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Hear No Evil


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Sorry to come over all Pen-like with the BBC news link but - as Proper will testify - these deaf cunts make me fucking sick at the best of times, and this money grubbing, woe is me, Helen Keller wannabe is making my angry veins bulge out even more than usual.

Apparently she suffered untold stress because there was no signing during two Covid briefings, and she therefore couldn't get the information she so desperately needed. Strangely enough, the fat sow seems to have had no trouble finding an ambulance chasing lawyer to pursue her claim, presumably via the same fucking internet she could have used to access real time updates on the latest Covid situation.

I hope her house catches fire tonight and she doesn't hear the smoke alarms.

Deaf campaigner takes legal action over No. 10 Covid briefings


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7 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Sorry to come over all Pen-like with the BBC news link but - as Proper will testify - these deaf cunts make me fucking sick at the best of times, and this money grubbing, woe is me, Helen Keller wannabe is making my angry veins bulge out even more than usual.

Apparently she suffered untold stress because there was no signing during two Covid briefings, and she therefore couldn't get the information she so desperately needed. Strangely enough, the fat sow seems to have had no trouble finding an ambulance chasing lawyer to pursue her claim, presumably via the same fucking internet she could have used to access real time updates on the latest Covid situation.

I hope her house catches fire tonight and she doesn't hear the smoke alarms.

Deaf campaigner takes legal action over No. 10 Covid briefings


Let’s hope her case is laughed out of court, with someone there to sign the laughter for the stupid cunt.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Sorry to come over all Pen-like with the BBC news link but - as Proper will testify - these deaf cunts make me fucking sick at the best of times, and this money grubbing, woe is me, Helen Keller wannabe is making my angry veins bulge out even more than usual.

Apparently she suffered untold stress because there was no signing during two Covid briefings, and she therefore couldn't get the information she so desperately needed. Strangely enough, the fat sow seems to have had no trouble finding an ambulance chasing lawyer to pursue her claim, presumably via the same fucking internet she could have used to access real time updates on the latest Covid situation.

I hope her house catches fire tonight and she doesn't hear the smoke alarms.

Deaf campaigner takes legal action over No. 10 Covid briefings



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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

My friend's deaf and she left her husband for another deaf bloke. I don't feel sorry for her husband. He should have seen the signs



I have impaired hearing.

Why do hearing jokes always fall on deaf ears? They ain't ruddy funny is why.

It's like anorexic jokes about Lena Zavoroni, they soon start wearing thin.

NOT FUNNY, smart arses are NOT FUNNY.

I love Lena "ma, he's making eyes at me"

Love profB XXX

PS Be kind.


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6 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Sorry to come over all Pen-like with the BBC news link but - as Proper will testify - these deaf cunts make me fucking sick at the best of times, and this money grubbing, woe is me, Helen Keller wannabe is making my angry veins bulge out even more than usual.

Apparently she suffered untold stress because there was no signing during two Covid briefings, and she therefore couldn't get the information she so desperately needed. Strangely enough, the fat sow seems to have had no trouble finding an ambulance chasing lawyer to pursue her claim, presumably via the same fucking internet she could have used to access real time updates on the latest Covid situation.

I hope her house catches fire tonight and she doesn't hear the smoke alarms.

Deaf campaigner takes legal action over No. 10 Covid briefings


She looks like she’s got a lovely personality though.

Fucking cloth eared fat cunt.


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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

My friend's deaf and she left her husband for another deaf bloke. I don't feel sorry for her husband. He should have seen the signs



My first wife who was deaf  planned to leave me for another man, but couldn’t hear the cunt honking his horn outside our house. He ended up marrying our next door neighbour and she only went out to tell him to fuck off and keep the noise down. 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

Remember this cunt? I've always suspected they're ALL just making it up as they go along, the useless gurning wankers.


At a guess Id say he’s just coming up on a half decent pill. In about five to ten minutes he’ll throw up, break into a silly grin and start waving a glow stick around in the air. The Jim’ll Fix it medal isn't a good look though.

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23 hours ago, ProfB said:

I have impaired hearing.

Why do hearing jokes always fall on deaf ears? They ain't ruddy funny is why.

It's like anorexic jokes about Lena Zavoroni, they soon start wearing thin.

NOT FUNNY, smart arses are NOT FUNNY.

I love Lena "ma, he's making eyes at me"

Love profB XXX

PS Be kind.


No Lamb chop. You don't have impaired hearing. You have impaired thinking 

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  • 1 month later...

I’m going to be generic here, and I’m sure there must be the occasional exception, but have you ever noticed that deaf cunts always seem to have something else wrong with them as well, and often several somethings, such as being fat, thick as fucking mince, hyper-myopic, or just your basic window-licking spastic?

I base this on my own observations over the years, from my first encounter with the remedial deaf class at primary school back in the good old days when they kept them separate from the normal kids (NHS glasses and calipers in abundance) to the above mentioned and seemingly now ubiquitous signers.

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I’m going to be generic here, and I’m sure there must be the occasional exception, but have you ever noticed that deaf cunts always seem to have something else wrong with them as well, and often several somethings, such as being fat, thick as fucking mince, hyper-myopic, or just your basic window-licking spastic?

I base this on my own observations over the years, from my first encounter with the remedial deaf class at primary school back in the good old days when they kept them separate from the normal kids (NHS glasses and calipers in abundance) to the above mentioned and seemingly now ubiquitous signers.

Pardon, could you say that again?

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