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Guest Weary&Disgusted

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Guest Weary&Disgusted

I note with horror and disbelief that Imran Khan has come out, loud and proud, as a fawning fanboy for the Taliban, publicly saying that the Taliban have severed "the shackles of slavery" in Afghanistan.  Pakistan seem to have been happy enough to receive millions in aid money from the West, particularly the U.S. but now appear to have finally nailed their colours firmly to the mast in support of the terrorists who are happy to murder unarmed civilians.  

Indeed, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence to suggest that elements within Pakistan's ISI have been redirecting funds and arms to the Taliban for decades, probably via the world class shit stirrer and terrorism sponsor Hamid Gul and his faction.  

Hopefully whoever is in charge of foreign aid budgets will take Mr Khan's declaration of allegiance into account, and ensure that no further funds are supplied to a nation who clearly support terrorism and have no regard for the rule of law or the rights of the people of Afghanistan.  

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1 minute ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

I note with horror and disbelief that Imran Khan has come out, loud and proud, as a fawning fanboy for the Taliban, publicly saying that the Taliban have severed "the shackles of slavery" in Afghanistan.  Pakistan seem to have been happy enough to receive millions in aid money from the West, particularly the U.S. but now appear to have finally nailed their colours firmly to the mast in support of the terrorists who are happy to murder unarmed civilians.  

Indeed, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence to suggest that elements within Pakistan's ISI have been redirecting funds and arms to the Taliban for decades, probably via the world class shit stirrer and terrorism sponsor Hamid Gul and his faction.  

Hopefully whoever is in charge of foreign aid budgets will take Mr Khan's declaration of allegiance into account, and ensure that no further funds are supplied to a nation who clearly support terrorism and have no regard for the rule of law or the rights of the people of Afghanistan.  

There is plenty of evidence that Pakistan is a failed state.

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1 hour ago, Clavo Cruz said:

There is plenty of evidence that Pakistan is a failed state.

Not even a lazy BBC link this time, just a throwaway sentence with no attempt to back it up. I know this isn't the Oxford Union, but even fucking ProfB attempts to go into details whilst posting its mindless drivel.

Please engage your brain and elaborate further on the point you're trying to make, you lazy, scattergunning old cunt.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Not even a lazy BBC link this time, just a throwaway sentence with no attempt to back it up. I know this isn't the Oxford Union, but even fucking ProfB attempts to go into details whilst posting its mindless drivel.

Please engage your brain and elaborate further on the point you're trying to make, you lazy, scattergunning old cunt.

There is plenty of evidence that you are in a failed state dickless.

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1 hour ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

I note with horror and disbelief that Imran Khan has come out, loud and proud, as a fawning fanboy for the Taliban, publicly saying that the Taliban have severed "the shackles of slavery" in Afghanistan.  Pakistan seem to have been happy enough to receive millions in aid money from the West, particularly the U.S. but now appear to have finally nailed their colours firmly to the mast in support of the terrorists who are happy to murder unarmed civilians.  

Indeed, there seems to be quite a bit of evidence to suggest that elements within Pakistan's ISI have been redirecting funds and arms to the Taliban for decades, probably via the world class shit stirrer and terrorism sponsor Hamid Gul and his faction.  

Hopefully whoever is in charge of foreign aid budgets will take Mr Khan's declaration of allegiance into account, and ensure that no further funds are supplied to a nation who clearly support terrorism and have no regard for the rule of law or the rights of the people of Afghanistan.  

Spot on

Those chink backed Pakistani cunts haven’t got a clue how to run their own country in a civilized manner. The whole region is populated by savages with little respect for human life so why should they give a monkeys about the 10s of 1000s who’ll be tortured to death by the Taliban in the coming days and weeks

That said, Khan was an awesome cricketer who probably got to 4 figures with the backdoors he smashed in


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22 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You can't trust a fucking Pakistani, just look at the out of date shit they try and flog out of their shitty corner shops.

Fuck off.

And how about the hygiene standards? I’m amazed that most of them are permitted to operate freely in those cockroached gutters, clearly not enough checks are done. 
Judging any of those operations is rather easy, even from the outside, as all the windows are plastered in adds and plastic, to obscure the disgusting state of glass. 

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22 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Spot on

Those chink backed Pakistani cunts haven’t got a clue how to run their own country in a civilized manner. The whole region is populated by savages with little respect for human life so why should they give a monkeys about the 10s of 1000s who’ll be tortured to death by the Taliban in the coming days and weeks

That said, Khan was an awesome cricketer who probably got to 4 figures with the backdoors he smashed in


Plus, he married a white bird, which for a Pakistani is nearly  impossible. 

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20 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Plus, he married a white bird, which for a Pakistani is nearly  impossible. 

Marriage yes, but every minicab driver and takeaway worker north of Milton Keynes has at least one white girlfriend, after school hours obviously, as educating girls is very important to them. They’re not medieval savages after all.

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12 hours ago, White Cunt said:

And how about the hygiene standards? I’m amazed that most of them are permitted to operate freely in those cockroached gutters, clearly not enough checks are done. 
Judging any of those operations is rather easy, even from the outside, as all the windows are plastered in adds and plastic, to obscure the disgusting state of glass. 

Have you heard of 'gutter oil'? I think @Roadkill is the authoritah on the subject, but basically... Grubby little Chinese pyjama monkeys, scoop fat-balls out of sewers and drains, then boil it up and strain it through cloth. They sell it to restaurants and street vendors. Everyone's aware of it, yet still prepared to eat food cooked in oil that's been through a stomach and shat out again.

The filthy yellow, shit eating dirty fucking animal abusing, soulless fucking robotic little cunts. @Stubby Pecker is absolutely right. They should be fucking exterminated. The only decent thing they've given the world was that book, 'Journey to the west' that they made the telly series 'Monkey' out of. 

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you heard of 'gutter oil'? I think @Roadkill is the authoritah on the subject, but basically... Grubby little Chinese pyjama monkeys, scoop fat-balls out of sewers and drains, then boil it up and strain it through cloth. They sell it to restaurants and street vendors. Everyone's aware of it, yet still prepared to eat food cooked in oil that's been through a stomach and shat out again.

The filthy yellow, shit eating dirty fucking animal abusing, soulless fucking robotic little cunts. @Stubby Pecker is absolutely right. They should be fucking exterminated. The only decent thing they've given the world was that book, 'Journey to the west' that they made the telly series 'Monkey' out of. 

Says a lot when the oil is mainly directed towards the tourism sector as well.

The cunts will chat with you and smile right to your face whilst taking your money and feeding you literal shit. They're hateful little fuckers with chips on their shoulders and a grudge against history.

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39 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

He'll probably turn up for the Ashes in a few months time - either that or when the silver-tongued Lothario once again loses the lady of his dreams and goes all 'Incel' on us compering womankind to a Rolf Harris painting

A katana-wielding My Little Pony enthusiast, a shite talking sheep, and a thunder-cocked hermaphrodite trainspotter notwithstanding, he was one of the oddest little cunts to grace the Corner. In my tenure here at least. 

Also, RIP Grumpycunt.

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1 hour ago, nocti said:

A katana-wielding My Little Pony enthusiast, a shite talking sheep, and a thunder-cocked hermaphrodite trainspotter notwithstanding, he was one of the oddest little cunts to grace the Corner. In my tenure here at least. 

Also, RIP Grumpycunt.

We've had some colossal fucking perverts on here over the years. Dishonourable mentions have to go out to Pete, Reptyle and my own personal favourite, Ding.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

We've had some colossal fucking perverts on here over the years. Dishonourable mentions have to go out to Pete, Reptyle and my own personal favourite, Ding.

Your actual Tailpipe Man has to be in the mix too, along with MammothCock who took foot fetishism to new extremes, and maybe even Rothers who was a bit too enthusiastic about cumfarting for my liking. None of them were nearly as creepy as Ding, though.

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18 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Have you heard of 'gutter oil'? I think @Roadkill is the authoritah on the subject, but basically... Grubby little Chinese pyjama monkeys, scoop fat-balls out of sewers and drains, then boil it up and strain it through cloth. They sell it to restaurants and street vendors. Everyone's aware of it, yet still prepared to eat food cooked in oil that's been through a stomach and shat out again.

The filthy yellow, shit eating dirty fucking animal abusing, soulless fucking robotic little cunts. @Stubby Pecker is absolutely right. They should be fucking exterminated. The only decent thing they've given the world was that book, 'Journey to the west' that they made the telly series 'Monkey' out of. 

There is always the scope to improve the formula with some extra fentanyl, if the gullible customer is looking like rich pickings.  It wouldn’t surprise me one bit, if such schemes were widespread.

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56 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Your actual Tailpipe Man has to be in the mix too, along with MammothCock who took foot fetishism to new extremes, and maybe even Rothers who was a bit too enthusiastic about cumfarting for my liking. None of them were nearly as creepy as Ding, though.

I wouldn’t say ding was creepy, just genuinely unfunny and full of shite. His bullshiting downfall at the hand of roops was funny though 

I miss Quincy and I’d let him lay a turd on my tongue if he came back

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14 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

He'll probably turn up for the Ashes in a few months time - either that or when the silver-tongued Lothario once again loses the lady of his dreams and goes all 'Incel' on us compering womankind to a Rolf Harris painting

Oh he'll be there for the ashes to take the piss, when that cheating little cunt Smithy, smotes his 3rd century of the series in front of empty stadiums, because Oz have gone into another lockdown after 3 aborigines in the middle of the outback have caught the kung flu. 

Edited by Mrs Roops
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