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ITV and booing taking the knee

Guest Cocky Council Cake

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Guest Cocky Council Cake

Those eagle eared of you who watched the England v Scotland game yesterday may have noticed the loud booing when the two teams took the knee. Most viewers didn't though, and were of the opinion that some isolated booing was drowned-out by even louder cheering. 

They're half right, it was drowned out by loud cheering and music - both auto generated by ITV to cover-up the fact the fans in attendance weren't too keen on worshipping a load of machete wealding fucking savages.

It was so obvious, 2 seconds of loud booing, followed by the cheers of 80,000 fans. Only problem was the stadium was practically empty and there was no way that type of deafening cheering could be generated by those in attendance.

Clearly, the football authorities and media know the taking of the knee will be booed every time, otherwise ITV wouldn't have been so quick on the sound button. So who exactly are they doing this bollocks for?

Of course the official version of events has been supported by every single media outlet in the country, but I definitely know what I heard.

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16 minutes ago, Cocky Council Cake said:

Those eagle eared of you who watched the England v Scotland game yesterday may have noticed the loud booing when the two teams took the knee. Most viewers didn't though, and were of the opinion that some isolated booing was drowned-out by even louder cheering. 

They're half right, it was drowned out by loud cheering and music - both auto generated by ITV to cover-up the fact the fans in attendance weren't too keen on worshipping a load of machete wealding fucking savages.

It was so obvious, 2 seconds of loud booing, followed by the cheers of 80,000 fans. Only problem was the stadium was practically empty and there was no way that type of deafening cheering could be generated by those in attendance.

Clearly, the football authorities and media know the taking of the knee will be booed every time, otherwise ITV wouldn't have been so quick on the sound button. So who exactly are they doing this bollocks for?

Of course the official version of events has been supported by every since media outlet in the country, but I definitely know what I heard.

IMO its moved on from BLM. It's now about kicking out racism in sport, and believing it's still to do with the BLM movement, frankly flatters them. 

Its all a load of virtue signalling bollocks anyway  

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3 hours ago, Cocky Council Cake said:

Those eagle eared of you who watched the England v Scotland game yesterday may have noticed the loud booing when the two teams took the knee. Most viewers didn't though, and were of the opinion that some isolated booing was drowned-out by even louder cheering. 

They're half right, it was drowned out by loud cheering and music - both auto generated by ITV to cover-up the fact the fans in attendance weren't too keen on worshipping a load of machete wealding fucking savages.

It was so obvious, 2 seconds of loud booing, followed by the cheers of 80,000 fans. Only problem was the stadium was practically empty and there was no way that type of deafening cheering could be generated by those in attendance.

Clearly, the football authorities and media know the taking of the knee will be booed every time, otherwise ITV wouldn't have been so quick on the sound button. So who exactly are they doing this bollocks for?

Of course the official version of events has been supported by every since media outlet in the country, but I definitely know what I heard.

The England fans should have carried on booing for the whole 90 minutes.

What a shower of absolute fucking shite.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The England fans should have carried on booing for the whole 90 minutes.

What a shower of absolute fucking shite.

It's still theoretically possible Scotland could finish second, above England. Let that sink in. That would be a whole new level of shite.

The highlight for me on Friday was seeing that diving little cunt Grealish get absolutely flattened late on.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's still theoretically possible Scotland could finish second, above England. Let that sink in. That would be a whole new level of shite.

The highlight for me on Friday was seeing that diving little cunt Grealish get absolutely flattened late on.

I’d fucking piss myself if this happened. All the knuckle dragging tattooed spackers will have wasted a months wages on shitty England flags a 24 cans of the weakest cunt larger one can buy 

An autist like you could probably tell us what the combined England squad earn a week? A fuck load more than the WVM replica shirt wearing cunts who’s pathetic lives revolve around their fucking kids game 

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5 hours ago, Cocky Council Cake said:

Those eagle eared of you who watched the England v Scotland game yesterday may have noticed the loud booing when the two teams took the knee. Most viewers didn't though, and were of the opinion that some isolated booing was drowned-out by even louder cheering. 

They're half right, it was drowned out by loud cheering and music - both auto generated by ITV to cover-up the fact the fans in attendance weren't too keen on worshipping a load of machete wealding fucking savages.

It was so obvious, 2 seconds of loud booing, followed by the cheers of 80,000 fans. Only problem was the stadium was practically empty and there was no way that type of deafening cheering could be generated by those in attendance.

Clearly, the football authorities and media know the taking of the knee will be booed every time, otherwise ITV wouldn't have been so quick on the sound button. So who exactly are they doing this bollocks for?

Of course the official version of events has been supported by every since media outlet in the country, but I definitely know what I heard.

I haven’t watched a single kick of this cunt fest, and don’t intent to but can any of you wankers tell me if the other teams are ‘takin da nee” for the poor oppressed jungle bunnies still suffering because their ancestors were captured, by other black tribes, and sold to whites as slaves? 
I bet the Russians don’t 

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26 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I haven’t watched a single kick of this cunt fest, and don’t intent to but can any of you wankers tell me if the other teams are ‘takin da nee” for the poor oppressed jungle bunnies still suffering because their ancestors were captured, by other black tribes, and sold to whites as slaves? 
I bet the Russians don’t 

Quite tight Stubbs, I haven’t watched a single kick. 

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35 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I haven’t watched a single kick of this cunt fest, and don’t intent to but can any of you wankers tell me if the other teams are ‘takin da nee” for the poor oppressed jungle bunnies still suffering because their ancestors were captured, by other black tribes, and sold to whites as slaves? 
I bet the Russians don’t 

I too have spurned this carnival of injury fakery and single figure IQs Stub. Participants and their pie gorging proselytes should be destroyed, like the unwanted dogs they are.

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I haven’t watched a single kick of this cunt fest, and don’t intent to but can any of you wankers tell me if the other teams are ‘takin da nee” for the poor oppressed jungle bunnies still suffering because their ancestors were captured, by other black tribes, and sold to whites as slaves? 
I bet the Russians don’t 

I’ve got Ian Wright and Emile Heskey chained up in my shed. I’m planning to take the skin off their backs tomorrow and then trade them in down the market for a couple of mixed race birds with massive tits.



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Southgate knows he's driven this one right down a cul-de-sac, with no feasible endgame ('The FA declares the war on racism has been won, therefore England players will no longer kneel down before games'. I don't bloody, flipping-well think so!).

Therefore the only reverse-ferret possible is to make the gesture so perfunctory as for it to be negligible, in fact it'll be a curtsey when we play the Czechs on Tuesday - about right for the bunch of girls we've got representing us.

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
11 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Southgate knows he's driven this one right down a cul-de-sac, with no feasible endgame ('The FA declares the war on racism has been won, therefore England players will no longer kneel down before games'. I don't bloody, flipping-well think so!).

Therefore the only reverse-ferret possible is to make the gesture so perfunctory as for it to be negligible, in fact it'll be a curtsey when we play the Czechs on Tuesday - about right for the bunch of girls we've got representing us.

That Southgate cunt appears to be trying to cultivate some sort of SJW political career of the back of being England manager; remember when he said Brexit was because of racial undertones or some other such shit?

Wanker should keep out of politics, especially when the dopey fuckers he's in charge of would struggle to write an X at a poling station.

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1 hour ago, Cocky Council Cake said:

That Southgate cunt appears to be trying to cultivate some sort of SJW political career of the back of being England manager; remember when he said Brexit was because of racial undertones or some other such shit?

Wanker should keep out of politics, especially when the dopey fuckers he's in charge of would struggle to write an X at a poling station.

I just hope spurs find a manager before this one trick pony twat is shown the door after England fail to beat the mighty Czech Republic. Because I don't relish them having to recruit Sam Allardyce in February to save us going down with Brentford and Watford

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I just hope spurs find a manager before this one trick pony twat is shown the door after England fail to beat the mighty Czech Republic. Because I don't relish them having to recruit Sam Allardyce in February to save us going down with Brentford and Watford

Oh I do fucking hope so

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6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I just hope spurs find a manager before this one trick pony twat is shown the door after England fail to beat the mighty Czech Republic. Because I don't relish them having to recruit Sam Allardyce in February to save us going down with Brentford and Watford

Benjy Netanyahu is currently between positions I believe. He may be slightly over qualified but no one knows how to get  the yid army on the march better than him. It’s not rocket science is it?

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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Benjy Netanyahu is currently between positions I believe. He may be slightly over qualified but no one knows how to get  the yid army on the march better than him. It’s not rocket science is it?

Moses convinced them to wander about in the desert for 6 weeks, simply by telling them he'd dropped a pound coin.

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Guest judgetwi
On 19/06/2021 at 21:59, Stubby Pecker said:

I’d fucking piss myself if this happened. All the knuckle dragging tattooed spackers will have wasted a months wages on shitty England flags a 24 cans of the weakest cunt larger one can buy 


What fucking England flags? One thing i’ve noticed, also during the 2018 World Cup is the lack of England flags and general insignia. Remember the days when they were in loads of windows, both in homes and cars, and the supermarkets were falling over themselves to flog us this stuff.

Where the fuck is it now? Now we have the Post Office saying their employees can’t fly England flags on their vans or carts because they might fall in the road and cause an RTA! Are these cunts having a laugh? We all know what’s going on. It’s not just that England are shit and Southgate is an arselicking hopeless wokie cunt. They want us to be ashamed of our country, our history and our culture. 

Well fuck you wokies, just fuck you ok? Kiss my fucking fat fucking White working class arse and fuck off while you’re doing it.

You cunts

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9 hours ago, judgetwi said:

What fucking England flags? One thing i’ve noticed, also during the 2018 World Cup is the lack of England flags and general insignia. Remember the days when they were in loads of windows, both in homes and cars, and the supermarkets were falling over themselves to flog us this stuff.

Where the fuck is it now? Now we have the Post Office saying their employees can’t fly England flags on their vans or carts because they might fall in the road and cause an RTA! Are these cunts having a laugh? We all know what’s going on. It’s not just that England are shit and Southgate is an arselicking hopeless wokie cunt. They want us to be ashamed of our country, our history and our culture. 

Well fuck you wokies, just fuck you ok? Kiss my fucking fat fucking White working class arse and fuck off while you’re doing it.

You cunts

Unless you work for the post office fly your flag, although why anyone would want to is beyond me. If you do work for the post office fly the flag from your home or from your own car, not rocket science is it brains?

The truth is, not that many people are behind the modern knee taking millionaire footballer, I for one couldn’t give a toss if they are out in the first stage, makes do difference to my life.  

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36 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Unless you work for the post office fly your flag, although why anyone would want to is beyond me. If you do work for the post office fly the flag from your home or from your own car, not rocket science is it brains?

The truth is, not that many people are behind the modern knee taking millionaire footballer, I for one couldn’t give a toss if they are out in the first stage, makes do difference to my life.  

Agreed. The unflappable, anti-SJW hater of snowflakes is ironically yet again showing what an easily triggered wanker he is.

The old "England flags banned" shit is hardly a recent phenomenon, the fucking Daily Mail have been banging on about it for decades every time England plays in a football tournament. Anyone with a single brain cell who reads the actual articles can see that beyond the click bait for cunts headlines, it's got nothing to do with suppressing national identity or declaring war on "Englishness". 9/10 it's just some ridiculous, bureaucrat getting a hard on about enforcing some bizarre rules that he's misinterpreted, to then be quietly told he's a fucking idiot and made to apologise. There's no sinister agenda, just the usual incompetence, but that doesn't fit into the narrative that fat, tattooed fucking Neanderthals like @judgetwi wish to believe.

I won't fly an England flag from my house or car, not because I'm offended by it, but because it would make me look like a low-rent piece of absolute fucking scum, like everyone else who flies it.

What do you think about that then, Jewdie?



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I`m afraid taking the knee still looks a bit too aggressive and colonial to me.. ( re. Zulu..front rank fire...etc.) so i suggest a more Ashleigh and Pudsey approach. The Ref could be Ashleigh and the players could roll over on their backs and do tricks like Pudsey the dog, they won BGT a while back. This could be done again on the restart and the final whistle as you can`t get enough of millionaires selling themselves for virtue. They can`t stand the sight of a bottle of coca cola but they`ll grovel to BLM marxists. Naplam was invented for these cunts.. 

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