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Cunts who don’t thank you for letting them through in traffic


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I hate cunts who do this. When I was in England I found most people understood the unwritten rule, but over here there are heaps of cunts who don’t. 

Yes I’m aware you will highlight “heaps of cunts” and reference the entire country, which is why I didn’t write “heaps of cunts over here”.... 

There are heaps of cunts, however.


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I hate cunts who stop dead in the road so that they can do some pointless virtue signalling. There is no "unwritten rule", there's a perectly good system set out for dealing with junctions. READ THE FUCKING HIGHWAY CODE.

Why complicate and confuse things by making up your own fucking rules?

Flashing your lights is a warning of your presence, it means the same as blowing your horn; it's not an invitation to perform some unspecified manoeuvre.


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I have always viewed the Audi 100 saloon as the most annoying car ever made. I was taking my deeply religious and god fearing sister hopping when one of these hideous and evil cars cut in front of me. Up to that point in time my sister had never ever heard me swear. She reckoned that out of the next 23 words I spoke 17 were swear words. She was not impressed when I drew alongside the Audi 100 a few minutes later in a supermarket car park and hurled a few more words of abuse at the driver. This resulted in the little old lady driver of the Audi coming my window to ask me whether or not I had, had a good day.

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I only wave my acknowledgement if the other vehicle is waiting with their indicator flashing to indicate their intention to move out and pass the obstruction once I've passed. If they haven't then how the fuck do I know if they've only just pulled over to park and I wave at them as if I'm congratulating them on their parking skills?? No indicator - fuck off.

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8 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I have always viewed the Audi 100 saloon as the most annoying car ever made. I was taking my deeply religious and god fearing sister hopping when one of these hideous and evil cars cut in front of me. Up to that point in time my sister had never ever heard me swear. She reckoned that out of the next 23 words I spoke 17 were swear words. She was not impressed when I drew alongside the Audi 100 a few minutes later in a supermarket car park and hurled a few more words of abuse at the driver. This resulted in the little old lady driver of the Audi coming my window to ask me whether or not I had, had a good day.

I don't think the make and model of the car is at fault here, more an issue with the gender of the driver. Ain't that right lads?

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1 hour ago, southerncunt said:

I hate cunts who do this. When I was in England I found most people understood the unwritten rule, but over here there are heaps of cunts who don’t. 

Yes I’m aware you will highlight “heaps of cunts” and reference the entire country, which is why I didn’t write “heaps of cunts over here”.... 

There are heaps of cunts, however.


It’s down to gravity issues, SC, not the people being ungrateful wankers.

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2 hours ago, southerncunt said:

I hate cunts who do this. When I was in England I found most people understood the unwritten rule, but over here there are heaps of cunts who don’t. 

Yes I’m aware you will highlight “heaps of cunts” and reference the entire country, which is why I didn’t write “heaps of cunts over here”.... 

There are heaps of cunts, however.


That hook turn nonsense you have over there can’t be helpful, SC. I gave up trying to execute one without closing my eyes and blasting the horn. A fucking mystery.

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7 hours ago, southerncunt said:

I hate cunts who do this. When I was in England I found most people understood the unwritten rule, but over here there are heaps of cunts who don’t. 

Yes I’m aware you will highlight “heaps of cunts” and reference the entire country, which is why I didn’t write “heaps of cunts over here”.... 

There are heaps of cunts, however.


Being a rural dweller, I've noticed that every conceivable passing place has a massive fuck off big pothole just as you enter it. Clearly I try to avoid these or at least go in a slow as possible. Unfortunately the dickheads coming the other way rarely seem to grasp this blindingly obvious fact of life. 

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10 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I was taking my deeply religious and god fearing sister hopping

I didn’t realise your sister only had one leg. Sorry to hear that. Perhaps you could donate your middle one to help her out Jake. I’m sure the surgeon would be able to trim a metre or two off the length to fit.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I didn’t realise your sister only had one leg. Sorry to hear that. Perhaps you could donate your middle one to help her out Jake. I’m sure the surgeon would be able to trim a metre or two off the length to fit.

I feel sorry for poor old pen; she must have a shriveled bell end from the dunking it takes in the freezing bog water every time she takes a piss 

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Probably listening to this then


I was in Coventry for a while in the late 70s and saw them a few times. We thought of them as a sort of Happy-Shopper Toots and the Maytals. Fair play though, you can see their point, the place was an absolute pit; I wouldn't have gone unarmed on a bus there. I was glad to get shut of it and haven't been back.

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11 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

I was in Coventry for a while in the late 70s and saw them a few times. We thought of them as a sort of Happy-Shopper Toots and the Maytals. Fair play though, you can see their point, the place was an absolute pit; I wouldn't have gone unarmed on a bus there. I was glad to get shut of it and haven't been back.

Makes you wonder when the only place of interest there is a bombed out church

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17 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

I was in Coventry for a while in the late 70s and saw them a few times. We thought of them as a sort of Happy-Shopper Toots and the Maytals. Fair play though, you can see their point, the place was an absolute pit; I wouldn't have gone unarmed on a bus there. I was glad to get shut of it and haven't been back.

Hence the saying “sent to Coventry” cuz no cunt wants to go there

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