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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I don't understand how someone felt it was alright to hand a shotgun back to someone with obvious anger issues..reminds me of that American sniper guy kyle somtin who thought it was a fabby idea to hand firearms to people being treated for PTSD and ended up getting killed by one of his clients 


Well said Panzy. One thing that never changes is the Irish old fashioned common sense when it comes to anything gun related. 

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

The Yanks are on an entirely different level when it comes to mind boggling gun control rules. You can legally buy an infant a rifle over there, as long as it isn't automatic, there's absolutely no age restrictions. No handguns until they're 18, of course - just to be safe.

You can own a gun over there before you're allowed to legally buy alcohol - mental cunts will just whinge about it if they feel they're being discriminated against - and, because of their fucked up Constitution, the majority of them would be well within their legal right to do so as long as they haven't been committed to a mental institution or have voluntarily registered as mentally ill.

I can’t find any flaws in this whatsoever RK. Everyone should have a gun. It’s just common sense. 99.9999% of gun deaths in the US are not committed by legal gun owners. The highest gun crime figures are in Democrat cities with the toughest gun laws in the country. It’s the lawless duskies in gangs who are the problem, not the vast majority of legal gun owners.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I can’t find any flaws in this whatsoever RK. Everyone should have a gun. It’s just common sense. 99.9999% of gun deaths in the US are not committed by legal gun owners. The highest gun crime figures are in Democrat cities with the toughest gun laws in the country. It’s the lawless duskies in gangs who are the problem, not the vast majority of legal gun owners.

That's the problem with America though, Billy. Every single fact or figure you can dig up has a political agenda behind it. The only certain thing about the place is that they're a bunch of stupid fat cunts.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

That's the problem with America though, Billy. Every single fact or figure you can dig up has a political agenda behind it. The only certain thing about the place is that they're a bunch of stupid fat cunts.

The BBC have been reporting that the fucking hairy halfwit virgin in Plymouth had apparently googled Donald Trump at least once recently.

So there’s the real villain of the piece. Thank fuck for the good old Beeb. Proper old fashioned journalism. It’s a dying profession. Priti Patel should immediately start extradition proceedings and get ‘Orangeman Bad’ in court ASAP. He can’t be allowed to get away with this latest fake news abomination.

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Just now, King Billy said:

The BBC have been reporting that the fucking hairy halfwit virgin in Plymouth had apparently googled Donald Trump at least once recently.

So there’s the real villain of the piece. Thank fuck for the good old Beeb. Proper old fashioned journalism. It’s a dying profession. Priti Patel should immediately start extradition proceedings and get ‘Orangeman Bad’ in court ASAP. He can’t be allowed to get away with this latest fake news abomination.

Fucking hell - he googled Trump? Then he MUST be involved!

No offence, Billy, but these cunts could run circles around your wildest conspiracy attempts to make the dots line up the way they want. 

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, King Billy said:

The BBC have been reporting that the fucking hairy halfwit virgin in Plymouth had apparently googled Donald Trump at least once recently.

So there’s the real villain of the piece. Thank fuck for the good old Beeb. Proper old fashioned journalism. It’s a dying profession. Priti Patel should immediately start extradition proceedings and get ‘Orangeman Bad’ in court ASAP. He can’t be allowed to get away with this latest fake news abomination.

Indeed. Not only that but by labelling him in this way the MSM can make connections with the “alt right”, the “far right”, “mysoginists” , the “white supremacists” and any cunt who isn’t a wokie BBC fucking arselicker. Let’s forget about the copper pen pushers who gave this nutter a licence, took it away and then gave it back again. Let’s concentrate on controlling soshul meeja and censoring anything that doesn’t meet with the woke agenda.

Meanwhile in Plymouth the usual crowd of attention seekers have turned up for their candlelight vigil, laying of flowers and personal tear filled notes to people they never knew and never met. But it makes them feel good about themselves, the sad fucks, so let’s not knock it. Fuck me, even Lardarse Patel turned up with a bunch of daffs pretending she gives a fucking toss.

While i’m on the subject of media bullshit what ever happened to Slasha Johnson? That inconvenient story seems to have died a death in the media. I’m presuming she isn’t brown bread but will she be appearing in the Wokyo Spaz Olympics? That gold medal would look good around the neck of her bust of Fidel Castro I reckon.

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14 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Indeed. Not only that but by labelling him in this way the MSM can make connections with the “alt right”, the “far right”, “mysoginists” , the “white supremacists” and any cunt who isn’t a wokie BBC fucking arselicker. Let’s forget about the copper pen pushers who gave this nutter a licence, took it away and then gave it back again. Let’s concentrate on controlling soshul meeja and censoring anything that doesn’t meet with the woke agenda.

Meanwhile in Plymouth the usual crowd of attention seekers have turned up for their candlelight vigil, laying of flowers and personal tear filled notes to people they never knew and never met. But it makes them feel good about themselves, the sad fucks, so let’s not knock it. Fuck me, even Lardarse Patel turned up with a bunch of daffs pretending she gives a fucking toss.

While i’m on the subject of media bullshit what ever happened to Slasha Johnson? That inconvenient story seems to have died a death in the media. I’m presuming she isn’t brown bread but will she be appearing in the Wokyo Spaz Olympics? That gold medal would look good around the neck of her bust of Fidel Castro I reckon.

I would despise the Poundland Brian Blessed cunt whatever his political persuasions were. The fact that he transformed into a murdering piece of fucking shit is more to do with huge failings in the NHS mental healthcare service and the "lessons will be learnt" Old Bill. Plenty of left wing ideologists have gone out on a killing spree, but you never hear about them wearing Che Guevara t-shirts.

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

When I wrote this yesterday I was genuinely unaware of the latest topical delight from the Land of the Free. Absolutely delicious.

Florida woman shot dead by toddler during work Zoom call


Sounds like the toddler is an ideal recruit for the local Police Academy. No fucking about shooting the black 'criminals' in the thigh, went straight for a head shot.

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Maybe I am trying to find logic out of mayhem, but is the incel thing a product of our society? Native young men of these islands (even if inbred) should be healthy physically and psychologically.  This oddball was neither.

With the exception of the inner cities drug and turf shootings, loonies going on a shooting spree are few and far between in the UK plc. Given the apparent state of a growing group of males, this might not be the last Brony Keith type cunt we see going off at the deep end.  

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7 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Maybe I am trying to find logic out of mayhem, but is the incel thing a product of our society? Native young men of these islands (even if inbred) should be healthy physically and psychologically.  This oddball was neither.

With the exception of the inner cities drug and turf shootings, loonies going on a shooting spree are few and far between in the UK plc. Given the apparent state of a growing group of males, this might not be the last Brony Keith type cunt we see going off at the deep end.  

The guardians of our safety and well-being, aka politicians have already been busy making sure the MSM Shills are  all ‘on message’ and pumping out the unarguable and inevitable lesson to be learned from this tragedy, which they have all had to deal with, some of them seem to be more distressed than the families and friends of the actual victims they keep referring to. Which Segways perfectly into the solution which unsurprisingly reads something like ‘ban all legally held guns.’

Worldwide, this new dangerous and terrifying Incel terrorist threat is about as frightening as a moist fart. I’d say less than a handful of incidents of insane and sad weird pricks losing the plot  and the media creating a narrative around it to keep the fuckwit majority topped up with their fear addiction.

All bullshit for the brain dead masses.

Plymouth is a total shithole anyway.  






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30 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Maybe I am trying to find logic out of mayhem, but is the incel thing a product of our society? Native young men of these islands (even if inbred) should be healthy physically and psychologically.  This oddball was neither.

With the exception of the inner cities drug and turf shootings, loonies going on a shooting spree are few and far between in the UK plc. Given the apparent state of a growing group of males, this might not be the last Brony Keith type cunt we see going off at the deep end.  

It's modern day natural selection. If you're fat, ugly, ginger etc. you get overlooked and your genes are removed from the population. It's just nature's way of telling you you're not up to scratch.

Throughout much of the natural world it's the males that compete, but the females that select mates. Unfortunately, this reality does not marry well with the zeitgeist of everyone being equally entitled. Rather than look inward and address their shortcomings, it's too easy for people of this ilk to connect with others of like mind and fuel each others irrational thought processes. 


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16 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The guardians of our safety and well-being, aka politicians have already been busy making sure the MSM Shills are  all ‘on message’ and pumping out the unarguable and inevitable lesson to be learned from this tragedy, which they have all had to deal with, some of them seem to be more distressed than the families and friends of the actual victims they keep referring to. Which Segways perfectly into the solution which unsurprisingly reads something like ‘ban all legally held guns.’

Worldwide, this new dangerous and terrifying Incel terrorist threat is about as frightening as a moist fart. I’d say less than a handful of incidents of insane and sad weird pricks losing the plot  and the media creating a narrative around it to keep the fuckwit majority topped up with their fear addiction.

All bullshit for the brain dead masses.

Plymouth is a total shithole anyway.  






This is what Labour will be angling for, but thankfully they're not in power right now. There will be fallout, but ultimately someone in the local constabulary will take the rap for this one. 

If the suggestion of trawling through every firearm licence holder's social media is taken up the renewal fee of a shotgun licence is going to go up tenfold.

The warning signs were there with this guy and someone missed them. The system isn't broken and doesn't need fixing. 

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3 minutes ago, Goober said:

This is what Labour will be angling for, but thankfully they're not in power right now. There will be fallout, but ultimately someone in the local constabulary will take the rap for this one. 

If the suggestion of trawling through every firearm licence holder's social media is taken up the renewal fee of a shotgun licence is going to go up tenfold.

The warning signs were there with this guy and someone missed them. The system isn't broken and doesn't need fixing. 

They could just make it a condition when buying a gun that you have to bring your girlfriend with you.

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