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History Repeating Itself

Guest judgetwi

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
4 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

He must have sausaged her out of being a scissor-sister then, because she used to chomp on the old Axminster. You have to be a muff-nuzzler to play women’s ‘football,’ it’s in their rule book.

Gives a whole new meaning to 'dribbling in the box'. There's one serious bull-dyke who plays for the yanks, one with purple hair. Jesus what a hideous cunt she is, Fred and Rose West would have turned their noises up at fucking that into the great beyond.

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

The useless cunt has gone AWOL again, so let me take up the baton on his behalf.

I’m beginning to suspect that there might be a touch of the lavender brush about this pair of vagina declining arselord fairy cakes. The prescribed treatment in these parts for such unabashed felch monkeys involves a half brick to the testicles, followed by a size 15 knitting needle driven through the vitreous humour into the foramen magnum, before finally (and almost needless to say) setting the cunts on fire.

Qualitah. Indistinguishable from a genuine @Rev sermon.


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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

The useless cunt has gone AWOL again, so let me take up the baton on his behalf.

I’m beginning to suspect that there might be a touch of the lavender brush about this pair of vagina declining arselord fairy cakes. The prescribed treatment in these parts for such unabashed felch monkeys involves a half brick to the testicles, followed by a size 15 knitting needle driven through the vitreous humour into the foramen magnum, before finally (and almost needless to say) setting the cunts on fire.

Pure, unrefined @Rev. He’ll be proud as punch when he reads this.

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Guest judgetwi
On 19/05/2021 at 13:46, Decimus said:

If by "Her Maj" you mean your favourite transvestite two bob an hour rent boy, and by sword on your shoulder you're referring to one made of pork, I definitely believe you.

Fuck off.



On 19/05/2021 at 15:00, Major Cunt said:

Surely the sword has to be kosher as he's a practicing four by two? So I'm guessing that as long his rent-boy's been circumcised Abraham looks the other way, or maybe has a sneaky peek through the glory hole. 

No “abusive behaviour” there then Mr Roops? No red triangle for these little boys? No “ content will be moderated” for the little boys who insult you all  the time? 

But insults from the little boys don’t bother you do they Mr Roops? We know what winds you up don’t we? 😁 We know what you can’t handle. 🤭

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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:


No “abusive behaviour” there then Mr Roops? No red triangle for these little boys? No “ content will be moderated” for the little boys who insult you all  the time? 

But insults from the little boys don’t bother you do they Mr Roops? We know what winds you up don’t we? 😁 We know what you can’t handle. 🤭

Are you sure that you're a man in his 50s? Because you fucking whinge and whine like a 12 year old girl.

Get a grip, you big baby cunt.


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9 hours ago, judgetwi said:


No “abusive behaviour” there then Mr Roops? No red triangle for these little boys? No “ content will be moderated” for the little boys who insult you all  the time? 

But insults from the little boys don’t bother you do they Mr Roops? We know what winds you up don’t we? 😁 We know what you can’t handle. 🤭

What is it about weak, fragile punters who attempt to re-write past narratives which pander to their own bogus victimhood?  Maybe the thread title should be, "Attempting to Re-write History". Just to remind you as to why you stare at a red triangle each time you log in...

On 27/07/2020 at 07:23, Mrs Roops said:

Now you are wasting my time. I suggest you use The Corner for which it was designed for instead of constantly reminding punters of past events. Stop your noise, cease bawling, move on or move out.


On 27/07/2020 at 08:34, judgetwi said:

Threatening to kick me out now ducky? You do realise that i’m a member of the Tribe of Israel (well,  according to “past events”). We know you middle class fake lefties hate the Jews but lobbing me out would be a bit obvious wouldn’t it? Why, even my old nemesis, Herr Oberst, would have a little weep to himself don’t you think? But he can take a bit of piss taking, unlike you and your little fag hag gang. 

You don’t mind little boys insulting you about the state of your underwear, your alleged vagina and your alleged menstrual problems but get a challenge and some cunt ripping the piss and you  can’t handle it. Chuck me off then. You’re a bottler, out of your depth. Total bullshitter.


On 27/07/2020 at 09:24, Mrs Roops said:

You are not paying attention to the issue at hand. Incidentally, your alleged, "challenges" are simply recycled insults and put-downs authored by others. For some reason you've beguiled yourself in thinking that your "challenges" have more impact than anyone else's. Be that as it may, you've just talked yourself onto the Mod Q. Any post which includes revisiting old grievances will not see the light of day.

If you had half a brain you would've been taken off the ModQ within a fortnight but here you are ten months later...

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On 19/05/2021 at 00:19, judgetwi said:

May 14th 1938.....Olympic Stadium, Berlin.....Germany v England. The England team, under the instruction of Neville Chamberlain, the bottlejob appeaser, give the Nazi salute.

A disgraceful incident and a shameful photograph which I would post on here if I knew how to do that shit. ( hint hint)

That worked out well didn’t it Nev, you posh wanker? Now we are faced with the Euros and the England team “taking the knee,” in an attempt to appease the wokie fake Marxists......another bunch of posh, public school cunts. 

Yeah, well fuck you, fuck the BBC, fuck Sky Sports, fuck Boris fucking Johnson, fuck the  wokies, fuck Gareth fucking middle management fucking Wokegate, fuck Saint “I was starving as a kid” Marcus Rashford and, in particular, fuck that jug eared, crisp munching, Taxdodger piece of Cayman Islands bank account holding, dogshit.

I’m an Englishman, I kneel for nobody except Her Maj when she is placing the sword on my well deserving shoulder. 

Remember Berlin 1938 when you see those multi millionaires on their knees pretending they give a fuck. 

I agree with the overall sentiment of the post, but I'm gonna have to pull you up on the second to last paragraph. It's a well established fact that you're a Jewish/Polak immigrant, and like any tight fisted old kike you naturally hold dual citizenship. 

We know where your allegiances lie, and the only head of state, or leader you'd kneel for would be Benjamin Netanyahu, but I'd imagine Stephen Fry also fits the bill.

What's the tribes position on Roma/Bulgarian pikeys? I'd imagine that like just about every other civilised nation on the planet they're detested, but you cunts wouldn't let them within a 50 mile radius of your borders, and for that I applaud your kin.

The old three wheelers actually have government that gives a shit about it's people, and I bet you don't see any homeless in Tel Aviv. Decent wages, beautiful beaches, and Jewish princesses in bikinis. 

Fuck me. I've suddenly decided I want to convert to Judaism, and as I have already been circumcised I could probably pass the test, but the nose might be an issue. 

PM me your rabbis number, Jewdy. 

As we're approaching the sabbath, I won't expect an answer till Sunday. 


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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:


No “abusive behaviour” there then Mr Roops? No red triangle for these little boys? No “ content will be moderated” for the little boys who insult you all  the time? 

But insults from the little boys don’t bother you do they Mr Roops? We know what winds you up don’t we? 😁 We know what you can’t handle. 🤭

Keep going judge, I feel your pain brother...

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You certainly won't see this stuff on any of the zionist owned mainstream media. 

Looks like the Mossad are getting sloppy, or are just overwhelmed by @judgetwi constant phone calls regarding "Mr Roops".

Rupert Murdoch's a cunt. 

Edited by Major Cunt
I've forwarded the old bastards details to Hamas' military wing.
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On 21/05/2021 at 08:22, Decimus said:

Are you sure that you're a man in his 50s? Because you fucking whinge and whine like a 12 year old girl.

Get a grip, you big baby cunt.


@judgetwi I can see you logged on and I can imagine you now, stumbling home from some disgusting East End boozer, your fat, greasy fingers desperately slamming out a response on your Sagem burner.

It makes me smile that as I abuse you in real time, all you can do is sit there like the fat, impotent, useless fucking old cunt that you are, completely incapable of responding until Roops logs in and allows your post to get through the ModQ twelve hours later.


Fuck off.



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Guest judgetwi
3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

@judgetwi I can see you logged on and I can imagine you now, stumbling home from some disgusting East End boozer, your fat, greasy fingers desperately slamming out a response on your Sagem burner.

It makes me smile that as I abuse you in real time, all you can do is sit there like the fat, impotent, useless fucking old cunt that you are, completely incapable of responding until Roops logs in and allows your post to get through the ModQ twelve hours later.


Fuck off.



I’ve no idea what a “sagem burner” is and most “east end boozers” have been converted into mosques these days but I wouldn’t expect you to know that to be fair. Yes, the delay is somewhat frustrating but don’t let that stop you sucking on the Roops cock.

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Guest judgetwi
On 21/05/2021 at 11:03, Major Cunt said:

I agree with the overall sentiment of the post, but I'm gonna have to pull you up on the second to last paragraph. It's a well established fact that you're a Jewish/Polak immigrant, and like any tight fisted old kike you naturally hold dual citizenship. 

We know where your allegiances lie, and the only head of state, or leader you'd kneel for would be Benjamin Netanyahu, but I'd imagine Stephen Fry also fits the bill.

What's the tribes position on Roma/Bulgarian pikeys? I'd imagine that like just about every other civilised nation on the planet they're detested, but you cunts wouldn't let them within a 50 mile radius of your borders, and for that I applaud your kin.

The old three wheelers actually have government that gives a shit about it's people, and I bet you don't see any homeless in Tel Aviv. Decent wages, beautiful beaches, and Jewish princesses in bikinis. 

Fuck me. I've suddenly decided I want to convert to Judaism, and as I have already been circumcised I could probably pass the test, but the nose might be an issue. 

PM me your rabbis number, Jewdy. 

As we're approaching the sabbath, I won't expect an answer till Sunday. 


Give it up Marje. You ain’t funny. The secret to piss taking is to make the hit and then back off. You hope the target is  going to take the bait and go fucking over the top......just like you have done here.

You ain’t very bright are you Marjorie? But then i’ve probably said that once or twice before.

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Guest judgetwi
On 21/05/2021 at 10:05, Mrs Roops said:

What is it about weak, fragile punters who attempt to re-write past narratives which pander to their own bogus victimhood?  Maybe the thread title should be, "Attempting to Re-write History". Just to remind you as to why you stare at a red triangle each time you log in...



If you had half a brain you would've been taken off the ModQ within a fortnight but here you are ten months later...

Did you know that Stevie Nicks and Bill Shatner had an affair and Bill proposed marriage? Unfortunately she turned him down because she didn’t want to be called Stevie Shatner Nicks! 

😁😁😄😃😂😆😆 I’m fucking funny don’t you think Mr Roops? Not quite in your class obviously but at least i’m having a  go. Try not to pity me ok?

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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Did you know that Stevie Nicks and Bill Shatner had an affair and Bill proposed marriage? Unfortunately she turned him down because she didn’t want to be called Stevie Shatner Nicks! 

😁😁😄😃😂😆😆 I’m fucking funny don’t you think Mr Roops? Not quite in your class obviously but at least i’m having a  go. Try not to pity me ok?

Old twitter joke.

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20 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Give it up Marje. You ain’t funny. The secret to piss taking is to make the hit and then back off. You hope the target is  going to take the bait and go fucking over the top......just like you have done here.

You ain’t very bright are you Marjorie? But then i’ve probably said that once or twice before.

I dunno, Jewdy. Some of my material regarding you has been applauded harder than a Netanyahu speech at Congress. You overestimate your ability to bring the house down with that famous jewish sense of humour. 

Shalom brother...

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On 19/05/2021 at 00:19, judgetwi said:

May 14th 1938.....Olympic Stadium, Berlin.....Germany v England. The England team, under the instruction of Neville Chamberlain, the bottlejob appeaser, give the Nazi salute.

A disgraceful incident and a shameful photograph which I would post on here if I knew how to do that shit. ( hint hint)

That worked out well didn’t it Nev, you posh wanker? Now we are faced with the Euros and the England team “taking the knee,” in an attempt to appease the wokie fake Marxists......another bunch of posh, public school cunts. 

Yeah, well fuck you, fuck the BBC, fuck Sky Sports, fuck Boris fucking Johnson, fuck the  wokies, fuck Gareth fucking middle management fucking Wokegate, fuck Saint “I was starving as a kid” Marcus Rashford and, in particular, fuck that jug eared, crisp munching, Taxdodger piece of Cayman Islands bank account holding, dogshit.

I’m an Englishman, I kneel for nobody except Her Maj when she is placing the sword on my well deserving shoulder. 

Remember Berlin 1938 when you see those multi millionaires on their knees pretending they give a fuck. 

If I had a fucking sword I wouldn't place it on your fucking shoulder but right up your arse you fucking silly prick. Then I'd spend all night twisting it and Nazi saluting. 

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