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Alex Scott


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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

“I’ll have you know, I’ve got a life.” – Pen, ad fucking nauseam.

Today: posts at 08:17, 08:21, 09:26, 10:40, 13:14, 13:18, 18:23, 19:30, 21:02, 21:10, 21:30, and 21:38.

Morning, noon, and fucking night, and every one a total stinker.

Who's life have you got?

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35 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

“I’ll have you know, I’ve got a life.” – Pen, ad fucking nauseam.

Today: posts at 08:17, 08:21, 09:26, 10:40, 13:14, 13:18, 18:23, 19:30, 21:02, 21:10, 21:30, and 21:38.

Morning, noon, and fucking night, and every one a total stinker.

@Dawn Chorus explain yourself? 

Are you really such social detritus that you spend a glorious Sunday living your pathetic life here? 

Leave this place and enjoy your final years. You won’t regret it when you’re on the (hopefully soon) death bed

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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

@Dawn Chorus explain yourself? 

Are you really such social detritus that you spend a glorious Sunday living your pathetic life here? 

Leave this place and enjoy your final years. You won’t regret it when you’re on the (hopefully soon) death bed

I can only assume that the gap between 13:18 and 18:23 was for a combined kidney dialysis / iron lung session. One bonus of the iron lung is that it acts as a Faraday cage and blocks all access to the internet. 

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Guest judgetwi
22 hours ago, Goober said:

Enough is enough. This bint is a middling, at best, presenter that's being elevated by virtue of being female, somewhat tanned and homosexual. 



Homo? Is Alex a lezza? I didn’t know that but when you think about her blanket presence on the BBC it seems obvious now.

I may not be black, a Wimminz and a bender but i’ve played at a much higher level than Alex......against hungover cunts in a pub league on Sunday mornings.

I’m writing to June Sarpong to see if I can get a job at the BBC. 

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I can only assume that the gap between 13:18 and 18:23 was for a combined kidney dialysis / iron lung session. One bonus of the iron lung is that it acts as a Faraday cage and blocks all access to the internet. 

Good one CB, but the iron lung is largely obselete* now. As for the kidney dialysis, I think she gave her kidneys to a bearded Libyan child immigrant. 

Just saying like. 

*TBC by Mrs Roops. 

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On 01/08/2021 at 00:43, Goober said:

Enough is enough. This bint is a middling, at best, presenter that's being elevated by virtue of being female, somewhat tanned and homosexual. 

She is now occupying second seat in the BBC's Olympic coverage and will soon be the presenter of Football Focus, but she can't read an autocue, can't enunciate a 'g' on the end of a verb (runnin, swimmin, shootin, wankin, muff divin, all good English, apparently) and don't even get me started on 'fing' instead of 'thing'.

Yes, she's not hugely painful on the eye, but she makes my ears bleed. Thick as two short planks and less interesting than mould growth. Claire Balding is a minority representative and  does her job very, very well. This cunt is riding the levelling agenda way,way beyond her ability and needs culling. 

Top marks to Digby Jones for fairly calling her out. 


Im afraid you're not her type Goobs, unless that is you have a 'jack and danny' rather than a cock.

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12 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I can only assume that the gap between 13:18 and 18:23 was for a combined kidney dialysis / iron lung session. One bonus of the iron lung is that it acts as a Faraday cage and blocks all access to the internet. 

I have set up a linkedin page for you and others to peruse you OCD cunt .. check out thin ice skater.

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7 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I have set up a linkedin page for you and others to peruse you OCD cunt .. check out thin ice skater.

Log off for fuck sake, you deranged cunt.

There's a whole world out there, go and enjoy it instead of trying to make conversation on here with total strangers who all fucking hate you.

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Careful now...


It's a testament to how fucking thick this old Lily Savage cunt is, that it expects people to be dense enough to look at its LinkedIn profile whilst logged into their own. 

Pen, you big bollocked, boring fucking monster. You're about as devious as a house brick, it's no wonder the pinnacle of your employment history was a 40 year career spent stamping little holes into paper tickets.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's a testament to how fucking thick this old Lily Savage cunt is, that it expects people to be dense enough to look at its LinkedIn profile whilst logged into their own. 

Pen, you big bollocked, boring fucking monster. You're about as devious as a house brick, it's no wonder the pinnacle of your employment history was a 40 year career spent stamping little holes into paper tickets.


@glow worm?

@Dawn Chorus?

Fucking speak for yourself. We all know you monitor this site almost constantly, you sad cunt, or you taking an extended break (3 hours)?

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7 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:


@glow worm?

@Dawn Chorus?

Fucking speak for yourself. We all know you monitor this site almost constantly, you sad cunt, or you taking an extended break (3 hours)?

Its prolific flooding of the site with dozens of asinine posts per day hardly adds to the dynamic here. It neither engages or entertains the existing membership, and it certainly doesn't attract any potential new punters to the site. 

Couple that with its constant trolling, doxxing attempts and lies about a dead sister to point score and garner sympathy, and I would wholeheartedly suggest to Proper that it's about time this fucking idiot was banned permanently.

Pen, do the honourable thing and fall on your own humongous pork sword, before the mods make the decision to terminate your hairy arse for you.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Its prolific flooding of the site with dozens of asinine posts per day hardly adds to the dynamic here. It neither engages or entertains the existing membership, and it certainly doesn't attract any potential new punters to the site. 

Couple that with its constant trolling, doxxing attempts and lies about a dead sister to point score and garner sympathy, and I would wholeheartedly suggest to Proper that it's about time this fucking idiot was banned permanently.

Pen, do the honourable thing and fall on your own humongous pork sword, before the mods make the decision to terminate your hairy arse for you.

Indeed. The lying about dead relatives and snooping into peoples real lifes is fucking disgraceful and would warrant lengthy bans for other punters, as you well know.

As for attracting new talent, any potential cunt browsing these pages would have to trawl through pages of its nonsensical rubbish and probably just give up (or slit their wrists) 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's a testament to how fucking thick this old Lily Savage cunt is, that it expects people to be dense enough to look at its LinkedIn profile whilst logged into their own. 

Oh, some people really are that thick. Remember that dumb cunt who posted a traceable picture of his actual girlfriend on here once, to prove he actually had one?

This is why I don't have a "real" account for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or anything else, although I've got my fair share of fake ones for, er, research purposes.

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8 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Oh, some people really are that thick. Remember that dumb cunt who posted a traceable picture of his actual girlfriend on here once, to prove he actually had one?

This is why I don't have a "real" account for LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or anything else, although I've got my fair share of fake ones for, er, research purposes.

@Eric Cuntmanwill like this. I can’t remember the silly cunts name but we decided his girlfriend looked like a coelacanth 


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On 02/08/2021 at 20:04, Stubby Pecker said:

@Eric Cuntmanwill like this. I can’t remember the silly cunts name but we decided his girlfriend looked like a coelacanth 


As Bawsy said. Stoops. A massive fucking wanker that @Roadkill correctly identified as the statue from 'Art Attack'.

What a fucking cunt.

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Back on topic this rug munching poison dwarf is on every fucking thing. She obviously turned after having to suck so much corporate cock she could face no more. I hope someone digs some dirt up on the cunt very soon and she fucks off back into oblivion where she belongs

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It was good to hear a BBC presenter today state that Laura Kenny was the first British athlete to win gold in three different Olympics. She didn't correct herself nor did anyone else. 

Steve Redgrave, with gold medals from five consecutive Olympics might disagree, but since he's male no one will give a fuck about his opinion. 

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14 minutes ago, Goober said:

It was good to hear a BBC presenter today state that Laura Kenny was the first British athlete to win gold in three different Olympics. She didn't correct herself nor did anyone else. 

Steve Redgrave, with gold medals from five connective Olympics might disagree, but since he's male no one will give a fuck about his opinion. 

Female athlete was what I heard on the radio in my imaginary M4 this afternoon. But not BBC radio obviously. Not that I was in any way interested. Just some bint on a bike.

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