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No British Windmills Please

White Cunt

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Well, having the audacity to invest in UK production of renewable energy generating equipment, installation and maintenance, to finally fill in some of those offshored and closed down manufacturing jobs of the past century (thus providing better incomes than the bucket of poverty-supporting, “service” fillers), is deemed really unacceptable to the range of EU fuckwits, hell-bent on keeping the UK a piss poor, import-dependent, debt-riddled, occasional holiday destination. 
Why don’t they just go and fuck themselves, those self-serving, bloated, hypocritical cronies.


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I have a great deal of sympathy for this, Whitey, but the nomination is altogether too serious for the wider Corner demographic. It needs to be leavened with a few "Camberwick Green" references, and ideally a concluding sentence that tells the Dutch where they can stick their fucking tulips.


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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I have a great deal of sympathy for this, Whitey, but the nomination is altogether too serious for the wider Corner demographic. It needs to be leavened with a few "Camberwick Green" references, and ideally a concluding sentence that tells the Dutch where they can stick their fucking tulips.


Windy Mueller, a well known Nazi if I’m not mistaken.

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35 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Simple, just withdraw the subsidy. See how interested the foreign (EU)  companies are then when they aren't effectively paid twice.

There must be some way we can stop the wind. That’ll fuck them.

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Guest judgetwi
On 17/06/2021 at 19:01, Cunty BigBollox said:

Simple, just withdraw the subsidy. See how interested the foreign (EU)  companies are then when they aren't effectively paid twice.

Well said, exactly the fucking salient point. I would have given you a like but i’m not allowed to do that. Perhaps I could invent my own awards?.......called “Judge’s You’re Not a Cry Baby Wanker”.

Nah, forget it, I can’t be fucking  arsed. 

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21 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Well said, exactly the fucking salient point. I would have given you a like but i’m not allowed to do that. Perhaps I could invent my own awards?.......called “Judge’s You’re Not a Cry Baby Wanker”.

Nah, forget it, I can’t be fucking  arsed. 

Put a fucking sock in it you prize yid-flid

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21 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Well said, exactly the fucking salient point. I would have given you a like but i’m not allowed to do that. Perhaps I could invent my own awards?.......called “Judge’s You’re Not a Cry Baby Wanker”.

Nah, forget it, I can’t be fucking  arsed. 

Has it occurred to you that the restrictions may be removed if you could stop whining about it for 5 minutes? 

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Has it occurred to you that the restrictions may be removed if you could stop whining about it for 5 minutes? 

You soppy cunt; he’s a Jew, it’s in his dna to moan, play the poor victim and generally act like a total cunt. He’s only just started, his lot are still banging on about the Holocaust ffs 


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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Has it occurred to you that the restrictions may be removed if you could stop whining about it for 5 minutes? 

You are joking Rambo. The restrictions make no difference to me. Mr Roops can’t handle me and would love to delete me but i’m not dumb enough to fall into that trap and give him an excuse. I’m sure he’s going to do it anyway, it’s not as if you and your splashback mates are going to cry about it. Quite the opposite in fact.

This will make you laugh Hardman. I’ve just discovered, by clicking on something I didn’t know existed that my “abusive behaviour” consists of  “oblique references to paedophilia”.  😁😁😁😁😆😆😆😄 Come on Hardman, even you’ve gotta laugh at that!

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On 21/06/2021 at 06:37, judgetwi said:

Well said, exactly the fucking salient point. I would have given you a like but i’m not allowed to do that. Perhaps I could invent my own awards?.......called “Judge’s You’re Not a Cry Baby Wanker”.

Nah, forget it, I can’t be fucking  arsed. 

How did you get on with the fella selling you Snakes, Judy? Did you ever work out what he was offering?

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Guest judgetwi
41 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

How did you get on with the fella selling you Snakes, Judy? Did you ever work out what he was offering?

No Bertie. I’ve asked around and come up with nothing. It’s possible I misheard the cunt but how many words sound like “snakes”?  Nobody seems to know, not even international drug runner, Marjorie. 

Maybe it will come up in the media one day and I can say “ah that’s what the Dooshka cunt was on about.” To be honest I don’t really care other than it bothers me that he thought I looked like a potential customer for whatever he was offering. Nice of you to take an interest though mate.

Watch out for those Abos Bertie.

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4 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

You soppy cunt; he’s a Jew, it’s in his dna to moan, play the poor victim and generally act like a total cunt. He’s only just started, his lot are still banging on about the Holocaust ffs 


Jesus to the left of me, Moses to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle of Jews.

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Guest judgetwi
5 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

You soppy cunt; he’s a Jew, it’s in his dna to moan, play the poor victim and generally act like a total cunt. He’s only just started, his lot are still banging on about the Holocaust ffs 


My congratulations Herr Oberst. You’ve got this wanker believing it and right in your pocket. Excuse me Mein Herr, i’ve got a slow puncture on my wheelchair I have to attend to. I’m sure they don’t have these kind of sloppy standards in Israel. Oi vei, this is fucking annoying.

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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:

You are joking Rambo. The restrictions make no difference to me. Mr Roops can’t handle me and would love to delete me but i’m not dumb enough to fall into that trap and give him an excuse. I’m sure he’s going to do it anyway, it’s not as if you and your splashback mates are going to cry about it. Quite the opposite in fact.

This will make you laugh Hardman. I’ve just discovered, by clicking on something I didn’t know existed that my “abusive behaviour” consists of  “oblique references to paedophilia”.  😁😁😁😁😆😆😆😄 Come on Hardman, even you’ve gotta laugh at that!

What a surprise; fucking moaning again at your 100% deserved restrictions. 

Take your medicine and fucking shut it 

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

The restrictions make no difference to me. Mr Roops can’t handle me and would love to delete me but i’m not dumb enough to fall into that trap and give him an excuse. I’m sure he’s going to do it anyway...

Hell no. Right now your soliloquies on victimhood have made you an unintentional self-parody and comedy gold. I'm looking at ways to monetise your output of grief.

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Guest judgetwi
On 22/06/2021 at 09:32, Mrs Roops said:

Hell no. Right now your soliloquies on victimhood have made you an unintentional self-parody and comedy gold. I'm looking at ways to monetise your output of grief.

So you’re going to sell your soiled underwear to the saddo wankers on here? See, I can do that shit (poor unintentional pun) just like them.

I notice yet another wannabe Americanism from you Mr Roops. “Hell no” did for the young Miliband if you remember. Well, that and the bacon sarnie. A Marxist Jew eating a bacon sarnie and pretending to be a Yank......no wonder he got his arse kicked.

You’re not very bright are you Mr Roops?

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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:

So you’re going to sell your soiled underwear to the saddo wankers on here? See, I can do that shit (poor unintentional pun) just like them.

I notice yet another wannabe Americanism from you Mr Roops. “Hell no” did for the young Miliband if you remember. Well, that and the bacon sarnie. A Marxist Jew eating a bacon sarnie and pretending to be a Yank......no wonder he got his arse kicked.

You’re not very bright are you Mr Roops?

Bright enough to spot ill-thought out and convoluted seques when I see them. Seriously, you really need to get a grip on the nonsense you spew out. I'm minded to contact the authorities and arrange a wellness check - American style.

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