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Cuntbreed dog owner allowed their woofer to hurt Fredder's the seal.


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  • ProfB changed the title to Cuntbreed dog owner allowed their woofer to hurt Fredder's the seal.

The sad fact is that type of dog is owned and trained to be aggressive by a certain kind of individual who should be thrown in a cage of the fucking things for a taste of their own medicine. They have a taste for animal cruelty transferred to human cruelty and are fucking weirdos who need their heads stamping on. Firstly the threshold for nuisance dig ownership is set too high in this country. In Spain just two neighbours or other complaints (without corroboration) is all that's needed for the dog to be permanently confiscated by the police and no recourse to law or a court. You just fucking lose it. 

By the way does this soft as shit country still let Yanks in Visa free while WE have to get a VISA TO VISIT THE FUCKING USA? It is a bit soft as shit ain't it? Taking back control it is a fucking laugh. As for the law here it's the wild west. Why do all the .......... want to come here? 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
1 hour ago, ProfB said:

Hats off to the people who attempted to intervene and protect the seal.  Yeah, sad news, sorry the little creature didn't survive.  

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7 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The sad fact is that type of dog is owned and trained to be aggressive by a certain kind of individual who should be thrown in a cage of the fucking things for a taste of their own medicine. They have a taste for animal cruelty transferred to human cruelty and are fucking weirdos who need their heads stamping on. Firstly the threshold for nuisance dig ownership is set too high in this country. In Spain just two neighbours or other complaints (without corroboration) is all that's needed for the dog to be permanently confiscated by the police and no recourse to law or a court. You just fucking lose it. 

By the way does this soft as shit country still let Yanks in Visa free while WE have to get a VISA TO VISIT THE FUCKING USA? It is a bit soft as shit ain't it? Taking back control it is a fucking laugh. As for the law here it's the wild west. Why do all the .......... want to come here? 

Tend to agree. About that tranche of dog owners and visas.

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Why not just pull the dogs front legs apart like a wishbone, that normally does the trick. Then when the owner comes running over just ram HER face into the concrete slipway a couple of times and say, he must have slipped. I fucking hate dogs.

Edited by Cunty BigBollox
Fucking cuntbreed owner is a fucking dopey bird
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16 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The sad fact is that type of dog is owned and trained to be aggressive by a certain kind of individual who should be thrown in a cage of the fucking things for a taste of their own medicine. They have a taste for animal cruelty transferred to human cruelty and are fucking weirdos who need their heads stamping on. Firstly the threshold for nuisance dig ownership is set too high in this country. In Spain just two neighbours or other complaints (without corroboration) is all that's needed for the dog to be permanently confiscated by the police and no recourse to law or a court. You just fucking lose it. 

By the way does this soft as shit country still let Yanks in Visa free while WE have to get a VISA TO VISIT THE FUCKING USA? It is a bit soft as shit ain't it? Taking back control it is a fucking laugh. As for the law here it's the wild west. Why do all the .......... want to come here? 

I actually agree with you on this oh Stupid One but the spittle fuelled rant about VISAs is off tangent

I encountered a weapons grade fuckwit in the woods the other day with 2 dogs off the lead and another, a Doberman-alligator cross, on a lead thank fuck, or it would or torn my flesh from bone such was its pissed off attitude. I stopped to suggest not going the way I'd just come as there was a huge boar mother with piglets and that his dogs would be torn to fucking shreds if they were stupid enough to even think of fucking with a 20 stone wild pig. All dangerous dogs and their owners should be shot. 

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26 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I actually agree with you on this oh Stupid One but the spittle fuelled rant about VISAs is off tangent

I encountered a weapons grade fuckwit in the woods the other day with 2 dogs off the lead and another, a Doberman-alligator cross, on a lead thank fuck, or it would or torn my flesh from bone such was its pissed off attitude. I stopped to suggest not going the way I'd just come as there was a huge boar mother with piglets and that his dogs would be torn to fucking shreds if they were stupid enough to even think of fucking with a 20 stone wild pig. All dangerous dogs and their owners should be shot. 

I thought my rant was tangentially attached but don't mention anything with genital in it to the weirdos on this site including sow teats. I believe the whole concept of "owning" another life form and either enslaving or caging it is a form of mental psychosis that seems to bring no great benefit or happiness to the person but has yet again become a jew boy bonanza for retail. However, regarding the issue of problem dog owners which seems to have been going on for decades, I di believe it is so mixed up with criminality in local areas that my comparison with the no nonesense attitude in Spain and soft as shit Britain is valid. Clearly a dog is not a piece of property conferring rights in law on the "owner" which can be contested in court. Nuisance dogs and their owners should be dealt with as a police matter with no automatic right to appeal to the courts. Also the issue of putting dangerous dogs down shouldn't rely on an expensive longwinded process to determine their breed. It should be just done straight away and the owner named and shamed and banbed from future dog ownership or custody. The cunts now are not even banned for life. I find dog ownership weird and sickening and morally reprehensible anyway. There's a whole medieval mindset going on here which is completely out of kilter with modern life and most people's living conditions. 

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I actually agree with you on this oh Stupid One but the spittle fuelled rant about VISAs is off tangent

I encountered a weapons grade fuckwit in the woods the other day with 2 dogs off the lead and another, a Doberman-alligator cross, on a lead thank fuck, or it would or torn my flesh from bone such was its pissed off attitude. I stopped to suggest not going the way I'd just come as there was a huge boar mother with piglets and that his dogs would be torn to fucking shreds if they were stupid enough to even think of fucking with a 20 stone wild pig. All dangerous dogs and their owners should be shot. 

You should have told him there was some degenerate lurking in the woods that responds to the name Harold and would rip his dogs arses to shreds.

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5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I thought my rant was tangentially attached but don't mention anything with genital in it to the weirdos on this site including sow teats. I believe the whole concept of "owning" another life form and either enslaving or caging it is a form of mental psychosis that seems to bring no great benefit or happiness to the person but has yet again become a jew boy bonanza for retail. However, regarding the issue of problem dog owners which seems to have been going on for decades, I di believe it is so mixed up with criminality in local areas that my comparison with the no nonesense attitude in Spain and soft as shit Britain is valid. Clearly a dog is not a piece of property conferring rights in law on the "owner" which can be contested in court. Nuisance dogs and their owners should be dealt with as a police matter with no automatic right to appeal to the courts. Also the issue of putting dangerous dogs down shouldn't rely on an expensive longwinded process to determine their breed. It should be just done straight away and the owner named and shamed and banbed from future dog ownership or custody. The cunts now are not even banned for life. I find dog ownership weird and sickening and morally reprehensible anyway. There's a whole medieval mindset going on here which is completely out of kilter with modern life and most people's living conditions. 

Did your spice dealer set his dog on you when you were late paying him?

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6 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I thought my rant was tangentially attached but don't mention anything with genital in it to the weirdos on this site including sow teats. I believe the whole concept of "owning" another life form and either enslaving or caging it is a form of mental psychosis that seems to bring no great benefit or happiness to the person but has yet again become a jew boy bonanza for retail. However, regarding the issue of problem dog owners which seems to have been going on for decades, I di believe it is so mixed up with criminality in local areas that my comparison with the no nonesense attitude in Spain and soft as shit Britain is valid. Clearly a dog is not a piece of property conferring rights in law on the "owner" which can be contested in court. Nuisance dogs and their owners should be dealt with as a police matter with no automatic right to appeal to the courts. Also the issue of putting dangerous dogs down shouldn't rely on an expensive longwinded process to determine their breed. It should be just done straight away and the owner named and shamed and banbed from future dog ownership or custody. The cunts now are not even banned for life. I find dog ownership weird and sickening and morally reprehensible anyway. There's a whole medieval mindset going on here which is completely out of kilter with modern life and most people's living conditions. 

What’s your position on hamsters 🐹?

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15 hours ago, White Cunt said:

What’s your position on hamsters 🐹?

I hope one bites you. You go to hospital too late. After numerous amputations (without anaesthetic) you die of rabies. I piss on your grave and have a laugh with the hamster who is breeding successfully for a full scale attack on Cunts Corner. 

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2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I hope one bites you. You go to hospital too late. After numerous amputations (without anaesthetic) you die of rabies. I piss on your grave and have a laugh with the hamster who is breeding successfully for a full scale attack on Cunts Corner. 

1. The UK (unlike Albania) is a rabies-free land.

2. I will be cremated to make sure no CH fuckwit can take liberties with my carcass.


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