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Trade deals post Brexit


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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

Heard that yesterday and tbf I couldn’t give a flying fuck what the little Oompa Loompa cunt says or does anymore. I don’t use public transport and have no plans to ever do so. Filthy, disgusting tin cans, full of filthy disgusting low life scum. I quite hope they all catch something fatal. Fuck em.

I strongly suspect a rabid pursuit of cunts who accidentally forgot their masks. A new tax. I suppose it will offset the money wasted on the Pile of Shit in Marble Arch.
What a brownie cunt.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

He doesn’t get to talk to anyone that often. His nearest neighbours are a 5 hour drive away, and they pretend they aren’t in if they hear his 30 year old UTE approaching.

Cheeky twat. I imagine your neighbours are still checking under their car in the morning, in case some addled nationalist mistakes their car for your off-white 1990 Vauxhall with rear-mounted mortar. I imagine they’d have to be pretty pissed to miss the gable-end mural of Michael Stone, to be fair. 

I have lovely, if a bit elderly, neighbours. Did I ever mention one of them had a problem with youths using his pool…..

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14 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I have lovely, if a bit elderly, neighbours. Did I ever mention one of them had a problem with youths using his pool….

Yeah you did Doc. But it wasn’t a story of any interest whatsoever to me then, and it’s of even less interest to me now.


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