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King Billy

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On 10/09/2021 at 23:32, The Beast said:

Just a simple bit of scratching the surface of the past of some of these cunts in the cabinet is enough to make any wanker realise how ugly and insidious these criminal bastards are, particularly the needle merchant Nadhim Zahawi. Seeing him interviewed on the box this week, sweating like a prisoner on death row when the most elementary question is put his way, made my skin crawl.

In the real World, we had 7 with the kung flu at the sweat shop yesterday, 6 double jabbed and 1 unclean bastard, like me. The unclean one was in their 30's and promptly discharged. One of the double jabbed was under 50, severe symptoms and needed critical care. The other 5 were all older with a long list of comorbidities, less acutely unwell, but all were admitted.

It's going to be another long autumn and winter, with countless people being hospitalised because of a lack of prophylactic treatments being offered.

Any previous deadly illness throughout history, especially one which ‘allegedly’ spreads like wildfire through the population, has been targeted with all known or possible prophylactic treatments, which might benefit the patient. For some as yet unexplained reason the MSM, Big tech social media and the supposedly most advanced governments and health experts decided ‘almost immediately’  that locking down billions of people, giving no medication whatsoever to the majority of alleged sufferers and destroying the economies, civil liberties and futures of almost everyone on Earth was the way forward. Any medical professional with any courage and honesty, and there have been thousands, who questioned this has been censored, ridiculed and demonised as weirdo tinfoil hatters.

Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquinne, Zinc supplements and many other previously safe and effective medicines suddenly became highly dangerous, vilified and banned from public discussion by the fake news media and social media oligarchs.

I haven’t been able to get the stench off BULLSHIT to clear since last March, and that’s without ever wearing a face nappy like most cunts around me.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Fucking thick, boring cunt.

I might be boring, Billy, but my god you've got to be the most stupendously thick fuck the site has ever seen. It's people like you that make me ashamed to say I'm Greek. I sincerely hope you swallow your new Hungarian teeth in your sleep and choke to death this evening. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

I might be boring, Billy, but my god you've got to be the most stupendously thick fuck the site has ever seen. It's people like you that make me ashamed to say I'm Greek. I sincerely hope you swallow your new Hungarian teeth in your sleep and choke to death this evening. 

This post appears at first glance to be so stunningly good that Pen gave it a like. 

By ‘good’ I do of course mean ‘usual boring drivel’ from the sleep inducing, has been cunt, formerly known as Frank, which fully explains Pens contribution.

Try harder ffs.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

This post appears at first glance to be so stunningly good that Pen gave it a like. 

By ‘good’ I do of course mean ‘usual boring drivel’ from the sleep inducing, has been cunt, formerly known as Frank, which fully explains Pens contribution.

Try harder ffs.

Bill, you have to admit, it is a good retort. I have no skin in this fight so I’ll remain ‘like-neutral’ out of due deference…etc. However, right on cue.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Setting aside my reputation as someone who’s clearly not wired up correctly, I’m curious to hear your thoughts now on a few of my ‘wild theories’  from early 2020, which you, with your much larger and better functioning brain dismissed as nonsense.

A. The virus originated from the Wuhan Lab, and the fact that it was allowed to spread across the planet by the Chinks, covered up by the WHO and was very likely man made.

The Fauci emails are piling up by the day and the truth is becoming so hard to cover up that even Facebook and Twitter have stopped censoring on the subject. 

B. Covid vaccines would before long be mandatory, and children would be forced to have it.

The rapid pace around the world, of governments excluding people from an ever growing list of normal activities and occupations, including children from attending school,  sort of makes this one hard to debunk.

C. Wearing cheap cotton/plastic masks is useless at preventing the spread of the virus and is nothing more than a tool used by tyrannical governments to keep people afraid and gauge the willingness of dumbarse cunts to obey any order, no matter how draconian.

Big tech censorship for the last 18 months smothered any debate on all these ‘wild conspiracy theories’, but the truth (peer reviewed studies) is now impossible to conceal, and becoming easier to find every day.

D.  The Great Reset, the planned future for Planet Earth by the WEF is the secretly agreed path most first world countries are following, without,  to my knowledge ever being discussed or voted for by the cunts like us who are going to pay through the nose for it, and have their lives turned upside down for years to come...

Actually I was the first punter who brought the Wuhan lab into The Corner's consciousness - before the item became news headlines...

On 17/03/2020 at 23:21, Mrs Roops said:

Just to get the people who love a good conspiracy in a tizzy, punters should know that China's National Biosafety laboratory is located within the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It also appears that a certain Major General Chen Wei, accompanied by military scientists, visited the institute last January. To add to the intrigue, Maj-Gen Wei (pictured below) is a bio-weapons expert. Cooler heads are suggesting that she was called in to deal with an accidental contamination leak at the institute which was studying bat coronaviruses.


Fill your boots...

As I recall your immediate response was to suggest their was no Covid-19 outbreak in China.

As for the rest of your theories/predictions these are attempts to purposely scatter dots around with an invite to join same to fit a picture of your own demented narrative replete with baseless assertions, false logic and fake science.

12 hours ago, King Billy said:

...There’s shitloads more  of my wild theories from last year Mrs Roops but let’s clear these few up first.

Indeed there were. At the time you were more concerned with the impending US presidential election where you confidently predicted that Trump would win a landslide victory. When that ship sank immediately after leaving the slipway your attitude was "no worries, my man has placed his appointees in the Supreme Court and they will overturn the result." Despite me warning that the judiciary jealously guard their independence no matter who appoints them, you were forthright in your theory. Needless to say you now have a fleet of ships languishing on the sea-bed.

The problem with you Billy is that you don't learn from your mistakes hence you habitually spew abject bollox and bullshit in equal measure.

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37 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Actually I was the first punter who brought the Wuhan lab into The Corner's consciousness - before the item became news headlines...

As I recall your immediate response was to suggest their was no Covid-19 outbreak in China.

As for the rest of your theories/predictions these are attempts to purposely scatter dots around with an invite to join same to fit a picture of your own demented narrative replete with baseless assertions, false logic and fake science.

Indeed there were. At the time you were more concerned with the impending US presidential election where you confidently predicted that Trump would win a landslide victory. When that ship sank immediately after leaving the slipway your attitude was "no worries, my man has placed his appointees in the Supreme Court and they will overturn the result." Despite me warning that the judiciary jealously guard their independence no matter who appoints them, you were forthright in your theory. Needless to say you now have a fleet of ships languishing on the sea-bed.

The problem with you Billy is that you don't learn from your mistakes hence you habitually spew abject bollox and bullshit in equal measure.

Did Bill dump you for your best friend back in the 80’s or summat, Roops?

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Actually I was the first punter who brought the Wuhan lab into The Corner's consciousness - before the item became news headlines...

As I recall your immediate response was to suggest their was no Covid-19 outbreak in China.

As for the rest of your theories/predictions these are attempts to purposely scatter dots around with an invite to join same to fit a picture of your own demented narrative replete with baseless assertions, false logic and fake science.

Indeed there were. At the time you were more concerned with the impending US presidential election where you confidently predicted that Trump would win a landslide victory. When that ship sank immediately after leaving the slipway your attitude was "no worries, my man has placed his appointees in the Supreme Court and they will overturn the result." Despite me warning that the judiciary jealously guard their independence no matter who appoints them, you were forthright in your theory. Needless to say you now have a fleet of ships languishing on the sea-bed.

The problem with you Billy is that you don't learn from your mistakes hence you habitually spew abject bollox and bullshit in equal measure.

Dear oh dear. You really are rather special aren’t you?

I have neither the time nor the autistic inclination to troll through posts going back 18 months or more, but I’m sure you will remember when I questioned the WHO tonguing Winnie the Poohs rear end last year, praising the yellow cunts for their honesty and openness re. the batflu and that I believed it was quite likely a man made virus which originated from the Wuhan lab, you immediately revved up your enormous brain,  wheelspinned down to Google central and dismissed that out of hand, explaining how the ping pong midget mob had generously released the genetic code to the outside world and done everything possible to help the rest of the world prepare for the pandemic.

That hasn’t aged particularly well, has it, knowing what we all know now, and as for the 2020 US election debacle, well the ‘most popular and totally legitimately elected’ President ever is rapidly becoming the most unpopular and incompetent senile old fool to ever hold the office (which he was fraudulently gifted).

To quote the great man POTUS 45 himself last month.

”Do you know what woke means? 
It means you’re a loser. Because everything woke turns to shit.”

🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 MAGA 🇱🇷


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9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Did Bill dump you for your best friend back in the 80’s or summat, Roops?

As you’ve now mentioned this DC, I feel I must tell you, strictly in confidence you understand, that her ‘best friend’ couldn’t wait to tell me  that she’d never liked Roops and neither did any of her green wellies ‘friends’,  and I was just her escape plan. Plus she reckoned she knew I’d happily do her up the wrongun the first time she met me. I had no reason to disbelieve her on either count.

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29 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Dear oh dear. You really are rather special aren’t you?

I have neither the time nor the autistic inclination to troll through posts going back 18 months or more, but I’m sure you will remember when I questioned the WHO tonguing Winnie the Poohs rear end last year, praising the yellow cunts for their honesty and openness re. the batflu and that I believed it was quite likely a man made virus which originated from the Wuhan lab, you immediately revved up your enormous brain,  wheelspinned down to Google central and dismissed that out of hand, explaining how the ping pong midget mob had generously released the genetic code to the outside world and done everything possible to help the rest of the world prepare for the pandemic.

That hasn’t aged particularly well, has it, knowing what we all know now, and as for the 2020 US election debacle, well the ‘most popular and totally legitimately elected’ President ever is rapidly becoming the most unpopular and incompetent senile old fool to ever hold the office (which he was fraudulently gifted).

To quote the great man POTUS 45 himself last month.

”Do you know what woke means? 
It means you’re a loser. Because everything woke turns to shit.”

🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 MAGA 🇱🇷


As all those border hoppers would say "No pasaran"! 

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27 minutes ago, King Billy said:

As you’ve now mentioned this DC, I feel I must tell you, strictly in confidence you understand, that her ‘best friend’ couldn’t wait to tell me  that she’d never liked Roops and neither did any of her green wellies ‘friends’,  and I was just her escape plan. Plus she reckoned she knew I’d happily do her up the wrongun the first time she met me. I had no reason to disbelieve her on either count.

I knew there was something behind her vitriol. Thanks for confirming this Bill.

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2 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I knew there was something behind her vitriol. Thanks for confirming this Bill.

You’re welcome. Going out anywhere nice with old moussaka arse tonight DC? If you are, just be careful. A lot of people turn really nasty as soon as they set eyes on him. Social distancing might be a good idea. You can join in and boot fuck out of him too if it kicks off.

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You’re welcome. Going out anywhere nice with old moussaka arse tonight DC? If you are, just be careful. A lot of people turn really nasty as soon as they set eyes on him. Social distancing might be a good idea. You can join in and boot fuck out of him too if it kicks off.

That’s no way to talk about my new Cretan fiancée.

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11 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Erm…she’s from Crete, Bill. Go figure. Baws, have a word.

No kidding. Thanks for explaining that DC. I never realised Crete was actually a real place until just now. Shows how much I know about South Atlantic Islands. I’m going to swot up on my geography tonight. You won’t catch me out that easily again. ‘Aloha’.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

No kidding. Thanks for explaining that DC. I never realised Crete was actually a real place until just now. Shows how much I know about South Atlantic Islands. I’m going to swot up on my geography tonight. You won’t catch me out that easily again. ‘Aloha’.

Sas efcharistó.

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7 minutes ago, King Billy said:

No kidding. Thanks for explaining that DC. I never realised Crete was actually a real place until just now. Shows how much I know about South Atlantic Islands. I’m going to swot up on my geography tonight. You won’t catch me out that easily again. ‘Aloha’.

It's not real. It's a fairy story place where a Minolta lives in a laboratory. Hope that helps.

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

As you’ve now mentioned this DC, I feel I must tell you, strictly in confidence you understand, that her ‘best friend’ couldn’t wait to tell me  that she’d never liked Roops and neither did any of her green wellies ‘friends’,  and I was just her escape plan. Plus she reckoned she knew I’d happily do her up the wrongun the first time she met me. I had no reason to disbelieve her on either count.

I’ve had another thought. You’ve only gone and prevented her former imaginary colleagues from rinsing you for about £30k by having you gnashers done properly and cheaper…what do you make of that then?

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Dear oh dear. You really are rather special aren’t you?

I have neither the time nor the autistic inclination to troll through posts going back 18 months or more, but I’m sure you will remember when I questioned the WHO tonguing Winnie the Poohs rear end last year, praising the yellow cunts for their honesty and openness re. the batflu and that I believed it was quite likely a man made virus which originated from the Wuhan lab, you immediately revved up your enormous brain,  wheelspinned down to Google central and dismissed that out of hand, explaining how the ping pong midget mob had generously released the genetic code to the outside world and done everything possible to help the rest of the world prepare for the pandemic.

That hasn’t aged particularly well, has it, knowing what we all know now, and as for the 2020 US election debacle, well the ‘most popular and totally legitimately elected’ President ever is rapidly becoming the most unpopular and incompetent senile old fool to ever hold the office (which he was fraudulently gifted).

To quote the great man POTUS 45 himself last month.

”Do you know what woke means? 
It means you’re a loser. Because everything woke turns to shit.”

🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷 MAGA 🇱🇷


Actually it was you who raised the spectre of your previous posts/predictions/theories, remember?  You're so unhinged you cant even recall a POV made 24 hours earlier let alone one made 18 months previously.

I do recall the specific discourse you refer to, needless to say that didn't end well for you either.

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10 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Actually it was you who raised the spectre of your previous posts/predictions/theories, remember?  You're so unhinged you cant even recall a POV made 24 hours earlier let alone one made 18 months previously.

I do recall the specific discourse you refer to, needless to say that didn't end well for you either.

Fuck me Roops. He’s really got under your skin hasnt he? 

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