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Not another BBC luvvie...

Dave Umbongo

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5 hours ago, Frank said:

Good to see you back in full swing, Decimus. For now, my work is done here.

I would like to see you swing...., in a fucking hangman's noose. Although I seriously doubt your emaciated, stick-thin body has enough weight to snap your neck.

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22 hours ago, judgetwi said:

I’ve made you cry again Carrotcruncher. I won’t claim it was unintentional, i’m not that much of a cunt.

This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops, who might care to change your nappy. You probably say “diapers” being trendy and shit.

2 years down the line and you're still crying like a little girl over the injustice of it all...

Grow up and find a pair of balls you snivelling little cunt

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Guest judgetwi
13 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Judge you are better than this and better than a lot of cunts on here .. but pleeeeeze stop the "I'm a victim shit" and concentrate on the wokies.

My Lady, i’d rather you didn’t patronise with your “you’re better than this” bullshit. You’re better than that ( oh, shit ....fuckety fuck)

You’ve been frequenting this board even longer than I have and you know there have been cunts who have been suspended for varying lengths of time and banned altogether. Fair enough, they broke the rules so fuck ‘em. But, in my case, every post has to be approved by Mr Roops. Why? I didn’t accuse the cunt of being a slapper.....I didn’t make disgusting schoolboy remarks about the state of it’s underwear. Every other wanker  did that not me. I simply pointed out that Mr Roops hasn’t travelled all over the world working for all these big time companies and is a well known wanker who has lived his fantasy life on tinternet since the fucking thing was invented. I ain’t asking for special treatment just, like the BAMES, the poofs, the trannies, the tree huggers and Meghan fucking Markle, EQUAL fucking treatment!

This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops........i’m well fucked.


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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

My Lady, i’d rather you didn’t patronise with your “you’re better than this” bullshit. You’re better than that ( oh, shit ....fuckety fuck)

You’ve been frequenting this board even longer than I have and you know there have been cunts who have been suspended for varying lengths of time and banned altogether. Fair enough, they broke the rules so fuck ‘em. But, in my case, every post has to be approved by Mr Roops. Why? I didn’t accuse the cunt of being a slapper.....I didn’t make disgusting schoolboy remarks about the state of it’s underwear. Every other wanker  did that not me. I simply pointed out that Mr Roops hasn’t travelled all over the world working for all these big time companies and is a well known wanker who has lived his fantasy life on tinternet since the fucking thing was invented. I ain’t asking for special treatment just, like the BAMES, the poofs, the trannies, the tree huggers and Meghan fucking Markle, EQUAL fucking treatment!

This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops........i’m well fucked.


I see.

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10 hours ago, judgetwi said:

My Lady, i’d rather you didn’t patronise with your “you’re better than this” bullshit. You’re better than that ( oh, shit ....fuckety fuck)

You’ve been frequenting this board even longer than I have and you know there have been cunts who have been suspended for varying lengths of time and banned altogether. Fair enough, they broke the rules so fuck ‘em. But, in my case, every post has to be approved by Mr Roops. Why? I didn’t accuse the cunt of being a slapper.....I didn’t make disgusting schoolboy remarks about the state of it’s underwear. Every other wanker  did that not me. I simply pointed out that Mr Roops hasn’t travelled all over the world working for all these big time companies and is a well known wanker who has lived his fantasy life on tinternet since the fucking thing was invented. I ain’t asking for special treatment just, like the BAMES, the poofs, the trannies, the tree huggers and Meghan fucking Markle, EQUAL fucking treatment!

This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops........i’m well fucked.


Judge I actually think back to the happy days when you had bitch fights with Drew Peacock and Catwoman accused you of nicking lead off the roof of a church near Westward Ho!.

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

My Lady, i’d rather you didn’t patronise with your “you’re better than this” bullshit. You’re better than that ( oh, shit ....fuckety fuck)

You’ve been frequenting this board even longer than I have and you know there have been cunts who have been suspended for varying lengths of time and banned altogether. Fair enough, they broke the rules so fuck ‘em. But, in my case, every post has to be approved by Mr Roops. Why? I didn’t accuse the cunt of being a slapper.....I didn’t make disgusting schoolboy remarks about the state of it’s underwear. Every other wanker  did that not me. I simply pointed out that Mr Roops hasn’t travelled all over the world working for all these big time companies and is a well known wanker who has lived his fantasy life on tinternet since the fucking thing was invented. I ain’t asking for special treatment just, like the BAMES, the poofs, the trannies, the tree huggers and Meghan fucking Markle, EQUAL fucking treatment!

This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops........i’m well fucked.


Indeed you are, though these days you cut a rather comical figure...


Either you have a pitifully poor memory or you are being deliberately obtuse. Whatever, all you are doing is confining yourself to the ModQ for much longer than was originally intended.

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Guest judgetwi
12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed you are, though these days you cut a rather comical figure...


Either you have a pitifully poor memory or you are being deliberately obtuse. Whatever, all you are doing is confining yourself to the ModQ for much longer than was originally intended.

Ah , the Wealdstone Raider. I didn’t know you had a sense of humour Mr Roops but “you’ve got no fans!” But then, neither have I so there’s no point crying about it. Men like you and I don’t do that shit do we?


This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops who probably has the same sense of humour as well known comedic wit , Sir Keir Fuckface. 😁

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On 08/05/2021 at 06:54, judgetwi said:

My Lady, i’d rather you didn’t patronise with your “you’re better than this” bullshit. You’re better than that ( oh, shit ....fuckety fuck)

You’ve been frequenting this board even longer than I have and you know there have been cunts who have been suspended for varying lengths of time and banned altogether. Fair enough, they broke the rules so fuck ‘em. But, in my case, every post has to be approved by Mr Roops. Why? I didn’t accuse the cunt of being a slapper.....I didn’t make disgusting schoolboy remarks about the state of it’s underwear. Every other wanker  did that not me. I simply pointed out that Mr Roops hasn’t travelled all over the world working for all these big time companies and is a well known wanker who has lived his fantasy life on tinternet since the fucking thing was invented. I ain’t asking for special treatment just, like the BAMES, the poofs, the trannies, the tree huggers and Meghan fucking Markle, EQUAL fucking treatment!

This post subject to the approval of Mr Roops........i’m well fucked.


And where the fuck have you been?

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Guest judgetwi
On 09/05/2021 at 00:52, Last Cunt Standing said:

And where the fuck have you been?

I’ve been selling my fat hairy arse down the ‘dilly. What the fuck has it got to do with you Bertie? A man has to make a living and i’m well out of your price range anyway. Wanker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fuck the BBC. Now showing their true colours by trying to distance themselves from their once star journalist, Martin Bashir. Of course the fucking BBC were aware of everything that went on and paid for and endorsed it, just like they did with those degenerates Saville and Stuart Hall. Fuck the lot of the deceitful little cunts. I hope they don't get a hefty fine so my fucking TV Licence goes up again.

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11 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Fuck the BBC. Now showing their true colours by trying to distance themselves from their once star journalist, Martin Bashir. Of course the fucking BBC were aware of everything that went on and paid for and endorsed it, just like they did with those degenerates Saville and Stuart Hall. Fuck the lot of the deceitful little cunts. I hope they don't get a hefty fine so my fucking TV Licence goes up again.

Journalists bleating about journalistic integrity. Just fuck off.

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Fucking sly cunts have got their finger of blame wagging firmly in Martin's direction with their BBC Panorama special they've just aired. They must have pre-produced several different versions to broadcast depending on the outcome of the decision. Fucking un-truthing cunts.

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