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Threats to the gas supply


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Wankers……..utter wankers. This government could be improved by loading the cabinet with random people plucked off the fucking street. This is total , blasé incompetence combined with dogma driven failure to act to ensure continuity of supply and food production. Yes, I knew something like this was in the offing  , I’ve been waiting for it. The cunts  have been asleep at the wheel and yes, I expect to see more and more breathtaking negligence and dereliction of duty as time progresses. You voted for them you cunts….. enjoy your fucking victory.

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6 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Wankers……..utter wankers. This government could be improved by loading the cabinet with random people plucked off the fucking street. This is total , blasé incompetence combined with dogma driven failure to act to ensure continuity of supply and food production. Yes, I knew something like this was in the offing  , I’ve been waiting for it. The cunts  have been asleep at the wheel and yes, I expect to see more and more breathtaking negligence and dereliction of duty as time progresses. You voted for them you cunts….. enjoy your fucking victory.

I used to be a Labour man through and through, Spot. But when that party is in such a total state of absolute disarray and has been a complete and utter fucking shambles for the past decade or more, what other choice is there than the Tories? 

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1 hour ago, cuntspotter said:

Wankers……..utter wankers. This government could be improved by loading the cabinet with random people plucked off the fucking street. This is total , blasé incompetence combined with dogma driven failure to act to ensure continuity of supply and food production. Yes, I knew something like this was in the offing  , I’ve been waiting for it. The cunts  have been asleep at the wheel and yes, I expect to see more and more breathtaking negligence and dereliction of duty as time progresses. You voted for them you cunts….. enjoy your fucking victory.

All total bollocks. This gas ‘crisis’ is just the latest preplanned distraction to keep the fear hungry masses from going into cold turkey and waking up to the daily trough of bullshit they’ve been guzzling from for the last 18 months. 
Every couple of days the MSM churn out the latest catastrophe hurtling towards the eager population.

Just by coincidence this latest threat to our way of life is going to seriously affect the supply of meat to consumers. Well isn’t that weird? Coming so soon after the MSM have been priming all the gullible,  mask wanker cunts, glued to the BBC and Sky News, with the ‘Stop eating meat to save the planet’ scare stories.

Wake up for fuck sake and have a burger. It’s all propaganda.

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

All total bollocks. This gas ‘crisis’ is just the latest preplanned distraction to keep the fear hungry masses from going into cold turkey and waking up to the daily trough of bullshit they’ve been guzzling from for the last 18 months. 
Every couple of days the MSM churn out the latest catastrophe hurtling towards the eager population.

Just by coincidence this latest threat to our way of life is going to seriously affect the supply of meat to consumers. Well isn’t that weird? Coming so soon after the MSM have been priming all the gullible,  mask wanker cunts, glued to the BBC and Sky News, with the ‘Stop eating meat to save the planet’ scare stories.

Wake up for fuck sake and have a burger. It’s all propaganda.

I noticed they leaked a suspected case of BSE in the media other day. Will that be the next 'scare'?

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2 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Wankers……..utter wankers. This government could be improved by loading the cabinet with random people plucked off the fucking street. This is total , blasé incompetence combined with dogma driven failure to act to ensure continuity of supply and food production. Yes, I knew something like this was in the offing  , I’ve been waiting for it. The cunts  have been asleep at the wheel and yes, I expect to see more and more breathtaking negligence and dereliction of duty as time progresses. You voted for them you cunts….. enjoy your fucking victory.

Perhaps I need to up the medications or lay off them all together, but I sense this has been in the making for some time and very little has been done to avoid this situation, thus it probably is by design.

It was noted a few weeks ago that a coal fired station was brought back on line for the first time in many months due to lack of wind and solar generation. The main problem is that the station will be taken off line completely next year and gas fired power stations will have to fill the gap.... but now there is this alleged difficulty in gas supply, so what the fuck happens next time there is a period of still and dull weather like we had in August and early September?

I think this is about a transfer of wealth..... the small boys in the energy supply sector will fold, some already have, and we will see two or three clean up. 

Joe Cunt will of course be paying for all of this. 

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8 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Perhaps I need to up the medications or lay off them all together, but I sense this has been in the making for some time and very little has been done to avoid this situation, thus it probably is by design.

It was noted a few weeks ago that a coal fired station was brought back on line for the first time in many months due to lack of wind and solar generation. The main problem is that the station will be taken off line completely next year and gas fired power stations will have to fill the gap.... but now there is this alleged difficulty in gas supply, so what the fuck happens next time there is a period of still and dull weather like we had in August and early September?

I think this is about a transfer of wealth..... the small boys in the energy supply sector will fold, some already have, and we will see two or three clean up. 

Joe Cunt will of course be paying for all of this. 

As long as the Chinese and Indians continue to burn coal a complete rundown by us will be nothing more than piss in the wind. We should produce as much as possible by wind and solar however we still have several hundred years of coal reserves beneath the UK even were it being used at the rate we were using it 40 years ago. Any new coal fired power stations could be much more efficient than the old power stations were. My thoughts are that a new build of say four or five highly efficient coal fired power stations to help fill the gaps when wind and solar are low would make sense and would have little negative effect compared with what is being done in Asia and unlike them we do have the willpower to control the amount of pollution that our col fired power stations would create.

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3 minutes ago, Clavo said:

As long as the Chinese and Indians continue to burn coal a complete rundown by us will be nothing more than piss in the wind. We should produce as much as possible by wind and solar however we still have several hundred years of coal reserves beneath the UK even were it being used at the rate we were using it 40 years ago. Any new coal fired power stations could be much more efficient than the old power stations were. My thoughts are that a new build of say four or five highly efficient coal fired power stations to help fill the gaps when wind and solar are low would make sense and would have little negative effect compared with what is being done in Asia and unlike them we do have the willpower to control the amount of pollution that our col fired power stations would create.

Then they could bring back steam locomotives and give you your old job back, shuffling along the carriages, cock dragging along the floor behind you, squinting at the passengers tickets like Mr. McGoo in a floral dress, while boring the fucking pants off them with coma inducing stories from the last century and occasionally  mentioning obscure and totally uninteresting place names which no one has ever heard of or wants to.

Fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Clavo said:

As long as the Chinese and Indians continue to burn coal a complete rundown by us will be nothing more than piss in the wind. We should produce as much as possible by wind and solar however we still have several hundred years of coal reserves beneath the UK even were it being used at the rate we were using it 40 years ago. Any new coal fired power stations could be much more efficient than the old power stations were. My thoughts are that a new build of say four or five highly efficient coal fired power stations to help fill the gaps when wind and solar are low would make sense and would have little negative effect compared with what is being done in Asia and unlike them we do have the willpower to control the amount of pollution that our col fired power stations would create.

In the current energy market, coal makes a lot of sense, as it can be deployed quickly and relatively cheaply when compared to new nuclear stations. While huge amounts of money and work has to be put into the latest nuclear and other tech, coal will be again an important source of stable energy generation mix. The situation is really serious now.

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