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Dave Umbongo

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So these bunch of cunts are saying that consumers will have to wait longer for their Christmas packages to arrive unless UKGov relax immigration rules so they can source staff for their warehouses. Fuck off, you bunch of cunts, pay a decent wage with decent conditions and you won't have a shortage of staff because you will have an edge over the competition. The power and influence in the labour market is gradually transitioning from these big corporations to the workers and if you ask me Brexit has done more for UK workforce than any fucking union has done in the last 15 years. And, your clothing is shit, mass produced Indonesian rags that only woke poofters wear.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The power and influence in the labour market is gradually transitioning from these big corporations to the workers and if you ask me Brexit has done more for UK workforce than any fucking union has done in the last 15 years. 

Jeremy Corbyn, despite his multitude of sins, knew that this would be the case, hence his initial reticence to get behind the 'Remain' campaign and his totally lacklustre endorsement of it once he'd officially backed it.

The Left were so obsessed with 'Leave' being about racism that they were blinded to what old fashioned socialists like Corbyn had realised for years. That leaving the EU was a God given opportunity for the British working class to claim better pay and conditions by holding big businesses over a barrel when cheap foreign labour dried up. 

It's a shame for the Labour party that Corbyn didn't have the bollocks to go with his gut and principles and fully back Brexit. I very much doubt they'd be in the unelectable mess that they are now if he did.

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20 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Jeremy Corbyn, despite his multitude of sins, knew that this would be the case, hence his initial reticence to get behind the 'Remain' campaign and his totally lacklustre endorsement of it once he'd officially backed it.

The Left were so obsessed with 'Leave' being about racism that they were blinded to what old fashioned socialists like Corbyn had realised for years. That leaving the EU was a God given opportunity for the British working class to claim better pay and conditions by holding big businesses over a barrel when cheap foreign labour dried up. 

It's a shame for the Labour party that Corbyn didn't have the bollocks to go with his gut and principles and fully back Brexit. I very much doubt they'd be in the unelectable mess that they are now if he did.

I reckon Corbyn voted leave myself, and suddenly pretending to be for what he'd always been against didn't convince many.

The loony left have totally fucked Labour and made them unelectable, heard someone say Blair is eyeing the leadership again. 🤔


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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I reckon Corbyn voted leave myself, and suddenly pretending to be for what he'd always been against didn't convince many.

The loony left have totally fucked Labour and made them unelectable, heard someone say Blair is eyeing the leadership again. 🤔


He's not still an MP is he? 

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17 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I reckon Corbyn voted leave myself, and suddenly pretending to be for what he'd always been against didn't convince many.

The loony left have totally fucked Labour and made them unelectable, heard someone say Blair is eyeing the leadership again. 🤔


You've not been here that long, OCR, but I've got a bit of a reputation as a Blairite around here. Needless to say, I've received several kickings about it as he's about as popular on here as a Stephen Lawrence murderer in a fried chicken shop.

The argument is old, and I can't be bothered to defend my opinions or counter those of others who despise the man, but if he became the leader of the Labour party again I would vote for them for the first time in over a decade. I imagine I'd be in a tiny minority though, his reputation is poison in this country and Gary Glitter would have more chance of becoming the next PM if he ran against him.


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27 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've not been here that long, OCR, but I've got a bit of a reputation as a Blairite around here. Needless to say, I've received several kickings about it as he's about as popular on here as a Stephen Lawrence murderer in a fried chicken shop.

The argument is old, and I can't be bothered to defend my opinions or counter those of others who despise the man, but if he became the leader of the Labour party again I would vote for them for the first time in over a decade. I imagine I'd be in a tiny minority though, his reputation is poison in this country and Gary Glitter would have more chance of becoming the next PM if he ran against him.


People can say why they want about Blair but he won twice. He understood that the country is generally centre (and still is) and brought the party in line with that. Corbyn was never going to win with his ideas and Dianne Abbot hanging around. Keir Starmer knows labour are unelectable and is trying to move the party away from the far left. Problem is Keir is has no charisma.

I genuinely feel there is no party that I could vote for these days. 

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15 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

So these bunch of cunts are saying that consumers will have to wait longer for their Christmas packages to arrive unless UKGov relax immigration rules so they can source staff for their warehouses. Fuck off, you bunch of cunts, pay a decent wage with decent conditions and you won't have a shortage of staff because you will have an edge over the competition. The power and influence in the labour market is gradually transitioning from these big corporations to the workers and if you ask me Brexit has done more for UK workforce than any fucking union has done in the last 15 years. And, your clothing is shit, mass produced Indonesian rags that only woke poofters wear.

Tricky, isn’t it? While there are billions of nearly-free, still available slaves to make the garbage garments sold in the West in general, the steady flow of discount drones to sell, dispatch, deliver and sometimes even purchase the crap had finished.
The race to the bottom had now reached the bottom and is heading in the opposite direction, at least at one end.

Fuck them.

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10 hours ago, scotty said:

I disagree. Imho, he was the last chance this country will ever have of actually electing a government with fundamentally socialist principles. 

And Starmer fucked it. 

Corbyn couldn't beat the awful Teresa May, even after she alienated the old Tory voters with threats to change care funding etc in her manifesto. One of the many problems Labour have is that they're trying to please their lefty 'Islington' types at the same time as their core working class voters and Brexit exposed the lack of direction. Labour in their current state will not get in for another 10 years. 

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On 29/09/2021 at 20:10, Decimus said:

Jeremy Corbyn, despite his multitude of sins, knew that this would be the case, hence his initial reticence to get behind the 'Remain' campaign and his totally lacklustre endorsement of it once he'd officially backed it.

The Left were so obsessed with 'Leave' being about racism that they were blinded to what old fashioned socialists like Corbyn had realised for years. That leaving the EU was a God given opportunity for the British working class to claim better pay and conditions by holding big businesses over a barrel when cheap foreign labour dried up. 

It's a shame for the Labour party that Corbyn didn't have the bollocks to go with his gut and principles and fully back Brexit. I very much doubt they'd be in the unelectable mess that they are now if he did.

Actually another old socialist realised much the same as Corbyn .. namely The Beast of Bolsover aka Dennis Skinner and unlike Corbyn he was openly and consisenly anti EU and slated Mick Ashley for using low paid east Europeans in his warehouses.

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6 hours ago, Clavo said:

Actually another old socialist realised much the same as Corbyn .. namely The Beast of Bolsover aka Dennis Skinner and unlike Corbyn he was openly and consisenly anti EU and slated Mick Ashley for using low paid east Europeans in his warehouses.

Plus receiving all furlough money (but making some to come to work), free credit, etc, the cunt grifter.
Then pay top executives millions of quids renumeration. 

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On 29/09/2021 at 20:10, Decimus said:

Jeremy Corbyn, despite his multitude of sins, knew that this would be the case, hence his initial reticence to get behind the 'Remain' campaign and his totally lacklustre endorsement of it once he'd officially backed it.

The Left were so obsessed with 'Leave' being about racism that they were blinded to what old fashioned socialists like Corbyn had realised for years. That leaving the EU was a God given opportunity for the British working class to claim better pay and conditions by holding big businesses over a barrel when cheap foreign labour dried up. 

It's a shame for the Labour party that Corbyn didn't have the bollocks to go with his gut and principles and fully back Brexit. I very much doubt they'd be in the unelectable mess that they are now if he did.

Labour would have lost a lot of support from the middle class Labour voters in London if he had. You wouldn't believe the amount of anti-Brexit posters plastered to windows on £1m , 2 up 2 down houses in East Dulwich and I would hazard a guess that this was mirrored in the likes of Islington and other North London areas. I'm wondering whether that was what was in his mind. 

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On 30/09/2021 at 10:27, scotty said:
On 29/09/2021 at 21:03, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I disagree. Imho, he was the last chance this country will ever have of actually electing a government with fundamentally socialist principles.

His problem was that the electorate don't want a government with fundamentally socialist principles. Most people just want a fair crack of the whip.

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36 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

His problem was that the electorate don't want a government with fundamentally socialist principles. Most people just want a fair crack of the whip.

Exactly that, Britain isn't right or left wing in my opinion. Blair, Campbellend and Mandelson knew that and won. 

Kier Starmer is a fucking cunt.  

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35 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

His problem was that the electorate don't want a government with fundamentally socialist principles. Most people just want a fair crack of the whip.

We'll never know. Plenty of people were ready for a kind of socialism-lite, for example his idea of renationalising the railways was very popular. He was definitely on the up in electoral terms right up to the moment when he committed the party to a second referendum in the manifesto. That single decision ended any hope of them being elected. 

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1 hour ago, scotty said:

We'll never know. Plenty of people were ready for a kind of socialism-lite, for example his idea of renationalising the railways was very popular. He was definitely on the up in electoral terms right up to the moment when he committed the party to a second referendum in the manifesto. That single decision ended any hope of them being elected. 

That's whats needed and also energy supply, these two need renationalising  as they have been allowed to take the piss for far too long. Constant price rises whilst service quality diminishes. Why do the Tories seem to want to sell everything? We don't really manufacture things anymore and and anything including the NHS will soon be in the sale window. The country is going down the shitter.

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Guest Fatty Junior
On 29/09/2021 at 20:10, Decimus said:

Jeremy Corbyn, despite his multitude of sins, knew that this would be the case, hence his initial reticence to get behind the 'Remain' campaign and his totally lacklustre endorsement of it once he'd officially backed it.

The Left were so obsessed with 'Leave' being about racism that they were blinded to what old fashioned socialists like Corbyn had realised for years. That leaving the EU was a God given opportunity for the British working class to claim better pay and conditions by holding big businesses over a barrel when cheap foreign labour dried up. 

It's a shame for the Labour party that Corbyn didn't have the bollocks to go with his gut and principles and fully back Brexit. I very much doubt they'd be in the unelectable mess that they are now if he did.

Decs, still talking bollocks I see

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