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The mysterious case of the wet footprint

Last Cunt Standing

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51 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You're the worst out of the lot of them, smoking them all out with your original, disgusting comment. All it takes it seems is for one sick cunt to fetishise a child for other weirdos to subsequently crawl out of the woodwork. For a site that probably only has 15 regular posters, I'm disturbed to find that over a quarter of those have posted sick, twisted shit on this thread since you started the party.


Are you some sort of paedo vampire hunter flexing your OTT attitude on this site simply because you disagree with some other members. This is a sort of hook for you which you can use or deploy to try and muddy the waters about your own strange behaviour. Instead of projecting onto others and exaggerating out of all proportion this and that to suit your predelictions and argumentative persobality calm down and start utterung the odd friendly or at least half funny jest. 

Yoy are a fucking weirdo and a BORE. 

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5 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It seems to me that the fact these two little cunts were old enough to know they were cunting somebody in their own neighbourhood and shitting on their property in an open aur sex session which they probably half calculated would be captured on CCTV is enough fucking reason to drop your fake outrage about their estimated age and focus on the essentials in the matter which is they deserve to be trashed and shamed. What a fucking disgrace. You haven't got a jot of sympathy for the actual pool owner have you. Don't you think this pair of prostitutes or skuts haven't bragged about it to their mates with instructions how they can help themselves knowing that the police and volunteer conscientious child protection officers like yourself will make sure a slight tap on the wrist will be the most they get. You are the fucking danger to society in all this. 

Their kids for fucks sake. You fucking nonce! 

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Just now, Major Cunt said:

Their kids for fucks sake. You fucking nonce! 

I suggest you are one. Reading into my post what seems to be forming an obsession in your weirdo brain. I've reported you because you are clearly out of control accusing other memembers of serious things because it suits your rather peculiar outlook. 

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6 minutes ago, Cocky Cunt-Features said:

Sounds to me you were in him

Sounds to me you know too much about a case that is still an open criminal investigation. As a material witness which you seem to be posing as I suggest you roll up at your local police shop and ask to make a statement. 

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
1 minute ago, ChildeHarold said:

Sounds to me you know too much about a case that is still an open criminal investigation. As a material witness which you seem to be posing as I suggest you roll up at your local police shop and ask to make a statement. 

So you admit it then. Did his blood-curdling screams put you off your stroke?

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Guest Cocky Council Cake
3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

So you admit it? Tedious drivel from a Special Brew merchant. 

Hey, don't have a go at me because Essex Police will be kicking down your door in the morning. I'll write to you in prison I promise, it will make all the anal sphincter-destroying invasions more bearable.

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4 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

In my book porn is porn. Poolside porn is even better. Surreptitious poolside porn is best of all. 99% Rating from me. Would have been 100% if they'd shat and pissed in the pool afterwards. 


32 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

This is a sort of hook for you which you can use or deploy to try and muddy the waters about your own strange behaviour. Instead of projecting onto others and exaggerating out of all proportion

Read the above post from you. I'm not exaggerating anything, or projecting. You're fantasising about children, you sick fucking nonce cunt.

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27 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I suggest you are one. Reading into my post what seems to be forming an obsession in your weirdo brain. I've reported you because you are clearly out of control accusing other memembers of serious things because it suits your rather peculiar outlook. 

Knowing what a fucking retarded, far left, terrorist supporting absolute fucking disgrace you are, it wouldn't surprise me if you were also an avid supporter of the P.I.E. along with some of your fellow Corbynite fanatics.

Get off the site, you sick, child sexualising fucking freak.


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7 minutes ago, Cocky Cunt-Features said:

Hey, don't have a go at me because Essex Police will be kicking down your door in the morning. I'll write to you in prison I promise, it will make all the anal sphincter-destroying invasions more bearable.

Aitch has a history of coming out with some stupid fucking shit, but I never had him down as a beast until tonight. I've screen shot everything he's said ready to help the old bill in their investigations, along with some of the other fucking filth that's been knocked out on this thread by the likes of Neil and Drew...

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38 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I suggest you are one. Reading into my post what seems to be forming an obsession in your weirdo brain. I've reported you because you are clearly out of control accusing other memembers of serious things because it suits your rather peculiar outlook. 

I don't give a flying fuck if you've reported me. In the words of Dirty Harry "go ahead sex case, make my day". You're the one who made Jimmy Saville type comments about wanting to watch a couple of kids fuck, and chucked in your own depraved noncey fantasies to boot. 

I'll give you something else to report me for. I'll knock you spark out if we ever cross paths in the real world. 

Fuck off! 

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2 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

I don't give a flying fuck if you've reported me. In the words of Dirty Harry "go ahead sex case, make my day". You're the one who made Jimmy Saville type comments about wanting to watch a couple of kids fuck, and chucked in your own depraved noncey fantasies to boot. 

I'll give you something else to report me for. I'll knock you spark out if we ever cross paths in the real world. 

Fuck off! 

A typical fucking beast, straight on to the authorities when they get a kicking in the street or a brick through their window, despite provoking it with their absolutely fucking disgusting behaviour.

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Guest Fatty
21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’d be interested in the opinion of the assembled Cunts in a problem I was discussing with my elderly neighbour just now. 

In the early hours of Thursday morning, two 15 year old kids climbed the fence from the golf course into his pool area and began to help themselves. Two beers from his bar fridge, then they stripped off to their bare arses, cavorted in the pool and hot tub for half an hour, then proceeded to fuck like wild animals on one of his sun loungers, before drying off with his towels and calmly walking out of his gate into the early dawn light.  My neighbour spotted the footprints around his pool, then the towels and missing beers. He checked his CCTV first and saw the show, before asking me to check mine to see where they went. 

We know these kids. They live two streets away, and are mates with his grandchildren. His conundrum is what to do next, and we have boiled it down to five options.

1. Let it go. These are good kids from good families who saw an opportunity for a bit of fun. They didn’t cause any real damage and bringing it up will only cause them embarrassment. 

2. Take the footage to the police and demand a visit. There is the slight worry that he might technically be in involuntary possession of child pornography and thus end up in cuffs himself.

3. Storm round to the parents and demand reparations. 

4. Plead ignorance of their identity and post the footage on the neighbourhood Facebook page, letting mob justice do the heavy lifting. This also runs the risk of distribution of child porn without heavy editing of the tape.

5. Keep quiet, but let them know you have the tape and you’ll expect your car washed and lawn mowed for the next year. Distinctly pervy overtones here too I think. 

I did consider writing to Michael Buerk on The Moral Maze, but you lot will have to do. Our dear departed upstairs window correspondent is not here to give a ruling.

What says the Wisdom of Crowds?

I’ve read all the comments to this post and can detect some serious noncery here!!!!! There are a few amongst us that are sitting on their sofas with pants round ankles tugging on their little chaps!!! thanks Decimus for pointing out the appalling noncery!!!!!

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Guest Fatty
10 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

I don't give a flying fuck if you've reported me. In the words of Dirty Harry "go ahead sex case, make my day". You're the one who made Jimmy Saville type comments about wanting to watch a couple of kids fuck, and chucked in your own depraved noncey fantasies to boot. 

I'll give you something else to report me for. I'll knock you spark out if we ever cross paths in the real world. 

Fuck off! 

Mmmm, are you allowed internet access in the wrongens ward at Rampton?

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Lighten up you couple of cunts,next you'll be wanting Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle locked up for telling jokes about under age sex. Chill the fuck out you pair of uptight cunts or better still fuck off.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

A typical fucking beast, straight on to the authorities when they get a kicking in the street or a brick through their window, despite provoking it with their absolutely fucking disgusting behaviour.

Out of likes mate. I don't give a flying fuck about my upcoming ban as I'm more than happy to nail my colours to the mast. 

I do find it incredibly troubling that out of the assembled faithful only you and myself have had the bollocks to call a nonce a nonce. 

I noticed he tried the typical wormy move of attempting to deflect his perverse missives in my direction as a deflection. 

I bet Jimmy Savile's autobiography sits on his bookshelf next to Gary Glitter's.

Filthy fucking beasts! 

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1 minute ago, Fatty said:

Mmmm, are you allowed internet access in the wrongens ward at Rampton?

I'm sure you're one of those knocking one out after reading this thread, cuntchops. 

Stick to bullshiting about your imaginary wealth, and do one you big eared sex case. 

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Guest Fatty
3 minutes ago, Neil said:

Lighten up you couple of cunts,next you'll be wanting Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle locked up for telling jokes about under age sex. Chill the fuck out you pair of uptight cunts or better still fuck off.


Just now, Major Cunt said:

I'm sure you're one of those knocking one out after reading this thread, cuntchops. 

Stick to bullshiting about your imaginary wealth, and do one you big eared sex case. 

Nothing imaginary about my wealth shit head, and noncery is not allowed, so pull your pants up and go to bed

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Guest Fatty
6 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Out of likes mate. I don't give a flying fuck about my upcoming ban as I'm more than happy to nail my colours to the mast. 

I do find it incredibly troubling that out of the assembled faithful only you and myself have had the bollocks to call a nonce a nonce. 

I noticed he tried the typical wormy move of attempting to deflect his perverse missives in my direction as a deflection. 

I bet Jimmy Savile's autobiography sits on his bookshelf next to Gary Glitter's.

Filthy fucking beasts! 

Back up MC, I’ll call out a nonce! And Decimus is ok, a massive Cunt but ok

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Guest Fatty
1 minute ago, Major Cunt said:

Bollocks. You're a two bob shit cunt. Fuck off, and hang. 

Is that all you’ve got, fucking amateur 

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