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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:


I totally get what both of you are saying about this vile bitch, but I can't agree.

I'm against the death penalty for several reasons, chief of which is that we no longer live in medieval times. In my opinion, it is taking a step backwards.

Take the US, for example. States which use the death penalty have not successfully reduced serious crime, i.e. the deterrent factor has not worked. Hanging or lethal injection et al. is a easy cop-out for people of this ilk. British child murderers Ians Brady and Huntley both attempted suicide, the former unsuccesssfully on numerous occasions. The evil cunt suffered during many years of incarceration, driving him insane with only four white walls and an oxygen tank for company. I am therefore happy to contribute taxes which ensure people such as this suffer deeply in captivity.

In the modern-day world of terrorism, those of a bearded, BO-infused disposition believe they'll enter paradise if they commit suicide (among the rewards of heaven are 72 virgins) – so what better way than to imprison them, ensuring many years of being raped in the showers and non-stop psychological analysis will send out the right message. Backwoods shitholes decades behind the UK – Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and China all good examples – widely use the death penalty. I don't see the point on stooping to their level, or indeed back to Britain in the 1960s.

A quick death is the easy way out, wouldn't you agree?  

I'm against the death penalty as it is essentially state sanctioned murder. I don't trust our government or legal system to have the literal power of life or death over us. As Gyppo says, mistakes have been made and likely would continue to be made if the death penalty was ever reinstated.

Besides, if anyone did something to one of my kids I'd want to have the pleasure of dealing with the cunt myself, nice and slow instead of entrusting them to tender mercies of a quick long drop and broken neck.

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She was only 18 when it happened 17 when she had the kid. This is what happens when shite parents raise shite children.

I don't think its simple coincidence that this seems to be happening a lot with the first generation of people who were likely to be raised in front of a computer or tablet screen themselves. Just look at all those man child cunts who've killed their children because their crying distracted them from playing Xbox.

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