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Old Chap Raasclaat

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10 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

We just want to win a fucking tournament, again... 

It’s only a matter of time before the only person who ticks all the PC woke boxes to qualify as the England manager will be Harold, with his club foot, acne, collapsed sphincter, micro penis, AIDS, non gender specific genitalia, pea sized brain, glued on wig and second hand leaky colostomy bag.

’Footballs coming home!’

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On 21/04/2021 at 15:23, Frank said:

I don't dislike you, raasclaat.. I don't dislike anyone. I agree entirely that we need new members with fresh ideas etc, but I hope you'll agree that you're not exactly gifted upstairs. Apart from occasionally telling me to fuck off and some other bollocks I can't remember, you appear to struggle with the very basics. You have absolutely no charm, your timing is unbearably awful, and when you do manage to string a sentence together, its excrutiatingly painful reading. You might surprise me by doing a cuntman and eventually coming good, but I've yet to see any sign of intellect. 



You really are a boring fucking cunt Frank, churning out the same old generic responses and what not. I'd fall asleep reading your drivel after 7 Red Bulls, and sniffing a gram of Colombia's finest. 

Can you find it in yourself to apologise to the rest of the corner for being such useless sack of shite?

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You really are a boring fucking cunt Frank, churning out the same old generic responses and what not. I'd fall asleep reading your drivel after 7 Red Bulls, and sniffing a gram of Colombia's finest. 

Can you find it in yourself to apologise to the rest of the corner for being such useless sack of shite?

Just a suggestion- why not admin bring in an algorithm that only allows Frank to post his one trick pony shite in the Open Corner? "Insults, inter member acrimony, not for constructive debate" as he clearly isn't naming the cunts of the world here as most of us endeavour to do.

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22 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s only a matter of time before the only person who ticks all the PC woke boxes to qualify as the England manager will be Harold, with his club foot, acne, collapsed sphincter, micro penis, AIDS, non gender specific genitalia, pea sized brain, glued on wig and second hand leaky colostomy bag.

’Footballs coming home!’

You really are warming to my persona big gratia aren't you you filthy animal? 

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23 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Exactly and the icing on the shit cake are Somalians. Cunts.

You've got the war criminal known as Tony B-liar to thank for that, OCR. I believe his haggard old lady was instrumental in drafting legislation that let any cunt turn up here, and then have the right to import any family members including the village goat/local slag when off their tits on khat. 

Mind you, there is good and bad in any ethnics, but I'd imagine seeing your dusty hamlet riddled with AK47 rounds does little to improve your temperament. 

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
On 21/04/2021 at 14:33, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

After a lovely welcome to the corner I have been observing, watching the dynamics etc and I wanted to cunt the 'stuck in the past fuckers' on here. 

As a newbie with massive bollocks I have to ruffle a few feathers here and speak for myself and the other new cunts here and say how I am fed up with hearing stories and yarns about:

How great it was here...not interested you cunts.

How things were different back then at the corner...not interested you cunts.

Seriously if all you can do is reminisce and moan perhaps it's your time to retire/fuck off etc, you are only as good as your last post and although I respect your longevity it doesn't give you the right to sit and think you somehow don't have to offer anything other than judgement. Fuck off you cunts.

Things are what they are and they won't be like before because that was the past. It's like some cunt telling you about a night out and how great it was, when you weren't there. It's like these wankers going on about white Britain etc and somehow think it'll return...look outside your window, it's not happening. 

There seems to be a heirachy here and if you weren't here to witness what some old cunt has witnessed you are somehow not worthy...worthy of what you fucking cunts. 

Have a look in the mirror and ask yourself 'What do I bring to the table'.

Frank is a cunt.

This is a bit of a conundrum for me Raasclaat; while I agree with your nomination, the rest of your posts on this thread evidence a illiterate, sub IQ simpleton with the thought process of a gorilla on heat. As such I'm on board with the nomination but not the nominator.

Do you understand my dilemma here?

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Well thanks for letting me know your opinion, whether I actually give a shit what you think I'll leave for you to ponder.

I'll look forward to one of your extremely witty and intelligent nominations in the not to distant future then? Try and make it better than this spastic comment eh? What a complete bellend.

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Well thanks for letting me know your opinion, whether I actually give a shit what you think I'll leave for you to ponder.

I'll look forward to one of your extremely witty and intelligent nominations in the not to distant future then? Try and make it better than this spastic comment eh? What a complete bellend.

No problem, happy to help 👍


*BTW you need to quote somebody's comment before you reply, otherwise you look like, oh, what's the phrase? Oh yes, a sub IQ simpleton.

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26 minutes ago, Cockyroach said:

This is a bit of a conundrum for me Raasclaat; while I agree with your nomination, the rest of your posts on this thread evidence a illiterate, sub IQ simpleton with the thought process of a gorilla on heat. As such I'm on board with the nomination but not the nominator.

Do you understand my dilemma here?

Unnecessary use of the semicolon, cocky. And it's 'an' illiterate. 


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4 minutes ago, Cockyroach said:

No problem, happy to help 👍


*BTW you need to quote somebody's comment before you reply, otherwise you look like, oh, what's the phrase? Oh yes, a sub IQ simpleton.

Well done, bet you've got a spring in your step now haven't you? You're not even worth quoting and your username demonstrates the effort you make in life. Peasant. 

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
2 minutes ago, Frank said:

Unnecessary use of the semicolon, cocky. And it's 'an' illiterate. 


I know Francis, but I like to do things with a flourish - gets people talking, you know?

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Reported. You absolute idiot.

I know you have some connection to Liverpool. I'm not going to ask you if you're a scouser because only a truly stupid cunt would admit that on here, but I would like to know why Liverpudlians begin every spoken sentence with 'eeeeerrrrggghhh'. Any thoughts?

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13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I know you have some connection to Liverpool. I'm not going to ask you if you're a scouser because only a truly stupid cunt would admit that on here, but I would like to know why Liverpudlians begin every spoken sentence with 'eeeeerrrrggghhh'. Any thoughts?

Got to be something to do with @ChildeHarold.

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7 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Who is Mike d? You fucking twat, cunt etc

Mike D was a former member of the corner. A genuine midget, around 3' 6". He was driven from the corner by a campaign of persecution orchestrated by Frank. In fact, the much admir'd video 'Walnut-a-head' was about him. 

Nobody knows what happened to him, but shortly after he logged out for the final time, a dwarf was found hanging from the ceiling of a 'Playmobil' Wendy house, the name 'Frank' was scrawled on the Wendy house wall in human shit.

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