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35 minutes ago, ProfB said:

Brown banana in its nappy. 🤮 



(20 cm by 5 cm) The Largest Fossilized Human Turd Ever Found Came From a Sick Viking


If you want to see it in person, go to:

The Jórvík Viking Centre in the city of York, England.


Imagine it dropping out of your arse hole?


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3 minutes ago, ProfB said:



(20 cm by 5 cm) The Largest Fossilized Human Turd Ever Found Came From a Sick Viking


If you want to see it in person, go to:

The Jórvík Viking Centre in the city of York, England.


Imagine it dropping out of your arse hole?


Why is it bolted to the floor? Is there a likelihood of it escaping and running amok?

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6 hours ago, ProfB said:



(20 cm by 5 cm) The Largest Fossilized Human Turd Ever Found Came From a Sick Viking


If you want to see it in person, go to:

The Jórvík Viking Centre in the city of York, England.


Imagine it dropping out of your arse hole?


Your new avatar maybe?

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Your new avatar maybe?

I imagine these regularly drop out of Frank's arse everytime he coughs, barely touching the sides as it drops and spoils his crisp white espedrilles

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1 hour ago, Clavo Cruz said:

Why the fuck is this news?, I wonder how many straight couples have married on a train without any fucks given by the press? The only way this could be news is if her first name was Fanny.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

Why the fuck is this news?, I wonder how many straight couples have married on a train without any fucks given by the press? The only way this could be news is if her first name was Fanny.

We are in a world of very vociferous minorities who often with little real need want the majority to suffer great inconvenience to adapt to their perceived "needs". I do wonder at what point people will start campaigning for the right of totally blind people to hold driving licences and the right to drive cars unsupervised.

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1 minute ago, Clavo Cruz said:

We are in a world of very vociferous minorities who often with little real need want the majority to suffer great inconvenience to adapt to their perceived "needs". I do wonder at what point people will start campaigning for the right of totally blind people to hold driving licences and the right to drive cars unsupervised.

It isn't about making the world a better place for everyone, its about getting what you want at all costs regardless of the potential effect it will have on society and getting your moment in the limelight where everyone will congratulate you for being so brave in the face of adversity.

Just look at what happened to J.K. Rowling when she made the mistake of trying to put the brakes on the trans train - that isn't the reasonable debate of level headed individuals willing to listen to criticism - its a screaming mob of petulant fanatics who refuse to hear anything but support for their own personal ideals and beliefs. Anything else is to be condemned as an "ism" or "phobia" - often with the same or even greater levels of ignorance and self assurance that they claim to have suffered themselves.

An entire generation of healthy, wealthy and safe people who have become so bored with life that they desperately grasp at any chance to claim victimhood or be seen as championing the same for another. The simple fact that there's been mutterings and hints of support towards paedophiles in certain snowflake centralised parts of the internet for years proves that the perceived "problem" is only a secondary consideration to the reward of "solving" it for a lot of these dreamy-eyed rainbow cunts. 


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7 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Your new avatar maybe?

I imagine these regularly drop out of Frank's arse everytime he coughs, barely touching the sides as it drops and spoil his crisp white espedrills

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Jesus fucking H. Christ. What a pair of bulldykes. They're making my eyes hurt, honestly. The actuality of dungaree-clad butch lesbians in the real world is a far cry from the image the pornography industry portrays for the benefit of heterosexual males. I suppose it is however fitting that two clitoris-wrestling mammoths find one another attractive. Good luck to them, though I would also like to add that if I was the last man on Earth, and they the two last 'females', I would do everything within my power to make a break for the North Pole. 

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11 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Jesus fucking H. Christ. What a pair of bulldykes. They're making my eyes hurt, honestly. The reality of dungaree-clad butch lesbians in the real world is a far cry from the image the pornography industry portrays for the benefit of heterosexual males. I suppose it is however fitting that two clitoris-wrestling mammoths find one another attractive. Good luck to them, though I would also like to add that if I was the last man on Earth, and they the two last 'females', I would do everything within my power to make a break for the North Pole. 

We're talking a combined weight of 400lbs here, Wolfie. Better to just wank into the turkey baster on demand and run instead of being forcefully restrained and milked by amateurs. 

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44 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

We're talking a combined weight of 400lbs here, Wolfie. Better to just wank into the turkey baster on demand and run instead of being forcefully restrained and milked by amateurs. 

Weights got nothing to do with it as I would still give the rotund Kelly Brook one when she's waddling around in that FatFighters ad. These lezza tuskers have tried to polish that turd to within and inch of it's life with the addition of hideously dyed hair, tattoos and a gurn resembling Stephen Hawking taking a massive shit (in his current state)

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1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Weights got nothing to do with it as I would still give the rotund Kelly Brook one when she's waddling around in that FatFighters ad. These lezza tuskers have tried to polish that turd to within and inch of it's life with the addition of hideously dyed hair, tattoos and a gurn resembling Stephen Hawking taking a massive shit (in his current state)

You might be right. Maybe they just really liked the style of the Bartertown guards in Beyond the Thunderdome?


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2 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It's disgusting:

"They were able to invite 18 guests, including Ms Dale’s two sisters, who she had not seen since the virus crisis began."

That should be "whom".

It’s an ITV news report ffs. The channel that broadcasts TOWIE, Love Island and tons of other assorted crap for consumption by brain dead fucking morons. I doubt they’d even understand in the slightest if somebody was to point out this grammatical error.

Best just to hope they all die soon.

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