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Rat Attack

Guest judgetwi

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Guest judgetwi

I went to my local corner shop the other day (well one of them  anyway) to buy my usual wifebeater and fags supply. This is one of those shops that have a display of, mostly foreign, fruit and vegetables on  trestles outside. I have bought mushrooms, water melons and coconuts from there in the past  and they have been excellent, which is more than you can say for the Aldi shithole on the other side of the road.

Anyway, as I approached I saw a rat emerge from behind a litter bin, scurry across the pavement, and disappear under the display. The shopkeeper bloke was standing in the doorway of the shop and said...”Hello Sir, how are you today” as usual. I beckoned to him and he came out and I told him what i’d just seen. 

He went fucking apeshit! He ran in the shop shouting and screaming in Urdu. Suddenly all these blokes appeared from nowhere, brandishing brooms and sticks and turning the display over while shutting the door behind them. “It was a mice yes, not rat, no a rat?” the cunt said to me. I said “i’m no expert mate but it was big, had a long tail and was.....er.....dark. (Notice how I avoided the word “black”......who says diversity training is a waste of time and money?)

Anyway, I got my fags and booze and fucked off, stopping the wheelchair at the Kebab shop obviously, but leaving the cunts to it. So, if you want to wind up your local Peacefuls just go into a shop and claim you saw a rat. I don’t know why  I didn’t think of it before. 

They won’t be happy but they are going to cut your head off anyway so you might as well take the piss while you can.

No need to thank me.

Edited by Mrs Roops
Racial Pejoratives Deleted
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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:

“It was a mice yes, not rat, no a rat?” the cunt said to me. I said “i’m no expert mate but it was big, had a long tail and was.....er.....dark. (Notice how I avoided the word “black”......who says diversity training is a waste of time and money?)

As you are someone who regularly calls bullshit on even the most mundane of stories, I think that it's somewhat apt that I interject at this point and point out that your racist ramblings are a load of fictionalised bollocks.

Apart from a few rare sightings at dockyards, Rattus Rattus (the black rat to you) has been completely expatriated from the UK by its larger cousin, Rattus Norvegicus (the brown rat).

So unless your uncontrolled diabetes has led to near blindness, I think it's safe to say that you made this entire EDL wet dream up, you sad fucking wanker.

No need to thank me.

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10 hours ago, Decimus said:

As you are someone who regularly calls bullshit on even the most mundane of stories, I think that it's somewhat apt that I interject at this point and point out that your racist ramblings are a load of fictionalised bollocks.

Apart from a few rare sightings at dockyards, Rattus Rattus (the black rat to you) has been completely expatriated from the UK by its larger cousin, Rattus Norvegicus (the brown rat).

So unless your uncontrolled diabetes has led to near blindness, I think it's safe to say that you made this entire EDL wet dream up, you sad fucking wanker.

No need to thank me.

As a newt wanking saddo, the first thing in king kikes post that screamed bullshit to me was also the black rat. You’re quite right in stating the black rat is rare, the brown cunts, however, are not.

When Judgie dies of a massive heart attack due to his fat clogged arteries (hopelessly soon) it’s likely his blubbery corpse will be nibbled on by rats. Poor cunts 

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Guest judgetwi
14 hours ago, Decimus said:

As you are someone who regularly calls bullshit on even the most mundane of stories, I think that it's somewhat apt that I interject at this point and point out that your racist ramblings are a load of fictionalised bollocks.

Apart from a few rare sightings at dockyards, Rattus Rattus (the black rat to you) has been completely expatriated from the UK by its larger cousin, Rattus Norvegicus (the brown rat).

So unless your uncontrolled diabetes has led to near blindness, I think it's safe to say that you made this entire EDL wet dream up, you sad fucking wanker.

No need to thank me.

I know what I saw Countryboy. I have no idea if the bloke was speaking “Urdu” but Mr Roops does and wasn’t even there...... much like you in fact.

I’ve just eaten a massive bag of doughnuts. 

I’m lonely.

Please forgive me.

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Guest judgetwi
3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:


When Judgie dies of a massive heart attack due to his fat clogged arteries (hopelessly soon) it’s likely his blubbery corpse will be nibbled on by rats. Poor cunts 

I think you mean HOPEFULLY soon. But, for some reason beyond my understanding, we have come to accept that Doctors can’t string three words together to make a sentence.

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4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

As a newt wanking saddo, the first thing in king kikes post that screamed bullshit to me was also the black rat. You’re quite right in stating the black rat is rare, the brown cunts, however, are not.

When Judgie dies of a massive heart attack due to his fat clogged arteries (hopelessly soon) it’s likely his blubbery corpse will be nibbled on by rats. Poor cunts 

I doubt it. His mummified body will be found, still in the wheelchair with three years worth of unopened envelopes containing Rosh Hashana cards piled up behind the front door 

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19 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I think you mean HOPEFULLY soon. But, for some reason beyond my understanding, we have come to accept that Doctors can’t string three words together to make a sentence.

Get back to insidiously ruling the world you Christ killing, Black Death causing, child’s blood drinking Jewish cunt

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Guest judgetwi

Guess what? I went into the foreign gentleman’s shop today  and noted there were 4 or 5 customers browsing. 

“Hello sir, how are you today?” the bloke said, as usual. “I’m fine thankyou......how did you get on with that BIG BLACK RAT that was in here yesterday?” The cunt went apeshit! Fucking mental! I just about managed to get the wheelchair through the door before he came at me with the machete, the mad cunt!


Nah......that didn’t really happen. I just made that shit up. 😁 I’ve been thinking about it though. Maybe I could get the odd freebie off the cunt if I play my cards right? 

I’d have to be a right cunt to do that sort of wanky stuff though. Any ideas Carrotcruncher? Mr Roops?

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On 27/06/2021 at 01:49, judgetwi said:

I went to my local corner shop the other day (well one of them  anyway) to buy my usual wifebeater and fags supply. This is one of those shops that have a display of, mostly foreign, fruit and vegetables on  trestles outside. I have bought mushrooms, water melons and coconuts from there in the past  and they have been excellent, which is more than you can say for the Aldi shithole on the other side of the road.

Anyway, as I approached I saw a rat emerge from behind a litter bin, scurry across the pavement, and disappear under the display. The shopkeeper bloke was standing in the doorway of the shop and said...”Hello Sir, how are you today” as usual. I beckoned to him and he came out and I told him what i’d just seen. 

He went fucking apeshit! He ran in the shop shouting and screaming in Urdu. Suddenly all these blokes appeared from nowhere, brandishing brooms and sticks and turning the display over while shutting the door behind them. “It was a mice yes, not rat, no a rat?” the cunt said to me. I said “i’m no expert mate but it was big, had a long tail and was.....er.....dark. (Notice how I avoided the word “black”......who says diversity training is a waste of time and money?)

Anyway, I got my fags and booze and fucked off, stopping the wheelchair at the Kebab shop obviously, but leaving the cunts to it. So, if you want to wind up your local Peacefuls just go into a shop and claim you saw a rat. I don’t know why  I didn’t think of it before. 

They won’t be happy but they are going to cut your head off anyway so you might as well take the piss while you can.

No need to thank me.

Too much reading & if I did read it, I'd wish I hadn't - so not reading your bollix.

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Guest judgetwi
4 hours ago, ProfB said:

Too much reading & if I did read it, I'd wish I hadn't - so not reading your bollix.

Fucking right mate. You don’t want to wear out your reading batteries.....especially when they are so limited in the first place. I hear you can get these new fangled ones made out of lithium or something?

To be honest, I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.

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On 30/06/2021 at 02:08, judgetwi said:

Fucking right mate. You don’t want to wear out your reading batteries.....especially when they are so limited in the first place. I hear you can get these new fangled ones made out of lithium or something?

To be honest, I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.

I'd be more concerned with your weekly trips to the synagogue, Jewdie. 

I hear there's an Al-Qaeda cell operating in South East London, and I wouldn't want any harm to come your way.  

I wouldn't be able to take the piss out of you if your medicine ball sized head was found rolling down a Plumstead pavement 

Shalom, you fat paraplegic wanker! 

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

What are you angling for here, Jewdz? A blowjob or a four pack of out of date Tenants Super? 

So, you come up with your own  freebie fantasies and try to hang them on me. Good effort considering the size of your brain.

Actually Marje, I was thinking more along the lines of Fry’s Chocolate Cream and Tunnocks Tea Cakes. For some reason you can’t get that stuff round my way these days.

I’m blaming it on Brexit obviously.

Oh.....and the fucking Jews!

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21 hours ago, judgetwi said:

So, you come up with your own  freebie fantasies and try to hang them on me. Good effort considering the size of your brain.

Actually Marje, I was thinking more along the lines of Fry’s Chocolate Cream and Tunnocks Tea Cakes. For some reason you can’t get that stuff round my way these days.

I’m blaming it on Brexit obviously.

Oh.....and the fucking Jews!

Considering your well established late night super strength lager rants it was the logical conclusion, and the free shifts at the Pink Oboe naturally produced the other service/product. 

You're not as smart you think, it's a common trait amongst most alcoholics...

No need to thank me, obviously. 

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Guest judgetwi
23 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

How is the project going anyway, Judge? I seem to remember you and @Trucking Funt being the biggest kippers in town. You must be delighted. 

Well considering we’ve got dinghyloads of Jihadis and parasite scum arriving every day no I ain’t too happy to be honest. But that’s why you ran away in the first place Bertie you filthy gammon racist trash.

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Guest judgetwi
On 03/07/2021 at 22:12, camberwell gypsy said:

Theres a rat in me kitchen what I'm a gonna do? 

Been through the same thing Mrs P. All sorts of cunts were giving me advice about what would tempt the bastard into the vicious trap I had purchased. Nothing worked until I used a monkey nut (peanut in it’s shell) First time it cut the cunt’s head clean off.

Oh joy! Wish Gary Linekunt was so keen on peanuts.

That’s my advice anyway. No need to thank me.

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9 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Well considering we’ve got dinghyloads of Jihadis and parasite scum arriving every day no I ain’t too happy to be honest. But that’s why you ran away in the first place Bertie you filthy gammon racist trash.

1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

You still sound very bitter about the Brexit result. Have you ever considered getting some sort of therapy?

I’m glad you’re enjoying your sunlit uplands. 

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