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Ben Hannam


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I am uneasy about this, quite a lot of teenagers join groups that they later regret, because they have grown up, and during his time in the Met there is seems to have been no evidence of him showing any bias. There was even evidence at his trial from people of BAME "heritage" backing this up. I am also not impressed by the behaviour of the BBC reporter who harassed him after he left the court to await sentencing. Certainly to my mind he should not have been prosecuted. We really are being ruled by the thought police.



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I don’t know yet. I noted that there was a difference between the reporters first and second reports. It seemed that the second one was  massaged and a little more titillating. He was a serving police officer, yes, but I’m pretty sure he had left the group in 2017... I haven’t really read around it so I might be wrong. Anyway, he was manifestly unsuitable from the outset , that much is clear to me. The met seem to take anyone. He wasn’t really checked out. I tend to agree about thought police but my view is that he was unsuitable from the get go.

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14 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

I don’t know yet. I noted that there was a difference between the reporters first and second reports. It seemed that the second one was  massaged and a little more titillating. He was a serving police officer, yes, but I’m pretty sure he had left the group in 2017... I haven’t really read around it so I might be wrong. Anyway, he was manifestly unsuitable from the outset , that much is clear to me. The met seem to take anyone. He wasn’t really checked out. I tend to agree about thought police but my view is that he was unsuitable from the get go.

What is a little odd is that I understand that there has been a policy for several years of only recruiting graduates. Looking at the information available he would have been just 20 and possibly 19 at the oldest when recruited. What I do worry about is the muckraking that is done 10 or more years later and people are hounded for for they had said when they were a pissed up and insecure teenager. Often peoples core beliefs do change when they are around 20 years of age. That might well be the case with someone who was a silly 15 year British asian old who is now in her early 20s and stuck in a camp in the middle east.

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6 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

What is a little odd is that I understand that there has been a policy for several years of only recruiting graduates. Looking at the information available he would have been just 20 and possibly 19 at the oldest when recruited. What I do worry about is the muckraking that is done 10 or more years later and people are hounded for for they had said when they were a pissed up and insecure teenager. Often peoples core beliefs do change when they are around 20 years of age. That might well be the case with someone who was a silly 15 year British asian old who is now in her early 20s and stuck in a camp in the middle east.

I share that view to an extent.... my concern is that core values don’t really change.

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23 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

What is a little odd is that I understand that there has been a policy for several years of only recruiting graduates. Looking at the information available he would have been just 20 and possibly 19 at the oldest when recruited. What I do worry about is the muckraking that is done 10 or more years later and people are hounded for for they had said when they were a pissed up and insecure teenager. Often peoples core beliefs do change when they are around 20 years of age. That might well be the case with someone who was a silly 15 year British asian old who is now in her early 20s and stuck in a camp in the middle east.

And that is where the cunt should remain,fuck her.

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58 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

I share that view to an extent.... my concern is that core values don’t really change.

They do change with some people but I do think that in the woke culture a lot of those people do still have those original values deep down and woke is simply a means to suppress it and to try to prove to the world that they are not the closed mind bigots that they really are .. it is interesting that a lot of these people are eager to point their fingers at other people and scream fascists.

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10 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

They do change with some people but I do think that in the woke culture a lot of those people do still have those original values deep down and woke is simply a means to suppress it and to try to prove to the world that they are not the closed mind bigots that they really are .. it is interesting that a lot of these people are eager to point their fingers at other people and scream fascists.

......and that’s human nature.

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2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I am uneasy about this, quite a lot of teenagers join groups that they later regret, because they have grown up, and during his time in the Met there is seems to have been no evidence of him showing any bias. There was even evidence at his trial from people of BAME "heritage" backing this up. I am also not impressed by the behaviour of the BBC reporter who harassed him after he left the court to await sentencing. Certainly to my mind he should not have been prosecuted. We really are being ruled by the thought police.



Who the fucks gonna notice another fascist bullying cunt in a police uniform? 

I've seen how the old bill have been behaving during this plague and shows me that the police are fast becoming a paramilitary arm of the government. My uncle was stopped outside Tesco in London last week because he wasn't wearing a mask even though he has severe COPD and is exempt. He's 79. These two cunts detained him and called for a van to pick him up. He was let go with a caution. My cousin is planning on taking the police to court over this.

The two cunts who carried this out need to be fucking re educated. Or fucked off.  

I've no respect for the police, full stop. 

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Boohoo to probe price differences for same clothing


On a semi-related note, it is perhaps a small hill to die on after all the shit that’s gone before, but I am now officially finished with the BBC after the above story made the front page of all their “news” web sites today, and I have emailed the Director General Tim Davie directly (and anonymously, I’m not stupid) as follows:

Dear Director General, you bastard,

I write to inform you that I will no longer be paying my licence fee as a direct consequence of your publication of the above non-story by so-called journalist Jennifer Meierhans whose wages are funded in part by my contributions. The fact that she is too stupid to shop around for a better deal should in itself be sufficient to dismiss a business reporter on the grounds of capability, and she should certainly not be abusing her position by presenting her failings as news. Furthermore, I would be grateful if you could ask her to inform her friend on my behalf that she looks like a sack of spuds in that coat, and ask her what the hell she was thinking. (I do not class this as a fat-shaming gender hate crime, as I strongly suspect that – given her strong jawline – she is actually a man.)

Please note further that I will be posting this open letter on the well-known review site “Cunts Corner”, where you may reply at your leisure.

Drink bleach,


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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Who the fucks gonna notice another fascist bullying cunt in a police uniform? 

I've seen how the old bill have been behaving during this plague and shows me that the police are fast becoming a paramilitary arm of the government. My uncle was stopped outside Tesco in London last week because he wasn't wearing a mask even though he has severe COPD and is exempt. He's 79. These two counts detained him and called for a van to pick him up. He was let go with a caution. My cousin is planning on taking the police to court over this.

The two cunts who carried this out need to be fuckibg re educated. Or fucked off.  

I've no respect for the police, full stop. 

Since when are you required to wear a Covid mask whilst nicking the lead off a Tesco's roof?

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7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Who the fucks gonna notice another fascist bullying cunt in a police uniform? 

I've seen how the old bill have been behaving during this plague and shows me that the police are fast becoming a paramilitary arm of the government. My uncle was stopped outside Tesco in London last week because he wasn't wearing a mask even though he has severe COPD and is exempt. He's 79. These two cunts detained him and called for a van to pick him up. He was let go with a caution. My cousin is planning on taking the police to court over this.

The two cunts who carried this out need to be fuckibg re educated. Or fucked off.  

I've no respect for the police, full stop. 

They have been sleep walking towards this type of think for years.

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Back on topic, I think this says as much, if not more, about the criminally lax vetting carried out by the Met than it does about the resurgence of the far right in a broken society. The biggest takeaways for me from the report were (a) that Hannam could box fuck all, and (b) that the urban youth he so despises are much better at daubing graffiti than he is.

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3 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Boohoo to probe price differences for same clothing


On a semi-related note, it is perhaps a small hill to die on after all the shit that’s gone before, but I am now officially finished with the BBC after the above story made the front page of all their “news” web sites today, and I have emailed the Director General Tim Davie directly (and anonymously, I’m not stupid) as follows:

Dear Director General, you bastard,

I write to inform you that I will no longer be paying my licence fee as a direct consequence of your publication of the above non-story by so-called journalist Jennifer Meierhans whose wages are funded in part by my contributions. The fact that she is too stupid to shop around for a better deal should in itself be sufficient to dismiss a business reporter on the grounds of capability, and she should certainly not be abusing her position by presenting her failings as news. Furthermore, I would be grateful if you could ask her to inform her friend on my behalf that she looks like a sack of spuds in that coat, and ask her what the hell she was thinking. (I do not class this as a fat-shaming gender hate crime, as I strongly suspect that – given her strong jawline – she is actually a man.)

Please note further that I will posting this open letter on the well-known review site “Cunts Corner”, where you may reply at your leisure.

Drink bleach,


Nice letter, I'm sure he'll respond.

Anyhow, they were purchased from different outlets so not really a fucking comparison otherwise the next story will be 'Why are Ape's Value Beans cheaper than my Waitrose ones?' when everyone knows they are all manufactured in one of a few similar factories, with a different label on the tin.

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9 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Boohoo to probe price differences for same clothing


On a semi-related note, it is perhaps a small hill to die on after all the shit that’s gone before, but I am now officially finished with the BBC after the above story made the front page of all their “news” web sites today, and I have emailed the Director General Tim Davie directly (and anonymously, I’m not stupid) as follows:

Dear Director General, you bastard,

I write to inform you that I will no longer be paying my licence fee as a direct consequence of your publication of the above non-story by so-called journalist Jennifer Meierhans whose wages are funded in part by my contributions. The fact that she is too stupid to shop around for a better deal should in itself be sufficient to dismiss a business reporter on the grounds of capability, and she should certainly not be abusing her position by presenting her failings as news. Furthermore, I would be grateful if you could ask her to inform her friend on my behalf that she looks like a sack of spuds in that coat, and ask her what the hell she was thinking. (I do not class this as a fat-shaming gender hate crime, as I strongly suspect that – given her strong jawline – she is actually a man.)

Please note further that I will posting this open letter on the well-known review site “Cunts Corner”, where you may reply at your leisure.

Drink bleach,


You shouldn't start with 'dear'. Its far too crawly bum lick. 

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10 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Boohoo to probe price differences for same clothing


On a semi-related note, it is perhaps a small hill to die on after all the shit that’s gone before, but I am now officially finished with the BBC after the above story made the front page of all their “news” web sites today, and I have emailed the Director General Tim Davie directly (and anonymously, I’m not stupid) as follows:

Dear Director General, you bastard,

I write to inform you that I will no longer be paying my licence fee as a direct consequence of your publication of the above non-story by so-called journalist Jennifer Meierhans whose wages are funded in part by my contributions. The fact that she is too stupid to shop around for a better deal should in itself be sufficient to dismiss a business reporter on the grounds of capability, and she should certainly not be abusing her position by presenting her failings as news. Furthermore, I would be grateful if you could ask her to inform her friend on my behalf that she looks like a sack of spuds in that coat, and ask her what the hell she was thinking. (I do not class this as a fat-shaming gender hate crime, as I strongly suspect that – given her strong jawline – she is actually a man.)

Please note further that I will posting this open letter on the well-known review site “Cunts Corner”, where you may reply at your leisure.

Drink bleach,


We await Tim’s thoughts!

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15 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Who the fucks gonna notice another fascist bullying cunt in a police uniform? 

I've seen how the old bill have been behaving during this plague and shows me that the police are fast becoming a paramilitary arm of the government. My uncle was stopped outside Tesco in London last week because he wasn't wearing a mask even though he has severe COPD and is exempt. He's 79. These two cunts detained him and called for a van to pick him up. He was let go with a caution. My cousin is planning on taking the police to court over this.

The two cunts who carried this out need to be fucking re educated. Or fucked off.  

I've no respect for the police, full stop. 

My experience of rank and file police officers is the over arching arrogance and sense of superiority they feel over the public at large. Their attitude to the public is generally one of patronising condescension (at best) and over bearing oppression (at worst). They seem to regard themselves as separate and somehow different like they have got a Willy wonky  golden ticket.  I know quite a number of policemen. Only one or two come across as regular “ok” people.

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12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Wow. I've never heard anybody saying anything about nicking lead off a roof before!  That's very original. You are the very first person to ever say that. Well done. 

Is it even worth the effort these days? Over here is Ponty they are stripping copper piping and boilers out of empty houses.

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2 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

My experience of rank and file police officers is the over arching arrogance and sense of superiority they feel over the public at large. Their attitude to the public is generally one of patronising condescension (at best) and over bearing oppression (at worst). They seem to regard themselves as separate and somehow different like they have got a Willy wonky  golden ticket.  I know quite a number of policemen. Only one or two come across as regular “ok” people.

One of my very first nominations on here was "Fifty Year Old Constables". I'm not going to link to it because, with the benefit of hindsight, it really wasn't very good, but it said pretty much the same thing, only less eloquently.

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