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Edwin Poots

Last Cunt Standing

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On 14/05/2021 at 19:29, Stubby Pecker said:

Fuck me, we still have a very long way to go as a species. One likes to think the UK PLC is a pretty good place to live, not the greatest but definitely in the top 10. However, look across the paddy sea and the new top bloke and his party are basically hard right Christian fundamentalists who even the average yank, mid west hick might balk at.

Irish reunification is inevitable and I just hope I’m alive to see the shit storm that kicks off between the pack a backwards, vicious, inbred cunts that live there

I`ve good news and bad news for you stubbs. The bad news is ninety percent of our young people under the age of 25 really don`t give a fuck about politics or want to die for a cause, any cause. There won`t be any conflict like your hoping for. Yeah some hoods will throw a few petrol bombs but this generation of handless fuckers don`t even get that right without setting themselves on fire. Plus, when the going gets tough, as your intimating, it`s home for cocoa and the Playstation. Your not recruiting an army out of them pasty faced cunts i can assure you. However, as you like a bit of aggro all is not lost, there`s a section of the growing community in the north of England that are determined & highly motivated. They have a cause, and purpose and faith. The clocks ticking stubbs,your looking the wrong way , go back to sleep kid.

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You've a point there hokey baby stubberz should be watchin the enemy within..they're mad to know how to weld up a truck mounted mortar outa a few gas pipes and bags of fertiliser and they arent interested in firing it from a distance..they want to be init when it goes off..crazy fuckers 


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22 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

You've a point there hokey baby stubberz should be watchin the enemy within..they're mad to know how to weld up a truck mounted mortar outa a few gas pipes and bags of fertiliser and they arent interested in firing it from a distance..they want to be init when it goes off..crazy fuckers 


Blah blah blah, yet more one trick pony plastic paddy bollocks. You forgot to mention Semtex and gaddifi’s AKs, you fantasist wanker

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58 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Stupid boy...


Well Panz, one of my ex bosses .. Dubliner and pure bred Irishman and proud of it served in one of the terrier regiments, served in both gulf wars. I knew other proud Irishmen from the South some of whom served in WW2 and proud of it .. what do you think of that?

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13 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Stupid boy...


In all the exploits of the British Empire, good, bad and down right nasty, on the whole the influence was generally to civilize the natives and drag them from their primitive shit eating and animal buggering ways. Look and some of the African former colonies; a strong judiciary, house of elected MPs and cricket

However, over 100s of years of kindly help from your betters across the water you irish are still amongst the scummiest backward race on the planet. In fact, I’d wager your mob has actually got stupider since independence 


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On 20/05/2021 at 21:03, Stubby Pecker said:

However, over 100s of years of kindly help from your betters across the water you irish are still amongst the scummiest backward race on the planet. In fact, I’d wager your mob has actually got stupider since independence 

114% of Paddys recently surveyed thought being gay was now compulsory. The rest said they didn’t give a fuck as they’d always loved a bit of helmet and that women were worse than Protestants and should be banned.

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

114% of Paddys recently surveyed thought being gay was now compulsory. The rest said they didn’t give a fuck as they’d always loved a bit of helmet and that women were worse than Protestants and should be banned.

Down with this sort of thing!

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Down with this sort of thing!

I’ve been down in Devon all week Eric enjoying the torrential rain and views of the ever increasing mudslide from the window of an overpriced mobile home/holiday lodge listening to the love of my life telling me we should have gone  in June when the weather would definitely have been better than fucking anywhere on Earth. Two dogs barking constantly and one just Barking fucking mad. Never been so fucking glad to get home in my life. She’s fast asleep now. She looks lovely when she’s sleeping. It’s when she’s awake that all the fucking ag starts. lol. I think that playing ‘girlfriend in a coma’ about ten times on the drive back didn’t really help either.

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On 20/05/2021 at 21:03, Stubby Pecker said:

In all the exploits of the British Empire, good, bad and down right nasty, on the whole the influence was generally to civilize the natives and drag them from their primitive shit eating and animal buggering ways. Look and some of the African former colonies; a strong judiciary, house of elected MPs and cricket

However, over 100s of years of kindly help from your betters across the water you irish are still amongst the scummiest backward race on the planet. In fact, I’d wager your mob has actually got stupider since independence 


Its interesting ya mention natives.. Africans... primitive shite and animal buggering...ya could say that accurately describes any city in the UK lance jack stubberzz baby..colonialism sucks arse eh


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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’ve been down in Devon all week Eric enjoying the torrential rain and views of the ever increasing mudslide from the window of an overpriced mobile home/holiday lodge listening to the love of my life telling me we should have gone  in June when the weather would definitely have been better than fucking anywhere on Earth. Two dogs barking constantly and one just Barking fucking mad. Never been so fucking glad to get home in my life. She’s fast asleep now. She looks lovely when she’s sleeping. It’s when she’s awake that all the fucking ag starts. lol. I think that playing ‘girlfriend in a coma’ about ten times on the drive back didn’t really help either.

I fucking love being in a caravan when it's pissing down. It's a weird kind of secure feeling.

Try not to punch her in the face. They seem to get all cunty about it.

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48 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Keep your big nose out of things that don’t concern you (like my private life) you childless freak of fucking nature


Stubby, your mental health concerns me .. are you still taking your medication? Hve you been to seek help regarding your fixation about chicks with dicks?

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On 22/05/2021 at 03:19, King Billy said:

I’ve been down in Devon all week Eric enjoying the torrential rain and views of the ever increasing mudslide from the window of an overpriced mobile home/holiday lodge listening to the love of my life telling me we should have gone  in June when the weather would definitely have been better than fucking anywhere on Earth. Two dogs barking constantly and one just Barking fucking mad. Never been so fucking glad to get home in my life. She’s fast asleep now. She looks lovely when she’s sleeping. It’s when she’s awake that all the fucking ag starts. lol. I think that playing ‘girlfriend in a coma’ about ten times on the drive back didn’t really help either.

Think yourself lucky, Bill. Imagine, you could’ve been on a luxury yacht off a private Caribbean island, perfect weather, bespoke cocktails mixed by your own naked supermodel bar staff, daily fine dining cooked personally for you by Nigella (topless), rails of Columbia’s finest neatly arranged on the shaved pubic mounds of Venezualan LBFMs whilst your staff of 6 nubile female Thai masseurs wait to stroke your mysteriously muscular, fat-free, in-shape body and ball-bag until you drift off into an orgasmic deep sleep to dream of Leaderboard unassailability for ever. Sound good? Well there’s a fly in the ointment mate...you’re married to Roops. Be thankful for that soggy caravan, life could be so much worse.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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Guest Weary&Disgusted
On 22/05/2021 at 09:38, Dyslexic cnut said:

Think yourself lucky, Bill. Imagine, you could’ve been on a luxury yacht off a private Caribbean island, perfect weather, bespoke cocktails mixed by your own naked supermodel bar staff, daily fine dining cooked personally for you by Nigella (topless), rails of Columbia’s finest neatly arranged on the shaved pubic mounds of Venezualan LBFMs whilst your staff of 6 nubile female Thai masseurs wait to stroke your mysteriously muscular, fat-free, in-shape body and ball-bag until you drift off into an orgasmic deep sleep to dream of Leaderboard unassailability for ever. Sound good? Well there’s a fly in the ointment mate...you’re married to Roops. Be thankful for that soggy caravan, life could be so much worse.

What is an LBFM ?  Not familiar with that one.

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12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I fucking love being in a caravan when it's pissing down. It's a weird kind of secure feeling.

Try not to punch her in the face. They seem to get all cunty about it.

TBF it was very late last night when I posted that, after a long drive home in my ‘imaginary’ M4 with the ‘really stiff uncomfortable suspension’ ©️(thank you Mrs. Roops) and I actually had a good time even allowing for the weather. I’ve decided to forgive ‘her who must be obeyed’ for all of her bad behaviour which ruined mine and the dogs little break. I’m not going to let her know just yet, not until she unconditionally apologises and promises never to moan and whinge in my presence again, which I’m quite sure will be very very soon.

Which reminds me. 

One day there was a woman who didn’t moan and whinge.

But it was only for one day.

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