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White Copper Shoots Black Woman........Cue George Floyd Part 2


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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Roops, this ‘like’ is for a post that was erroneously directed and acknowledged as such. Whilst the content is valid and relevant, in part, you’re taking this ‘sisterhood’ thing a bit too seriously. You could set up a Cuntess’ Corner if the boys are being a bit nasty occasionally? How was Lake Bala? I don’t drink tap water since your recent reservoir sojourn incidentally.

You're being precious and fragile. I'm well aware to whom the post was directed to. The "like" was for the sentiments contained therein namely the tedium of reading the same insults repeated day after day - amusing for a few seconds to the poster who no doubt thought he was being amusing and original.

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2 hours ago, Frank said:

DC I've never mentioned this before, but I think it's about time I came clean with the board. 

I'm a black cab driver and have been since 1992. Good morning. 

Have you ever had that Lord Bradwell in the back of your cab, with his chicken, Franco?

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4 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're being precious and fragile. I'm well aware to whom the post was directed to. The "like" was for the sentiments contained therein namely the tedium of reading the same insults repeated day after day - amusing for a few seconds to the poster who no doubt thought he was being amusing and original.

As an olive branch, have a listen to this. Go on, put your handbag down and have a dance, it’s a beautiful day, Emmeline.


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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

You're being precious and fragile. I'm well aware to whom the post was directed to. The "like" was for the sentiments contained therein namely the tedium of reading the same insults repeated day after day - amusing for a few seconds to the poster who no doubt thought he was being amusing and original.

What's the plan for getting this place back to its former glory - the road map, if you will? Seems a bit empty and low quality these days. Maybe you could plan some interesting nominations to debate? I can't think of owt at the minute, but surely if the place is going to survive then some cunt has to figure something out? Its all well and good bitching and moaning about repetitive insults and inter-member acrimony, but it seems like that's all that everyone has to offer at the moment.

Everyone has been lectured endlessly about the faults in the way they're going about things at the moment, so does anyone have an alternative strategy to offer, or are we all just going to bitch about moaning and moan about bitching about moaning? Genuine question - place seems to be in a downward spiral.

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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

What's the plan for getting this place back to its former glory - the road map, if you will? Seems a bit empty and low quality these days. Maybe you could plan some interesting nominations to debate? I can't think of owt at the minute, but surely if the place is going to survive then some cunt has to figure something out? Its all well and good bitching and moaning about repetitive insults and inter-member acrimony, but it seems like that's all that everyone has to offer at the moment.

Everyone has been lectured endlessly about the faults in the way they're going about things at the moment, so does anyone have an alternative strategy to offer, or are we all just going to bitch about moaning and moan about bitching about moaning? Genuine question - place seems to be in a downward spiral.

Say what you like about the sub-literate fucking homos on "isacunt", but at least they usually nominate actual cunts, and stay on topic. Trouble is, that's also a bit boring after a while. There must be a middle ground somewhere.

The thing is, pretty much nobody remembers any of the actual nominations from the supposed "glory days" on here, but they DO remember the characters and the slagging matches: Benny & Flinty, mammothcock, the Colonel, Frank in his prime, Voevod, the original ratcum, hell, even Judge and Rothers going at it (metaphorically speaking.) People just seemed genuinely angrier a few years ago, before the chemicals in the water supply shrivelled up everybody's gonads.

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14 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Say what you like about the sub-literate fucking homos on "isacunt", but at least they usually nominate actual cunts, and stay on topic. Trouble is, that's also a bit boring after a while. There must be a middle ground somewhere.

The thing is, pretty much nobody remembers any of the actual nominations from the supposed "glory days" on here, but they DO remember the characters and the slagging matches: Benny & Flinty, mammothcock, the Colonel, Frank in his prime, Voevod, the original ratcum, hell, even Judge and Rothers going at it (metaphorically speaking.) People just seemed genuinely angrier a few years ago, before the chemicals in the water supply shrivelled up everybody's gonads.

Don't forget the mad swede Drew Peacock.

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Say what you like about the sub-literate fucking homos on "isacunt", but at least they usually nominate actual cunts, and stay on topic. Trouble is, that's also a bit boring after a while. There must be a middle ground somewhere.

The thing is, pretty much nobody remembers any of the actual nominations from the supposed "glory days" on here, but they DO remember the characters and the slagging matches: Benny & Flinty, mammothcock, the Colonel, Frank in his prime, Voevod, the original ratcum, hell, even Judge and Rothers going at it (metaphorically speaking.) People just seemed genuinely angrier a few years ago, before the chemicals in the water supply shrivelled up everybody's gonads.

I wasn't even around that far back, but even compared to when I first joined up the place has dried up alarmingly. The last decent meltdown we had was that cunt I can't even remember who invited @Eric Cuntman to his birthday party before Roops was kind enough to administer a swift mercy killing to the quivering remains. I'm not saying meltdowns should be the number one priority for every cunt to seek, just that it was the last vaguely interesting thing that happened.

As for noms, I remember the one a few years back about Shamina Bengum being very active - not just in terms of inter-member acrimony, but also genuine debate and opinion on the situation as it evolved. Plenty of shit since then has happened, stuff that is more serious and interesting by a long shot in comparison but none of it seems to have triggered the same amount of interest and activity in the membership.

Derailment seems to be the issue in a lot of cases, and that can be just as interesting if the slagging matches that result are any good, but they really haven't been of late. And when they do show the potential of being good they're shot down by the moderators, sometimes out of heavy handedness on their part, sometimes out of being genuinely repetitive or blatantly breaking site rules.

Seems like neither the membership or the moderators are willing to work together to sort the problem out, just slag each other off and add to the cesspit of repetitiveness. Everyone is having a smug wank as the building crumbles around them.

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4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I wasn't even around that far back, but even compared to when I first joined up the place has dried up alarmingly. The last decent meltdown we had was that cunt I can't even remember who invited @Eric Cuntman to his birthday party before Roops was kind enough to administer a swift mercy killing to the quivering remains. I'm not saying meltdowns should be the number one priority for every cunt to seek, just that it was the last vaguely interesting thing that happened.

As for noms, I remember the one a few years back about Shamina Bengum being very active - not just in terms of inter-member acrimony, but also genuine debate and opinion on the situation as it evolved. Plenty of shit since then has happened, stuff that is more serious and interesting by a long shot in comparison but none of it seems to have triggered the same amount of interest and activity in the membership.

Derailment seems to be the issue in a lot of cases, and that can be just as interesting if the slagging matches that result are any good, but they really haven't been of late. And when they do show the potential of being good they're shot down by the moderators, sometimes out of heavy handedness on their part, sometimes out of being genuinely repetitive or blatantly breaking site rules.

Seems like neither the membership or the moderators are willing to work together to sort the problem out, just slag each other off and add to the cesspit of repetitiveness. Everyone is having a smug wank as the building crumbles around them.

Johnny Saucepants. Stupid fucking water blasting cunt.

I miss him like a dog misses a squeaky toy.

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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Him and that Salty Piss Flaps cunt have fused into a single being of immeasurable mongnitude in the darkest pits of my subconsciousness. 

I thought Salty was ok as long as he stuck to commenting on topic. He didn't have the teeth for conflict and his attempts at it were a bit languid. 

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Who was that member who went apeshit when someone took the piss out of his disabled son?

I do remember someone getting vexed when I suggested you shouldn't bury a small child until a few others have died. Obvious savings on coffin/funeral costs and the little fuckers have some company too.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I thought Salty was ok as long as he stuck to commenting on topic. He didn't have the teeth for conflict and his attempts at it were a bit languid. 

I wonder if the surviving members of Pink Floyd are a bit nervous since their namesake got it in the neck? 

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On 16/04/2021 at 16:40, Roadkill said:

This is a blatantly false accusation. He's well known to shag geese, not ganders.

He might have become one of those new fangled non gander specific weirdos. Most of the people he associates with are French after all, so he is very likely to have been infected with some disgusting poofy or mental disease.

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

What's the plan for getting this place back to its former glory - the road map, if you will? Seems a bit empty and low quality these days. Maybe you could plan some interesting nominations to debate? I can't think of owt at the minute, but surely if the place is going to survive then some cunt has to figure something out? Its all well and good bitching and moaning about repetitive insults and inter-member acrimony, but it seems like that's all that everyone has to offer at the moment.

Everyone has been lectured endlessly about the faults in the way they're going about things at the moment, so does anyone have an alternative strategy to offer, or are we all just going to bitch about moaning and moan about bitching about moaning? Genuine question - place seems to be in a downward spiral.

Maybe if you pulled your finger out of your arse and stopped going awol on some kind of Geordie bareback butt fucking mission

This place is going tits up as we speak and only a few genuine cunts left to fight the MongTards, the evil roops and the recently dangerously deranged spotto.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

He might have become one of those new fangled non gander specific weirdos. Most of the people he associates with are French after all, so he is very likely to have been infected with some disgusting poofy or mental disease.

As opposed to a massage parlour owner who distributes venereal diseases and AIDS and lives of those earnings...

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Just now, Earl of Punkape said:

As opposed to a massage parlour owner who distributes venereal diseases and AIDS and lives of those earnings...

As opposed to a devout Catholic who condones rampant child buggery as par for the course and fails to recognise the centuries of evil, torture and death the Catholic Church had inflicted on millions...

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Maybe if you pulled your finger out of your arse and stopped going awol on some kind of Geordie bareback butt fucking mission

This place is going tits up as we speak and only a few genuine cunts left to fight the MongTards, the evil roops and the recently dangerously deranged spotto.

Listen you cunt - some bastard has to breed the Mackem genome out of human DNA, and I don't see any cunt on here willing to step up and take the responsibility. Do you want your descendants to be a bunch of rancid cunts wallowing about in shit filled duck ponds on hot summer days? To happily spread their legs at the first whiff of an oily kebab? Do you?

Because if not, then I'm the only cunt standing in the way of it happening.

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Listen you cunt - some bastard has to breed the Mackem genome out of human DNA, and I don't see any cunt on here willing to step up and take the responsibility. Do you want your descendants to be a bunch of rancid cunts wallowing about in shit filled duck ponds on hot summer days? To happily spread their legs at the first whiff of an oily kebab? Do you?

Because if not, then I'm the only cunt standing in the way of it happening.


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