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Let’s all go to the park

Stubby Pecker

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The temperature gets above 12 degrees for one cunting day and all the scummy fuckers in every city in the country crawl away from watching ITV 3 and rock up on mass at the park. Expect spikes in chink flu in a fortnight which is the time it’ll take to clear up all the rubbish and plastic left behind and the puke, shite and seminal fluid to biodegrade.

What a great opportunity to carpet bomb every park with napalm, cluster bombs and white phos the next time the sun comes out. The survivors can by machine gunned and buried in the bomb craters. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
24 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

The temperature gets above 12 degrees for one cunting day and all the scummy fuckers in every city in the country crawl away from watching ITV 3 and rock up on mass at the park. Expect spikes in chink flu in a fortnight which is the time it’ll take to clear up all the rubbish and plastic left behind and the puke, shite and seminal fluid to biodegrade.

What a great opportunity to carpet bomb every park with napalm, cluster bombs and white phos the next time the sun comes out. The survivors can by machine gunned and buried in the bomb craters. 

Suns Out, Scums Out.  

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All under 25,Pepper spray the lot of the cunts and see them go crying to mummy about having their human rights infringed.Castrate the cunts,their offspring are going to be up their own arse fucking lefties anyway.

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13 minutes ago, Neil said:

All under 25,Pepper spray the lot of the cunts and see them go crying to mummy about having their human rights infringed.Castrate the cunts,their offspring are going to be up their own arse fucking lefties anyway.

Surely you’d want to take your pick of the more nubile ones as long as the don’t speak their modern upward inflection quasi yankified woke bollocks.

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4 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

And in a typical fashion, the fucking pigs are leaving an ocean of garbage behind.

Pictures: people left tons of rubbish in London's parks yesterday https://www.timeout.com/london/news/after-one-day-of-sun-londons-parks-are-covered-in-garbage-shame-033121.

One would have thought with today’s trend of surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology these cretins will get an invoice in the post (or via Twitter) for the bill for cleaning this fucking mess up?

Plus a note to report to local sterilisation/death camps for immediate treatment 

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

At the risk of coming over all Eric here (so to speak) it's funny how many of the scumbags pictured in the parks are from the urban "vaccine hesitancy" demographic.

There are more mutations harbouring in their beards than bats’ extrapolate.

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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

One would have thought with today’s trend of surveillance cameras and facial recognition technology these cretins will get an invoice in the post (or via Twitter) for the bill for cleaning this fucking mess up?

Plus a note to report to local sterilisation/death camps for immediate treatment 

The cunts look too alike to spot the difference; even with high-tech it’s a challenging job on those Dolly-cloned, hairy, fat, tattooed, pierced twats.

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I've got a garden so I don't have to mix with the commoners in the park.

You won’t be so flash when the empty beer cans are overflowing into the street and the commoners are surrounding your house shouting ‘Let’s have a fucking look at you ya Cunt!’ 

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

And in a typical fashion, the fucking pigs are leaving an ocean of garbage behind.

Pictures: people left tons of rubbish in London's parks yesterday https://www.timeout.com/london/news/after-one-day-of-sun-londons-parks-are-covered-in-garbage-shame-033121.

Pigs? I didn't see any police there. 

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

At the risk of coming over all Eric here (so to speak) it's funny how many of the scumbags pictured in the parks are from the urban "vaccine hesitancy" demographic.

The ones on the news here were Scottish, Baws. Of course Scots getting pissed in the park is a phenomenon so common I’m surprised they didn’t make the wee Ned hold up the days’ newspaper for verification this was not stock footage. 

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
4 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Not with you hanging about in it you cunt. 

How much time do you spend hanging around in parks? Until the doggers have all finished on your face, or longer?

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

If by park you mean multi-storey car park, then yes, and please throw yourself from the top deck while you're there. 

Who are you responding to? Or is this a memo to yourself? If the latter, I agree with the sentiment.

Make sure it's at least 6 storeys though, we wouldn't want you to survive and become a dribbling simpleton - any more than you already are, that is.

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