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Katya Adler

Hammer of Cunts

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On 23/02/2021 at 13:07, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yet Another BBC cunt acting like a cunt. Those bastards at the BBC have been robbing the public for way too long. I used to like David Attenborough until he started lecturing us all about the environment...how much damage has that old cunt been doing traveling the world with his entourage and film crew filming the same old shite. The cunts.

Who the fuck watches an hour of penguins sliding off the ice swimming around and then waddling back across the ice? What the fuck else would they be doing? Rollerblading? or waiting at the bus stop to go to work in WH Smiths? If I wanted to watch penguins I’d buy a black and white TV but I don’t, so I won’t.

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16 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Who the fuck watches an hour of penguins sliding off the ice swimming around and then waddling back across the ice? What the fuck else would they be doing? Rollerblading? or waiting at the bus stop to go to work in WH Smiths? If I wanted to watch penguins I’d buy a black and white TV but I don’t, so I won’t.

I've got a video of loads of fit penguins wearing stockings, licking each other's fannies and stuff. Oh no. That's nuns.

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On 23/02/2021 at 13:07, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Yet Another BBC cunt acting like a cunt. Those bastards at the BBC have been robbing the public for way too long. I used to like David Attenborough until he started lecturing us all about the environment...how much damage has that old cunt been doing traveling the world with his entourage and film crew filming the same old shite. The cunts.

Attenborough was in the papers again, bleating about global warming, extinction, etc, etc. While I do subscribe to the fact that it’s all the case, having that coming out of the mouths of people who made a fluffy living on the back of a massive carbon footprint is a shameful hypocrisy. They would do themselves and others a favour by just keeping their traps shut. I have no idea how those pontifications can decrease energy consumption of an average Brit as it’s largely impossible while living in the cold climate. Besides, any energy consumption’ decrease in the west, had been cancelled out by chinks, Indians and other parties consuming large quantities of coal, gas and oil making tat for everyone and building mega ghost cities. 

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18 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I've got a video of loads of fit penguins wearing stockings, licking each other's fannies and stuff. Oh no. That's nuns.

A penguin walked into a bar and asked the barman if it’s brother had been in today? The barman said “I don’t know. What does he look like?” The penguin replied...”Just like me.”

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16 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Attenborough was in the papers again, bleating about global warming, extinction, etc, etc. While I do subscribe to the fact that it’s all the case, having that coming out of the mouths of people who made a fluffy living on the back of a massive carbon footprint is a shameful hypocrisy. They would do themselves and others a favour by just keeping their traps shut. I have no idea how those pontifications can decrease energy consumption of an average Brit as it’s largely impossible while living in the cold climate. Besides, any energy consumption’ decrease in the west, had been cancelled out by chinks, Indians and other parties consuming large quantities of coal, gas and oil making tat for everyone and building mega ghost cities. 

I reckon the dirty old cunt is banging Greta up the shitter.

”How dare you!”

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

A penguin walked into a bar and asked the barman if it’s brother had been in today? The barman said “I don’t know. What does he look like?” The penguin replied...”Just like me.”

The joke would also work if you substituted the penguin for a chinese man.

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20 hours ago, King Billy said:

Who the fuck watches an hour of penguins sliding off the ice swimming around and then waddling back across the ice? What the fuck else would they be doing? Rollerblading? or waiting at the bus stop to go to work in WH Smiths? If I wanted to watch penguins I’d buy a black and white TV but I don’t, so I won’t.

Once you've seen a lion bumping off a zebra half a dozen times over the years you've seen it all. 

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42 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What have old washing machines got in common with Essex girls?

They both drip when they're fucked.

A saw something funny on saturday:

I was in Tesco's when this little twat was misbehaving and his dad gave him a right whack round the head. This german woman came up and had a go at him "In Germany we do not hit our children"! Straight away the guy comes back with "And in England we don't gas our Jews"! 

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What have old washing machines got in common with Essex girls?

They both drip when they're fucked.

1. They both need a new hose every few weeks.

2. They both make a lot of noise mid-cycle.

3. Your load is cleaner going in than it is coming out.

4. Once broken, they usually end up dumped on a piece of spare ground.

5. They can be hard to integrate into your kitchen. 

6. The new models are usually made in Asia. 

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On 01/03/2021 at 18:41, King Billy said:

I reckon the dirty old cunt is banging Greta up the shitter.

”How dare you!”

Old Dave’s banging comes in one flavour only - at the kitchen work top, on the morning when his Beebs contract renewal arrives with a smaller range of benefits.

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11 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Old Dave’s banging comes in one flavour only - at the kitchen work top, on the morning when his Beebs contract renewal arrives with a smaller range of benefits.

He should Blackface up and the BEEB would give him a massive pay rise and a new series. ‘The Black Planet’

”And here we have a female negro in her natural habitat (KFC), about to give birth. We know the male is close by outside as the bass booming out from his stolen car is vibrating the windows so much you can just make out the blue lights of the police cars which have turned up to tazer and arrest him and his gang of wild savage beasts.”

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

He should Blackface up and the BEEB would give him a massive pay rise and a new series. ‘The Black Planet’

”And here we have a female negro in her natural habitat (KFC), about to give birth. We know the male is close by outside as the bass booming out from his stolen car is vibrating the windows so much you can just make out the blue lights of the police cars which have turned up to tazer and arrest him and his gang of wild savage beasts.”

Is that before or after they take a knee? 

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Is that before or after they take a knee? 

Don’t be racist Gypps. You’re better than that. BLM is the new religion and the best ever. If proof was needed, the ‘most popular’ President ever bombed Syria at the weekend and to let them know Orange Man Bad has been vanquished and it’s all love and hugs from now on and all they need to do is fix up and change their filthy Arab ways one of the biggest bombs was signwritten with huge letters.....BLACK LIVES MATTER. 

I fucking kid you not.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Apparently Putin was informed of the air strike an hour before it happened. I wonder when Joe Biden was informed? Probably not till the next morning.

I'd like to know when, if ever, he's gonna present the chinks with a bill for the fucking king flu they've infected to planet with? It's the only thing that will get Bunter Johnson to follow suit. 

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18 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I'd like to know when, if ever, he's gonna present the chinks with a bill for the fucking king flu they've infected to planet with? It's the only thing that will get Bunter Johnson to follow suit. 

He isn’t going to do anything. He’s not mentally capable. Yesterday he read from a teleprompter at a White House ‘press briefing for around 5 minutes, getting all confused about 4 times and mumbling incoherently. He then said ‘I’m happy to take questions’ at which point the reporters started to wake up. ‘Sorry I’m not allowed to do that’ the fucking ‘amoeba in chief’ muttered and the White House cut the live stream without warning. Even to the most anti Trump fanatics on Earth the truth of the clownshow being played out at the moment cannot be ignored anymore. The ‘insurgents’ who tried to take over the Capitol building and mount a coup lol for Donald Trump on Jan 6 have so far not one of them been charged with  a firearms offence or had a single firearm seized. It’s all smoke and mirrors and any cunt who can’t see the real coup going on to change the US, and consequentially the free world forever should take off their lefty specs and have a proper look at the reality of what’s happening. The absolute dishonesty and disgusting agenda of the MSM and social media big tech ensure that unless anyone actively seeks out shit like this, which the vast majority of people do not, it doesn’t become news at all. The MSM need to be dragged through the streets and publicly arse raped, whipped, tortured and strung up from lamp posts flaming, with butternut squashes hanging from their battered rectums. Twice.

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