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6 hours ago, Neil said:

And there were a whole 2 families that were anti vaxxers that croaked it?

Interesting that today NHS England have said that vaccinated people are just as likely to catch Covid and pass it on to others as unvaccinated people. So that should be the end of vax passports and the hate campaign aimed at the unjabbed population then?

Not a chance. The non compliant subversives have been labelled as the enemy and ‘science’ won’t be allowed to come to their rescue.

The Covid bullshit is an unstoppable train. The real agenda is just around the corner, too late for the sheeple to stop, when or if they pull their dopey heads out of their arses and wake up.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Interesting that today NHS England have said that vaccinated people are just as likely to catch Covid and pass it on to others as unvaccinated people. So that should be the end of vax passports and the hate campaign aimed at the unjabbed population then?

Not a chance. The non compliant subversives have been labelled as the enemy and ‘science’ won’t be allowed to come to their rescue.

The Covid bullshit is an unstoppable train. The real agenda is just around the corner, too late for the sheeple to stop, when or if they pull their dopey heads out of their arses and wake up.

Know it all who knows nothing.

My jabs are working.


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The gift that keeps on giving...

On 11/08/2021 at 11:15, King Billy said:

It’s now being reported that 90% of Covid hospitalisations in Israel are from the double jabbed, ‘clever and virtuous’ section of the population,  although not as widely reported as one might expect. I can’t help wonder why that is? 1

Also, here at home Professor Robert Dingwall, a member of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation  has been told his services are no longer required. This comes after he gave a number of interviews in which he stated that the risk of side effects far outweighed the health risks from Covid for children under 18, a view which the JCVI had held until suddenly doing a 180 degree turn, without explanation, at the same time as giving Prof. Dingwall the boot. 2

Before M** R**** leaps on me with her usual ‘thicko etc etc etc’ debunking of this story3, I will point out that Dingwall has said that his public statements re. jabbing kids was not the reason for his departure, but perhaps he’s concerned for his future career and reputation  as many respected scientists and doctors have found themselves  attacked and cancelled just for questioning the one and only narrative that has been approved by the great and the good for the last year and a half.

1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised.

2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths.

3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The gift that keeps on giving...

1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised.

2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths.

3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...

Billy, I reckon Roops wants you to jump her bones, just sayin'

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6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The gift that keeps on giving...

1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised.

2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths.

3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...

Stop picking on me. I’m not feeling great at the moment. I’ve got a high temperature, terrible cough and my fillet steak this lunchtime tasted like cardboard. If you stop calling me a thicko etc. etc. etc. I’ll give you one up the wrongun while I’m still able and at least one of us will have got what they wanted.

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4 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Right on. She has played him like the hapless cunt he obviously is. He will be sucked into the bat cave, and blown out in fanny battered bubbles 

Shut up you pathetic old fossil. The only thing interesting about you is your disgusting behaviour with large flying birds.

Fuck off. 

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7 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The gift that keeps on giving...

1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised.

2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths.

3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...

Most of SAGE's predictions re deaths and infections via Neil Ferguson have been worse case scenarios to achieve one aim.....put people in fear or keep the fear going to justify erroneous policies that cause health deprivation and economic damage. 

There is no clinical justification for anyone under the age 50 who is fit and well receiving any of these injections until the products have been fully evaluated. The death figures for this cohort, even with preventative treatments not being available, does not merit a coercive vaccination campaign.

Given the evident waning immunity from the Pfizer injections, it appears it is no more than a short term prophylaxis that prevents severe illness in some people.

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30 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Stop picking on me. I’m not feeling great at the moment. I’ve got a high temperature, terrible cough and my fillet steak this lunchtime tasted like cardboard. If you stop calling me a thicko etc. etc. etc. I’ll give you one up the wrongun while I’m still able and at least one of us will have got what they wanted.

Stick with the cardboard steak Billy Boy. It will still taste better than her minge

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On 08/08/2021 at 13:09, Wolfie said:

Surely your stance is now most definitely in the minority among your work colleagues (and possibly unique in your immediate workplace), i.e. is not succumbing to peer-pressure starting to limit job/progression opportunities for some? Do you think all frontline NHS staff will face a compulsory Covid vaccination if an 'indirect' approach to enforcing it isn't successful?

I have not received any pressure to have these injections. Where I work 9 out of 10, as an approximation, have taken the offer. 

There is not much discussion among colleagues about SARS-CoV-2 on the shop floor. Much of this takes places in the bloated management.

When I have asked some of my colleagues, both nurses and doctors, about antibody dependent enhancement, they do not have any idea what I am talking about. There is, in the main, complete trust of the government vaccination programme.

All of us want this fucking virus to be done with. Very few want to explore if we are doing the right thing or not.

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32 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Stick with the cardboard steak Billy Boy. It will still taste better than her minge

You may have noticed I didn’t mention that Id also lost my sense of smell Withers. I didn’t want to tempt fate in case it  returned. That would definitely be the end of  the aforementioned plan.

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8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The gift that keeps on giving...

1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised.

2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths.

3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...

I bet you say that to all the thickos. 😍

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

She’s had the hots for me for a long time, but I’m a very busy man Neil. I’m not saying it’ll never happen though. 

You’ll need something far more potent than a Covid jab to protect you from the godawful infestations of roops’ axe wound. Double bag then kill your self to be on the safe side 


2 hours ago, King Billy said:

Shut up you pathetic old fossil. The only thing interesting about you is your disgusting behaviour with large flying birds.

Fuck off. 

Flying birds you soppy cunt? At withers age he’s struggle to catch an arthritic sparrow with no wings

Its the non flying ones he’s interested in for the aforementioned reason. In a small space as well 

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On 05/08/2021 at 18:31, Cuntybaws said:

"Oh, I wish I'd looked after me lungs".

Marcus Birks.... featured on BBC News nationwide in the last couple of days. Lying in hospital, oxygen mask on and bleating about his vaccine scepticism until he caught Covid, and urging everyone to get jabbed. Actor and reality TV gimp. The BBC didn’t see fit to mention that. 

Matthew Roche.... another sceptic who fell ill and realised how stupid he’d been and saw the light. Actor and paid schill.

Paul Godfrey.....ditto.

Anyone see a pattern emerging here?

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On 12/08/2021 at 18:51, The Beast said:

Most of SAGE's predictions re deaths and infections via Neil Ferguson have been worse case scenarios to achieve one aim.....put people in fear or keep the fear going to justify erroneous policies that cause health deprivation and economic damage. 

There is no clinical justification for anyone under the age 50 who is fit and well receiving any of these injections until the products have been fully evaluated. The death figures for this cohort, even with preventative treatments not being available, does not merit a coercive vaccination campaign.

Given the evident waning immunity from the Pfizer injections, it appears it is no more than a short term prophylaxis that prevents severe illness in some people.

Thought myself and the wife had been happy with our vaccines (understanding the potential of any side effects that may arise), I am equally comfortable with the fact that my son, (under thirty) had none, and doesn’t intend to get any, based on the available data; potential damage may outweigh the benefits in his case. 
We are all comfortable with our choices and discussed the subject several times.

There is indeed no merit to vaccinate the public by force; the latest tricks to persuade the young to get a shot are absolutely appalling. The money would be better spent on searching data files for young patients with co-morbidities and prioritising them, in a polite manner, rather than implementing the current Big Mac cretinous techniques, which conflate medicine with shopping.


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5 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

.roll on the reopening

Don’t hold your breath. It ain’t happening, and if it does, years from now the poison jab will have seen you off long before that day comes. How does it feel to have volunteered for the cull?

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On 12/08/2021 at 11:23, Mrs Roops said:

The gift that keeps on giving...

1. Hardly surprising given that the vast majority of Israeli citizens are fully immunised.

2. You've associated Professor Dingwall with the phrase, "respected scientists and doctors [who] have found themselves attacked and cancelled" so its worth pointing out that Dingwall is a sociologist, not a scientist. Apparently his doctoral thesis was on "The social organisation of health visitor training". I'd imagine that Dingwall realised he lost credibility by finger wagging at Sage who had forecasted a worst case scenario of 120,00 wintertime covid deaths. He opined that Sage's calculations were (a) based on flawed mathematics and (b) created "an environment of fear". Come March there had been just short of 90,000 deaths.

3. However, never mind all that - I'm still reeling at the shock announcement you made several days ago that you've elected to be jabbed with the Novavax covid vaccine after spewing gigabytes of baseless nonsense eschewing Astra Zeneca et al for reasons of big pharma's dubious past history, fast-tracking, untried vaccines and sinister connections to Bill Gates. Novavax is of course an experimental dugs company who have never released a vaccine to the open market and whose anti-flu (Nanoflu) jab has been granted fast-track status by the FDA. The cherry on top of your concoction of abject bollox is that Novavax received $89 million from Bill & Melinda Gates and a further $384 million from CEPI (co-founders Bill & Melinda Gates). Your stance is so nonsensical that only a "thicko etc etc etc" could make this up...oh, hang on...


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