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Vicki Sparks - Football Commentator


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Not because 'she's a woman in a man's world', since all football commentators are at best disposable and at worst, machine-gunable.

No, it's her accent, which makes what she's actually crapping on about unlistenable. Basically, it's so bucolic it makes The Wurzels sound like Brian Sewell, the listener trying to get past her mangled vowels, to find out whether it's a corner, a birdie, a drop goal or the one after Bechers Brook she's describing.

The BBC seem to go in for this kind of strafed dialect in its reporters. I'm thinking that mid-Atlantic drawl of Lyce Doucett, in fact when Brendan Rogers packs up managing Leicester City, I'm pretty sure there's a job there for him based on his unfathomable burr alone.

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David Moyes once threatened to give her a slap because he didn't like her line of questioning. You can take the boy out of Scotland...

I haven't heard the Doucet cunt in a while, because as soon as my subconscious detects the syllables "and now over to Lyse" I instinctively hit the mute button. She's Acadian, apparently, which I take to mean that somewhere in her genetic line a polar bear has eaten an Eskimo and shat out the result.


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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

David Moyes once threatened to give her a slap because he didn't like her line of questioning. You can take the boy out of Scotland...

I haven't heard the Doucet cunt in a while, because as soon as my subconscious detects the syllables "and now over to Lyse" I instinctively hit the mute button. She's Acadian, apparently, which I take to mean that somewhere in her genetic line a polar bear has eaten an Eskimo and shat out the result.


I've seen this person before 


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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

David Moyes once threatened to give her a slap because he didn't like her line of questioning. You can take the boy out of Scotland...

I haven't heard the Doucet cunt in a while, because as soon as my subconscious detects the syllables "and now over to Lyse" I instinctively hit the mute button. She's Acadian, apparently, which I take to mean that somewhere in her genetic line a polar bear has eaten an Eskimo and shat out the result.


She certainly has a face for radio. One I'd like to fucking hit with one. 

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7 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

Not because 'she's a woman in a man's world', since all football commentators are at best disposable and at worst, machine-gunable.

No, it's her accent, which makes what she's actually crapping on about unlistenable. Basically, it's so bucolic it makes The Wurzels sound like Brian Sewell, the listener trying to get past her mangled vowels, to find out whether it's a corner, a birdie, a drop goal or the one after Bechers Brook she's describing.

The BBC seem to go in for this kind of strafed dialect in its reporters. I'm thinking that mid-Atlantic drawl of Lyce Doucett, in fact when Brendan Rogers packs up managing Leicester City, I'm pretty sure there's a job there for him based on his unfathomable burr alone.

The Wurzels?- fucking Watchet, those old bastards are royalty down ‘yer

Women simply shouldn’t be allowed to give “expert “ opinions on men’s sport. They might as well drag out some cunt who played in the Cotswold district Sunday league division 5 

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The Wurzels?- fucking Watchet, those old bastards are royalty down ‘yer

Women simply shouldn’t be allowed to give “expert “ opinions on men’s sport. They might as well drag out some cunt who played in the Cotswold district Sunday league division 5 

Meghan Rapino the slush puppy haired, lesbian, SJW captain of the USA wimmins World Cup winning ‘soccer’ team who’s been whining on for the last couple of years how wimmins soccer players must be paid equally to men, because they’re just as good as the evil patriarchal males has dropped that line of argument recently for some unexplained reason. Shortly after her team of lezzer man beasts were thrashed by a team of 15 year old Male high school players to be precise.

She decided to devote her energies to more important issues and last week was all over the media promoting lingerie chain ‘Victoria’s Secrets’ new agenda. 

Their new boss suddenly sacked their ‘Angels’, a group of well fuckable models and announced that the company had ‘for too long concentrated on what men want and would now be concentrating on what women want.’ Fat lezzers, trannies with stubble, and mincing poofs with worn out arseholes apparently is the new business model.

Unfortunately Ms Rapino who for years has been savage on twitter cancelling her perceived enemies for the slightest wrong comment, no matter how far back in history has now had some long deleted twitter posts in which she mocks Asians come to light. The mob are now baying for her blood LOL 

Ditto Billy Eilish another goddess of the millennial SJW cult, never shy to shout her gob off about Trump and others and bask in the glory from the morons who adore her. Sorry adored, past tense as exactly the same thing has happened to this piece of shit today too. Racist twitter posts from the past surfacing. Oh dear.

Don't worry girls. Wash that fucking Koolade out of your hair and shut the fuck up. No one is going to know who the fuck you are, you pair of insignificant, talentless  little slags.

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5 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Meghan Rapino the slush puppy haired, lesbian, SJW captain of the USA wimmins World Cup winning ‘soccer’ team who’s been whining on for the last couple of years how wimmins soccer players must be paid equally to men, because they’re just as good as the evil patriarchal males has dropped that line of argument recently for some unexplained reason. Shortly after her team of lezzer man beasts were thrashed by a team of 15 year old high school players to be precise.

She decided to devote her energies to more important issues and last week was all over the media promoting lingerie chain ‘Victoria’s Secrets’ new agenda. 

Their new boss suddenly sacked their ‘Angels’, a group of well fuckable models and announced that the company had ‘for too long concentrated on what men want and would now be concentrating on what women want.’ Fat lezzers, trannies with stubble, and mincing poofs with worn out arseholes apparently is the new business model.

Unfortunately Ms Rapino who for years has been savage on twitter cancelling her perceived enemies for the slightest wrong comment, no matter how far back in history has now had some long deleted twitter posts in which she mocks Asians come to light. The mob are now baying for her blood LOL 

Ditto Billy Eilish another goddess of the millennial SJW cult, never shy to shout her gob off about Trump and others and bask in the glory from the morons who adore her. Sorry adored, past tense as exactly the same thing has happened to this piece of shit today too. Racist twitter posts from the past surfacing. Oh dear.

Don't worry girls. Wash that fucking Koolade out of your hair and shut the fuck up. No one is going to know who the fuck you are, you pair of insignificant, talentless  little slags.

I'd be shitting myself these days if I was an attractive woman who worked hard to preserve her body and looks as a source of income. The feminist agenda seems to take a negative outlook on that sort of things these days and it seems to be driven by envy more than anything else - just because they're not a fat lezza with a flat top haircut and pride tattoos they can be thrown aside because they aren't conforming to the mandate written by said fat lezzas.

Imagine that for a moment - you've worked your entire life, working out, dieting, crafting every part of your body into a living and breathing work of art. The hours of the day where you're not doing that you're sitting in a chair being painted in makeup and posed under hot studio lights to model adult lingerie - then some lard arse fucking haddock fume wafting couch ape with a chip on their shoulder waddles in and tells you you're obsolete due to not being compatible with modern gender norms.

Sure, you've got a tight arse and a fanny that smells like roses, a flat stomach and tits that look like they're carved from marble, but that makes the couch ape feel sad, because despite never putting in the effort to achieve such beauty herself, despite having a growler that looks like a discarded dog shit disposal bag due to years of angry fisting, she's got a horde of equally repellent bull dykes, mainstream media and decades of internet echo chambers whispering in her ear that she's just as pretty as you are and that she doesn't have to change a thing about her repellent, slothful lifestyle to gain what you've devoted your entire life to achieving - because you make straight men's willies hard and that is now a bad thing.  

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While they’re at it, have the BBC separate by gender, sports reporting. I’m sick of checking the BBC sports page to see England are playing India in a Test match as the 1st newsworthy story. Fuck me, I thought, I’ve missed that. When I checked there was footage of a fat, waddling Cunt licking  ‘fast’ bowler chucking a ball at all of 62mph at a spastic she-man ‘bat person.’ You can see a better standard in a junior school playground ffs! Stick to what you excel at, topless ironing or long distance, logic-free arguing, but fuck off with your gender equal agenda. Failing that, I wanna see Tyson Fury bare knuckle fighting with the Wimmin’s heavyweight champion…all ten seconds of it. Then, maybe one of those hospital documentaries as they try to re-assemble the lezzer’s eye sockets as her lumberjack shirted wife sobs into her dungarees. Cunts.

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

David Moyes once threatened to give her a slap because he didn't like her line of questioning. You can take the boy out of Scotland...

I haven't heard the Doucet cunt in a while, because as soon as my subconscious detects the syllables "and now over to Lyse" I instinctively hit the mute button. She's Acadian, apparently, which I take to mean that somewhere in her genetic line a polar bear has eaten an Eskimo and shat out the result.


Jesus titty-fucking Christ! It looks like an albino jacket potato sporting a wig and novelty dentures! And its been in the microwave too long.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Still a yes from Neil though.

If Neil lives another two decades he'll be living the dream. Think of how enticing a rusted out Transit van with the heater on full blast and the cargo door wide open will be to all those homeless and unemployed models - he'd even save on roofies - their metabolism would react much quicker to a far smaller dose than the current heifers he's lured in with kebabs.

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44 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I'd be shitting myself these days if I was an attractive woman who worked hard to preserve her body and looks as a source of income. The feminist agenda seems to take a negative outlook on that sort of things these days and it seems to be driven by envy more than anything else - just because they're not a fat lezza with a flat top haircut and pride tattoos they can be thrown aside because they aren't conforming to the mandate written by said fat lezzas.

Imagine that for a moment - you've worked your entire life, working out, dieting, crafting every part of your body into a living and breathing work of art. The hours of the day where you're not doing that you're sitting in a chair being painted in makeup and posed under hot studio lights to model adult lingerie - then some lard arse fucking haddock fume wafting couch ape with a chip on their shoulder waddles in and tells you you're obsolete due to not being compatible with modern gender norms.

Sure, you've got a tight arse and a fanny that smells like roses, a flat stomach and tits that look like they're carved from marble, but that makes the couch ape feel sad, because despite never putting in the effort to achieve such beauty herself, despite having a growler that looks like a discarded dog shit disposal bag due to years of angry fisting, she's got a horde of equally repellent bull dykes, mainstream media and decades of internet echo chambers whispering in her ear that she's just as pretty as you are and that she doesn't have to change a thing about her repellent, slothful lifestyle to gain what you've devoted your entire life to achieving - because you make straight men's willies hard and that is now a bad thing.  

Fucking excellent 

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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I'd be shitting myself these days if I was an attractive woman who worked hard to preserve her body and looks as a source of income. The feminist agenda seems to take a negative outlook on that sort of things these days and it seems to be driven by envy more than anything else - just because they're not a fat lezza with a flat top haircut and pride tattoos they can be thrown aside because they aren't conforming to the mandate written by said fat lezzas.

Imagine that for a moment - you've worked your entire life, working out, dieting, crafting every part of your body into a living and breathing work of art. The hours of the day where you're not doing that you're sitting in a chair being painted in makeup and posed under hot studio lights to model adult lingerie - then some lard arse fucking haddock fume wafting couch ape with a chip on their shoulder waddles in and tells you you're obsolete due to not being compatible with modern gender norms.

Sure, you've got a tight arse and a fanny that smells like roses, a flat stomach and tits that look like they're carved from marble, but that makes the couch ape feel sad, because despite never putting in the effort to achieve such beauty herself, despite having a growler that looks like a discarded dog shit disposal bag due to years of angry fisting, she's got a horde of equally repellent bull dykes, mainstream media and decades of internet echo chambers whispering in her ear that she's just as pretty as you are and that she doesn't have to change a thing about her repellent, slothful lifestyle to gain what you've devoted your entire life to achieving - because you make straight men's willies hard and that is now a bad thing.  

You make John Cooper Clarke sound like Harvey Price

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Meghan Rapino the slush puppy haired, lesbian, SJW captain of the USA wimmins World Cup winning ‘soccer’ team who’s been whining on for the last couple of years how wimmins soccer players must be paid equally to men, because they’re just as good as the evil patriarchal males has dropped that line of argument recently for some unexplained reason. Shortly after her team of lezzer man beasts were thrashed by a team of 15 year old Male high school players to be precise.

She decided to devote her energies to more important issues and last week was all over the media promoting lingerie chain ‘Victoria’s Secrets’ new agenda. 

Their new boss suddenly sacked their ‘Angels’, a group of well fuckable models and announced that the company had ‘for too long concentrated on what men want and would now be concentrating on what women want.’ Fat lezzers, trannies with stubble, and mincing poofs with worn out arseholes apparently is the new business model.

Unfortunately Ms Rapino who for years has been savage on twitter cancelling her perceived enemies for the slightest wrong comment, no matter how far back in history has now had some long deleted twitter posts in which she mocks Asians come to light. The mob are now baying for her blood LOL 

Ditto Billy Eilish another goddess of the millennial SJW cult, never shy to shout her gob off about Trump and others and bask in the glory from the morons who adore her. Sorry adored, past tense as exactly the same thing has happened to this piece of shit today too. Racist twitter posts from the past surfacing. Oh dear.

Don't worry girls. Wash that fucking Koolade out of your hair and shut the fuck up. No one is going to know who the fuck you are, you pair of insignificant, talentless  little slags.

The situation with Victoria’s Secret “talent pool” has been getting worse for quite some time. A couple of years ago, while waiting for Mrs WC to pay for her underwear, I noticed a five foot ten, sweaty tusker in a mini skirt, shuffling around with a tape measure around the shop, displaying a badge of “tits measuring facility” or such. Fucking hell. I presume the US fridge girl should do the deed in the privacy of a single changing room, and without the width of a sea-going container, the task seems impossible. 
I long for the pretty staff of our shops circa 1980.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Meghan Rapino the slush puppy haired, lesbian, SJW captain of the USA wimmins World Cup winning ‘soccer’ team who’s been whining on for the last couple of years how wimmins soccer players must be paid equally to men, because they’re just as good as the evil patriarchal males has dropped that line of argument recently for some unexplained reason. Shortly after her team of lezzer man beasts were thrashed by a team of 15 year old Male high school players to be precise.

She decided to devote her energies to more important issues and last week was all over the media promoting lingerie chain ‘Victoria’s Secrets’ new agenda. 

Their new boss suddenly sacked their ‘Angels’, a group of well fuckable models and announced that the company had ‘for too long concentrated on what men want and would now be concentrating on what women want.’ Fat lezzers, trannies with stubble, and mincing poofs with worn out arseholes apparently is the new business model.

Unfortunately Ms Rapino who for years has been savage on twitter cancelling her perceived enemies for the slightest wrong comment, no matter how far back in history has now had some long deleted twitter posts in which she mocks Asians come to light. The mob are now baying for her blood LOL 

Ditto Billy Eilish another goddess of the millennial SJW cult, never shy to shout her gob off about Trump and others and bask in the glory from the morons who adore her. Sorry adored, past tense as exactly the same thing has happened to this piece of shit today too. Racist twitter posts from the past surfacing. Oh dear.

Don't worry girls. Wash that fucking Koolade out of your hair and shut the fuck up. No one is going to know who the fuck you are, you pair of insignificant, talentless  little slags.

It's just hilarious watching cancel culture eat itself - there's entropy for you, right there.

A night on the tins and a few ribald tweets (you're a cunt for even having a Twitter account BTW) back in 2010? You're toast now mate, in fact, and this is an absolute truth, Gareth Southgate is a big fan of that White Supremacist Winston Churchill and has gone on record saying as much, so why the hell is he still in charge of anything more than his own excretory functions? 

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Fuck me @Roadkillwhen you pull yer finger out it’s bloody well worth it 

Thankfully your dystopian vision of a horror future where pig ugly fat cunt lesbos call the shots won’t come to pass. All those blokes whose willys get hard at the sight of a beautiful woman will have stabbed these vile tuskers to death if their rules are forced upon us. 

Be grateful perfection exists 


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8 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Fuck me @Roadkillwhen you pull yer finger out it’s bloody well worth it 

Thankfully your dystopian vision of a horror future where pig ugly fat cunt lesbos call the shots won’t come to pass. All those blokes whose willys get hard at the sight of a beautiful woman will have stabbed these vile tuskers to death if their rules are forced upon us. 

Be grateful perfection exists 


Its already coming to pass, Stubbs. King Billy's mention of the Victoria's Secrets models being fucked off for being too fit is just the tip of the iceberg. Look what happened to the Formula One grid girls, or that one Freddy Kruger bint who couldn't even get stable work as a model until her face was melted off, making her more acceptable to the modern agenda.

The tuskers are no longer ashamed of their hideous appearance - in fact they've convinced themselves and almost everyone that matters that if they scream loud enough they can shame the world into pretending they're attractive - and where can the genuinely attractive models turn? They're also female, they're working in a very public industry and in this day and age they undoubtedly have social media personalities to maintain which are structural to their careers - they've got to like it, or at least pretend to approve, as any opinion challenging the mass denial will result in a witch hunt against them and only damage their chances of finding future work.

Hollywood is currently burning itself to the ground in the pursuit of token political correctness, when the real fans of a product fuck off out of frustration, the snowflakes rush in to fill the gaps to save face - why would the modelling industry be any different?

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14 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Its already coming to pass, Stubbs. King Billy's mention of the Victoria's Secrets models being fucked off for being too fit is just the tip of the iceberg. Look what happened to the Formula One grid girls, or that one Freddy Kruger bint who couldn't even get stable work as a model until her face was melted off, making her more acceptable to the modern agenda.

The tuskers are no longer ashamed of their hideous appearance - in fact they've convinced themselves and almost everyone that matters that if they scream loud enough they can shame the world into pretending they're attractive - and where can the genuinely attractive models turn? They're also female, they're working in a very public industry and in this day and age they undoubtedly have social media personalities to maintain which are structural to their careers - they've got to like it, or at least pretend to approve, as any opinion challenging the mass denial will result in a witch hunt against them and only damage their chances of finding future work.

Hollywood is currently burning itself to the ground in the pursuit of token political correctness, when the real fans of a product fuck off out of frustration, the snowflakes rush in to fill the gaps to save face - why would the modelling industry be any different?

Katie fucking Piper. I hate the cunt. The only woman allowed to be described as attractive, has a stokers shovel for a face. Every time the cunt appears, so does the Glossary of terms used by thick slags who can't spell them...

Empowered! Strong! Independent!

Get stabbed next time you scabby fucking whore.

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4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Hard to believe, but if she had a baby with Simon Weston it would look almost normal. Well, as normal as any demi-Welsh cunt could ever be.

If she did have a kid she'd probably throw a jug of hydrochloric in its face to secure a decent future for it.

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