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The Fall of Kabul

Last Cunt Standing

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28 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm more of a Laphroaig man, Stubbs, but regardless, you get extra brownie points for not rotting your throat with a bottle Bells, Drew style.

I'd like to think that after your tenth glass you'll follow in your old mate Decs' footsteps and start liberally throwing around unwarranted nonce allegations.

Don't let me down.

All it’s needs is a fat fucking jew in a mobility scooter to rock up and its a cert 

Speaking of drew, after a weeks camping, I’d gladly swap livers with the bungalow lurking wanker

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51 minutes ago, Clavo Cruz said:

Fuck off

Through the snow and sleet and hail... 
through the blizzard, through the gale... 
through the wind and through the rain... 
over mountain, over plain... 
through the blinding lightning flash... 
and the mighty thunder crash... 
ever faithful, ever true... 
nothing stops Pen 
posting poo.

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13 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

The seeds of the nazi movement was created by the shocking treatment the allies meted out to the germans at the Versailles summit..treatment we were all too familiar with here...like it or not Britain has its share of the blame for the second world war ya know...and colonialism being a force for good?..are you that simple?


Pansy old boy, while not wishing to get drawn into another political discussion with someone so vehemently one-sided, I think you'll agree your written skills are generally piss poor.

Why, therefore, do you suffix each and every comment with a persistently perfect (and obviously cut & pasted) 'PANZERMURPHYBABY', when it's bleedin' obvious who's made the post in the first place?

I'm merely curious, that's all.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Through the snow and sleet and hail... 
through the blizzard, through the gale... 
through the wind and through the rain... 
over mountain, over plain... 
through the blinding lightning flash... 
and the mighty thunder crash... 
ever faithful, ever true... 
nothing stops Pen 
posting poo.

you fuckin poofter

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’ll bet you a tenner wolfster, not a single one of these cunts will be vetted before they come here or to other caring and compassionate democracies. What a great opportunity to insert a few 1000 jihadi cunts bent on slaughtering as many infidels as possible. I look forward to one of these desperate souls marching into a primary school and stabbing a dozen reception kids.

All Afghans should be mercy killed


Fuckin Wolfster?



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11 hours ago, Clavo Cruz said:

Something that Mrs Krankie conveniently ignores as well .. Scotland's share of the blame of Empire.

Indeed. Some have already commentated on the SNP's plans to indulge in some rather dubious revisionism with regard to the teaching of history in Scottish schools which appears to be a complete whitewash of any dark deeds by Scots, painting them as unwilling participant's in the plans of their evil English overlords. Rather like what has been done in Irish schools.

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10 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I won't pretend to know anything about the situation - even the "Troubles" were well before my time and none of this moaning shite is encouraging me to learn about it either. However, I think if @PANZER MURPHY wants to be heard out, he should probably stop projecting his side of the debate with the same amount of xenophobia and ignorance he clearly seems to think he's been a victim of in the past.

Its getting fucking old.

To be fair, I don't hold him entirely responsible because the history taught in Irish schools consists almost entirely of a victimhood narrative and attempts to impose 21st century morals on the 12th century all the way up to independence without even taking into consideration that the entire known world were being utter cunts to each other at the time. It also attempts to relieve the Irish themselves of any responsibility for their own misfortune. Prime example being the famine of the 1840s which the cunts have been boring the world with ever since. 

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7 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Indeed. Some have already commentated on the SNP's plans to indulge in some rather dubious revisionism with regard to the teaching of history in Scottish schools which appears to be a complete whitewash of any dark deeds by Scots, painting them as unwilling participant's in the plans of their evil English overlords. Rather like what has been done in Irish schools.

I think it’s the future that’s really of more concern in Jockland than whatever the cunts portray as their past.

No matter how much I close my eyes and try to imagine the ‘old firm’ derby in 2040 with the stands full of soy boy trannies who’ve been changing gender every couple of weeks since primary school, shouting abuse at each other in a non hateful way and waving their rainbow flags, in between blowing kisses at each other and texting their psychotherapist for help with mental issues, I can’t, as I fear it will be much worse than that.

’IRN BRU. Made in Scotland from kale and soya beans!’

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5 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

To be fair, I don't hold him entirely responsible because the history taught in Irish schools consists almost entirely of a victimhood narrative and attempts to impose 21st century morals on the 12th century all the way up to independence without even taking into consideration that the entire known world were being utter cunts to each other at the time. It also attempts to relieve the Irish themselves of any responsibility for their own misfortune. Prime example being the famine of the 1840s which the cunts have been boring the world with ever since. 

ow long before the cunts from Cornwall also start playing this game of denial?

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

I like your style TF. Very few U.K. mainlanders know much, if anything about Irish history. Most people Ive ever had a conversation with in England about NI, don’t even know that it’s part of the U.K. and don’t care either. Many don’t even realise that EIRE is a separate country. 

I'm a Unionist KB. Not of the Ulster variety of course but I abhor the current sickening trend of separatism which is steeped in sheer ignorance with regard to the history of one's country. British and Irish history have been intertwined since day one. To fully understand one, you must understand the other or there will be huge holes in your argument that the likes of Paddy can exploit when they get called out on their bullshit revisionism. 

Unfortunately, kids in English schools are taught very little about the rest of the Union but what is taught about Northern Ireland has a far left slant almost reminiscent of IRA propaganda portraying it like a stolen child which should be handed over to Dublin without even bothering to explain the history of Irish unionism. Of course most schoolkids don't really give a fuck from that point on but the false notion that NI isn't really part of the UK tends to stick in the back of young impressionable minds and comes back to the surface when they see biased dramas about the troubles spewed out by the BBC or even worse, Hollywood. I wonder if I'll ever see one that lays bare the atrocities committed against Irish Protestants by the supposedly gallant IRA in the wake of partition before I die but in truth, I doubt I ever will.

I've just finished an excellent biography on Churchill called Walking with destiny by Andrew Roberts which covers how he, Lloyd-George and Chamberlain ran rings around Sinn Fein during the treaty negotiations forcing them to compromise on one principle after another. The Free state tried to wriggle out of it in the following years but in reality, it was never going to happen. They should have just counted themselves fortunate Churchill didn't re-occupy them during WWII and turn their bog into one big army encampment.

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