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White Copper Shoots Black Woman........Cue George Floyd Part 2


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21 hours ago, Decimus said:

I do enjoy a bit of Withers when he's not in sycophantic creep mode and fumbling with Frank in the bocage. One of the best on here, it's just a shame that he gets his act together less frequently than Drew having a day off the meths.

Similarly, despite being a cirrhotic, shambling, absolute fucking disgrace, Drew is in my top five, which he'll probably be surprised to hear should he remember it by tomorrow morning.


Agreed. When the goose buggering old francophile is on form he's hilarious. I will put this down to his decision to leave frogland and embrace english humour, as we all know the French in general are about as funny as a kick in bollocks. He's been laying the boot into Francois as of late, and about fucking time. 

I do actually find Drew amusing myself, and his previous comment in hindsight was just Frankie Boyle-esque, but I certainly don't feel the same way about Aitch's... 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Agreed. When the goose buggering old francophile is on form he's hilarious. I will put this down to his decision to leave frogland and embrace english humour, as we all know the French in general are about as funny as a kick in bollocks. He's been laying the boot into Francois as of late, and about fucking time. 

I do actually find Drew amusing myself, and his previous comment in hindsight was just Frankie Boyle-esque, but I certainly don't feel the same way about Aitch's... 

Leave France?  You stupid, ill informed cunt. As for you finding Drew amusing, I'm sure that has made his day. He will be scooting along to Spar, shouting 'I've made it' I've made it' Fuck off.

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45 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Leave France?  You stupid, ill informed cunt. As for you finding Drew amusing, I'm sure that has made his day. He will be scooting along to Spar, shouting 'I've made it' I've made it' Fuck off.

What the fuck happened to Whitstable, and the recording studio? I heard you were gonna be the French Jonathan King (strictly in the musical sense, obviously). I'm certain that myself and Dec's have made Drew's year, and he's no doubt smiling from ear to ear whilst knocking back an extra flagon of White Ace. 

You're a mercurial talent, Withers, and fuck off...

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  • 4 weeks later...

There has been another one with a woman copper shooting and killing a motorist .. she says that she intended to taser him but confused her gun with the taser .. possibly not as daft as it sounds as I think that a standard police issue gun in 'Merica is the Glock 22 which is partly made of plastic and weighs just 2 pounds. Doubtless there will be a trial with her being charged with 1st degree murder rather than reckless homicide  .. which I also think is the actual charge that should be the one that the officer should be facing in the George Floyd case as I still doubt that there was any actual intent by the copper to actually kill George Floyd.

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
46 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

There has been another one with a woman copper shooting and killing a motorist .. she says that she intended to taser him but confused her gun with the taser .. possibly not as daft as it sounds as I think that a standard police issue gun in 'Merica is the Glock 22 which is partly made of plastic and weighs just 2 pounds. Doubtless there will be a trial with her being charged with 1st degree murder rather than reckless homicide  .. which I also think is the actual charge that should be the one that the officer should be facing in the George Floyd case as I still doubt that there was any actual intent by the copper to actually kill George Floyd.

I did a nom about this yesterday but it's been deleted for some reason.

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5 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

There has been another one with a woman copper shooting and killing a motorist .. she says that she intended to taser him but confused her gun with the taser .. possibly not as daft as it sounds as I think that a standard police issue gun in 'Merica is the Glock 22 which is partly made of plastic and weighs just 2 pounds. Doubtless there will be a trial with her being charged with 1st degree murder rather than reckless homicide  .. which I also think is the actual charge that should be the one that the officer should be facing in the George Floyd case as I still doubt that there was any actual intent by the copper to actually kill George 

A simple mistake to make don't you think? for example, how many times have you sat down to piss and forgot how easy it is to aim a stream of piss when you have a cock.

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10 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Pen, you’ve been rumbled by a bloke who’s regularly pissed out of his skull by 10am, plus your come backs are actually getting worse

Time for you to have a little rest

Would you like to me to send you an old pair of my knickers?

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Back on topic, I’m glad this stupid cunt is dead; he was stopped for a traffic violation and tried to run, therefore he obviously had something to hide. One less scummy piece of shit in the world, and I’d say that if he was white.

Kill all humans 

He was actually breaking the law with his Daffodil Daydream hanging from his rear view mirror, unfortunately the outstanding warrant for his arrest caused him to panic. I can't imagine the outstanding warrant was for him having previously been stopped for having a Feu Orange one, so fuck knows what he had done. Does anyone really care now that he's dead. Justice has been served, Yankee style.

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10 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

He was actually breaking the law with his Daffodil Daydream hanging from his rear view mirror, unfortunately the outstanding warrant for his arrest caused him to panic. I can't imagine the outstanding warrant was for him having previously been stopped for having a Feu Orange one, so fuck knows what he had done. Does anyone really care now that he's dead. Justice has been served, Yankee style.

Much of that made no sense, you must be pissed. However, I agree with your applauding of a dead idiot.

I hope the yank cops shoot a few more sootys and it all goes to rat shit. 

However, how many Hispanics get slotted every week? You don’t see those spics kicking off


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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Much of that made no sense, you must be pissed. However, I agree with your applauding of a dead idiot.

I hope the yank cops shoot a few more sootys and it all goes to rat shit. 

However, how many Hispanics get slotted every week? You don’t see those spics kicking off


It's illegal to have a car air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror in the state he was driving hence the reason for the initial traffic stop.

I hope the next policeman who gets trigger happy is black and the dead crim is white - that should be interesting.

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4 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

It's illegal to have a car air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror in the state he was driving hence the reason for the initial traffic stop.

I hope the next policeman who gets trigger happy is black and the dead crim is white - that should be interesting.

I’d wager if that happens it won’t be reported as it doesn’t fit the current news agenda that panders to the stupid masses

One only has to think back to the shooting of pure human scum Mark Duggan who just happened to be black. It was an excuse for local wankers to burn and loot with impunity mostly fueled by irresponsible reporting. If it had been told that he was tooled up and a dangerous criminal (he was) and coppers had no choice, rather than the line of a poor innocent young lad brutally gunned down by facist white pigs, perhaps the mob of cunts wouldn’t have formed. I’d have sent in 2 Para and 40 commando with billy clubs and live rounds and total impunity from future prosecution 

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15 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

It's illegal to have a car air freshener hanging from the rear view mirror in the state he was driving hence the reason for the initial traffic stop.

I hope the next policeman who gets trigger happy is black and the dead crim is white - that should be interesting.

It won't be interesting at all. It won't be reported.

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I’d wager if that happens it won’t be reported as it doesn’t fit the current news agenda that panders to the stupid masses

One only has to think back to the shooting of pure human scum Mark Duggan who just happened to be black. It was an excuse for local wankers to burn and loot with impunity mostly fueled by irresponsible reporting. If it had been told that he was tooled up and a dangerous criminal (he was) and coppers had no choice, rather than the line of a poor innocent young lad brutally gunned down by facist white pigs, perhaps the mob of cunts wouldn’t have formed. I’d have sent in 2 Para and 40 commando with billy clubs and live rounds and total impunity from future prosecution 

I should imagine Blo-Jo would be only too happy to send in the troops. It's what his hero Churchill would have done.  Oh yes! 

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Much of that made no sense, you must be pissed. However, I agree with your applauding of a dead idiot.

I hope the yank cops shoot a few more sootys and it all goes to rat shit. 

However, how many Hispanics get slotted every week? You don’t see those spics kicking off


Too busy sitting under their sombreros, having a siesta. 

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9 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Roops, spotto and admin are currently masterbating in their own shit after reading this hilarious and cuttingly witty repost 

You bring zero to this site so do as I politely asked and take a bath with your toaster, idiotic pig fucking cunt

I don't know about that. Here's a thought - putting on a display of a brittle red-faced foot-stomper having yet another hissy fit despite you previously announcing that you had "blocked" certain individuals may lead the Admin team into thinking that you're just another shouty dick full of hot air.

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