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Vicki Sparks - Football Commentator


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11 hours ago, White Cunt said:

The situation with Victoria’s Secret “talent pool” has been getting worse for quite some time. A couple of years ago, while waiting for Mrs WC to pay for her underwear, I noticed a five foot ten, sweaty tusker in a mini skirt, shuffling around with a tape measure around the shop, displaying a badge of “tits measuring facility” or such. Fucking hell. I presume the US fridge girl should do the deed in the privacy of a single changing room, and without the width of a sea-going container, the task seems impossible. 
I long for the pretty staff of our shops circa 1980.

The new CEO I talked about earlier also made a point of the fact that everything they sell from now on will be available up to size XXXXXL. I can’t even imagine the changing rooms ffs. I keep getting an image in my head of 2 Boeing 757 aircraft hangers knocked into one, with an enormous pair of buttocks struggling to squeeze in through the shutters.


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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The new CEO I talked about earlier also made a point of the fact that everything they sell from now on will be available up to size XXXXXL. I can’t even imagine the changing rooms ffs. I keep getting an image in my head of 2 Boeing 757 aircraft hangers knocked into one, with an enormous pair of buttocks struggling to squeeze in through the shutters.


They're going to have to start investing in riverside properties and utilising decommissioned fucking dry docks. At least the loading cranes will also be put to good use.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Its already coming to pass, Stubbs. King Billy's mention of the Victoria's Secrets models being fucked off for being too fit is just the tip of the iceberg. Look what happened to the Formula One grid girls, or that one Freddy Kruger bint who couldn't even get stable work as a model until her face was melted off, making her more acceptable to the modern agenda.

The tuskers are no longer ashamed of their hideous appearance - in fact they've convinced themselves and almost everyone that matters that if they scream loud enough they can shame the world into pretending they're attractive - and where can the genuinely attractive models turn? They're also female, they're working in a very public industry and in this day and age they undoubtedly have social media personalities to maintain which are structural to their careers - they've got to like it, or at least pretend to approve, as any opinion challenging the mass denial will result in a witch hunt against them and only damage their chances of finding future work.

Hollywood is currently burning itself to the ground in the pursuit of token political correctness, when the real fans of a product fuck off out of frustration, the snowflakes rush in to fill the gaps to save face - why would the modelling industry be any different?

The left hand side of what passes as politics nowadays are so savagely feral that no trace of irony, or memory of their own past behaviour exists inside their  pink or purple dyed pig ugly skulls. Anyone they perceive to have farted 1 degree to the right of centre ever is accused, tried, convicted and sent to Coventry at the click of a twitter or Facebook post. And God help anyone who dares question it. “Off to the gulag you racist, fascist.......” (insert whichever ‘ist’ springs to mind first).

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56 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

She could just shag a Mackem:


Aww. So cute. I bet she’ll play for Sunderland Ladies FC one day. Or have twelve hideous thicko kids and live happily ever after on Universal Credit till she has a massive fatal coronary aged about 32.

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If I may just stir into this debate news that Big Sue Redfern has been appointed by the ICC to umpire men’s international cricket. I suppose it will negate the use of sight screens, but I’d worry about her experience of 90mph short pitched bowling, which presumably she’ll no-ball on the grounds of misogyny. 


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12 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Be grateful perfection exists 


I hate to shatter the illusion Stubs, but whilst I'm sure the model is very pretty the clear smooth skin has more to do with photoshoppery rather than any natural perfection. Notice also how the vertical lines of the panelling behind the model are distorted by the photo editor thinning the girl's waist.

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59 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I hate to shatter the illusion Stubs, but whilst I'm sure the model is very pretty the clear smooth skin has more to do with photoshoppery rather than any natural perfection. Notice also how the vertical lines of the panelling behind the model are distorted by the photo editor thinning the girl's waist.

Really, I’d have never have twigged on to such skullduggery by the publishers of this brilliant picture- Playboy

Plus I couldn’t give a fuck, and neither does any non sausager 

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I hate to shatter the illusion Stubs, but whilst I'm sure the model is very pretty the clear smooth skin has more to do with photoshoppery rather than any natural perfection. Notice also how the vertical lines of the panelling behind the model are distorted by the photo editor thinning the girl's waist.

That's a bizarre bit of manipulation just between the left arm and stomach - notice how badly the wood grain is warped? What the hell were they trying to hide?



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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Notice also how the vertical lines of the panelling behind the model are distorted by the photo editor thinning the girl's waist.

Thanks for pointing that out. It’s not a big deal though as a large dollop of warm sticky KB juice has hidden the fakery completely. I’ll tell the missus not to wipe that part when she’s doing her chores later.

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On 23/06/2021 at 22:44, King Billy said:

The new CEO I talked about earlier also made a point of the fact that everything they sell from now on will be available up to size XXXXXL. I can’t even imagine the changing rooms ffs. I keep getting an image in my head of 2 Boeing 757 aircraft hangers knocked into one, with an enormous pair of buttocks struggling to squeeze in through the shutters.


Fucking hell, Billy. That’s terrible news.

Being a Yankee brand, I suppose VS must be well equipped to deal with blobs; additional floor space calibrations will only need a small adjustment, let’s say five feet of extra room on each side and five inches of steel in the concrete floor. 

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On 23/06/2021 at 23:20, Last Cunt Standing said:

If I may just stir into this debate news that Big Sue Redfern has been appointed by the ICC to umpire men’s international cricket. I suppose it will negate the use of sight screens, but I’d worry about her experience of 90mph short pitched bowling, which presumably she’ll no-ball on the grounds of misogyny. 


Now the Big Sue usage is interesting. Sam Allardyce is usually referred to as "Big Sam", and looking at him I'd say he is no stranger to the steak and kidney pud and a pint of mild. Back a few years, there was "Big Ron" Atkinson. Now was this a problem to them being refered to in this way? No. But can you imagine how much shit would hit the fan if this person was referred to as big? "And welcome to Sofia Gardens and umpire Big Sue Redfern gives the go ahead, as Jimmy Anderson runs in from........".  

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Did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to ITV and the Croatia Spain match? Fuck knows who made the decision to have some fucking whiny bitch co commentating.  She was a female(?) version of Danny fucking Dyer, never heard so many dropped T's or 'fink' in my life. Coupled with a drawl that could compete with monotone cunts like David Seaman or Nigel Mansel it fuckedcme off so much I've complained to Oftel. I bet the cunt is the size if a house and chomps on more rugs than pack of dogs. Spoilt the whole fucking experience for me, why can't they just fuck off to their own channel.

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4 hours ago, Neil said:

Did anyone else have the misfortune of listening to ITV and the Croatia Spain match? Fuck knows who made the decision to have some fucking whiny bitch co commentating.  She was a female(?) version of Danny fucking Dyer, never heard so many dropped T's or 'fink' in my life. Coupled with a drawl that could compete with monotone cunts like David Seaman or Nigel Mansel it fuckedcme off so much I've complained to Oftel. I bet the cunt is the size if a house and chomps on more rugs than pack of dogs. Spoilt the whole fucking experience for me, why can't they just fuck off to their own channel.

Emma Hayes…never played @ any level. A fat, clueless, Mockney cunt-licking, token twatess. I turned the sound off before I smashed another telly.

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Emma Hayes…never played @ any level. A fat, clueless, Mockney cunt-licking, token twatess. I turned the sound off before I smashed another telly.

I just googled it, I didn't think it was possible but fucking hell, she looks worse than she sounds

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