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59 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Every “right” that the cunts of today now enjoy was earned in blood and conflict, both literally and metaphorically. The trouble is, the aforementioned cunts of today take it all for granted, and somehow believe they deserve it. My old mum always used to say that what such cunts needed was a good war to sort them out, but even she now realises that it’s too late, as our chances of winning any war would be effectively zero.

It's the modern equivalent of "panem et circenses". As @King Billy would probably agree, the actual masters of the universe couldn't give a tuppenny fuck what the plebs get up, as long as they keep themselves to themselves and don't make waves.

It’s nauseating.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Every “right” that the cunts of today now enjoy was earned in blood and conflict, both literally and metaphorically. The trouble is, the aforementioned cunts of today take it all for granted, and somehow believe they deserve it. My old mum always used to say that what such cunts needed was a good war to sort them out, but even she now realises that it’s too late, as our chances of winning any war would be effectively zero.

It's the modern equivalent of "panem et circenses". As @King Billy would probably agree, the actual masters of the universe couldn't give a tuppenny fuck what the plebs get up, as long as they keep themselves to themselves and don't make waves.

Combine that with their endless entitlement often being blindly reinforced with the same levels of fanaticism and ignorance that previous generations fought against and I give it about a decade until straight white men are hunted down and forced to work in labour camps as retribution for their perceived crimes against humanity (you know, the entire foundation of Western civilization and all that).

It would complete the circle nicely.

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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I give it about a decade until straight white men are hunted down and forced to work in labour camps

Thank fuck. That means I only have another 9 years and 364 days, living this nightmare, trapped in the body of a straight white man, when I’ve always known I’m a bisexual black woman fighting to free myself from the male white privilege hell I was cursed to be born into.


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On 05/09/2021 at 12:56, Cuntybaws said:

Every “right” that the cunts of today now enjoy was earned in blood and conflict, both literally and metaphorically. The trouble is, the aforementioned cunts of today take it all for granted, and somehow believe they deserve it. My old mum always used to say that what such cunts needed was a good war to sort them out, but even she now realises that it’s too late, as our chances of winning any war would be effectively zero.

It's the modern equivalent of "panem et circenses". As @King Billy would probably agree, the actual masters of the universe couldn't give a tuppenny fuck what the plebs get up to, as long as they keep themselves to themselves and don't make waves.

It’s interesting you mention Bally; without being fucked to fact check it (if possible) I’d wager in Northern Ireland there will be virtually zero screaming metrosexual Nancy boys, poofs, lesbos and general weak as piss ‘it’s my right to have mental health issues “ cunts because they’ve been killing each other for decades. These types of freak simply aren’t tolerated in a society hardened by death 

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

It’s interesting you mention Bally; without being fucked to fact check it (if possible) I’d wager in Northern Ireland there will be virtually zero screaming metrosexual Nancy boys, poofs, lesbos and general weak as piss ‘it’s my right to have mental health issues “ cunts because they’ve been killing each other for decades. These types of freak simply aren’t tolerated in a society hardened by death 


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  • 3 months later...
19 minutes ago, KingRollo said:

Over here!

Good evening/morning Your Majesty. I’m not sure if you’re aware of the ridiculous developments that some of the peasants have been duped into believing, that I’ve become some sort of elitist, conspiracy theorist, weirdo and ‘vaccine refusenik’ whatever that could mean? As you well know, all my corgis have been jabbed, second dosed and boosted and some of them are still showing some slight signs of life, unlike young Harry Hewitt my favourite grandson, who is alas still being held captive in that dreadful shithole California.

I trust you and Her Majesty are well. I would welcome your Regal advice regarding a troublesome flame haired old hag who’s been coming across a bit too big for her rusty old growler of late.

Your majestic ruler 



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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Good evening/morning Your Majesty. I’m not sure if you’re aware of the ridiculous developments that some of the peasants have been duped into believing, that I’ve become some sort of elitist, conspiracy theorist, weirdo and ‘vaccine refusenik’ whatever that could mean? As you well know, all my corgis have been jabbed, second dosed and boosted and some of them are still showing some slight signs of life, unlike young Harry Hewitt my favourite grandson, who is alas still being held captive in that dreadful shithole California.

I trust you and Her Majesty are well. I would welcome your Regal advice regarding a troublesome flame haired old hag who’s been coming across a bit too big for her rusty old growler of late.

Your majestic ruler 



Your Royal Maj, 

Whilst deeply gratified to hear from you -after too long a sojourn in somewhere a King has no place being, I am greatly  disturbed by the various predicaments outlined in your missive.  Let us deal with these matters forthwith.

Firstly you mention some unfortunate rumour-mongering viz-a-viz conspiracy, jabs, etc. One must always remember that we are simply not answerable to the peasants…. look at the fine example Doris Johnson and his friends have set. You can tell them anything you like, ignore them or remove their right to protest with impunity.  If all else fails, have a chat with your pal Xi, and ask him to unleash a plague that will really ‘give them something to think about’… (But get vaccinated first for gawd’s sake!)

Secondly, young Hewitt is literally in over his head. His wife is capacious enough to remove him from sight for good and the next time he asks her to sit in his face will probably be his last. He has made his choice. Let him live with it (or in it).

Finally, the flame haired hag, presumably the Witch Roops, is a conundrum. Her growler is actually a citizen in it’s own right and frequently posts on this site. Can you get your corgi trainers to try and lick it into shape? The other recourse is simply to burn them at the stake.


Your humble, but much wiser, servant,




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  • 3 weeks later...
8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


Aw! Poor Rylan. He wanted to kill himself. 

Any advice from the CC agony cunts? Sorry, I mean aunts? 

Don’t rush it. Do it really, really  slowly.

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