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Endless conflict between Hamas and Israel

Guest Weary&Disgusted

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4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Well, I didn't expect BR's leading former Bernard Bresslaw ticket inspector-come-public toilet shitstain remover to pass judgement this late in the day.

Which inner thigh are the hairy bollocks reddening this evening, Dave? 

How did you know that my name was Dave?

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32 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

The transition to electric, though I think poorly thought out and shabbily executed will lead to a steep decline in oil extraction, as rickety financially as it now is. Petrol makes for the majority of oil barrel component after processing and this “waste product” is what keeps the producers in a state of suspended animation - for now. The increasing fall in demand for petrol, during even slow adoption of electric vehicles, etc will tip the scales in the relatively near future.

Western governments are absolutely right to print currencies and use oil for the current infrastructure repairs and improvements as they know very well what lies ahead. Public transport will be crucial, as we will not have as many cars as we do now. 
I have been thinking about Bill Gates’ current purchases of farming land in the US. I have concluded that there is an angle, possibly a chemical one; obtaining fertilisers may be a problem, once oil had fully collapsed.


The reality with cars is that the fossil fuel savings created by the increase in the use of electric cars is being negated by the increase in the number SUVs .. we only need a few more Donald Trumps to appear and to get elected (not an unlikely prospect) and we will be back to gas guzzling cars and fossil fuel use. There was a similar set of thought back in the 1970s but the electorate were not prepared to make the sacrifices and the like of Thatcher and Reagan were elected. You are not going to get people out of their SUVs and on to the bus.

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28 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

How did you know that my name was Dave?


14 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Come on @Wolfie how did you know that my name is Dave?


6 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Answer the question .. how do you know that my name is Dave?


You appear to be on the receiving end of a good rattling – and not for the first time I'll wager, lol.

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10 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The reality with cars is that the fossil fuel savings created by the increase in the use of electric cars is being negated by the increase in the number SUVs .. we only need a few more Donald Trumps to appear and to get elected (not an unlikely prospect) and we will be back to gas guzzling cars and fossil fuel use. There was a similar set of thought back in the 1970s but the electorate were not prepared to make the sacrifices and the like of Thatcher and Reagan were elected. You are not going to get people out of their SUVs and on to the bus.

SUVs are going electric too;  thus impacting the oil market in particular, as people driving these have deep pockets and will buy any-priced electric and in the process dump the five gallon per mile petrol ones. The people most affected will be the ones with the least money available to spend on a car. Without a cheap petrol vehicle available, many will have no other option but to use public transport. And unless we get new, viable  -  in terms of raw materials battery tech, the second-hand electric ones will still be too costly to purchase for many.

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1 minute ago, White Cunt said:

SUVs are going electric too;  thus impacting the oil market in particular, as people driving these have deep pockets and will buy any-priced electric and in the process dump the five gallon per mile petrol ones. The people most affected will be the ones with the least money available to spend on a car. Without a cheap petrol vehicle available, many will have no other option but to use public transport. And unless we get new, viable  -  in terms of raw materials battery tech, the second-hand electric ones will still be too costly to purchase for many.

I have seen some of the arguments re the impact of electric SUVs only the likely availability supply of power to recharge them. I actually saw all the same arguments back in the late 1960s and into the 1970s and then what happened when people decided they were not prepared to pay the cost and decided to elect people who would not tell them inconvenient truths.

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On 17/05/2021 at 22:40, Decimus said:

I'd have a bit more sympathy for the Jews if they didn't use their political and media influence to shut down any criticism of Israel by labelling it as "anti-Semitic".

The UN has failed to issue any proclamations against the Jews latest murdering rampage in Gaza because the US has vetoed it. For anyone who believes the fiction that the Jews don't wield an inordinate amount of power in this world and labels that fact as an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, tell me why a western country that is predominantly full of fundamentalist Christians has vehemently protested against any censorship of Israel since 1947. Jewish political influence is so deeply ingrained in the US that they basically control its foreign policy.

Fuck Israel and fuck the Jews.

I don’t disagree with much of what you say, but the latest skirmishes are just a repeat of what we have seen umpteen times before. 

Organisations like the U.N and the E.U were set up to represent the globalists interests. And, yes, Jews are over represented in the financial sector, judiciary and media. Has been the case since the anti racialist post WW2 narrative came into being.

If I were to offer support to any group in the Middle East it would be the long suffering people of Lebanon.

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13 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I have seen some of the arguments re the impact of electric SUVs only the likely availability supply of power to recharge them. I actually saw all the same arguments back in the late 1960s and into the 1970s and then what happened when people decided they were not prepared to pay the cost and decided to elect people who would not tell them inconvenient truths.

At the time, there was still a cheap supply of oil; the US was tipping in the early seventies, but camelids had boat loads (and smaller populations back then) to keep the show going. The situation is very different now;  people will not be able to pay the expensive prices of new vehicles, but there is no way to reverse the situation; it’s a complex picture of declining, high-earning population in the western world, expensive extraction, poorer ores, etc. There is a lot of green propaganda out there, but it’s only hiding the reality of the situation from the masses. 
Those unable to pay the price will not own a vehicle any more.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
3 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

At the time, there was still a cheap supply of oil; the US was tipping in the early seventies, but camelids had boat loads (and smaller populations back then) to keep the show going. The situation is very different now;  people will not be able to pay for the expensive prices of new vehicles, but there is no way to reverse the situation; it’s a complex picture of declining, high-earning population in the western world, expensive extraction, poorer ores, etc. There is a lot of green propaganda out there, but it’s only hiding the reality of the situation from the masses. 
Thise unable to pay the price will not own a vehicle any more.

... Unless they are very clever mechanics who can build cars which run on home brewed ethanol

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Emotionally I'm also fairly ambivalent, but I couldn't disagree more. World oil markets have obviously suffered throughout the pandemic and now things (in the West at least) are starting to open up a little, fuel prices are set to rocket. In contrast to the US or Russia the UK imports almost all of its oil – borne from our ever-increasing obsession with cars and roads (and grossly underfunded public transport networks), meaning our country's continued reliance on imported fossil fuels remains more fragile in the face of political turmoil in the Middle East than ever. I will be amazed if the oil markets don't respond to the latest heightening of conflict. In recent years the UK has shot itself in the foot by sanctioning oil coming from Libya and Iran – thus contributing to a large supply disruption (in addition to present time war-torn Syria and the ongoing legacy of Iraq). Costs for public goods services generally echo the private sector, and vice-versa.

World investment markets – lead by a trio of nations with the UK being one – also generally respond negatively to conflict in the Middle East, for the reasons I have outlined above. So, if you have a few thousand invested in a unit trust for example, expect it to make a loss (short-term at least).

 I'm not sure whether you're a motorist or have money invested outside of a mortgage, but how is the above not going to affect you?

I am not minted, but I tend not to give a fuck about money. As long as there is food on the table, my children are clothed and I have a presence in their upbringing, nothing else matters to me. I probably had more money 10 years ago, because I would travel long distances and work away from home, all in pursuit of highly paid jobs. 

Right now I am more bothered about the knife that is at the throats of all decent white folk in England. White privilege, critical race theory, hate speech laws and the forthcoming laws  concerning free speech on the internet. These things will make a big difference to my children’s future. 

So if a group of cunts all from the same Semitic tribe want to do what they have been doing for donkeys years, then leave them to it.

The enemy is my midst, as far as I am concerned, is the duopoly political cabal that has squandered everything good about England, commodified everything in life and filled this country with some very undesirable foreigners.

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20 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I am not minted, but I tend not to give a fuck about money. As long as there is food on the table, my children are clothed and I have a presence in their upbringing, nothing else matters to me. I probably had more money 10 years ago, because I would travel long distances and work away from home, all in pursuit of highly paid jobs. 

Right now I am more bothered about the knife that is at the throats of all decent white folk in England. White privilege, critical race theory, hate speech laws and the forthcoming laws  concerning free speech on the internet. These things will make a big difference to my children’s future. 

So if a group of cunts all from the same Semitic tribe want to do what they have been doing for donkeys years, then leave them to it.

The enemy is my midst, as far as I am concerned, is the duopoly political cabal that has squandered everything good about England, commodified everything in life and filled this country with some very undesirable foreigners.

Succinctly answered with a worthy addendum. A perspective voicing that of many – myself included.  

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25 minutes ago, Frank said:

‘Succinctly answered with a worthy addendum’. Fucking hell. What a cunt. 

Frank, my farmers are giving me absolute jip tonight. My anus is swollen, puckered and itching intensely.

If I lay on my side, even the gentle effect of gravity pulling my buttock against my ravaged arsehole is enough to have me wincing and squinting like Ming under a sun bed.

As a man who has battled and beaten rectal cancer on 16 occasions, short of shoving my head up my arse in a similar manner to what you have been doing for the past five years, what would you recommend I do for relief?

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23 minutes ago, pegleg said:

Israel is the new Nazi Germany . The mass murder of Palestinians is practically a national sport .

There seems to be a mix of stubbornness on both sides due to the involvement of religion in what is being handled as a political situation. You can pander to both sides until the sun burns out, but religious posturing will always have one side declaring any sort of political help from a third party as proof that they're God's favourite little lap dogs, pissing the other side off who'll scream oppression in response. 

Its a dirty little conflict that simply comes down to a cock measuring competition between two completely incompatible ideologies metaphorically enforced by two autistic cunts trying to push one another out of a sand pit whilst functional adults surround them occasionally shouting encouragement to their chosen spacker or making the mistake that their weak calls for them to hug and make up will somehow be listened to, completely ignorant to the fact that their continued attention only fuels the situation.

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9 hours ago, Frank said:

‘Succinctly answered with a worthy addendum’. Fucking hell. What a cunt. 

A predictable quip from the site's leading nom-shy troll, who these days appears to have nothing more in the locker other than attempting to derail discussions. 

Still, at least you triggered the chemical compound which activates laughter in Gyppo's walnut-sized brain. 

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