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Global Britain

Last Cunt Standing

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10 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

What the fuck are you on about? Brussels is going to give you some Russian roulette vaccine then bankrupt your illegal tax haven. Article 116 is on its way! Get ready for long dole queues and shitloads of emigration.

Any migrant to spudland would be at fucking gun point as I’m sure the swarthy peacefuls would rather stay in the jungle or their shithole homelands than be forced into ireland. The place is a dump and the natives are ugly and thick as pig shite


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48 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Any migrant to spudland would be at fucking gun point as I’m sure the swarthy peacefuls would rather stay in the jungle or their shithole homelands than be forced into ireland. The place is a dump and the natives are ugly and thick as pig shite


Spuddy baby theres a reason the worlds landmarks are glowin green tonight including a few in the UK..the reason Georges day passes without mention is down to ugly little men like you n a few others on here..long may ya live in ignorance 


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8 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Spuddy baby theres a reason the worlds landmarks are glowin green tonight including a few in the UK..the reason Georges day passes without mention is down to ugly little men like you n a few others on here..long may ya live in ignorance 


It's a sad Paddy's Day, this year, Panz. Every other year Mrs D and I have ditched the kids and gone out and got obliterated and indulged in plastic nostalgia. Don't be too harsh about St George, though, I think it's a tragedy the English have been denied a national celebration because the day and symbolism has been co-opted by racist cunts. 

Let's heal, we're neighbours and culturally the most similar nations on the planet.

I'm raising a glass to you tonight, P.

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13 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Decco baby..although im officially required to hate y'all i want yiz to know i don't feel it in me heart ..im even hopin bally babys parade goes ahead so i can visit me red head gal pal with a regional accent in Carrickfergus..ive me miniature flegs to wave nall


I hope you come up in July Panzy. The border at Newry shouldn’t take any more than a couple of hours to get through, Checkpoint Charlie style. I’ll reserve you top spot on the bonfire as a special welcome.

Happy Paddy’s day ya fecking cunt.

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34 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's a sad Paddy's Day, this year, Panz. Every other year Mrs D and I have ditched the kids and gone out and got obliterated and indulged in plastic nostalgia. Don't be too harsh about St George, though, I think it's a tragedy the English have been denied a national celebration because the day and symbolism has been co-opted by racist cunts. 

"I've been dreaming of a time when 
To be English is not to be baneful, 
To be standing by the flag not feeling shameful, 
Racist or partial"


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12 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I met that Morrissey cunt in the stags head in Dublin a few years ago n was both horrified n disgusted to hear he sounds like a toff..nice fellahs and a cunt at the same time if ya know what i mean


Panzer .. a very simple question. One hundred years ago all those good Irishmen in the IRA fought for independence and self determination, how come your lot are determined to put themselves under the yoke of another faceless empire (The EU)? Can you answer this conumdrum? It does seem every bit as contradictory as these white supremacists who spend hours under sunlamps to make themselves look "brown".

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14 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Spuddy baby theres a reason the worlds landmarks are glowin green tonight including a few in the UK..the reason Georges day passes without mention is down to ugly little men like you n a few others on here..long may ya live in ignorance 


I don't really hate yiz all panzy I just like taking the piss and poking you with a big shitty stick. Why St Paddys day and St Georges day are celebrated so differently was eluded to by Decs and I agree that as nations, along with NZ and Oz, we're culturally very similar. Englishness is something not many here give a flying fuck about (I don't) unless it comes to sport or they're a knuckle dragging right-wingers. Rest assured the UK will come out of this Brexit and COVID balls up skint like everybody else but in a great position to maintain the comfy lifestyle most here enjoy. It remains to been seen, however, how the Republic of Ireland will fare being out on a limb and used as a political pawn by the froggies and the hun. I dare say if the squeeze really starts happen over the water many a voter will happily forget the decades of benefit the EU has afforded you and start to question the real shitty stick being handed to them.

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

We're going to hammer you cunts at the Avia on Saturday...

I genuinely hope the Micks hammer the fuck out of England - the only team in the Six Nations to get down on their knees for St George of Home Invasion; every other team has just stood, silent and dignified. Not England though, not when there was an opportunity to publicly virtue signal on behalf of a fentanyl-addled fucking junkie. Cunts.

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1 hour ago, Cocky Cunt-Features said:

I genuinely hope the Micks hammer the fuck out of England - the only team in the Six Nations to get down on their knees for St George of Home Invasion; every other team has just stood, silent and dignified. Not England though, not when there was an opportunity to publicly virtue signal on behalf of a fentanyl-addled fucking junkie. Cunts.

I hope that you get hammered by half a dozen Royal Marines.

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I hope that you get hammered by half a dozen Royal Marines.

They'll likely be a bit worn-out from hammering your overused arsehole.

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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We dont have to look too hard to see the last trace of benevolence we still have from you lot..its 90 miles up the road from me ..ill chance the frogs n the hun.


Have you heard Paddy? The yanks have said they're not getting involved in the UK-EU TRADE DISPUTE!! Sounds like Mick didn't get the unwavering support he was expecting in his zoom call with Joe the fake Irishman yesterday.


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On 16/03/2021 at 22:03, Last Cunt Standing said:

So Big Chief Fuckstick BoJo has taken a break from wallpapering his flat with £50 notes to give a little speech to Parliament about Britain pivoting to the Indo-Pacific and projecting power around the world. The guy on the ABC just now reading out the piece was suppressing laughter so hard I thought his ears would pop off. 

Who or what in God’s name does Boris think he is talking to? Does he really think you can go cap in hand around the economic powerhouses of SE Asia looking for trade deals for Wensleydale one minute, then sail your rusting hulk of an aircraft-free missile-magnet carrier into the South China Sea and start playing Billy big bollocks the next? Normally incoherent, he’s gone for full gobbledegook on potentially increasing the number of Schrodingers’ Warheads Britain has or has not, news which I imagine has a few choice ears popping up in the Capitals of the World. He bangs on about China breaking international law in Hong Kong while his own backbenchers mutter about BoJo’s own loose relationship with the law of late and resign themselves for more inactivity.  

As is the modern way, he seeks to patch up the rump of an Army with talk of reservists and special forces, all the time ignoring the notions that Putin has been winning his asymmetric wars for years and can poison people on the streets of Wiltshire or blow Malaysians out of the sky with complete imPutiny as long as he keeps the Roubles coming. 

We also learn that Boris wants the UK to have observer status at ASEAN, ignoring both geography and the rather obvious rejoinder that        he had been giving the impression he didn’t believe in multinational groups much these days. Money too, apparently it such short supply for the last 10 years, can suddenly be spaffed about like an unsecured firehose. 

As position statements go, it’s hilarious. But in diplomatic circles, making the grown ups laugh seems to be the only thing Britain is good at any more. Embarrassing Cunt. 

A country supposedly democratic deserves whatever leader it gets. But this one is for one term. Popularism is in retreat around the world. 

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57 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Have you heard Paddy? The yanks have said they're not getting involved in the UK-EU TRADE DISPUTE!! Sounds like Mick didn't get the unwavering support he was expecting in his zoom call with Joe the fake Irishman yesterday.


Who else is an enemy you fucking idiot? Shuv all the yanks up your gaping arsehole - when it comes to the push they'll help.... but at a cost! Remember Land Lease you dozy cunt? 

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On 17/03/2021 at 09:40, Trucking Funt said:

What the fuck are you on about? Brussels is going to give you some Russian roulette vaccine then bankrupt your illegal tax haven. Article 116 is on its way! Get ready for long dole queues and shitloads of emigration.

You clearly live in a very small bitter world of blocks of flats, generational poverty, cultural deprivation pinned to a Google map of kebab shops, 24 hour offies, betting shops and a redundant town centre populated with charity shops and druggie  chavs.  I don't feel in the least sorry for you. 

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4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Who else is an enemy you fucking idiot? Shuv all the yanks up your gaping arsehole - when it comes to the push they'll help.... but at a cost! Remember Land Lease you dozy cunt? 

What was "land lease" Harold? Was that when you paid the local pikeys £10 a week so you could pitch your tent next to where they burned their mattresses so you could stay warm at night?

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4 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You clearly live in a very small bitter world of blocks of flats, generational poverty, cultural deprivation pinned to a Google map of kebab shops, 24 hour offies, betting shops and a redundant town centre populated with charity shops and druggie  chavs.  I don't feel in the least sorry for you. 

I live in a very nice spot on the South coast as it happens. Don't project your degenerate and worthless existence on to me. You're a fucking pleb!

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