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‘Excuse me Sir. You’re not wearing a mask. Can I ask if you’ve been vaccinated against Covid 19? No you haven’t? That’s great Sir. Come on in. Would you like some complimentary drinks for you and your family?

King Billy

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Well, well, well.

It appears that an ever growing  number of businesses in the US and elsewhere are refusing to allow customers who’ve been jabbed or are wearing face nappies in their premises, which has unleashed a predictable meltdown from the virtuous lefties who are outraged by this totally unacceptable discrimination.

The complete lack of irony by the whinging leftie fucktards is totally, but hilariously  unsurprising, given that their entire thought process is consumed with their own juvenile self gratification and obsessive hatred of anyone who dares to free think and not obey the narrative they blindly follow.

The mask and vaccine addict politicians in some Democrat cities and states are pissing their unigender panties at this totally foreseeable turn of events. They seem to have not really understood that allowing private businesses to discriminate against non jabbed and non mask wearers gives the same right to discriminate against jib jabbers and face nappy wearing dickheads.

Oh what a mess these clever people have gotten themselves into. LOLOLOL😂😂😂

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Guest judgetwi

Sorry but that’s a load of bollocks. You may like that to be happening but it ain’t. No small business is going to refuse any cunt’s money and that’s real fucking life. 

Does any posh cunt think I am going to walk into my local corner shop and they are going to kick  me out because I don’t have a “passport” and a mask on my boat race? Yeah dream on posh boys......I live in the real fucking world.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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43 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The whole covid thing is one big mind fuck. I bet the tiddlywinks are laughing into their chow meins. 

Today’s report by the UNs fairy tale department revealing that the planet is at best ten years from irreversible damage, albeit that I am  speaking as a bacofoil topped sceptic, appears to be phase two of the Covid19/mass psychosis/Global Armageddon/Orangeman bad/Follow the science psyop, going exactly as planned.

Every MSM fake news outlet has been on message and spreading the Uberfear v2.0 to the hungry adoring  sheep along with a big portion of the tried and tested Kung flu terror  for dessert.

Sky News have even launched a new twice weekly ‘climate emergency’ programme, complete with a constantly clicking down clock to remind anyone whose brain hasn’t been turned to luke warm shit already that it’s the end of days .Fucking cunts, every one of these media vermin. 

David Attenborough is a smelly old cunt.

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48 minutes ago, Neil said:

I heard Great Cuntberg on the radio yesterday, is she old enough yet to be fucked to death? I'd like to nominate myself to do the job, it won't take long and I promise she won't  enjoy it.

She would have no objection to your proposal, providing the van was electric powered, and the mattress natural fibre.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

Well, well, well.

It appears that an ever growing  number of businesses in the US and elsewhere are refusing to allow customers who’ve been jabbed or are wearing face nappies in their premises, which has unleashed a predictable meltdown from the virtuous lefties who are outraged by this totally unacceptable discrimination.

The complete lack of irony by the whinging leftie fucktards is totally, but hilariously  unsurprising, given that their entire thought process is consumed with their own juvenile self gratification and obsessive hatred of anyone who dares to free think and not obey the narrative they blindly follow.

The mask and vaccine addict politicians in some Democrat cities and states are pissing their unigender panties at this totally foreseeable turn of events. They seem to have not really understood that allowing private businesses to discriminate against non jabbed and non mask wearers gives the same right to discriminate against jib jabbers and face nappy wearing dickheads.

Oh what a mess these clever people have gotten themselves into. LOLOLOL😂😂😂

America can do what they fucking like. The irony in refusing someone entry to your business because they don't have a mask or have been jabbed, ergo they could potentially give Covid to someone, but they're carrying (a licensed) 9mm Beretta in their bag.

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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Does any posh cunt think I am going to walk into my local corner shop and they are going to kick  me out because I don’t have a “passport” and a mask on my boat race?

I think he's saying the opposite, judge. The yanks referred to are apparently refusing entry to those wearing a mask, and those who have been vaccinated. Which begs the question, will they have to carry a certificate proving they haven't been jabbed? 😄

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There are likely to be outfits following one rule or the other, some will gain by barring people not wearing face nappies and not being unjabbed whilst others will exploit a fairly large but specialist market of those who refuse to wear face nappies or to be jabbed. The anti vaxxers/maskers are more vociferous and like many minorities they make noise that is out of proportions to their numbers. Judging by what my relatives in 'Merica sic are saying the true situation there is that they have more restrictions re covid that we do here. No good blaming the Democrats because they have only been back for about seven months and the controlling policies are still  those of the Trumpton Republicans.

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2 hours ago, scotty said:

I think he's saying the opposite, judge. The yanks referred to are apparently refusing entry to those wearing a mask, and those who have been vaccinated. Which begs the question, will they have to carry a certificate proving they haven't been jabbed? 😄

This calls for a variation on the old "two bullets" dilemma. You're a Muslim fundamentalist and you only have two nail bombs. Do you attack the Boston marathon, the gay nightclub, or the anti-vaxxer premises?

The correct answer, as always is: you blow up the gay club twice, just to be on the safe side.

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31 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

This calls for a variation on the old "two bullets" dilemma. You're a Muslim fundamentalist and you only have two nail bombs. Do you attack the Boston marathon, the gay nightclub, or the anti-vaxxer premises?

The correct answer, as always is: you blow up the gay club twice, just to be on the safe side.

Reported for homophobia. 

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4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

This calls for a variation on the old "two bullets" dilemma. You're a Muslim fundamentalist and you only have two nail bombs. Do you attack the Boston marathon, the gay nightclub, or the anti-vaxxer premises?

The correct answer, as always is: you blow up the gay club twice, just to be on the safe side.

Reported for Anti-Antivaxxer

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Billy, I've just learned that your Anti-Vax hero and brother of Dianne Abbotts Steptoe like lover, Piers Corbyn, was in Norwich today spouting another load of old bollox not dissimilar to some of the theories spouted on here. To be fair, I'm only guessing that last bit as I didn't actually see it as I was WFH today.

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10 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Mask up Billy, Marburg virus is on it's way from West Africa or do you think you can wing it with this virus too

Wearing a mask is totally futile CBB. A sheep is a sheep is a sheep, and a 10p piece of cotton and a couple of elastics can’t hide that fact. If anything it just removes any smidgen of doubt.






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10 hours ago, Clavo Cruz said:

There are likely to be outfits following one rule or the other, some will gain by barring people not wearing face nappies and not being unjabbed whilst others will exploit a fairly large but specialist market of those who refuse to wear face nappies or to be jabbed. The anti vaxxers/maskers are more vociferous and like many minorities they make noise that is out of proportions to their numbers. Judging by what my relatives in 'Merica sic are saying the true situation there is that they have more restrictions re covid that we do here. No good blaming the Democrats because they have only been back for about seven months and the controlling policies are still  those of the Trumpton Republicans.

Very interesting but total nonsense.  It’s a shame that you know absolutely nothing about the subject you’ve just enlightened us all about. Democrat states set their own laws and policies, as do Republican States. It’s the Democrat run states that have been tyrannical in their batflu hysteria driven policies for the last 18 months. The red states have been the first to open up and lift all restrictions and are doing far better all round for it.

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3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Billy, I've just learned that your Anti-Vax hero and brother of Dianne Abbotts Steptoe like lover, Piers Corbyn, was in Norwich today spouting another load of old bollox not dissimilar to some of the theories spouted on here. To be fair, I'm only guessing that last bit as I didn't actually see it as I was WFH today.

I don’t recall ever mentioning that I was a fan or supporter of the decrepit old cunt. His surname alone is enough to make me despise the fossilised old bag of shit.

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Now that wearing masks is optional, I'm taking my cue from the staff of whichever store I'm shopping in. If most of them have masks on I'll wear one too. If most of them aren't, I don't bother.

For example, I was in a massive LIDL superstore this morning. Only one solitary member of staff was wearing a mask. 

The other bloke wasn't wearing one, so neither did I. 

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2 hours ago, scotty said:

Now that wearing masks is optional, I'm taking my cue from the staff of whichever store I'm shopping in. If most of them have masks on I'll wear one too. If most of them aren't, I don't bother.

For example, I was in a massive LIDL superstore this morning. Only one solitary member of staff was wearing a mask. 

The other bloke wasn't wearing one, so neither did I. 

As I haven’t taken up the governments generous offer of 2 free doses of an experimental mixture of chemicals injected into my body, Ive decided to take every other measure I can for my own safety.

From today onwards I’ve been wearing 3 masks indoors and out, and wearing my seatbelt at all times while in my car and also when I’m not in it.



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