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Rapper DMX


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4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's a scientific fact that black men only sell each other drugs and stab each other because of like slavery and stuff.

I predict a 'Highlander' scenario where eventually they will all stab each other and when there is 'Only One', he will become the most intelligent black man who ever lived, boasting an IQ of 76.

I was inboxed this as proof before I was banned, incidentally.


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2 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

What do you make of this Eric? I’ve been kicked off a high-brow science based forum for getting into a spat with a couple of dark-devils who took exception to my contention that no major scientific breakthrough had ever been made by a negroid.

They argued that a very famous woman-of-colour chemist had discovered a cure all medicinal compound in the 1960’s but never got any credit (due to the fact that she was coloured) and ended up drinking herself to death due to the trauma. What do you think about that then?


It's a growing problem. According to the Hollywood film 'Hidden Figures', the Apollo moon landings were dependant on the input of a couple of fat-arsed hoochie mamas that made the tea and cleaned the monitor screens at NASA.

Give it a few years and the world's first heart transplant will be credited to Christian Barnard's driver, Ojuswaylo Um-Bongo. 


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12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's a growing problem. According to the Hollywood film 'Hidden Figures', the Apollo moon landings were dependant on the input of a couple of fat-arsed hoochie mamas that made the tea and cleaned the monitor screens at NASA.

There were hundreds of "human computers" on the Mercury program, but Mary Jackson was the only one who could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. For some reason they cut those bits out of the film.

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15 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Rapper DMX is said to be in a vegetative state with little or no brain function .. having read an history of his life and career I do wonder how they can tell the difference between how he is now and how he was prior to his drug overdose and subsequent heart attack as there seems to be no evidence that he ever had any brain function.

He probably stole the BMX so who gives a fuck if he’s in a coma and can’t ride it around the estate selling weed?

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8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

he will become the most intelligent black man who ever lived, boasting an IQ of 76.

And go on to design baseball caps with the peak at the back and jeans that are worn just below the buttocks to facilitate walking like a chimp.

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's a growing problem. According to the Hollywood film 'Hidden Figures', the Apollo moon landings were dependant on the input of a couple of fat-arsed hoochie mamas that made the tea and cleaned the monitor screens at NASA.

Give it a few years and the world's first heart transplant will be credited to Christian Barnard's driver, Ojuswaylo Um-Bongo. 


So it ought! Especially if poor old Ojuswaylo was the donor. It wouldn’t  have happened without his contribution. Dr Philip Bleiberg was very grateful!

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On 08/04/2021 at 00:33, King Billy said:

And go on to design baseball caps with the peak at the back and jeans that are worn just below the buttocks to facilitate walking like a chimp.

Too late to explore those talents, Billy. Do you think he made St Peter’s gates before the Phillip?

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1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

Too late to explore those talents, Billy. Do you think he made St Peter’s gates before the Phillip?

Fuck, imagine those two cunts rocking up before St. Peter at the same time. I’d put my money on old Phil kicking the ugly animal torturing smack head square in the balls and finishing the cunt off with right cross

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8 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Fuck, imagine those two cunts rocking up before St. Peter at the same time. I’d put my money on old Phil kicking the ugly animal torturing smack head square in the balls and finishing the cunt off with right cross

More likely to be a burning cross. 

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

More likely to be a burning cross. 

Open goal there doc

Just watching a tribute program on old Phil on the beeb and fuck my old boots, every other talking head is of the ethic bent. The poor cunts only just been put on the slab and would be spinning around in indignation at such a slap. We all know he fucking hated the darkiess

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3 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Open goal there doc

Just watching a tribute program on old Phil on the beeb and fuck my old boots, every other talking head is of the ethic bent. The poor cunts only just been put on the slab and would be spinning around in indignation at such a slap. We all know he fucking hated the darkiess

It's not exactly balanced journalism is it. Where are the dissenting voices saying that all he achieved was a facet of his position and privelege, whilst going on to firmly state that he should have had his head stoved in by the proletariat after a national lottery for places in the queue?

Jeremy Vine will be shitting himself at the imbalance. 

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13 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I can bet my bollocks your hero Phil the Greek used that on cunts who got on his tits on a regular basis. Especially the  ........ ones

You're obsessed with this racism thing aren't you? Sounds a bit unhealthy to me. Ask one of your carers to give you some advice about it. Carry on like that and people will start thinking that you're a bit of  a shit.

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On 11/04/2021 at 08:34, Hammer of Cunts said:

You're obsessed with this racism thing aren't you? Sounds a bit unhealthy to me. Ask one of your carers to give you some advice about it. Carry on like that and people will start thinking that you're a bit of  a shit.

This is cunts corner you bellend not some hairy lesbian, homo quinoa scoffing forum. Its supposed to be un-PC and none of my posts are raging neo-nazi, far right xenophobia. Its about having a laugh and I like to direct my comments at the cunts of this world whether they be black, white, chinkies or mongrel half breed wankers. 

If you've got issue with like minded blokes (there are no females here despite what you might think) taking the piss out of the world and each other, like blokes are supposed to, then I suggest you fuck right off to a place where your limp wristed sensibilities wont be offended 


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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

This is cunts corner you bellend not some hairy lesbian, homo quinoa scoffing forum. Its supposed to be un-PC and none of my posts are raging neo-nazi, far right xenophobia. Its about having a laugh and I like to direct my comments at the cunts of this world whether they be black, white, chinkies or mongrel half breed wankers. 

If you've got issue with like minded blokes (there are no females here despite what you might think) taking the piss out of the world and each other, like blokes are supposed to, then I suggest you fuck right off to a place where your limp wristed sensibilities wont be offended 


Cuntishness isn't exclusive to racists, after all, I wound you up.

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