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Labour Conference Tranny Shit


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"Sir" Keir Starmer is up to his old tricks again, helping to ensure that the Labour Party will remain unelectable for a further generation. Despite opposing one of the most calamitous and incompetent governments of all time, Starmer would rather talk about what some freak of fucking nature has got down their trousers than focus on offering a genuine alternative to the Tories for millions of voting citizens.

His latest escapade into the absolutely mental world of identity politics involves rebuking one his own MPs, Rosie Duffield, who had the audacity to reiterate the absolutely stone cold, scientific fact that only women have a cervix. I assume that Starmer was bunking off his biology classes at school when this simple lesson was taught, as his response was to state that "It's something that shouldn't be said. It's not right". 

Cunts like Starmer and radical trans-rights activists are living in a 21st century adaptation of The Emperor's New Clothes. They desperately hope that people are too easily manipulated and scared to point out the truth and that the public will happily play along with this utter madness forever more. 

I'll finish with Sajid Javid's response to this which perfectly sums up why the British public will NEVER vote this dangerous fucking wanker in to power:

"And this is the man who wants to run the NHS".


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24 minutes ago, Decimus said:

"Sir" Kier Starmer is up to his old tricks again, helping to ensure that the Labour Party will remain unelectable for a further generation. Despite opposing one of the most calamitous and incompetent governments of all time, Starmer would rather talk about what some freak of fucking nature has got down their trousers than focus on offering a genuine alternative to the Tories for millions of voting citizens.

His latest escapade into the absolutely mental world of identity politics involves rebuking one his own MPs, Rosie Duffield, who had the audacity to reiterate the absolutely stone cold, scientific fact that only women have a cervix. I assume that Starmer was bunking off his biology classes at school when this simple lesson was taught, as his response was to state that "It's something that shouldn't be said. It's not right". 

Cunts like Starmer and radical trans-rights activists are living in a 21st century adaptation of The Emperor's New Clothes. They hope that people are too easily manipulated and scared to deny the truth and that they will happily play along with this utter madness forever more. 

I'll finish with Sajid Javid's response to this which perfectly sums up why the British public will NEVER vote this dangerous fucking wanker in to power:

"And this is the man who wants to run the NHS".


My biggest fear is that master manipulator Liz Truss, now Foreign Secretary, is being groomed by Johnson as his replacement. Not only is her ruthless lack of diplomacy completely unsuited to the role, she's as close as it gets to a Thatcher-Patel hybrid, without the whiff of curry. With Starmer at the helm of the opposition there's little to stop her.

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13 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

My biggest fear is that master manipulator Liz Truss, now Foreign Secretary, is being groomed by Johnson as his replacement. Not only is her ruthless lack of diplomacy completely unsuited to the role, she's as close as it gets to a Thatcher-Patel hybrid, without the whiff of curry. With Starmer at the helm of the opposition there's little to stop her.

Quite nice tits though. Every cloud...

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Quite nice tits though. Every cloud...

I imagine if you "accidentally" went up LIz's back door in the heat of passion, her lips would purse together so tightly in disapproval that a black hole might spontaneously form and consume the entire solar system. Not really a risk worth taking, in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, Wolfie said:

With Starmer at the helm of the opposition there's little to stop her.

Starmer and his inner circle have had countless opportunities to absolutely rip the government to shreds in parliament. I honestly can't think of any serious alternative policies Labour have offered up since 2020, other than saying "we wouldn't do it like that". 

"Sir" Keir seems more fixated on fighting his own party and criticising any Labour MP who doesn't strictly adhere to the woke message he's desperate to pedal. He should focus on systematically dismantling Johnson's legacy and providing the public with an effective party of opposition rather than scolding some poor cow for stating a biological fact of nature.

Ignoring all that shit, though, he already guaranteed that he would lose the next election the day he posed for this:


Utter, utter, fucking idiot.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:


Cunts like Starmer and radical trans-rights activists are living in a 21st century adaptation of The Emperor's New Clothes. They desperately hope that people are too easily manipulated and scared to point out the truth and that the public will happily play along with this utter madness forever more. 



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20 hours ago, Wolfie said:

My biggest fear is that master manipulator Liz Truss, now Foreign Secretary, is being groomed by Johnson as his replacement. Not only is her ruthless lack of diplomacy completely unsuited to the role, she's as close as it gets to a Thatcher-Patel hybrid, without the whiff of curry. With Starmer at the helm of the opposition there's little to stop her.

She's the one who, whilst International Trade Secretary, quietly oversaw the successful negotiation of several dozen post-Brexit, trade deals including one completed within a few months, with Japan.

Competency. Ability to deliver and (see postings passim) 'a cracking pair of tits' - nah......that'll never work

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On 26/09/2021 at 13:56, Decimus said:

They desperately hope that people are too easily manipulated and scared to point out the truth and that the public will happily play along with this utter madness forever more. 

The Lancets latest publication refers to ‘bodies with vaginas’ on its front cover. The (until recently), widely respected medical journal, have seemingly decided they’d prefer to be listed in the fiction/fairy tale category, going forward into this brave new chapter of human civilisation.

The BBC unsurprisingly, have spotted the bandwagon passing Broadcasting House and jumped straight on. Their latest buzzword, if that’s the right thing to call it is ‘AFAB’ which their overpaid talentless news presenters have been seamlessly slipping into conversations recently. They then make a point of explaining to the viewers that it stands for ‘assigned female at birth’. 
The longer that people laugh and just shrug their shoulders at this fucking shite, the worse it’s going to get. 
Finally, If you’re reading this Pen, don’t waste any of your pension this month buying The Lancet. It’s not you they’re talking about on the cover.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The Lancets latest publication refers to ‘bodies with vaginas’ on its front cover. The (until recently), widely respected medical journal, have seemingly decided they’d prefer to be listed in the fiction/fairy tale category, going forward into this brave new chapter of human civilisation.

The BBC unsurprisingly, have spotted the bandwagon passing Broadcasting House and jumped straight on. Their latest buzzword, if that’s the right thing to call it is ‘AFAB’ which their overpaid talentless news presenters have been seamlessly slipping into conversations recently. They then make a point of explaining to the viewers that it stands for ‘assigned female at birth’. 
The longer that people laugh and just shrug their shoulders at this fucking shite, the worse it’s going to get. 
Finally, If you’re reading this Pen, don’t waste any of your pension this month buying The Lancet. It’s not you they’re talking about on the cover.

It's a mad world, Billy. If this is the sort of shit that's going on in 2021, can you imagine what it's going to be like in another twenty years time? Every minority subsection of society are demanding their "rights" and being given them by pandering politicians. I genuinely think that eventually paedophilia will be classed as a lifestyle choice much in the same way as all this tranny and queer shit, and the future Starmers of this country will lobby for sex cases "rights" to practice their disgusting, subhuman perversions. 

I genuinely wouldn't give a shit and would actively want the world to burn as human beings are fastly proving we're a stain on this planet's surface that requires wiping out. But I've got kids and I worry every day about the world they're going to inherit.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

It's a mad world, Billy. If this is the sort of shit that's going on in 2021, can you imagine what it's going to be like in another twenty years time? Every minority subsection of society are demanding their "rights" and being given them by pandering politicians. I genuinely think that eventually paedophilia will be classed as a lifestyle choice much in the same way as all this tranny and queer shit, and the future Starmers of this country will lobby for sex cases "rights" to practice their disgusting, subhuman perversions. 

I genuinely wouldn't give a shit and would actively want the world to burn as human beings are fastly proving we're a stain on this planet's surface that requires wiping out. But I've got kids and I worry every day about the world they're going to inherit.

Fucking off to live in place which doesn’t tolerate perverted deviants, homos and inclusive woke loving dreamers could be the only option. If you rocked up in Cousinfuck Alabama, you’d fit right in. Either that or Saudi Arabia. 

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's a mad world, Billy. If this is the sort of shit that's going on in 2021, can you imagine what it's going to be like in another twenty years time? Every minority subsection of society are demanding their "rights" and being given them by pandering politicians. I genuinely think that eventually paedophilia will be classed as a lifestyle choice much in the same way as all this tranny and queer shit, and the future Starmers of this country will lobby for sex cases "rights" to practice their disgusting, subhuman perversions. 

I genuinely wouldn't give a shit and would actively want the world to burn as human beings are fastly proving we're a stain on this planet's surface that requires wiping out. But I've got kids and I worry every day about the world they're going to inherit.

You talk about all this as if it is something .. look up Tom O'Carrol, he founded something called P.I.E. back in 1974 and for a while he had the support of liberty and a number of politicians and what he was pushing being promoted as a lifestyle choice until the organisation was banned in 1984. Going further back to the late 1960s there was loads of stuff about gay lib and and same sex couples. People were talking about about the same stuff in the early 1980s when we had Boy George and the other gender bender. The same stuff was being talked about thirty years ago in the 1990s and again 20 years ago in the early 2000s. In fact people have been saying exactly the same stuff for the past 55 years and will still be talking about it in exactly the same way in 20 years time.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's a mad world, Billy. If this is the sort of shit that's going on in 2021, can you imagine what it's going to be like in another twenty years time? Every minority subsection of society are demanding their "rights" and being given them by pandering politicians. I genuinely think that eventually paedophilia will be classed as a lifestyle choice much in the same way as all this tranny and queer shit, and the future Starmers of this country will lobby for sex cases "rights" to practice their disgusting, subhuman perversions. 

I genuinely wouldn't give a shit and would actively want the world to burn as human beings are fastly proving we're a stain on this planet's surface that requires wiping out. But I've got kids and I worry every day about the world they're going to inherit.

Huxleys ‘Brave New World’ and Orwells ‘1984’ have both proved to be uncannily prophetic as to the future of civilisation but predicting  two totally different pathways  to the same totalitarian destination. 
Huxleys scenario being that humans, allowed to indulge in everything, particularly sexual, that they desired, would become slaves to their masters, dependant on the benevolence of their rulers who appeared to keep giving them more and more.

Orwell predicted the subjugation of the masses by the use of surveillance and the division of society to have families and neighbours spying and informing on anyone for the slightest reason. And the total insanity of Freedom is Slavery, 2+2=5 etc. madness that is unbelievably today in some places coming true.

Both are happening today in various places, and as you say, I’m fucking glad I won’t have to live in the end result of the madness.

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