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On 04/06/2021 at 21:41, judgetwi said:

This is London and everybody’s welcome........er.......except Donald Trump....and the Jews...and minorities such as the white London born working class.......and the Prime Minister......and the Royal Fascist Racist Family. 

Prince Harry and his oh so very black wife and incredibly black, disadvantaged  offspring  are especially welcome. 👳🏽‍♂️

What bollocks- Jews not welcome in London. The place is full of your mob. They’re attracted to money like flies to shit, a Catholic priest to a pre teen boys arsehole or Savile to a hairless fanny 

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On 04/06/2021 at 21:41, judgetwi said:

This is London and everybody’s welcome........er.......except Donald Trump....and the Jews...and minorities such as the white London born working class.......and the Prime Minister......and the Royal Fascist Racist Family. 

Prince Harry and his oh so very black wife and incredibly black, disadvantaged  offspring  are especially welcome. 👳🏽‍♂️

Of course your lot are persecuted in London, Jewdie, I'm personally disgusted at how they're being treated. How fucking dare the Anti-Semites at Hackney council demand that signs in Stamford Hill dictating what side of the road women can walk on be taken down. Don't they know that Jewish women are too dirty to occupy the same pavements as men?

It's fucking bollocks, and I'm worried that London is turning into the Warsaw ghetto. No wonder you're so upset about the cultural pogroms being waged against the chosen people.

You stupid fucking cunt.

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Of course your lot are persecuted in London, Jewdie, I'm personally disgusted at how they're being treated. How fucking dare the Anti-Semites at Hackney council demand that signs in Stamford Hill dictating what side of the road women can walk on be taken down. Don't they know that Jewish women are too dirty to occupy the same pavements as men?

It's fucking bollocks, and I'm worried that London is turning into the Warsaw ghetto. No wonder you're so upset about the cultural pogroms being waged against the chosen people.

You stupid fucking cunt.

You must be well pleased that your 2000 year old Antisemitism is now so fashionable among the wokie Islington dinner party set. It’s amazing how things can change when you have a sense  of history.

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

What bollocks- Jews not welcome in London. The place is full of your mob. They’re attracted to money like flies to shit, a Catholic priest to a pre teen boys arsehole or Savile to a hairless fanny 

There are less than 300,000 Jews in the U.K. compared to 2.5 million Peacefuls. ( not counting the illegals, obviously)

Good luck with your choice of friends mate.


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On 04/06/2021 at 23:50, camberwell gypsy said:

Played by Grace Jones.

While your comment is intended with irony, the sad fact is I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see a woman of African ethnicity playing Churchill in future. This whole diversity agenda bollocks - obviously tied in with the US-derived Woke, BLM and 'angel wings' George Floyd movement - has become so fucking farcical in the UK I now consider it to be not only insulting to British people but also anti-majority, anti-white and counter-productive.

Brainwashing today's younger generation into believing historical figures are not what they actually were, whether via colour or sexual orientation, could be a recipe for problems further down the line.

It's about time an indigenous British majority took a stand against this ongoing manipulative bullshit. That said, admittedly I am coming round to the idea of a black Churchill:

Young woman at dinner table: "You're drunk!"

Churchill: "I may be pickled bitch, but in de mornin' ah iz gonna be soba as a county judge and yo' white ass gotss'ta still be lookin' like a piece of grandma's fried chicken."

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

While your comment is intended with irony, the sad fact is I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see a woman of African ethnicity playing Churchill in future. This whole diversity agenda bollocks - obviously tied in with the US-derived Woke, BLM and 'angel wings' George Floyd movement - has become so fucking farcical in the UK I now consider it to be not only insulting to British people but also anti-majority, anti-white and counter-productive.

Brainwashing today's kids into believing historical figures are not what they actually were, whether via colour or sexual orientation, could be a recipe for problems further down the line.

It's about time an indigenous British majority took a stand against this ongoing manipulative bullshit. That said, admittedly I am coming round to the idea of a black Churchill:

Young woman at dinner table: "You're drunk!"

Churchill: "I may be pickled bitch, but in de mornin' ah iz gonna be soba as a county judge and yo' white ass gotss'ta still be lookin' like a piece of grandma's fried chicken."

"We will fuk dem up on da beaches..."

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45 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

While your comment is intended with irony, the sad fact is I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see a woman of African ethnicity playing Churchill in future. This whole diversity agenda bollocks - obviously tied in with the US-derived Woke, BLM and 'angel wings' George Floyd movement - has become so fucking farcical in the UK I now consider it to be not only insulting to British people but also anti-majority, anti-white and counter-productive.

Brainwashing today's younger generation into believing historical figures are not what they actually were, whether via colour or sexual orientation, could be a recipe for problems further down the line.

It's about time an indigenous British majority took a stand against this ongoing manipulative bullshit. That said, admittedly I am coming round to the idea of a black Churchill:

Young woman at dinner table: "You're drunk!"

Churchill: "I may be pickled bitch, but in de mornin' ah iz gonna be soba as a county judge and yo' white ass gotss'ta still be lookin' like a piece of grandma's fried chicken."

This agenda is sinister and deliberately targeted not at our late/middle-aged vintage, but kids. Try debating any intelligent (bear with me) teenager about race these days...they will shut you down in an instant and call you a racist, even the mildest of discussions are completely off limits now to a whole up and coming generation. So fuck ‘em...I’m leaving fuck all to my lot and let the liberal cunts enjoy the covid bill for the next 50+ years. That’ll teach them...

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17 hours ago, Decimus said:

Of course your lot are persecuted in London, Jewdie, I'm personally disgusted at how they're being treated. How fucking dare the Anti-Semites at Hackney council demand that signs in Stamford Hill dictating what side of the road women can walk on be taken down. Don't they know that Jewish women are too dirty to occupy the same pavements as men?

It's fucking bollocks, and I'm worried that London is turning into the Warsaw ghetto. No wonder you're so upset about the cultural pogroms being waged against the chosen people.

You stupid fucking cunt.

At least their grandparents took a shower...fair play now Decs?

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46 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

While your comment is intended with irony, the sad fact is I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see a woman of African ethnicity playing Churchill in future. This whole diversity agenda bollocks - obviously tied in with the US-derived Woke, BLM and 'angel wings' George Floyd movement - has become so fucking farcical in the UK I now consider it to be not only insulting to British people but also anti-majority, anti-white and counter-productive.

Brainwashing today's younger generation into believing historical figures are not what they actually were, whether via colour or sexual orientation, could be a recipe for problems further down the line.

It's about time an indigenous British majority took a stand against this ongoing manipulative bullshit. That said, admittedly I am coming round to the idea of a black Churchill:

Young woman at dinner table: "You're drunk!"

Churchill: "I may be pickled bitch, but in de mornin' ah iz gonna be soba as a county judge and yo' white ass gotss'ta still be lookin' like a piece of grandma's fried chicken."

This would be bad enough, but I've got a feeling that in years to come any Churchill biopic will portray him as a pantomime villain. Driven by 'black academics' (a contradiction in terms if ever I've heard one) his legacy is being steered away from that of one of Britain's finest ever heroes, to a racist, prejudiced caricature of every moustache twirling, Hollywood British imperialist that's ever appeared on screen.

Regardless of the fact that in all likelihood without him his largest group of critics would never have been born, the PC brigade continue to assign their own modern SJW rhetoric and principles anachronistically to a man of his time. 

This is revisionist history in its most dangerous form, and if it continues unopposed and statues continue to be torn down, we're not going to be far away from a point in time when British icons and heroes such as Churchill will be victims of a modern day damnatio memoriae.

Time to wake up and take back our history, if anyone has still got the bollocks to do so.

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Whatever fucking next? The 6 husbands of Henry VIII probably, two of which died of auto erotic asphyxiation,two of aids and the other two having their cocks lopped off. I fucking despair about those Beeb cunts.

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17 minutes ago, Neil said:

Whatever fucking next? The 6 husbands of Henry VIII probably

A fat, mad pervert who liked to behead his sexual conquests once he'd finished wiping his cock on their hair, I wonder who will play Neil in a future biopic?


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

This would be bad enough, but I've got a feeling that in years to come any Churchill biopic will portray him as a pantomime villain. Driven by 'black academics' (a contradiction in terms if ever I've heard one) his legacy is being steered away from that of one of Britain's finest ever heroes, to a racist, prejudiced caricature of every moustache twirling, Hollywood British imperialist that's ever appeared on screen.

Regardless of the fact that in all likelihood without him his largest group of critics would never have been born, the PC brigade continue to assign their own modern SJW rhetoric and principles anachronistically to a man of his time. 

This is revisionist history in its most dangerous form, and if it continues unopposed and statues continue to be torn down, we're not going to be far away from a point in time when British icons and heroes such as Churchill will be victims of a modern day damnatio memoriae.

Time to wake up and take back our history, if anyone has still got the bollocks to do so.

Modern virtue signallers just can't handle the fact that history doesn't give a shit what they think about it. Communism doesn't create rainbow lands of gumdrops and bunny rabbits, national identity and pride can be just as effective a defense to outright tyranny as it can be the cause, and, funnily enough, declaring someone racist, especially years after they're dead and gone, doesn't really do much aside from making you look just as intolerant and brainwashed as you're claiming your target was.

Bunch of hysterical commie bastards, impotently screaming in rage because they don't have a black marker big enough to censor history, so they try their hardest to guilt every fucker else into believing their own twisted reality despite everything they hate paving the way for them to throw their petulant little tantrums in the first place.

Makes you almost want to see them win, just to get the opportunity to see them lined up against walls and machine gunned into mince in whatever hellish dystopia they'd end up creating. 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

This would be bad enough, but I've got a feeling that in years to come any Churchill biopic will portray him as a pantomime villain. Driven by 'black academics' (a contradiction in terms if ever I've heard one) his legacy is being steered away from that of one of Britain's finest ever heroes, to a racist, prejudiced caricature of every moustache twirling, Hollywood British imperialist that's ever appeared on screen.

Regardless of the fact that in all likelihood without him his largest group of critics would never have been born, the PC brigade continue to assign their own modern SJW rhetoric and principles anachronistically to a man of his time. 

This is revisionist history in its most dangerous form, and if it continues unopposed and statues continue to be torn down, we're not going to be far away from a point in time when British icons and heroes such as Churchill will be victims of a modern day damnatio memoriae.

Time to wake up and take back our history, if anyone has still got the bollocks to do so.

I'm genuinely glad that I don't have kids. I couldn't bear to watch as they grow up being brainwashed and marginalised, believing themselves to be second class citizens and expected to grovel to minorities. I can honestly see a time in the not too distant future where white people visiting hospitals and doctors surgeries will be told to get to the back of the waiting room and know their place. 

I wouldn't like to be in your position of having a couple of Declets running around and wondering what the future holds for them.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

While your comment is intended with irony, the sad fact is I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see a woman of African ethnicity playing Churchill in future. This whole diversity agenda bollocks - obviously tied in with the US-derived Woke, BLM and 'angel wings' George Floyd movement - has become so fucking farcical in the UK I now consider it to be not only insulting to British people but also anti-majority, anti-white and counter-productive.

Brainwashing today's younger generation into believing historical figures are not what they actually were, whether via colour or sexual orientation, could be a recipe for problems further down the line.

It's about time an indigenous British majority took a stand against this ongoing manipulative bullshit. That said, admittedly I am coming round to the idea of a black Churchill:

Young woman at dinner table: "You're drunk!"

Churchill: "I may be pickled bitch, but in de mornin' ah iz gonna be soba as a county judge and yo' white ass gotss'ta still be lookin' like a piece of grandma's fried chicken."

Don't be stupid, wouldn't be at the dinner table. Not enough room for the KFC bargain bucket. 

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40 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wouldn't like to be in your position of having a couple of Declets running around and wondering what the future holds for them.

It's not easy, Eric. Mrs D is a secondary school teacher and has an insight into what's going on in the frontline battle to brainwash the next generation of children. She doesn't necessarily agree with it, but I often get a quick kick in the shin under the dinner table if I say something that my father would have said to me twenty five years ago without anyone batting an eyelid.

It's not that I'm pontificating on anything most normal people would find even mildly provocative, but teachers are duty bound to report even the mildest of infractions against the PC agenda of today, and questions will be asked of the parents if your child deviates from it regularly.

For example, and I'm sure it was the same when you were at school, when I was a kid calling another child a queer, poof or bender was just part and parcel of the normal banter growing up. It wasn't a homophobic hate crime, you didn't even mean it in that way, it was just shit you said without even thinking about it. Nowadays, you'd get a call from the school warning you that your 11 year old lad was a perpetrator of a hate crime, and the insinuation would be that you're somehow raising them in a hate filled, far right environment.

I absolutely fucking despair at times, but my boys seem quite switched on about it all without me having to sway them either way in the debate. I just hope it stays that way, because if and when they go to university, that's when the serious indoctrination starts. As for my daughter, she's two and fucking despises Dipsy the most out of all the Telly Tubbies, so there's hope for her yet.

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46 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'm genuinely glad that I don't have kids. I couldn't bear to watch as they grow up being brainwashed and marginalised, believing themselves to be second class citizens and expected to grovel to minorities. I can honestly see a time in the not too distant future where white people visiting hospitals and doctors surgeries will be told to get to the back of the waiting room and know their place. 

I wouldn't like to be in your position of having a couple of Declets running around and wondering what the future holds for them.

It's time to worry when they start kissing their teeth, calling Decs a raasclart when he tells them it's time for bed and saying "Arks" and not "ask". But then again, there's probably more in the Norwich City starting lineup than in Norfolk anyway. 

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50 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's not easy, Eric. Mrs D is a secondary school teacher and has an insight into what's going on in the frontline battle to brainwash the next generation of children. She doesn't necessarily agree with it, but I often get a quick kick in the shin under the dinner table if I say something that my father would have said to me twenty five years ago without anyone batting an eyelid.

It's not that I'm pontificating on anything most normal people would find even mildly provocative, but teachers are duty bound to report even the mildest of infractions against the PC agenda of today, and questions will be asked of the parents if your child deviates from it regularly.

For example, and I'm sure it was the same when you were at school, when I was a kid calling another child a queer, poof or bender was just part and parcel of the normal banter growing up. It wasn't a homophobic hate crime, you didn't even mean it in that way, it was just shit you said without even thinking about it. Nowadays, you'd get a call from the school warning you that your 11 year old lad was a perpetrator of a hate crime, and the insinuation would be that you're somehow raising them in a hate filled, far right environment.

I absolutely fucking despair at times, but my boys seem quite switched on about it all without me having to sway them either way in the debate. I just hope it stays that way, because if and when they go to university, that's when the serious indoctrination starts. As for my daughter, she's two and fucking despises Dipsy the most out of all the Telly Tubbies, so there's hope for her yet.

Pre-prep, prep, senior and full-time boarding, roughly I've spent around 400k per child. My dip-dyed-headed daughter hates me with every fibre of her being and my son is in Kenya on a 'save the spades' course, picking up litter. 

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2 minutes ago, Frank said:

Pre-prep, prep, senior and full-time boarding, roughly I've spent around 400k per child. My dip-dyed-headed daughter hates me with every fibre of her being and my son is in Kenya on a 'save the spades' course, picking up litter. 

I've struggled to empathise with a man who by recent estimates has spent £265,000 on shoes since the 90s, but this really hit home.

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On 04/06/2021 at 14:25, Wolfie said:

This is one of a handful of reasons why a growing number of black people have brought a little bit of Lagos to the streets of London and are attacking one another with machetes

Rivers of blood anyone?

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

This would be bad enough, but I've got a feeling that in years to come any Churchill biopic will portray him as a pantomime villain. Driven by 'black academics' (a contradiction in terms if ever I've heard one) his legacy is being steered away from that of one of Britain's finest ever heroes, to a racist, prejudiced caricature of every moustache twirling, Hollywood British imperialist that's ever appeared on screen.

Regardless of the fact that in all likelihood without him his largest group of critics would never have been born, the PC brigade continue to assign their own modern SJW rhetoric and principles anachronistically to a man of his time. 

This is revisionist history in its most dangerous form, and if it continues unopposed and statues continue to be torn down, we're not going to be far away from a point in time when British icons and heroes such as Churchill will be victims of a modern day damnatio memoriae.

Time to wake up and take back our history, if anyone has still got the bollocks to do so.

I haven't watched the news for a while as I'm one of many switched on individuals who can see through the bullshit that's constantly trotted out daily. 

If there's even a chance that Churchill's statue is going to be toppled or removed then we're living in times more dangerous than I thought. 

Without that man's leadership we would probably all be speaking fucking German, and would probably have Himmler's grandson as our prime minister. 

These fucking idiots should pick up a history book pre 2000 and read about the sacrifices made by thousands of young men that have allowed free speech. 


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30 minutes ago, Frank said:

Pre-prep, prep, senior and full-time boarding, roughly I've spent around 400k per child. My dip-dyed-headed daughter hates me with every fibre of her being and my son is in Kenya on a 'save the spades' course, picking up litter. 

Fuck off Frank. You’re already despised. Hang your head in shame.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

It's not easy, Eric. Mrs D is a secondary school teacher and has an insight into what's going on in the frontline battle to brainwash the next generation of children. She doesn't necessarily agree with it, but I often get a quick kick in the shin under the dinner table if I say something that my father would have said to me twenty five years ago without anyone batting an eyelid.

It's not that I'm pontificating on anything most normal people would find even mildly provocative, but teachers are duty bound to report even the mildest of infractions against the PC agenda of today, and questions will be asked of the parents if your child deviates from it regularly.

For example, and I'm sure it was the same when you were at school, when I was a kid calling another child a queer, poof or bender was just part and parcel of the normal banter growing up. It wasn't a homophobic hate crime, you didn't even mean it in that way, it was just shit you said without even thinking about it. Nowadays, you'd get a call from the school warning you that your 11 year old lad was a perpetrator of a hate crime, and the insinuation would be that you're somehow raising them in a hate filled, far right environment.

I absolutely fucking despair at times, but my boys seem quite switched on about it all without me having to sway them either way in the debate. I just hope it stays that way, because if and when they go to university, that's when the serious indoctrination starts. As for my daughter, she's two and fucking despises Dipsy the most out of all the Telly Tubbies, so there's hope for her yet.

When my son was around ten I came home one day and my then missus called me aside and showed me some literature she had found in his school bag. S and M bondage stuff. She asked me what I thought we should do.Without hesitation I replied. ‘I don’t think we should spank him.’

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