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Insulate Britain


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With so many pressing and immeadiate causes for concern in the world today, I was amazed to see this article in the newsfeed about a bunch of fucking, naive bell-ends who felt justified in causing chaos and congestion for people trying to get to and from work on the M25, to bring attention to their demand to the British government to "insulate every house in Britain"! I assume this is their own flavour of "saving the planet", despite the fact that the UK is a small part of the giant global problem and it would do fuck all to halt the rot. It would be more effective if they go and lay down in the road in Beijing and ask the Chinese to insulate all of their dwellings or stop burning so much coal for industry. I think I know how that would end



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Blocking much of the M25 means tens of thousands of cars are sitting idly on the motorways, burning even more fossil fuels than they might normally do. What's more is the locations the protesters have placed themselves at aren't anywhere near railway or bus stations – meaning they must have arrived by car. What hypocrisy. Their message is correct but they've pissed off a lot of people in the process, somewhat nullifying the momentum they were hoping to generate.

So far as the Chinese are concerned, the British should be leading by example to show these cruel, soulless, pan-faced Miao motherfuckers how to tackle climate change. After all, it was the West who provided the technical know-how which has ultimately equipped them to become the economic and military force they are.

Anyway, it's all too little too late.  

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The major problem this world faces is overpopulation, too many cunts having more cunts. 

Everybody has a carbon footprint, heating, eating, travelling, and even these hippie/protester types are guilty of polluting the planet. Eat all the vegetables and cycle as much as you want it won't change shit.

I hope the useless, no hoper, unloved, mental cunts amongst us (@Dyslexic cnut and @Clavo) do us all favour and kill themselves for the greater good.

What say you @Dyslexic cnut and @Clavo?  you know it makes sense. 


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19 minutes ago, Neil said:

We need to wipe these slope cunts out. I went into a Chinese takeaway yesterday to pick up an order and ching chang wallah asked me to pit a mask on, you fuckers started this cunting mess ffs!

So, you want to see them wiped out yet continue to support them financially to live in the UK by buying their food, which is a million miles from genuine south-east Asian cuisine created specifically for your average dimwit Briton (that's you, Neil).

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The major problem this world faces is overpopulation, too many cunts having more cunts. 

Everybody has a carbon footprint, heating, eating, travelling, and even these hippie/protester types are guilty of polluting the planet. Eat all the vegetables and cycle as much as you want it won't change shit.

I hope the useless, no hoper, unloved, mental cunts amongst us (@Dyslexic cnut and @Clavo) do us all favour and kill themselves for the greater good.

What say you @Dyslexic cnut and @Clavo?  you know it makes sense. 


Aah, returned to reclaim your ‘crown’ from @ProfB I see. You’ve never really been any good at this. Don’t ever address me again. Imbecile.

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13 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Aah, returned to reclaim your ‘crown’ from @ProfB I see. You’ve never really been any good at this. Don’t ever address me again. Imbecile.

Of course I haven't and I my life doesn't revolve around this website either unlike yours. I haven't got much on later so if you could provide another one of your hilarious bi polar type meltdowns (that you blame alcohol for) I'd appreciate it you daft cunt. Lol 

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Blocking much of the M25 means tens of thousands of cars are sitting idly on the motorways, burning even more fossil fuels than they might normally do. What's more is the locations the protesters have placed themselves at aren't anywhere near railway or bus stations – meaning they must have arrived by car. What hypocrisy. Their message is correct but they've pissed off a lot of people in the process, somewhat nullifying the momentum they were hoping to generate.

So far as the Chinese are concerned, the British should be leading by example to show these cruel, soulless, pan-faced Miao motherfuckers how to tackle climate change. After all, it was the West who provided the technical know-how which has ultimately equipped them to become the economic and military force they are.

Anyway, it's all too little too late.  

Well its difficult to disagree with your intelligent viewpoint Wolfie. To your point, We can only expect any results of leading by example in a situation wherby the audience actually gives a fuck what we think of them. In the case of China, no fuck whatsoever is given! Perhaps we can both agree that both the CCP and Insulate Britain do qualify as Cunts?

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Of course I haven't and I my life doesn't revolve around this website either unlike yours. I haven't got much on later so if you could provide another one of your hilarious bi polar type meltdowns (that you blame alcohol for) I'd appreciate it you daft cunt. Lol 

Still struggling with your non-native language I see, but you’ve mastered the use of brackets, sort of. Well done you. Now, last time…fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Blocking much of the M25 means tens of thousands of cars are sitting idly on the motorways, burning even more fossil fuels than they might normally do. What's more is the locations the protesters have placed themselves at aren't anywhere near railway or bus stations – meaning they must have arrived by car. What hypocrisy. Their message is correct but they've pissed off a lot of people in the process, somewhat nullifying the momentum they were hoping to generate.

So far as the Chinese are concerned, the British should be leading by example to show these cruel, soulless, pan-faced Miao motherfuckers how to tackle climate change. After all, it was the West who provided the technical know-how which has ultimately equipped them to become the economic and military force they are.

Anyway, it's all too little too late.  

Thing is wolfie, I don't think the pan-faced fuckers give a fuck for global warming. They have a history (within the last century) where 10s of millions of their own people have died through starvation. Do you think that hero to many Mao, gave a shit about his own countrymen perishing? Did he bollocks and theres no evidence of this Fu Manchu cunt in charge now giving one fuck about his people perishing through famine or flooding either.  

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Blocking much of the M25 means tens of thousands of cars are sitting idly on the motorways, burning even more fossil fuels than they might normally do. What's more is the locations the protesters have placed themselves at aren't anywhere near railway or bus stations – meaning they must have arrived by car. What hypocrisy. Their message is correct but they've pissed off a lot of people in the process, somewhat nullifying the momentum they were hoping to generate.

So far as the Chinese are concerned, the British should be leading by example to show these cruel, soulless, pan-faced Miao motherfuckers how to tackle climate change. After all, it was the West who provided the technical know-how which has ultimately equipped them to become the economic and military force they are.

Anyway, it's all too little too late.  

It is too little and too late.

Chinks will be doubling down on cheap production, supported with ever more of their shitty coal, just to feed the 1.4 billion “middle class”. As their property whale is now fully beached, they will resort to more online crime and rape of all the countries already on and currently joining the bell end road project and other “investment” pillaging. 


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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Thing is wolfie, I don't think the pan-faced fuckers give a fuck for global warming. They have a history (within the last century) where 10s of millions of their own people have died through starvation. Do you think that hero to many Mao, gave a shit about his own countrymen perishing? Did he bollocks and theres no evidence of this Fu Manchu cunt in charge now giving one fuck about his people perishing through famine or flooding either.  

It’s a very simple arithmetic, Gyps; the more poor chinks die, the lower their pension/consumption claim, the more the top cadre gets to keep.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

So, you want to see them wiped out yet continue to support them financially to live in the UK by buying their food, which is a million miles from genuine south-east Asian cuisine created specifically for your average dimwit Briton (that's you, Neil).

Ahh so

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The major problem this world faces is overpopulation, too many cunts having more cunts. 

Everybody has a carbon footprint, heating, eating, travelling, and even these hippie/protester types are guilty of polluting the planet. Eat all the vegetables and cycle as much as you want it won't change shit.

I hope the useless, no hoper, unloved, mental cunts amongst us (@Dyslexic cnut and @Clavo) do us all favour and kill themselves for the greater good.

What say you @Dyslexic cnut and @Clavo?  you know it makes sense. 


You forgot the energy consumption of Franks cryo-freezer for Mings corpse. The carbon footprint must be bigger than the imaginary cars of Punkapes' Range Rover, Roops' Mercedes and some other punters Audi RS4 combined.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

We need to wipe these slope cunts out. I went into a Chinese takeaway yesterday to pick up an order and ching chang wallah asked me to pit a mask on, you fuckers started this cunting mess ffs!

Was it to stop the spread of Covid or because you look like John Merricks identical twin and you were putting the other patrons off?

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

So, you want to see them wiped out yet continue to support them financially to live in the UK by buying their food, which is a million miles from genuine south-east Asian cuisine created specifically for your average dimwit Briton (that's you, Neil).

Egg Foo Yung and crispy noodle, no I haven't seen your poodle.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You forgot the energy consumption of Franks cryo-freezer for Mings corpse. The carbon footprint must be bigger than the imaginary cars of Punkapes' Range Rover, Roops' Mercedes and some other punters Audi RS4 combined.

Apparently @Frank offsets his massive carbon footprint in many ways... I've heard one of which is that he never buys toilet paper as he gets @Dyslexic cnut to lick his arsehole clean after each Aids riddled shit. Obviously this takes place after @Clavo had loosened Frank's hole with its massive bellend.

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4 hours ago, White Cunt said:

It is too little and too late.

Chinks will be doubling down on cheap production, supported with ever more of their shitty coal, just to feed the 1.4 billion “middle class”. As their property whale is now fully beached, they will resort to more online crime and rape of all the countries already on and currently joining the bell end road project and other “investment” pillaging. 


Fuck these pan faced, fu man chu, slanty eyed little yellow cunts and their hero worshiping religion of communism, greed and destruction. They’re inherently evil and clearly have zero compassion for another living thing, proof of which being their national sport of animal torture.

For the good of planet Earth they need destroying and their chinky genes removed just like we did with the nazis 

My choice would be biological weapons that targeted only chink DNA. We could test them on Mings daily reanimated corpse. 

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15 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Fuck these pan faced, fu man chu, slanty eyed little yellow cunts and their hero worshiping religion of communism, greed and destruction. They’re inherently evil and clearly have zero compassion for another living thing, proof of which being their national sport of animal torture.

For the good of planet Earth they need destroying and their chinky genes removed just like we did with the nazis 

My choice would be biological weapons that targeted only chink DNA. We could test them on Mings daily reanimated corpse. 

That would have worked thousands of years ago, before the genetic attrition rate set in the earnest. Any tricks now, would have the equivalent, if not a worse outcome in the ageing West.

Reversing tech and investment, restricting food exports, re-shoring manufacturing and dumping the purchasing of their outputs, will eventually make a large dent. The cunts are very tough now and will fight like fuck, by dumping stuff at an even more discounted rate, even at the cost of energy restrictions to the other chinks.

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On 13/09/2021 at 16:00, camberwell gypsy said:

Thing is wolfie, I don't think the pan-faced fuckers give a fuck for global warming. They have a history (within the last century) where 10s of millions of their own people have died through starvation. Do you think that hero to many Mao, gave a shit about his own countrymen perishing? Did he bollocks and theres no evidence of this Fu Manchu cunt in charge now giving one fuck about his people perishing through famine or flooding either.  


On 13/09/2021 at 20:34, Stubby Pecker said:

Fuck these pan faced, fu man chu, slanty eyed little yellow cunts and their hero worshiping religion of communism, greed and destruction. They’re inherently evil and clearly have zero compassion for another living thing, proof of which being their national sport of animal torture.

For the good of planet Earth they need destroying and their chinky genes removed just like we did with the nazis 

My choice would be biological weapons that targeted only chink DNA. We could test them on Mings daily reanimated corpse. 

There's a certain heirarchy they're born into, which breeds a ruthless belief in the state above the needs of individuals – much like the Third Reich. Unlike the Nazis however China has never cared about its people, its wildlife or its natural habitat. Now they have begun to endanger the world much in the same way they have mercilessly treated their own people, raping it of scarce resources and polluting en masse in the process. It wouldn't surprise me if a Chinese invasion of Taiwan triggers something bigger.

But there is hope, in as much as this pandemic may indeed continue to serve as a rude awakening to the West. I hope it is a progressive beginning of social distancing from the fucking global menace that is modern-day China. I will shit on them for as long as I live.

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22 hours ago, Arsebiscuit said:

Well its difficult to disagree with your intelligent viewpoint Wolfie. To your point, We can only expect any results of leading by example in a situation wherby the audience actually gives a fuck what we think of them. In the case of China, no fuck whatsoever is given! Perhaps we can both agree that both the CCP and Insulate Britain do qualify as Cunts?

I can't agree, in as much as they're fighting the mill of public opinion by wanting to raise more awareness about climate change. Compared to China's or the US' greenhouse gas emissions it's a mere drop in the ocean, however, their plight also serves as a metaphor for a much bigger picture. At least we still have freedom of speech in Britain, unlike fucking China, Russia and a growing number of regions in the US.

Your on-topic comments are very welcome btw – and a breath of fresh air and perspective after the quadruple of trolls – a brown-noser, a manipulative Dago faggot, a dogshit-obsessed scatmaster and a transsexual with a swinging equine bellend – have been jizzing into everyone's cup of tea recently. 

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