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Global Britain

Last Cunt Standing

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So Big Chief Fuckstick BoJo has taken a break from wallpapering his flat with £50 notes to give a little speech to Parliament about Britain pivoting to the Indo-Pacific and projecting power around the world. The guy on the ABC just now reading out the piece was suppressing laughter so hard I thought his ears would pop off. 

Who or what in God’s name does Boris think he is talking to? Does he really think you can go cap in hand around the economic powerhouses of SE Asia looking for trade deals for Wensleydale one minute, then sail your rusting hulk of an aircraft-free missile-magnet carrier into the South China Sea and start playing Billy big bollocks the next? Normally incoherent, he’s gone for full gobbledegook on potentially increasing the number of Schrodingers’ Warheads Britain has or has not, news which I imagine has a few choice ears popping up in the Capitals of the World. He bangs on about China breaking international law in Hong Kong while his own backbenchers mutter about BoJo’s own loose relationship with the law of late and resign themselves for more inactivity.  

As is the modern way, he seeks to patch up the rump of an Army with talk of reservists and special forces, all the time ignoring the notions that Putin has been winning his asymmetric wars for years and can poison people on the streets of Wiltshire or blow Malaysians out of the sky with complete imPutiny as long as he keeps the Roubles coming. 

We also learn that Boris wants the UK to have observer status at ASEAN, ignoring both geography and the rather obvious rejoinder that        he had been giving the impression he didn’t believe in multinational groups much these days. Money too, apparently it such short supply for the last 10 years, can suddenly be spaffed about like an unsecured firehose. 

As position statements go, it’s hilarious. But in diplomatic circles, making the grown ups laugh seems to be the only thing Britain is good at any more. Embarrassing Cunt. 

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8 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The guy on the ABC just now reading out the piece was suppressing laughter so hard 

What else would a fake news political activist do? He wouldn’t have a job tomorrow if he didn’t. You know the woke twitterati scrutinize every facial  expression of their pet journos. One strike and you’re out.

Strewth mate.

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20 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So Big Chief Fuckstick BoJo has taken a break from wallpapering his flat with £50 notes to give a little speech to Parliament about Britain pivoting to the Indo-Pacific and projecting power around the world. The guy on the ABC just now reading out the piece was suppressing laughter so hard I thought his ears would pop off. 

Who or what in God’s name does Boris think he is talking to? Does he really think you can go cap in hand around the economic powerhouses of SE Asia looking for trade deals for Wensleydale one minute, then sail your rusting hulk of an aircraft-free missile-magnet carrier into the South China Sea and start playing Billy big bollocks the next? Normally incoherent, he’s gone for full gobbledegook on potentially increasing the number of Schrodingers’ Warheads Britain has or has not, news which I imagine has a few choice ears popping up in the Capitals of the World. He bangs on about China breaking international law in Hong Kong while his own backbenchers mutter about Boris’s own loose relationship with the law of late and resign themselves for more inactivity.  

As is the modern way, he seeks to patch up the rump of an Army with talk of reservists and special forces, all the time ignoring the notions that Putin has been winning his asymmetric wars for years and can poison people on the streets of Wiltshire or blow Malaysians out of the sky with complete imPutiny as long as he keeps the Roubles coming. 

We also learn that Boris wants the UK to have observer status at ASEAN, ignoring both geography and the rather obvious rejoinder that        he had been giving the impression he didn’t believe in multinational groups much these days. Money too, apparently it such short supply for the last 10 years, can suddenly be spaffed about like an unsecured firehose. 

As position statements go, it’s hilarious. But in diplomatic circles, making the grown ups laugh seems to be the only thing Britain is good at any more. Embarrassing Cunt. 

This nom is like a guy who leaves his wife, moves out of his beautiful house into a bedsit on the other side of town and then spends all his new found freedom watching her with binoculars moving on with her life and finally being happy to be rid of the moaning cunt and laughing at her new car, new better looking boyfriend and believing that he’s fucking living the dream and he’s showed her what’s what.

Panz and you are the corners Jedward, separated at birth but sharing the same brain.


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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

This nom is like a guy who leaves his wife, moves out of his beautiful house into a bedsit on the other side of town and then spends all his new found freedom watching her with binoculars moving on with her life and finally being happy to be rid of the moaning cunt and laughing at her new car, new better looking boyfriend and believing that he’s fucking living the dream and he’s showed her what’s what.

Panz and you are the corners Jedward, separated at birth but sharing the same brain.


Not at all Bill. I live in the Indo-Pacific and hold a British Passport is all. Merely thought that the Global Britain idea was worth discussing but as ever the case these days, there’s none so blind as those who will not see. Have a good day.

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14 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not at all Bill. I live in the Indo-Pacific and hold a British Passport is all. Merely thought that the Global Britain idea was worth discussing but as ever the case these days, there’s none so blind as those who will not see. Have a good day.

Any chance of 2 tonne of amoxycillin from your uncle’s factory...Guptah?

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6 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not all Bill. I live in the Indo-Pacific and hold a British Passport is all. Merely thought that the Global Britain idea was worth discussing but as ever the case these days, there’s none so blind as those who will not see. Have a good day.

Fair point but I think if I were residing in Australia right now I’d have more of an eye on China and the immediate threat they pose to your region since the most popular US President ever 46 😂 has been undoing all the work the real most popular President ever 45  🇱🇷did to keep them under control. The yellow fuckers have already got their fifth column working flat out in your new homeland and no one seems to have the gonads to be branded a racist and put up a fight. I didn’t mean to have a go at you personally. I just get a bit carried away occasionally (All the time)

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33 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not at all Bill. I live in the Indo-Pacific and hold a British Passport is all. Merely thought that the Global Britain idea was worth discussing but as ever the case these days, there’s none so blind as those who will not see. Have a good day.

Enjoy the tax breaks, travel and sniggering from a distance. As soon as you hit 60 and your ECG looks like a Himalayan profile, you’ll be back here, blocked aorta in hand, milking the NHS. Enjoy Slopedom, but do stay there eh? The ‘brain drain?’ Not if you’re anything to go by.

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18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fair point but I think if I were residing in Australia right now I’d have more of an eye on China and the immediate threat they pose to your region since the most popular US President ever 46 😂 has been undoing all the work the real most popular President ever 45  🇱🇷did to keep them under control. The yellow fuckers have already got their fifth column working flat out in your new homeland and no one seems to have the gonads to be branded a racist and put up a fight. I didn’t mean to have a go at you personally. I just get a bit carried away occasionally (All the time)

 No you don’t. If anything you’re too moderate. Fuck him.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So Big Chief Fuckstick BoJo has taken a break from wallpapering his flat with £50 notes to give a little speech to Parliament about Britain pivoting to the Indo-Pacific and projecting power around the world. The guy on the ABC just now reading out the piece was suppressing laughter so hard I thought his ears would pop off. 

Who or what in God’s name does Boris think he is talking to? Does he really think you can go cap in hand around the economic powerhouses of SE Asia looking for trade deals for Wensleydale one minute, then sail your rusting hulk of an aircraft-free missile-magnet carrier into the South China Sea and start playing Billy big bollocks the next? Normally incoherent, he’s gone for full gobbledegook on potentially increasing the number of Schrodingers’ Warheads Britain has or has not, news which I imagine has a few choice ears popping up in the Capitals of the World. He bangs on about China breaking international law in Hong Kong while his own backbenchers mutter about BoJo’s own loose relationship with the law of late and resign themselves for more inactivity.  

As is the modern way, he seeks to patch up the rump of an Army with talk of reservists and special forces, all the time ignoring the notions that Putin has been winning his asymmetric wars for years and can poison people on the streets of Wiltshire or blow Malaysians out of the sky with complete imPutiny as long as he keeps the Roubles coming. 

We also learn that Boris wants the UK to have observer status at ASEAN, ignoring both geography and the rather obvious rejoinder that        he had been giving the impression he didn’t believe in multinational groups much these days. Money too, apparently it such short supply for the last 10 years, can suddenly be spaffed about like an unsecured firehose. 

As position statements go, it’s hilarious. But in diplomatic circles, making the grown ups laugh seems to be the only thing Britain is good at any more. Embarrassing Cunt. 

The UK has a large military presence around the world, which is not usually tromboned around as to keep certain activities low-key, thus the peacocking around is normally left to the Yanks. But you have to allow for the lack of melatonin and related brain afflictions to understand that this is Boris posturing like a pheasant about to cross the road. Indeed, certain military planning should be kept confidential and not be widely broadcasted, secrecy being the name of the game - unless he was given a script to read, to deflect attention from another plan.
Boris should pay more attention to issues such as the need for modern industries in the UK, to reduce the hole dug out over the last forty years, to sort out the trade deficit and add high-value jobs, as we are in the shit (everywhere) for the foreseeable future.

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38 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fair point but I think if I were residing in Australia right now I’d have more of an eye on China and the immediate threat they pose to your region since the most popular US President ever 46 😂 has been undoing all the work the real most popular President ever 45  🇱🇷did to keep them under control. The yellow fuckers have already got their fifth column working flat out in your new homeland and no one seems to have the gonads to be branded a racist and put up a fight. I didn’t mean to have a go at you personally. I just get a bit carried away occasionally (All the time)

I think the Australians are now fully aware of the dangers of China and their covid disclosure/trade relationship is going down the toilet at a rapid speed. Many Hong-Kong residents will soon be heading for the Aussie shores, their assets seized and family members “detained”. It’s not like China is a fascist state, is it?

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After a very shaky start and a high number of deaths combined with much less restrictive lockdowns than many EU countries we have rolled out a very rapid vaccine programme and have now vaccinated around half of our population .. The chaotic USA have also managed so far to vaccinate about a third of their population. In the UK infection and death rates have dropped rapidly. Meanwhile many EU countries have ignored the advice of the EU itself and stalled using the A-V vaccine and in any event have vaccinated comparitively few of their population and are taking of increasing already highly restrictive lockdowns that in some cases involve 12 hour curfews. I do know that the UK is a horrid and evil place and that explains why each night dozens people rush to French beaches and climb into inflatables to paddle their way across the channel to freedom in the the UK. Slightly ironic is that the Remoaners are still screaming about the alleged pledge made to spend all that extra money on the NHS .. well actually they are doing that and likely to have to do that for a long time to come.

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16 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Forget this shit.  I feel that LCS has posted a good nom here.  However, what I do find amazing, is that Roops hasn't commented on it as yet.  Though to be fair, it will probably take 2 days for her to Google her response.

That is you opinion.

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19 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Forget this shit.  I feel that LCS has posted a good nom here.  However, what I do find amazing, is that Roops hasn't commented on it as yet.  Though to be fair, it will probably take 2 days for her to Google her response.

I suspect that she uses either Yahoo or DuckDuckGo.

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So Big Chief Fuckstick BoJo has taken a break from wallpapering his flat with £50 notes to give a little speech to Parliament about Britain pivoting to the Indo-Pacific and projecting power around the world. The guy on the ABC just now reading out the piece was suppressing laughter so hard I thought his ears would pop off. 

Who or what in God’s name does Boris think he is talking to? Does he really think you can go cap in hand around the economic powerhouses of SE Asia looking for trade deals for Wensleydale one minute, then sail your rusting hulk of an aircraft-free missile-magnet carrier into the South China Sea and start playing Billy big bollocks the next? Normally incoherent, he’s gone for full gobbledegook on potentially increasing the number of Schrodingers’ Warheads Britain has or has not, news which I imagine has a few choice ears popping up in the Capitals of the World. He bangs on about China breaking international law in Hong Kong while his own backbenchers mutter about BoJo’s own loose relationship with the law of late and resign themselves for more inactivity.  

As is the modern way, he seeks to patch up the rump of an Army with talk of reservists and special forces, all the time ignoring the notions that Putin has been winning his asymmetric wars for years and can poison people on the streets of Wiltshire or blow Malaysians out of the sky with complete imPutiny as long as he keeps the Roubles coming. 

We also learn that Boris wants the UK to have observer status at ASEAN, ignoring both geography and the rather obvious rejoinder that        he had been giving the impression he didn’t believe in multinational groups much these days. Money too, apparently it such short supply for the last 10 years, can suddenly be spaffed about like an unsecured firehose. 

As position statements go, it’s hilarious. But in diplomatic circles, making the grown ups laugh seems to be the only thing Britain is good at any more. Embarrassing Cunt. 

From what I've seen of ABC, it's nothing more than a clone of its British cousin the BBC in that it's a job creation scheme for left wing scum and mentally ill feminists, so next to nobody gives a fuck what their take on it is.

I regularly see HMS Queen Elizabeth in Portsmouth harbour and can assure you that she is far from aircraft free and is about to deploy with two type 45 destroyers that will take care of any missile threat plus an Astute class attack submarine. It should also be noted that she will be joined on her leisure cruise through waters that China ludicrously claim as their own by the Dutch navy and one of Australia's Hobart class destroyers along with the Japanese navy where no doubt the chinky bastards will threaten death and destruction followed through with absolutely fuck all. Why shouldn't the UK play a part in securing the world's trade routes? We've always been a global trading nation unlike protectionist cunts in the EU who think they can just put their fingers in their ears and shut their eyes as Europe's share of world GDP rapidly evaporates.

The extra nuclear warheads are for fully arming our £8 billion Dreadnought class subs that will come into service by the end of the decade, not because Boris is doing a Jack D. Ripper. These things have to planned years in advance because of international treaty obligations. As for changes to the armed forces, this appears to be in line with modern military doctrine. The days of using thousands of troops as the first line of defence are coming to an end. The wars of the future will be fought over cyberspace and by 10 stone nerds remotely piloting hundreds of drones. Smaller regular forces means larger and better equipped special forces who are what the enemy really fears because they're in it for the killing, not as target practice for snipers and easy game for IEDs while playing social worker to a bunch of civilians who hate them.

What's wrong with the UK having an ear at ASEAN? It's joining the CPTPP next year so like it or not, Blighty is going to be a player in the Indo-Pacific region again. Not like the days of empire of course but it will be in the conversation. The only people laughing are those who suck cock in Brussels and think senile Joe the fake Irishman is a messiah.

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10 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Im just pleased to see the fat lad tie himself in even more knots while feedin the numpties at home tales of steaming bowls of hot creamy winning...i love the Brexit 


What the fuck are you on about? Brussels is going to give you some Russian roulette vaccine then bankrupt your illegal tax haven. Article 116 is on its way! Get ready for long dole queues and shitloads of emigration.

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54 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

From what I've seen of ABC, it's nothing more than a clone of its British cousin the BBC in that it's a job creation scheme for left wing scum and mentally ill feminists, so next to nobody gives a fuck what their take on it is.

I regularly see HMS Queen Elizabeth in Portsmouth harbour and can assure you that she is far from aircraft free and is about to deploy with two type 45 destroyers that will take care of any missile threat plus an Astute class attack submarine. It should also be noted that she will be joined on her leisure cruise through waters that China ludicrously claim as their own by the Dutch navy and one of Australia's Hobart class destroyers along with the Japanese navy where no doubt the chinky bastards will threaten death and destruction followed through with absolutely fuck all. Why shouldn't the UK play a part in securing the world's trade routes? We've always been a global trading nation unlike protectionist cunts in the EU who think they can just put their fingers in their ears and shut their eyes as Europe's share of world GDP rapidly evaporates.

The extra nuclear warheads are for fully arming our £8 billion Dreadnought class subs that will come into service by the end of the decade, not because Boris is doing a Jack D. Ripper. These things have to planned years in advance because of international treaty obligations. As for changes to the armed forces, this appears to be in line with modern military doctrine. The days of using thousands of troops as the first line of defence are coming to an end. The wars of the future will be fought over cyberspace and by 10 stone nerds remotely piloting hundreds of drones. Smaller regular forces means larger and better equipped special forces who are what the enemy really fears because they're in it for the killing, not as target practice for snipers and easy game for IEDs while playing social worker to a bunch of civilians who hate them.

What's wrong with the UK having an ear at ASEAN? It's joining the CPTPP next year so like it or not, Blighty is going to be a player in the Indo-Pacific region again. Not like the days of empire of course but it will be in the conversation. The only people laughing are those who suck cock in Brussels and think senile Joe the fake Irishman is a messiah.

Ironically part of the reason that we tend to reach out further is because more local sea defences are carried out by the French and other European counties. Little point in patrolling the Channel when the froggies would probably be more likely shoot the common enemy first and ask questions later. I think that in any event the current situation with the UK and French aircraft carries is that they actually carry personal from each country on board .. in effect a shared fleet.

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2 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

From what I've seen of ABC, it's nothing more than a clone of its British cousin the BBC in that it's a job creation scheme for left wing scum and mentally ill feminists, so next to nobody gives a fuck what their take on it is.

I regularly see HMS Queen Elizabeth in Portsmouth harbour and can assure you that she is far from aircraft free and is about to deploy with two type 45 destroyers that will take care of any missile threat plus an Astute class attack submarine. It should also be noted that she will be joined on her leisure cruise through waters that China ludicrously claim as their own by the Dutch navy and one of Australia's Hobart class destroyers along with the Japanese navy where no doubt the chinky bastards will threaten death and destruction followed through with absolutely fuck all. Why shouldn't the UK play a part in securing the world's trade routes? We've always been a global trading nation unlike protectionist cunts in the EU who think they can just put their fingers in their ears and shut their eyes as Europe's share of world GDP rapidly evaporates.

The extra nuclear warheads are for fully arming our £8 billion Dreadnought class subs that will come into service by the end of the decade, not because Boris is doing a Jack D. Ripper. These things have to planned years in advance because of international treaty obligations. As for changes to the armed forces, this appears to be in line with modern military doctrine. The days of using thousands of troops as the first line of defence are coming to an end. The wars of the future will be fought over cyberspace and by 10 stone nerds remotely piloting hundreds of drones. Smaller regular forces means larger and better equipped special forces who are what the enemy really fears because they're in it for the killing, not as target practice for snipers and easy game for IEDs while playing social worker to a bunch of civilians who hate them.

What's wrong with the UK having an ear at ASEAN? It's joining the CPTPP next year so like it or not, Blighty is going to be a player in the Indo-Pacific region again. Not like the days of empire of course but it will be in the conversation. The only people laughing are those who suck cock in Brussels and think senile Joe the fake Irishman is a messiah.

UK and US have been protecting trade routes for ages, one aspect of the military services the EU was unhappy to lose due to Brexit. Those routes will be secured further, as chinks and other nations spread their influence around and may want to push back more. The bell end road project was built precisely to avoid the “points of western pressure”, get around potential tariffs and in-debt collaborating “partners”.

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9 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

What the fuck are you on about? Brussels is going to give you some Russian roulette vaccine then bankrupt your illegal tax haven. Article 116 is on its way! Get ready for long dole queues and shitloads of emigration.

Im talkin about the fat lad..mister 180° or sometimes mister 360° ..hes goin around sayin what the numpties like to hear in blighty n then sonthin they dont like in Brussels..oo and lá feile pádrig sonta dhuit to y'all 


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8 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

oo and lá feile pádrig sonta dhuit to y'all 


I'm watching the Shane MacGowan documentary that BBC 4 put on last night, Panz. I can't tell you if it's any good, as I haven't understood a single fucking word he's said since it started, and they haven't subtitled it to compensate.

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm watching the Shane MacGowan documentary that BBC 4 put on last night, Panz. I can't tell you if it's any good, as I haven't understood a single fucking word he's said since it started, and they haven't subtitled it to compensate.

Laffin..now theres a lad thats been stealing a livin for the last couple of decades ..not a note in his head but a world recognized singer.


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