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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fuck off, Pen, your woeful attempts at shit stirring are about as effective as the numerous transitioning surgeries you've had.

You granny smith throated, stubbly old cunt.

I do not need to shit stir you drugged upped vacuum sculled simpleton, I am simply stating fact .. show us yer tits.

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35 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Who rattled your medicine cabinet Matron? Shouldn't you be more worried about your local plod paying you a visit to make sure you've wiped your arse properly? I hear things are getting a bit draconian down there in kangaroo land with the filth murdering defenceless puppies. 

Mind how you go now. 

Laughable shite. Your summary of events in Australia is presumably culled from Der Sturmer or whatever you’re lining your cage with these days. Complete bullshit, but makes you feel better about yourself. How very modern. 

Speaking of which, I don’t hear you piping up about Brexit much these days, or invoking your mythical Grandad’s medals for bashing up Johnny Foreigner. I think we are all well overdue another half-arsed lecture from a man who thinks you can pick up most things from half an hour in a factory canteen waiting for your delivery docket to be signed. You don’t call at the Pfizer factory on your milkround, do you dickhead? Do tell.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Laughable shite. Your summary of events in Australia is presumably culled from Der Sturmer or whatever you’re lining your cage with these days. Complete bullshit, but makes you feel better about yourself. How very modern. 

I think he's referring to this story, reported worldwide last week.

Fifteen rescue dogs, including 10 puppies, have been shot dead by a rural Australian council under its interpretation of coronavirus restrictions

On the plus side, it makes a refreshing change from culling Abos.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I think he's referring to this story, reported worldwide last week.

Fifteen rescue dogs, including 10 puppies, have been shot dead by a rural Australian council under its interpretation of coronavirus restrictions

On the plus side, it makes a refreshing change from culling Abos.

Similarly to most Western nations with ties to the British Commonwealth, Australia has a pretty strong animal rights record, so this comes as a surprise. Whoever sanctioned this for approval (presumably at Bourke Shire Council) is an absolute fucking disgrace to the nation. 

There was no justification for it. Wearing a mask, sanitising one's hands and having a fast-tracked vaccine is one perspective; shooting innocent animals with a connection to humans like no other species is quite another. The incompetent cunt with the trigger-happy pen should be thrown in jail as an example of how not to carry out Covid-19 'control' measures for a virus which carries (according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics) a current survival rate of 97.3% – with 72.7% of deaths encompassing elderly people with pre-existing chronic health conditions (https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/covid-19-mortality-0).

This shooting, with not a case of Covid-19 in the town, just doesn't make any sense. This is one of many reasons why humankind could do with a well overdue cull in the shape of nuclear war sooner than later.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I think he's referring to this story, reported worldwide last week.

Fifteen rescue dogs, including 10 puppies, have been shot dead by a rural Australian council under its interpretation of coronavirus restrictions

On the plus side, it makes a refreshing change from culling Abos.

Why didn't they just export them to Korea. What a fucking waste.

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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Laughable shite. Your summary of events in Australia is presumably culled from Der Sturmer or whatever you’re lining your cage with these days. Complete bullshit, but makes you feel better about yourself. How very modern. 

Speaking of which, I don’t hear you piping up about Brexit much these days, or invoking your mythical Grandad’s medals for bashing up Johnny Foreigner. I think we are all well overdue another half-arsed lecture from a man who thinks you can pick up most things from half an hour in a factory canteen waiting for your delivery docket to be signed. You don’t call at the Pfizer factory on your milkround, do you dickhead? Do tell.

In spite of missing a fairly obvious 'puppy pointer' from @Trucking Funt, I like your irritability above LCS. You've hitherto been a semi-pussy on the site but I knew the angry cunt gene was in there somewhere, hence a well-deserved like.

But Jesus man, wake up. This was a story fairly well publicised in your backyard (even with it being bigger than most), so I'm surprised you weren't familiar with it. That said, I do feel a mild sense of relief that someone who seldom read the papers was never my GP.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Similarly to most Western nations with ties to the British Commonwealth, Australia has a pretty strong animal rights record, so this comes as a surprise. Whoever sanctioned this for approval (presumably at Bourke Shire Council) is an absolute fucking disgrace to the nation. 

There was no justification for it. Wearing a mask, sanitising one's hands and having a fast-tracked vaccine is one perspective; shooting innocent animals with a connection to humans like no other species is quite another. The incompetent cunt with the trigger-happy pen should be thrown in jail as an example of how not to carry out Covid-19 'control' measures for a virus which carries (according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics) a current survival rate of 97.3% – with 72.7% of deaths encompassing elderly people with pre-existing chronic health conditions (https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/covid-19-mortality-0).

This shooting, with not a case of Covid-19 in the town, just doesn't make any sense. This is one of many reasons why humankind could do with a well overdue cull in the shape of nuclear war sooner than later.

Fuck knows what goes on out there in Rural NSW, it’s a wild land of sunburnt earth and poorly educated inhabitants, who practice all manner of bizarre rituals associated with their prehistoric beliefs. 

They vote for Gladys, for starters. 

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13 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Fuck knows what goes on out there in Rural NSW, it’s a wild land of sunburnt earth and poorly educated inhabitants, who practice all manner of bizarre rituals associated with their prehistoric beliefs. 

They vote for Gladys, for starters. 

Sounds like Suffolk, only hotter and with less sheep fucking.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

This was a story fairly well publicised in your backyard (even with it being bigger than most), so I'm surprised you weren't familiar with it. That said, I do feel a mild sense of relief that someone who seldom read the papers was never my GP.

Mea Culpa and all that, but I’m not sure it was that well publicised in my back yard to be honest, given I’m 3000 miles west and two time zones away from these puppy killing Bogans. I don’t think that Look East would feature a story about puppy killing in Kiev, would it? Christ, from what I recall the UK version of local was everything within a nine-minute stagger from a central boozer. 

And please don’t infer from my current retired indifference that I was the sort of lazy and neglectful professional you’ve previously been so disdainful of. I prided myself on being a skilled practitioner, and would have had all sorts of good advice for your somehow inevitable triad of hypertension, erectile dysfunction and gastro-oesophageal reflux. I am however rather disappointed I quit before the latest -and very popular, I read - fad for virtual consults. I’d have had quite a lot of well paid fun pretending there was an IT fault at the patients’ end and maybe having an extra Hob Nob while Pruritus Pete rang his grandson in Sacramento for advice on his Router. Who wants to see punters in the suppurating flesh when you can sit at home in your Pyjamas watching South Park till noon on full pay? It’s only what the sick note crowd having been saying to us for years. 

In closing, a tip. Whoever your GP is now Wolf, buy him or her an extra bottle of Wine this Christmas, you’ll be wishing it was still that cheap and easy to access a Doctor in three or four years time, I assure you. 

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Sounds like Suffolk, only hotter and with less sheep fucking.

Broken Hill is a bit like Bury St Edmunds, now you mention it. No other reason to go there, other than you’re going somewhere else. Loads of flies, the stench of death, Truckers everywhere (and therefore strangled prostitutes), ubiquitous six-fingered children, and a strange pride in having the lowest IQ in 600 square miles. Mad Max: Beyond Bury St Edmunds would have been too bleak a dystopia to be a commercial success though, I imagine. 

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Laughable shite. Your summary of events in Australia is presumably culled from Der Sturmer or whatever you’re lining your cage with these days. Complete bullshit, but makes you feel better about yourself. How very modern. 

Speaking of which, I don’t hear you piping up about Brexit much these days, or invoking your mythical Grandad’s medals for bashing up Johnny Foreigner. I think we are all well overdue another half-arsed lecture from a man who thinks you can pick up most things from half an hour in a factory canteen waiting for your delivery docket to be signed. You don’t call at the Pfizer factory on your milkround, do you dickhead? Do tell.

Looks like martial law down there is interfering with your access to reliable media Matron. I'll have to remember to give you regular updates on Australia's descent into totalitarianism so you never fail to be depressed about something. Hopefully you'll top yourself by Christmas, you trot knob polisher. 

Brexit is going fine. Divergence from the EU protection racket is fully underway and the UK is set to become the fastest growing economy in the G7 for the next two years. I'm pissing myself at the fast food industry's attempt to blackmail the government into allowing the tax dodging Euroscum back in to supposedly ease the HGV driver shortage. They're starting to get the message that they can't pay shit wages to British drivers anymore for what is often a gruelling occupation. There's a Brexit benefit for you. Not that it's any of your business because you don't fucking live here. 

Do us a favour will you and feed the crocodiles....with yourself. 


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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

Looks like martial law down there is interfering with your access to reliable media Matron. I'll have to remember to give you regular updates on Australia's descent into totalitarianism so you never fail to be depressed about something. Hopefully you'll top yourself by Christmas, you trot knob polisher. 

Brexit is going fine. Divergence from the EU protection racket is fully underway and the UK is set to become the fastest growing economy in the G7 for the next two years. I'm pissing myself at the fast food industry's attempt to blackmail the government into allowing the tax dodging Euroscum back in to supposedly ease the HGV driver shortage. They're starting to get the message that they can't pay shit wages to British drivers anymore for what is often a gruelling occupation. There's a Brexit benefit for you. Not that it's any of your business because you don't fucking live here. 

Do us a favour will you and feed the crocodiles....with yourself. 


At least some surfer cunt got killed by a shark so still fairly normal. No report on whether surfer was wearing a mask though. 

Steve Smith's a cheating cunt 

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12 minutes ago, scotty said:

I resent that.😡 Not all GPs are uninformed, some are innovative and forward-looking, finding solutions where others see only problems. 

Your own work in the field of medicine has been woefully overlooked. For example, they've been piss-arsing around with a number of vaccines, with varying or unclear success, completely overlooking the fact that all of the patients you've jabbed with your own concoction, have never reported a case of Covid. Not a single one of them.

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4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Your own work in the field of medicine has been woefully overlooked. For example, they've been piss-arsing around with a number of vaccines, with varying or unclear success, completely overlooking the fact that all of the patients you've jabbed with your own concoction, have never reported a case of Covid. Not a single one of them.

It's this type of quiet recognition that makes it all worthwhile, Eric. 👍

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Mea Culpa and all that, but I’m not sure it was that well publicised in my back yard to be honest, given I’m 3000 miles west and two time zones away from these puppy killing Bogans. I don’t think that Look East would feature a story about puppy killing in Kiev, would it? Christ, from what I recall the UK version of local was everything within a nine-minute stagger from a central boozer. 

And please don’t infer from my current retired indifference that I was the sort of lazy and neglectful professional you’ve previously been so disdainful of. I prided myself on being a skilled practitioner, and would have had all sorts of good advice for your somehow inevitable triad of hypertension, erectile dysfunction and gastro-oesophageal reflux. I am however rather disappointed I quit before the latest -and very popular, I read - fad for virtual consults. I’d have had quite a lot of well paid fun pretending there was an IT fault at the patients’ end and maybe having an extra Hob Nob while Pruritus Pete rang his grandson in Sacramento for advice on his Router. Who wants to see punters in the suppurating flesh when you can sit at home in your Pyjamas watching South Park till noon on full pay? It’s only what the sick note crowd having been saying to us for years. 

In closing, a tip. Whoever your GP is now Wolf, buy him or her an extra bottle of Wine this Christmas, you’ll be wishing it was still that cheap and easy to access a Doctor in three or four years time, I assure you. 

Oh doc. You are a mundane cunt but you're also one of the better posters here – top 20 if I'm honest. I reckon there's a top 15 in you somewhere.

It's probably not a good idea to go quoting Latin or you'll have Goober wanking into his knickers until he catches fire, in an attempt to out-quote you to underline his self-proclaimed 'more qualified than everyone else' status.

I'm still unsure of the precise position you held in your medical career. Were you actually a GP during some or most of your professional years?

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15 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

the British public are either terminally disinterested, or very well served already with right-wing news outlets

Are you completely fucking mad or just fucking completely mad? 

BBC News, Sky News, C4 News, ITV News...... all about as rightwing as Owen Jones, Derek Hatton and Arthur Scargill all wanking furiously over a poster of Josef Stalin pulling his arsehole open.

Perhaps you might like to enlighten me as to where all these  U.K. rightwing news outlets might be found?

Or have you been watching too much Channel 7, 9 or 12 or whatever number the rest of the commie Australian MSM call themselves?

Australia has rapidly become a giant landfill site, populated by fucking woke cowards and other assorted shitweasels that are too fucking petrified of  Covid and brainwashed by the ugly, traitorous cuntwipe leftie politicians they thought they were being smart by electing into office, that it’s too late now to halt the tyranny they’re living under every day.

What a fucking tragedy.

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8 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Looks like martial law down there is interfering with your access to reliable media Matron. I'll have to remember to give you regular updates on Australia's descent into totalitarianism so you never fail to be depressed about something. Hopefully you'll top yourself by Christmas, you trot knob polisher. 

Brexit is going fine. Divergence from the EU protection racket is fully underway and the UK is set to become the fastest growing economy in the G7 for the next two years. I'm pissing myself at the fast food industry's attempt to blackmail the government into allowing the tax dodging Euroscum back in to supposedly ease the HGV driver shortage. They're starting to get the message that they can't pay shit wages to British drivers anymore for what is often a gruelling occupation. There's a Brexit benefit for you. Not that it's any of your business because you don't fucking live here. 

Do us a favour will you and feed the crocodiles....with yourself. 


They say timing is everything, so I’m glad you chose today to lecture me on animal welfare, in addition to the benefits of your beloved project. 


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Are you completely fucking mad or just fucking completely mad? 

BBC News, Sky News, C4 News, ITV News...... all about as rightwing as Owen Jones, Derek Hatton and Arthur Scargill all wanking furiously over a poster of Josef Stalin pulling his arsehole open.

Perhaps you might like to enlighten me as to where all these  U.K. rightwing news outlets might be found?

Or have you been watching too much Channel 7, 9 or 12 or whatever number the rest of the commie Australian MSM call themselves?

Australia has rapidly become a giant landfill site, populated by fucking woke cowards and other assorted shitweasels that are too fucking petrified of  Covid and brainwashed by the ugly, traitorous cuntwipe leftie politicians they thought they were being smart by electing into office, that it’s too late now to halt the tyranny they’re living under every day.

What a fucking tragedy.

Steve Smith is a cheating cunt 

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5 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

They say timing is everything, so I’m glad you chose today to lecture me on animal welfare, in addition to the benefits of your beloved project. 


As the article states, the government has told businesses to hire and train British workers. The sooner they start doing this, the sooner they will have fuck all to moan about and piggy can go to market.

The new immigration rules cannot be changed just to suit a bunch of greedy cunts who didn't bother to prepare for Brexit and are now throwing their toys out of the pram because they can't hire Poles and Romanians sleeping 20 to a house on subsistence wages. They've known for 5 years what was coming, fuck them! I hope the cunts get swine flu. 

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