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Guest Weary&Disgusted

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Guest Weary&Disgusted

Just when the UK can see a tiny spark of light at the end of the Covid19 darkness, who scuttles along with a backpack of scare stories and general misery like the fifth horseman of the apocalypse ?  Jeremy with his squeaky voice.  

Don't get me wrong, I know its beneficial to have someone consider all the worst case scenarios and develop contingency plans accordingly, that's a sensible course of action.  

What creeps me out about Jeremy Vine is the ghoulish delight he takes in finding some new piece of shitty bad news (or potential bad news) and the obvious relish he has when hyping this bad news up to the max over the airwaves "Oh I see there is a new variant of Covid, could this mean that humanity is going to be wiped off the face of the earth ?  I do hope so... Let's talk to someone from Porton Down for more details".

I do feel Mr Vine is in the wrong line of work.  Maybe he would find fulfillment as a forensic pathologist or an embalmer or involved with some form of licensed sadism like dentistry or tax inspection.  

Also his voice is uncannily like finger nails being scratched across a blackboard.  I can't stand the arsewipe, after about ten minutes of his gloom and bad vibes fest, I just have to switch the radio off or listen to 6 instead.  Piss off Jeremy, why can't you be more like your brother ?

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A worthy nom W&D, even though Gyps' lesser description got there first:

That said, the whining tosspot is a gilt-edged example of much of what has become wrong with this country in recent years (chiefly because of a middle-class, wannabe socialist, Guardian-reading demographic), underlining his hypocrisy by masquerading himself as a 'liberal' when in fact he's become a spokesperson for an organisation which actively stifles free speech.

And, while on the subject of Vine's practice of claiming to have moral standards which do not conform with his behaviour, in 2015 Rat Face received a five-figure sum for a post-dinner speech (at £250-per-head) for the ADS Group, a privateer which researches and manufactures on behalf of military and defence businesses throughout the UK, an event attended by global arms dealers who represent an industry which surely conflicts with the BBC's non-conflict 'principles'.

Vine's limited, left wing-borne ideology makes him about as noble as my arsehole after a vindaloo. I simply cannot stand him. 

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There has always been something cheap and nasty bobbing up and down under the pseudo  professional swaggering talk and Lionel Blair-like features. 

PS With apologies to Lionel Blair who has acres of talent and career achievements behind him unlike the Vine on the tree. 

Edited by ChildeHarold
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Guest Weary&Disgusted
2 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

There has always been something cheap and nasty bobbing up and down under the pseudo  professional swaggering talk and Lionel Blair-like features. 

PS With apologies to Lionel Blair who has acres of talent and career achievements behind him unlike the Vine on the tree. 

He's another Lizard person, they did a good job with the latex face mask, but the grating alien voice can only be disguised so far...

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22 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

He's another Lizard person, they did a good job with the latex face mask, but the grating alien voice can only be disguised so far...

He is basically a BBC operative, fully trained out of our salt tax and still on it, who has decided to go for more gravy on the other side. His radio show is despicable and the TV show is a fucking apology. 

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9 hours ago, Wolfie said:

A worthy nom W&D, even though Gyps' lesser description got there first:

That said, the whining tosspot is a gilt-edged example of much of what has become wrong with this country in recent years (chiefly because of a middle-class, wannabe socialist, Guardian-reading demographic), underlining his hypocrisy by masquerading himself as a 'liberal' when in fact he's become a spokesperson for an organisation which actively stifles free speech.

And, while on the subject of Vine's practice of claiming to have moral standards which do not conform with his behaviour, in 2015 Rat Face received a five-figure sum for a post-dinner speech (at £250-per-head) for the ADS Group, a privateer which researches and manufactures on behalf of military and defence businesses throughout the UK, an event attended by global arms dealers who represent an industry which surely conflicts with the BBC's non-conflict 'principles'.

Vine's limited, left wing-borne ideology makes him about as noble as my arsehole after a vindaloo. I simply cannot stand him. 

So no redeeming qualities? Taken in the context of the BBC Radio Two weekday line up starting with that fucking AWOL breakfast presenter who is never around ("having a rest") followed by fucking superannuated Wogan wannabe Ken Bruce, strangulated as noted by the Whino Vino, then fucking trashed by that pile of awkward trash Steve Wright and his two dribbling studio accolytes. What a fucking obscene display of talentless fucking electromagnetic wastage. You expect radio schedules to not only offer comforting continuity but also to grow and evolve but fucking Radio 2 has been frozen in time since the 1960s.

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I've spoken on here before of my hatred for this whiny voiced cunt. Radio2 could be perfect but they let this arsehat have his own show where he plays records but intersperses them with a topical phone-in that has "angry from Surbiton" and "Mrs Upper middle class, WI attending jam maker" from Wallingford, ringing up to vent their spleen. Left wing, Graudian reading twat.

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

So no redeeming qualities? Taken in the context of the BBC Radio Two weekday line up starting with that fucking AWOL breakfast presenter who is never around ("having a rest") followed by fucking superannuated Wogan wannabe Ken Bruce, strangulated as noted by the Whino Vino, then fucking trashed by that pile of awkward trash Steve Wright and his two dribbling studio accolytes. What a fucking obscene display of talentless fucking electromagnetic wastage. You expect radio schedules to not only offer comforting continuity but also to grow and evolve but fucking Radio 2 has been frozen in time since the 1960s.

Radio2 is a retreat for when you find yourself saying out loud "don't they play any decent fucking music anymore, just this fucking jungle shite"? That is when you are too old for Radio1. 

Radio2 is the radio equivalent of Gods Waiting Room, Eastbourne and finding a liking for garibaldi biscuits. Its natures way of saying "not long now you crumbly old bastard". 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Radio2 is a retreat for when you find yourself saying out loud "don't they play any decent fucking music anymore, just this fucking jungle shite"? That is when you are too old for Radio1. 

Radio2 is the radio equivalent of Gods Waiting Room, Eastbourne and finding a liking for garibaldi biscuits. Its natures way of saying "not long now you crumbly old bastard". 

Outa likes.  Manana, manana...

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16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Radio2 is a retreat for when you find yourself saying out loud "don't they play any decent fucking music anymore, just this fucking jungle shite"? That is when you are too old for Radio1. 

Radio2 is the radio equivalent of Gods Waiting Room, Eastbourne and finding a liking for garibaldi biscuits. Its natures way of saying "not long now you crumbly old bastard". 

There's a lot of pent up anxiety in this post. 

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