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Lunatics Taking Over

Hammer of Cunts

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Apparently, in Scotland, public violence and a belief in fairy-stories are now considered more important than the rule of law. If these cunts aren't meant to be in the county then they should be fucked off post-haste, regardless of whatever superstitious arsewipery they subscribe to,

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Fuckin' Jock cunts won't be so hospitable when they find themselves overrun with the swarthy illegals after they start sucking Macron's cock to get back in the EU again(if the gallic dick-splash is still in power)

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27 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It looks like a straightforward "You've outstayed your welcome" type visit.

It's the complete surrender to the mob that I think is disturbing.

What I find disturbing is the number of white British cunts falling over themselves to welcome these savages. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that most of their support stems from a shared sexual interest in children. 


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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What I find disturbing is the number of white British cunts falling over themselves to welcome these savages. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that most of their support stems from a shared sexual interest in children. 


I unfortunately happened to catch a bit of the One Show yesterday and Alex Jones was lamenting, and pouring sympathy upon, one particular illegal immigrant because of how desperate he must have been as he'd stowed away in fairly small roof box on a family car in order to get into the UK. 

Suffice to say, there was somewhat less sympathy for British taxpayers or the unfortunate family that have received a big fine for unknowingly importing something brown and smelly. No mention either that the cunt could have stayed in France. I mean, I know France is a shit hole but it's got too be better than where this bloke came from, surely? 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

If the government had just had the bottle to napalm every last one of the cunts who took part in the Poll Tax demonstrations in Glasgow all those years ago, we wouldn't have these fucking problems today. I mean, it worked on the Belgrano, didn't it?

I am Agent Orange.

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Guest judgetwi

Total capitulation by the Bill to a bunch of peacefuls, students and middle class twats. Reminds me of the Mets’ finest getting on their knees to the mob in Londonstabistan last year. They had eight hours to call in the riot squad, horses, dogs and crack a few libtard heads. Funnily enough they managed it at the Man Utd/Liverpool “replay” but there they are protecting big money and only cracking working class heads so that’s ok then. 

Krankie talks like the leader of a country under foreign occupation but is desperate to sell her arse to the EU fascists. You can’t deny that the Jocks voted for this commie just a few days ago so fuck the cunts. 

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15 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Total capitulation by the Bill to a bunch of peacefuls, students and middle class twats. Reminds me of the Mets’ finest getting on their knees to the mob in Londonstabistan last year. They had eight hours to call in the riot squad, horses, dogs and crack a few libtard heads. Funnily enough they managed it at the Man Utd/Liverpool “replay” but there they are protecting big money and only cracking working class heads so that’s ok then. 

Krankie talks like the leader of a country under foreign occupation but is desperate to sell her arse to the EU fascists. You can’t deny that the Jocks voted for this commie just a few days ago so fuck the cunts. 

Indeed. They managed to call out the riot squad to disperse the pissed up Rangers fans winning a league of a similar standard to South Rutland under 14s 4th division 

If there’s any justice most of these cunts and those who thought it acceptable to set fire to a police van with people in it in Bristol a few weeks back, will get a dose to curry flavored chinky flu with long term effects. Hopefully sterility 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Indeed. They managed to call out the riot squad to disperse the pissed up Rangers fans winning a league of a similar standard to South Rutland under 14s 4th division 

You overestimate the quality of Scottish football, on a near-logarithmic basis.

1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If there’s any justice most of these cunts will get a dose to curry flavored chinky flu with long term effects. Hopefully sterility 

And these are the cunts who DON'T want independence. What a fuckfest.

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18 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Total capitulation by the Bill to a bunch of peacefuls, students and middle class twats. Reminds me of the Mets’ finest getting on their knees to the mob in Londonstabistan last year. They had eight hours to call in the riot squad, horses, dogs and crack a few libtard heads. Funnily enough they managed it at the Man Utd/Liverpool “replay” but there they are protecting big money and only cracking working class heads so that’s ok then. 

Krankie talks like the leader of a country under foreign occupation but is desperate to sell her arse to the EU fascists. You can’t deny that the Jocks voted for this commie just a few days ago so fuck the cunts. 

Stupid cunt.

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Guest judgetwi
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Stupid cunt.

Cunt yes, but i’m not so sure she’s stupid. I’m more inclined to attribute stupidity to the cunts who voted for her. Jimmy  longs to see pigeons shitting on her statue in every town in Scotland.

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On 14/05/2021 at 18:00, Goober said:

because of how desperate he must have been as he'd stowed away in fairly small roof box on a family car

Should have superglued the roofbox with the cunt inside and thrown it in the skip at the back of Halfords, then set the lot on fire and parked the car so the fire engine couldn’t get past until the filthy bastard was cooked. Gary Lineker would probably disagree if he wasn’t too busy avoiding paying any tax. Fucking libtard cunt.

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Guest judgetwi
8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

You overestimate the quality of Scottish football, on a near-logarithmic basis.

And these are the cunts who DON'T want independence. What a fuckfest.

Indeed, the Rangers cunts are well known for flying the Union Jack whereas the Tims prefer the 🇵🇸 Palestinian flag. I think that tells you all you need to know.

Forgive my forwardness, some might say barefaced fucking cheek Mr Bores, but I was wondering if I might call upon your renowned archival skills. 

You see Mr Roops has given me a big red warning triangle for “abusive behaviour” and has to approve all of my posts before they appear. So I thought you might like to dig around and see what you can find..... the more “abusive” they are the better. I only recall taking the piss out of nerds, saddos and braggarts but I could be wrong. Basically I would like to compare this “abuse” with what passes for everyday discourse on this site. 

You may never read this because I have already been deleted by the bottler Roops. Assuming you have read it you may say “go and fuck yourself wanker.” Don’t worry, the bottler, coward Il Duce Roops won’t count that as “abusive”.


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17 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I thought you might like to dig around and see what you can find....

You thought wrong, then, I'm afraid.

“Abuse” is a subjective term, to a significant extent. There’s very, very little that I find offensive (stupid cunts being a notable exception) so I’m not really best placed to pass comment. You can dig through your own posts, though, by the simple expedient of following the link below:


If you can review one post every ten seconds it will take you just under twelve hours to complete this most tedious of tasks. Let us know how you get on.

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Guest judgetwi

Indeed, I understand. I fear that , like that copper who accidentally wiped out St George Floyd, i’m not going to get a fair trial from Mr Roops anyway. Evidence doesn’t count for much in the dictator’s courtroom. 

It’s the red triangle that pisses me off. That means communist.

What’s wrong with the yellow star already! Oi vei! Always people changing things these days!

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22 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Indeed, I understand. I fear that , like that copper who accidentally wiped out St George Floyd, i’m not going to get a fair trial from Mr Roops anyway. Evidence doesn’t count for much in the dictator’s courtroom. 

It’s the red triangle that pisses me off. That means communist.

What’s wrong with the yellow star already! Oi vei! Always people changing things these days!

Give it a fucking rest you filthy fucking kebab scoffing yid cunt. No one gives a fuck about your predicament with admin which is obviously of your own making.

Take your medicine and fuck off whilst you’re doing it

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On 17/05/2021 at 00:58, judgetwi said:

Indeed, the Rangers cunts are well known for flying the Union Jack whereas the Tims prefer the 🇵🇸 Palestinian flag. I think that tells you all you need to know.

Forgive my forwardness, some might say barefaced fucking cheek Mr Bores, but I was wondering if I might call upon your renowned archival skills. 

You see Mr Roops has given me a big red warning triangle for “abusive behaviour” and has to approve all of my posts before they appear. So I thought you might like to dig around and see what you can find..... the more “abusive” they are the better. I only recall taking the piss out of nerds, saddos and braggarts but I could be wrong. Basically I would like to compare this “abuse” with what passes for everyday discourse on this site. 

You may never read this because I have already been deleted by the bottler Roops. Assuming you have read it you may say “go and fuck yourself wanker.” Don’t worry, the bottler, coward Il Duce Roops won’t count that as “abusive”.


Here we go again. Poor old Jewdy the persecuted red sea pedestrian of the Corner. You've been banging on about Roops as some sort of Ernst Kaltenbruner-esque figure for the past fucking year.

Turn it in you monotonous cunt. Just like highly dubious six million figure your tribe turn out in order to break just about any UN convention under the sun at will, I'm sick of it. 

Get back to being to the kebab munching, mobility scooter speeding, miserable old fucker we all love. 


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12 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Here we go again. Poor old Jewdy the persecuted red sea pedestrian of the Corner. You've been banging on about Roops as some sort of Ernst Kaltenbruner-esque figure for the past fucking year.

Turn it in you monotonous cunt. Just like highly dubious six million figure your tribe turn out in order to break just about any UN convention under the sun at will, I'm sick of it. 

Get back to being to the kebab munching, mobility scooter speeding, miserable old fucker we all love. 


Jewdy has single handedly led me to turn my back on CAFC and become a Millwall supporter. (I don't follow them or anything, that would be gay)

Besides, Millwall suit my political leanings more appropriately. 

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Jewdy has single handedly led me to turn my back on CAFC and become a Millwall supporter. (I don't follow them or anything, that would be gay)

Besides, Millwall suit my political leanings more appropriately. 

If I spot some cunt in a wheelchair wearing a black hat and wrapped in an Israeli flag then I'll be calling on your marksman skills. 

There's an eighth of red seal, and a four pack of wife beater in it for you. 

Keep that burner phone on we discussed through an encrypted medium. 

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