out of the north cheaply or easilly no matter whose fleg is fluttering over stormont..bojo needs to trigger article 16..hes been gibberin about it since like forever..he reminds of of a wino on a bridge threatening to jump 


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10 minutes ago, scotty said:

There's only one bloke who would have tried that one, and he was stabbed to death by his own party. 

Scotty, you've been giving me the feels over the past few days with your hitherto secret political persuasions. If you ran for office you'd be getting my vote.

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Well indeed. If there is one thing your Grandads’ comrades stormed the Normandy beaches for, it’s the right for their gobshite offspring to despise foreigners and crush dissent. 

I do hope you’ve managed to keep your diesel topped up this week. Those sanitary bins won’t empty themselves.

Your fixation upon this subject tells me that you obviously feel some deep insecurity. Was somebody in your family a yellow cunt who was on double bang up with Jack Straw's daddy? Is that where your need to try and belittle a man who fought for his country comes from? 

Running away appears to be a family trait. Isn't that why you're hiding down there in roo land?

I know it bothers you that us great unwashed without degrees can reduce sanctimonious dickheads like yourself to figures of fun but you're not really important and nor are your scummy trot views.  

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18 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Happy with the point at Turf Moor Decs? 

If you'd have asked me at four games ago, I'd say that a point against a scrapoy team like Burnley away from home would be cause for celebration. But at this point in time we need to be getting three points against our rivals at the race for the bottom. 

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

It’s hard to tell whether it would be viable to profitably ship the water back to slope land, but simply judging their cerebral purchasing of tinned air, it wouldn’t surprise me if they did.

Chinese buy bottles of fresh air from Canada


Wednesday 23rd December 2015 05:03 EST



Beijing: Making money off the intense and hovering air pollution issues, a Canadian start-up company bottling fresh air from the Rocky Mountains has seen sales to China soar. Vitality Air was founded last year in the Edmonton, but began selling to China less than two months ago. “Our first shipmen of 500 bottles of fresh air were sold in four days,” co-founder Moses Lam said. With a crate containing 4,000 more bottles on its way to the Asian country, Lam says most of the shipment has already been brought.

A 7.7 Litre can of crisp air taken from Banff National Park in the majestic Rocky Mountains range sells for roughly 100 yuan (£10), which is 50 times more expensive than a bottle of mineral water in China. Most of their customers live in big cities in the northeastern and southern parts of China where severe pollution warnings have become a common occurrence. However, the Canadian company is not the first to sell fresh air to the Chinese. Last year, Beijing artist Liang Kegang fetched the equivalent of £512 for a glass jar filled with air taken from a business trip in southern France.

Lam said he started out the company as a joke as well when he and co-founder Troy Paquette filled a plastic bag of air and sold it for less than 50 pence on the auction site Ebay. A second bag sold for £105. “That’s when we realised there is a market for this,” Lam said. Vitality Air sells bottled fresh air and oxygen across North America, to India and the Middle East. But China remains its biggest overseas market. The company's China representative, Harrison Wang, said their customers are mainly affluent Chinese women who buy for their families or give away as gifts. But he says senior homes and even high end night clubs have also stocked up on their product. “In China fresh air is a luxury, something so precious,” Wang said.

The company finds trouble keeping up with the constant demand as every bottle is filled with hand. “It's very labour intensive but we also wanted to make it a very unique and fun product. We may have bit off more than we can chew,” he said.



Chink land is an environmental disaster in the making. Their making all the same mistakes we made 100s of years ago by polluting their rivers and air. With any luck it’ll render half of them all sterile and kill the fucking rest

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36 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:


Chink land is an environmental disaster in the making. Their making all the same mistakes we made 100s of years ago by polluting their rivers and air. With any luck it’ll render half of them all sterile and kill the fucking rest

They are already very sterile. One in every three couples are seeking fertility treatment. 

That may possibly have something to do with flimsy men’ genitalia and not following established heterosexual sex routines.

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5 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

They are already very sterile. One in every three couples are seeking fertility treatment. 

That may possibly have something to do with flimsy men’ genitalia and not following established heterosexual sex routines.

Is that why the cunts are commissioning the poaching into extinction of various animals?

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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Is that why the cunts are commissioning the poaching into extinction of various animals, 

After all those potions got extracted from the poor creatures, Mother Nature is having the last laugh.

There is only so much cloning you can do, before it all goes to shit.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

If you'd have asked me at four games ago, I'd say that a point against a scrapoy team like Burnley away from home would be cause for celebration. But at this point in time we need to be getting three points against our rivals at the race for the bottom. 

Still only 3 points off 17th place. It's early days yet. 

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6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:


To say I take pleasure in the debacle is not quite accurate, other than momentary chuckling when I see grown men fighting over a Jerry can. I feel sad for Britain and what she has become, and that no one can seemingly take the blame or acknowledge error, even to say it is not going well, so welded are they to the cause. Excuses abound. There is a huge proportion of the country that will never forgive what was foisted upon them, and the pain has sadly just begun. 

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:


Chink land is an environmental disaster in the making. Their making all the same mistakes we made 100s of years ago by polluting their rivers and air. With any luck it’ll render half of them all sterile and kill the fucking rest

And their national beer is fucking German. 

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4 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Your fixation upon this subject tells me that you obviously feel some deep insecurity. Was somebody in your family a yellow cunt who was on double bang up with Jack Straw's daddy? Is that where your need to try and belittle a man who fought for his country comes from? 

Running away appears to be a family trait. Isn't that why you're hiding down there in roo land?

I know it bothers you that us great unwashed without degrees can reduce sanctimonious dickheads like yourself to figures of fun but you're not really important and nor are your scummy trot views.  

Any war heroes in my family would not wish to be used as rhetorical devices, you ignorant twat. 

Running away from what? You? If moving to Australia to allow my Australian wife to care for her elderly relatives is running away then you got me, Colombo. 

Scummy trot? You’ve hurt my feelings. 

It must frustrate you intensely that you’ll never fulfil that desire to spend the night in a foxhole and prove yourself more than a gelatinous blob of insignificance with a deep need to turn every encounter they ever have into a contest and a conflict. You talk of treachery with no realisation of who you should really be angry with and why all your hard work is ultimately for nothing. 

Brexit is the Somme, and there you are, the poor witless Tommy, clinging to your rifle with unshakable belief in General Farage, unable to comprehend why the daily shelling doesn’t stop and why the officer class all seem to spend more and more time living it up 30 miles behind the lines. One day, you’ll realise what a fucking waste it all was. Until then, look out for trench foot and keep the brazier topped up. 

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Back in 2016 I said I was voting "out" for reasons of national self-determination, accountability and the preservation of democracy. I also made it quite clear that the economic arguments on both sides was inconclusive though I was inclined to think that any benefits would be in the long term only. In subsequent postings I also made it clear there would be hiccups in the short and medium terms. What I did not expect was two years of uncertainty which put many manufacturing decisions and planning on hold thanks to the verbal and legal gymnastics by Remainers who despite saying the "wishes of the electorate must be honoured" fought tooth and nail to engineer a Brexit that was in name only. And yes Covid did not help.

So pretty much going to plan then, and any problems are both transient and the fault of remainers and/or COVID. 

Marvellous. That brief foray into dentistry must be the only mistake you’ve ever made, no? You’re more infallible than the Pope.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

If you'd have asked me at four games ago, I'd say that a point against a scrapoy team like Burnley away from home would be cause for celebration. But at this point in time we need to be getting three points against our rivals at the race for the bottom. 

I made the mistake of flicking over to this match about 60 minutes in, and briefly thought I’d found a CCTV feed from a Northern Shopping Centre. Lots of standing about and shouting. Even the commentators appeared to have given up and gone for a coffee, they had literally nothing to say for five minutes. At least games like this used to have proper fouling and a comedy cabbage patch pitch. Not even that now. Pointless. Well, one each. Grim. 

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Guest judgetwi
29 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

To say I take pleasure in the debacle is not quite accurate, other than momentary chuckling when I see grown men fighting over a Jerry can. I feel sad for Britain and what she has become, and that no one can seemingly take the blame or acknowledge error, even to say it is not going well, so welded are they to the cause. Excuses abound. There is a huge proportion of the country that will never forgive what was foisted upon them, and the pain has sadly just begun. 

It wasn’t my fault you were bullied at school Bertie Boy. It’s even less my fault that you just can’t get over your hatred of those working class oiks who gave you such a hard time. My heart bleeds for you, honest.

You have no idea what’s going on over here Skippy. All you know is what the remoaner media tells you, which you consume like a Parking Stanley who has just got an under age girl in the back of his cab.

You’re a foreigner now Bertie. All over the world nobody likes foreigners telling them what to do. Your mob lost the referendum the day they imported Barry O’Bummer to wave his finger at us and threaten us with “the back of the queue”. I bet you thought that was a genius move didn’t you Bertie? That was the day they lost it.....which led to you shitting your pants and fucking off. Nobody tells me what to do, what to think, what to say, especially a fucking foreigner.

Err.....except the Roopsfuhrer obviously. 

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So pretty much going to plan then, and any problems are both transient and the fault of remainers and/or COVID. 

Marvellous. That brief foray into dentistry must be the only mistake you’ve ever made, no? You’re more infallible than the Pope.

Ungracious and petulant as ever, LCS.

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So pretty much going to plan then, and any problems are both transient and the fault of remainers and/or COVID.

So, you don't think the pandemic will have had much effect here then? And that the consequences (whatever they may prove to be) of the UK leaving the EU won't have been much affected by it? 

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Any war heroes in my family would not wish to be used as rhetorical devices, you ignorant twat. 

Running away from what? You? If moving to Australia to allow my Australian wife to care for her elderly relatives is running away then you got me, Colombo. 

Scummy trot? You’ve hurt my feelings. 

It must frustrate you intensely that you’ll never fulfil that desire to spend the night in a foxhole and prove yourself more than a gelatinous blob of insignificance with a deep need to turn every encounter they ever have into a contest and a conflict. You talk of treachery with no realisation of who you should really be angry with and why all your hard work is ultimately for nothing. 

Brexit is the Somme, and there you are, the poor witless Tommy, clinging to your rifle with unshakable belief in General Farage, unable to comprehend why the daily shelling doesn’t stop and why the officer class all seem to spend more and more time living it up 30 miles behind the lines. One day, you’ll realise what a fucking waste it all was. Until then, look out for trench foot and keep the brazier topped up. 

This is fucking priceless. You’ve been banging on about the UK’s apparent problems for ages now and are not beneath making digs about members’ grandparents and their war records, activities etc. Yet as soon as TF smacks the ball back across the net to you, you cry like… well like an indignant crying Aussie twat. Constant and daily attacks on the UK on here but you seem obsessed by the fucking place, you’ve even spent Saturday evening watching the EPL, you helmet. 
I notice that you’re back on the World War One theme again with yet another piss-poor analogy of Brexit and the Somme, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You’ve suggested that the main reason that you live in Oz is down to ill/elderly in-laws? I thought geriatric Abbos just wandered off into the orange desert when their time had come, you know, a sort of farewell walkabout. You should encourage your wife’s family to follow their traditions, once they’ve fucked off you’ll be less testy on here and your gaff will smell a lot better.

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