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French Cunts Speaking English


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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

At the risk of being accused of more ‘whataboutery’, whatabout the 600+ Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) who have just demanded that the Trudolf dictatorship release to the public the risk/benefit data and evaluation of same which led to the vaccine rollouts in children of ever decreasing ages, now including 6 month old babies and upward?

Independent media organisations (tinfoil hatters to you) such as Rebel Media and True North have been filing FOI requests for these and many other documents for a long time and been stonewalled (illegally) as if they were asking for information they weren’t entitled to see. Hardly surprising, from an administration fronted by one of Klaus Schwab’s favourite WEF mannequins, where abortion laws do not exist on the statute books and a 9 months old foetus can be ritually murdered when he or she pokes its head out into the world for the first time in its (about to be brutally extinguished) life. I recall you sneering at me for suggesting that this is also on the agenda of many radical leftist politicians in the US currently. Do you still say I am wrong about that?

Are these 600 (and rising) group of medical practitioners who are now asking the questions that they and the majority of their colleagues have wanted to ask, but been either afraid or leaned on not to ask, just thickos, who probably think the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese too? 

A flat earther once told me that they have members all around the globe. 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

At the risk of being accused of more ‘whataboutery’, whatabout the 600+ Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) who have just demanded that the Trudolf dictatorship release to the public the risk/benefit data and evaluation of same which led to the vaccine rollouts in children of ever decreasing ages, now including 6 month old babies and upward?

Independent media organisations (tinfoil hatters to you) such as Rebel Media and True North have been filing FOI requests for these and many other documents for a long time and been stonewalled (illegally) as if they were asking for information they weren’t entitled to see. Hardly surprising, from an administration fronted by one of Klaus Schwab’s favourite WEF mannequins, where abortion laws do not exist on the statute books and a 9 months old foetus can be ritually murdered when he or she pokes its head out into the world for the first time in its (about to be brutally extinguished) life. I recall you sneering at me for suggesting that this is also on the agenda of many radical leftist politicians in the US currently. Do you still say I am wrong about that?

Are these 600 (and rising) group of medical practitioners who are now asking the questions that they and the majority of their colleagues have wanted to ask, but been either afraid or leaned on not to ask, just thickos, who probably think the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese too? 

I don't think i can get any odds on Roops saying you're wrong, that's a given.

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14 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

I don't think i can get any odds on Roops saying you're wrong, that's a given.

Of course she’ll say I’m wrong and that Dr. Whoever (no. 497 on the list of 600+) said this or said that two years ago, which proves without a doubt that they’re all insane and probably support Donald Trump too. 
The real problem she’s got, is that if we’re wrong and the vaccines turn out to be totally safe long term, it won’t matter, but if we’re correct (which I 100% believe) she will deserve everything that her and the rest of the know all (know fuck all) enablers of this tragedy have coming to them. And it is coming sooner rather than later. The genies out of the bottle.

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24 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Of course she’ll say I’m wrong and that Dr. Whoever (no. 497 on the list of 600+) said this or said that two years ago, which proves without a doubt that they’re all insane and probably support Donald Trump too. 
The real problem she’s got, is that if we’re wrong and the vaccines turn out to be totally safe long term, it won’t matter, but if we’re correct (which I 100% believe) she will deserve everything that her and the rest of the know all (know fuck all) enablers of this tragedy have coming to them. And it is coming sooner rather than later. The genies out of the bottle.

Agreed, we should have an official independent investigation and if there's nothing to see..then goody goody gumdrops, but i also believe there's a shit load of unpleasant truths to be discovered and the powers that be can never have that. Why don't the BBC and the like have open debates on Live TV with those you are going against the narrative. If these evil spastics have what they say is the truth & science on their side , then they can destroy the opposite narrative at ease for everyone to see..but we don't see that happening and we are not going to see any MSM live debates like this.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

At the risk of being accused of more ‘whataboutery’, whatabout the 600+ Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners (Canadian Covid Care Alliance) who have just demanded that the Trudolf dictatorship release to the public the risk/benefit data and evaluation of same which led to the vaccine rollouts in children of ever decreasing ages, now including 6 month old babies and upward?

Independent media organisations (tinfoil hatters to you) such as Rebel Media and True North have been filing FOI requests for these and many other documents for a long time and been stonewalled (illegally) as if they were asking for information they weren’t entitled to see. Hardly surprising, from an administration fronted by one of Klaus Schwab’s favourite WEF mannequins, where abortion laws do not exist on the statute books and a 9 months old foetus can be ritually murdered when he or she pokes its head out into the world for the first time in its (about to be brutally extinguished) life. I recall you sneering at me for suggesting that this is also on the agenda of many radical leftist politicians in the US currently. Do you still say I am wrong about that?

Are these 600 (and rising) group of medical practitioners who are now asking the questions that they and the majority of their colleagues have wanted to ask, but been either afraid or leaned on not to ask, just thickos, who probably think the Earth is flat and the Moon is made of cheese too? 

What you said was this

On 15/05/2022 at 10:02, King Billy said:

Which is not the case at all. The overturning of Roe v Wade simply gives the elected administrations in each of the 50  states the power to pass their own abortion  laws, which is exactly what the Constitution states. Autonomy over your own body doesn’t mean murdering a baby right up to the second it emerges from the cunt imo, which is happening in some cases right now and celebrated by the same cunts who say ‘follow the science’ re climate change but ignore science re gender and abortion.

What I said in response specific to your point about a US Supreme Court case,

On 16/05/2022 at 10:20, Mrs Roops said:

Roe v Wade codified the woman's right to choose during the first trimester of pregnancy (13 weeks) so the notion that foetuses could be aborted "right up to the second it emerges" is abject nonsense as is the inference that foetuses are grown to order to sate a multi-billion dollar organ harvesting industry. FTR, I personally would not agree to aborting a healthy baby, in fact I was offered and declined a "foetal reduction" when I was pregnant with triplets. That said, I am uneasy when a group of men get to decide what a woman may or not do with her own body. A woman with an unwanted pregnancy is going through enough angst as it is and doesn't need a bunch of suits pontificating on her behalf.

The problem is that with the distinct probability that Roe v Wade will be overturned it appears that twelve states have put in place "trigger" laws banning any form of abortion care the moment the ruling is/if announced. There are a further two dozen states that have indicated that they will follow suit. Shameful.

Again you're conflating...

As for the "Canadian Covid Care Alliance" do you still want to go down this route?

Medical regulator investigates co-founder of Canadian Covid Care Alliance | The Star

Canadian doctors make inaccurate Covid-19 claims in video | Fact Check (afp.com)

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

the notion that foetuses could be aborted "right up to the second it emerges" is abject nonsense

Unless you happen to currently be in Canada, or in say California in the near future where the ‘loony left’ lawmakers are pushing for exactly that. 
Abject nonsense eh?

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

What you said was this

What I said in response specific to your point about a US Supreme Court case,

Again you're conflating...

As for the "Canadian Covid Care Alliance" do you still want to go down this route?

Medical regulator investigates co-founder of Canadian Covid Care Alliance | The Star

Canadian doctors make inaccurate Covid-19 claims in video | Fact Check (afp.com)

Just another 600+ crazy medical professionals cast into the wilderness thanks to your dedicated investigations and your uncanny fact-checking ability. If only these ‘fact-checkers weren’t either owned or funded by entities such as J and J, Facebook and all the usual suspects with no skin in the game 🤣 

Google ‘fact-check. org/ funding’ and for some reason the page won’t open. 🤔

It’s almost as if they know that fucking dipsticks like you aren’t going to be interested in who spends hundreds of millions of bucks financing these jokers, just as long as they give you the totally predictable results you wet your panties over, and the truth is filed away in the ‘tinfoil hat’ section of the ‘metaverse’ or whatever Zuckerberg, Gates and Nick Clegg etc. are calling their virtual bumsex and mutual wanking platform this week,

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

...Google ‘fact-check. org/ funding’ and for some reason the page won’t open. 🤔...

Nonsense (as usual)

Using the same search syntax as you I had 288 million results. I suspect the problem is your choice of device, the Mattel™ "King Billy® (Special Needs)" notorious for poor processing power and low memory.


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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Nonsense (as usual)

Using the same search syntax as you I had 288 million results. I suspect the problem is your choice of device, the Mattel™ "King Billy® (Special Needs)" notorious for poor processing power and low memory.


I’ve worked out how to work the torch on this iPhone! I think I might be the next Anal Turing. Without all the bumming obviously. 

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Nonsense (as usual)

Using the same search syntax as you I had 288 million results. I suspect the problem is your choice of device, the Mattel™ "King Billy® (Special Needs)" notorious for poor processing power and low memory.


I’m not sure whether you’re ‘rattled’ or ‘nettled’ but you definitely seem a bit more ‘tense and irritable’ than usual. It’s none of my business but are you overdue for your 14th booster jab? If not then it’s probably just ‘climate change’ or something. Get well soon.😘

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  • 2 months later...
2 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The blasphemous cunt has apparently lost the sight in one eye after the stabbing. If there's any justice he's lost it in his good eye and not the lazy one.

Losing your vision must be fairly common for you.

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On 06/05/2021 at 17:38, Ape™️ said:

Much as I admire anyone that can speak a second language, I find listening to a French person speaking English fucking excruciating. They link words with lengthy errrrrrr’s and generally speak with a lazy sounding drawl, literally mumbling their way through sentences. Combine that with a crappy WebEx audio stream as opposed to in-the-flesh meetings, due to the presence of a fake virus (just for you @King Billy), and the conversation is virtually unintelligible.

To conclude - fuck off you French cunts.

And fuck off Withers too, you faux-French wanker.

Hi gorgeous

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