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Verphy Kudi

Dave Umbongo

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Stupid fucking bitch went partying for nearly 6 days leaving her 18 month old child home alone to fend for itself. Upon returning home she found her child dead. Stupid, fucking useless, fucking moronic fucking ignorant fucking bitch. I Hope she fucking dies extremely slowly and very painfully.

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11 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Verphy Kudi? I hope she wasn't black? The last thing we need is some stereotypical racism when what we really ought to be focusing on is that there was at least one apparently-straight cunt living in Brighton - even if she let the side down by being a child-abusing fucking simpleton.


Drag yourself into the 2020's Baws, even gays spawn offspring nowadays, fucked if I know how although I believe a turkey baster, a Karcher pressure washer and some daft cunts frozen jizz is involved.

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I didn't mention she was black in my original post as I considered it irrelevant to the story and I think I also get credits so I can call someone a black cunt later ( a bit like carbon off-setting). However, she does possess a dark complexion to match her dark expression in her mugshot.

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Just reading the report on her. Apparently she has a history of neglect with the child and was 'supported' by Social Services. Which says to me that social services in this country is a fucking joke. They talk about meetings to discuss putting measures into place so this won't happen again. I'm sure some overpaid, useless cunt will come out with the golden line "lessons have been learned". Amazing that. Because these "lessons" never seem to get shared with other authorities. So another toddler dies at the hands of another "vulnerable" person and another weak fucking judge will pass down another derisory sentence.

Myra Hindley was a northern cunt 


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7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just reading the report on her. Apparently she has a history of neglect with the child and was 'supported' by Social Services. Which says to me that social services in this country is a fucking joke. They talk about meetings to discuss putting measures into place so this won't happen again. I'm sure some overpaid, useless cunt will come out with the golden line "lessons have been learned". Amazing that. Because these "lessons" never seem to get shared with other authorities. So another toddler dies at the hands of another "vulnerable" person and another weak fucking judge will pass down another derisory sentence.

Myra Hindley was a northern cunt 


If these so called 'authorities' had any fucking common sense in the first place they wouldn't have to continually learn lessons from simple fucking mistakes* 

(* basic incompetence)

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This story is truly fucking depressing and just confirms to me that some people are inherently evil cunts and should be at the very least sterilised, better still shot

The death this poor child suffered doesn’t bear thinking about and 9 years for callus and sadistic murder of your own child is a fucking joke. I hope she gets tortured and set on fire

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...and yet there will still be some celebrating that there's one more person with a skin colour darker than RGB 255,255,255 in jail and yet another dead.

That this scum was allowed to plead guilty to manslaughter is a travesty since the result of her actions, despite her young age, was entirely predictable. I'd throw away the key. 

Where was the father, one wonders.


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People like this have no place in our society. Anyone capable of a vile act of cruelty such as this should simply be ended. Just execute them and burn their bodies, using the heat to generate power. This way they get, in a roundabout way, to contribute something positive to society. I bet there’s a few gWh’s worth of murdering, raping, pedophile scum languishing in prison at tax payers expense. Burn the cunts.

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20 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

People like this have no place in our society. Anyone capable of a vile act of cruelty such as this should simply be ended. Just execute them and burn their bodies, using the heat to generate power. This way they get, in a roundabout way, to contribute something positive to society. I bet there’s a few gWh’s worth of murdering, raping, pedophile scum languishing in prison at tax payers expense. Burn the cunts.

Call me a bleeding heart liberal if you like (I've never considered myself such, but I seem to be mellowing with age), but I couldn't advocate the death penalty even for pond scum like this. It's nothing to do with the crime, nor is it entirely to do with the fallibility of juries, it's just not a power I'd want any government to have, particularly given how incompetent most of ours seem to be. Life without parole, absolutely. 25 years with frequent severe beatings, even better.

As awful as it seems, ultimately, it's probably a good thing this vile cunt's genes have now hit a brick wall. 

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5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Just reading the report on her. Apparently she has a history of neglect with the child and was 'supported' by Social Services. Which says to me that social services in this country is a fucking joke. They talk about meetings to discuss putting measures into place so this won't happen again. I'm sure some overpaid, useless cunt will come out with the golden line "lessons have been learned". Amazing that. Because these "lessons" never seem to get shared with other authorities. So another toddler dies at the hands of another "vulnerable" person and another weak fucking judge will pass down another derisory sentence.

Myra Hindley was a northern cunt 


On a slightly more positive note though, Brighton Council have improved their staff diversity numbers to almost double the national average. That’s what the residents need to hear about, not doom and gloom stories like this one.

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2 hours ago, Goober said:

...and yet there will still be some celebrating that there's one more person with a skin colour darker than RGB 255,255,255 in jail and yet another dead.

That this scum was allowed to plead guilty to manslaughter is a travesty since the result of her actions, despite her young age, was entirely predictable. I'd throw away the key. 

Where was the father, one wonders.


At work.....50,000/1

In prison....1/50,000

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I hope she gets tortured and set on fire

You seem to have developed a bit of a thing for setting people on fire Stubbers. It’d be an honour if you accompanied me across the water next year for bonfire night. I’ll drive and my imaginary M4 has a fairly large boot for a couple of cable tied cunts of your choice, to get the fire started. 

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

You seem to have developed a bit of a thing for setting people on fire Stubbers. It’d be an honour if you accompanied me across the water next year for bonfire night. I’ll drive and my imaginary M4 has a fairly large boot for a couple of cable tied cunts of your choice, to get the fire started. 

Let do it, but I’ve got more than a couple in mind. I’ll start saving for a trailer- get a tow hitch welded onto the real M4 you cunt 

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11 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Let do it, but I’ve got more than a couple in mind. I’ll start saving for a trailer- get a tow hitch welded onto the real M4 you cunt 

Done. The boys on the Shankill Road are going to love my tinfoil bowler hat. We’ll be treated like Gods mate, and then shot probably.

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On 06/08/2021 at 21:31, Ape™️ said:

People like this have no place in our society. Anyone capable of a vile act of cruelty such as this should simply be ended. Just execute them and burn their bodies, using the heat to generate power. This way they get, in a roundabout way, to contribute something positive to society. I bet there’s a few gWh’s worth of murdering, raping, pedophile scum languishing in prison at tax payers expense. Burn the cunts.

Well said, Lord Longford. 

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Guest judgetwi

It’s all about values and commonsense. There should be an 11+ type of exam where if you fail you get sterilised and spend the rest of your dumb life watching reality TV and drugged up on whatever shit is available at the time. You shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near children because you’re a selfish fucking cunt.

Not much point in such a programme though when hundreds of similar cunts are arriving on our beaches every day and taking the fucking piss. 

It always amuses me when dimmos think these cunts are going to get a hard time in the nick from fellow scumbags. That rarely actually fucking happens. It ain’t like you want it to be. Sorry about that but the attacker is not much better than the “victim” most of the time. 

They should just leave it to Mr Roops to decide sentences. That makes total sense to me. Of course that’s easy for me to say because i’ve never broken the rules and Mr Roops has never exercised his cry baby prejudice against me. 

Oh no.....that could never happen.

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On 06/08/2021 at 16:28, Cunty BigBollox said:

Stupid fucking bitch went partying for nearly 6 days leaving her 18 month old child home alone to fend for itself. Upon returning home she found her child dead. Stupid, fucking useless, fucking moronic fucking ignorant fucking bitch. I Hope she fucking dies extremely slowly and very painfully.


On 06/08/2021 at 17:42, Cunty BigBollox said:

I didn't mention she was black in my original post as I considered it irrelevant to the story and I think I also get credits so I can call someone a black cunt later ( a bit like carbon off-setting). However, she does possess a dark complexion to match her dark expression in her mugshot.


On 06/08/2021 at 18:11, Cunty BigBollox said:

If these so called 'authorities' had any fucking common sense in the first place they wouldn't have to continually learn lessons from simple fucking mistakes* 

(* basic incompetence)

Drew, whilst I one hundred percent agree with you on this subject, I feel that I need to remind you that I've warned you about your Barnado-Man antics before.

Put your overexcited maggot back in your soiled trackies and listen closely, as I won't say this again. You're not Esther Rantzen or Pudsey fucking Bear, I don't want to read about this shit. I come here for light entertainment, not to be faced with the horrors of a sick and twisted fucking world.

You stupid, Childline cunt.

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Over the course of a decade in the prison system, this verminous, evil, selfish fucking cunt is bound to cross paths with a few women who aren't really criminals but are serving heavy sentences for killing or injuring people to protect their own children from harm. Let's hope this cunt gets locked in with Bea Smith and a length of rope.

Disgusting fucking skank.

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On 06/08/2021 at 21:31, Ape™️ said:

People like this have no place in our society. Anyone capable of a vile act of cruelty such as this should simply be ended. Just execute them and burn their bodies, using the heat to generate power. This way they get, in a roundabout way, to contribute something positive to society. I bet there’s a few gWh’s worth of murdering, raping, pedophile scum languishing in prison at tax payers expense. Burn the cunts.


On 06/08/2021 at 20:47, Stubby Pecker said:

This story is truly fucking depressing and just confirms to me that some people are inherently evil cunts and should be at the very least sterilised, better still shot

The death this poor child suffered doesn’t bear thinking about and 9 years for callus and sadistic murder of your own child is a fucking joke. I hope she gets tortured and set on fire

I totally get what both of you are saying about this vile bitch, but I can't agree.

I'm against the death penalty for several reasons, chief of which is that we no longer live in medieval times. In my opinion, it is taking a step backwards.

Take the US, for example. States which use the death penalty have not successfully reduced serious crime, i.e. the deterrent factor has not worked. Hanging or lethal injection et al. is an easy cop-out for people of this ilk. British child murderers Ians Brady and Huntley both attempted suicide, the former unsuccesssfully on numerous occasions. The evil cunt suffered during many years of incarceration, driving him insane with only four white walls and an oxygen tank for company. I am therefore happy to contribute taxes which ensure people such as this suffer deeply in captivity.

In the modern-day world of terrorism, those of a bearded, BO-infused disposition believe they'll enter paradise if they commit suicide (among the rewards of heaven are 72 virgins) – so what better way than to imprison them, ensuring many years of being raped in the showers and non-stop psychological analysis will send out the right message. Backwoods shitholes decades behind the UK – Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and China all good examples – widely use the death penalty. I don't see the point on stooping to their level, or indeed back to Britain in the 1960s.

A quick death is the easy way out, wouldn't you agree?  

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19 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


I totally get what both of you are saying about this vile bitch, but I can't agree.

I'm against the death penalty for several reasons, chief of which is that we no longer live in medieval times. In my opinion, it is taking a step backwards.

Take the US, for example. States which use the death penalty have not successfully reduced serious crime, i.e. the deterrent factor has not worked. Hanging or lethal injection et al. is a easy cop-out for people of this ilk. British child murderers Ians Brady and Huntley both attempted suicide, the former unsuccesssfully on numerous occasions. The evil cunt suffered during many years of incarceration, driving him insane with only four white walls and an oxygen tank for company. I am therefore happy to contribute taxes which ensure people such as this suffer deeply in captivity.

In the modern-day world of terrorism, those of a bearded, BO-infused disposition believe they'll enter paradise if they commit suicide (among the rewards of heaven are 72 virgins) – so what better way than to imprison them, ensuring many years of being raped in the showers will send out the right message.

A quick death is the easy way out, wouldn't you agree?  

I'm against the death penalty for the simple reason that too many innocent people over the years have been put to death. Even now with the advancement in forensic science, mistakes can still be made as well as the fact that many detectives couldn't find their arsehole, let alone investigate a crime. Fitting up an innocent person and sending them to their death wouldn't particularly bother a lot of them.

Also Wolfie, you've got ask yourself why are these 72 virgins still virgins?  Probably because they are fuck ugly. 

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9 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'm against the death penalty for the simple reason that too many innocent people over the years have been put to death. Even now with the advancement in forensic science, mistakes can still be made as well as the fact that many detectives couldn't find their arsehole, let alone investigate a crime. Fitting up an innocent person and sending them to their death wouldn't particularly bother a lot of them.

Also Wolfie, you've got ask yourself why are these 72 virgins still virgins?  Probably because they are fuck ugly. 

I would swap 72 virgins for 10 slags, or one woman from Jaywick.

(paraphrase: Frankie Boyle)

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