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The decline of Great Britain...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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I remember when I was younger Britain was great, mostly white cunts around and if you were not white you were either black, mixed race or bud bud ding ding. Athough there was racism most cunts accepted everyone else and got on with it, and there was unity and a sense of 'Britishness' amongst ALL...fast forward to now and it seems every cunt from every shithole on earth is here. The old school black people's voices are now drowned out by the militant BLM cunts, the white population is mostly eastern european and the bud bud ding dings are still not integrating and being bud bud ding dings. Successive (mostly Tory) government's have sold off manufacturing, utilities and transport sector's and we now rely on China for most things and our steel production had to be bailed out by the bud bud ding dings. It seems we don't want to own any of our industry anymore.

In the Covid aftermath it could be a great opportunity to create employment by manufacturing things here again and create jobs for British people, however I suspect most of the consumer's would rather save a fiver and buy it from China instead of supporting their own country and buying British. This country seems to be going down the shitter, it's now acceptable behaviour to stand in front of a mirror and take a selfie, pouting and looking like a sad cunt in the hope of getting likes from fellow cunts. The country where being a fat talentless cunt like Gemma Collins can actually make you rich and celebrated. 

Welcome to Great Shitain.

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I remember when I was younger Britain was great, mostly white cunts around and if you were not white you were either black, mixed race or bud bud ding ding. Athough there was racism most cunts accepted everyone else and got on with it, and there was unity and a sense of 'Britishness' amongst all...fast forward to now and it seems the old school black people's voices are now drowned out by the militant BLM cunts, the white population is mostly eastern european and the bud bud ding dings are still not integrating and being bud bud ding dings. Successive (mostly Tory) government's have sold off manufacturing, utilities and transport sector's and we now rely on China for most things and our steel production had to be bailed out by the bud bud ding dings. It seems we don't want to own any of our industry anymore.

In the Covid aftermath it could be a great opportunity to create employment by manufacturing things here again and create jobs for British people, however I suspect most of the consumer's would rather save a fiver and buy it from China instead of supporting their own country and buying British. This country seems to be going down the shitter, it's now acceptable behaviour to stand in front of a mirror and take a selfie, pouting and looking like a sad cunt in the hope of getting likes from fellow cunts. The country where being a fat talentless cunt like Gemma Collins can actually make you rich and celebrated. 

Welcome to Great Shitain.

"Buy British" We all know how that went. 

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7 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I remember when I was younger Britain was great, mostly white cunts around and if you were not white you were either black, mixed race or bud bud ding ding. Athough there was racism most cunts accepted everyone else and got on with it, and there was unity and a sense of 'Britishness' amongst all...fast forward to now and it seems the old school black people's voices are now drowned out by the militant BLM cunts, the white population is mostly eastern european and the bud bud ding dings are still not integrating and being bud bud ding dings. Successive (mostly Tory) government's have sold off manufacturing, utilities and transport sector's and we now rely on China for most things and our steel production had to be bailed out by the bud bud ding dings. It seems we don't want to own any of our industry anymore.

In the Covid aftermath it could be a great opportunity to create employment by manufacturing things here again and create jobs for British people, however I suspect most of the consumer's would rather save a fiver and buy it from China instead of supporting their own country and buying British. This country seems to be going down the shitter, it's now acceptable behaviour to stand in front of a mirror and take a selfie, pouting and looking like a sad cunt in the hope of getting likes from fellow cunts. The country where being a fat talentless cunt like Gemma Collins can actually make you rich and celebrated. 

Welcome to Great Shitain.

So you watched the interview you dirty old man. You're as bad and filthy depraved as Snowy. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You're on fire tonight. "Britain has lost an empire and failed to find a role". Simple. We are Italy in the 1960s. The right wing populism with it's unhealthy patriotism tinged with a lot of racist attitudes is fundamentally over compensating for weakness and failure. 

You are prime example of the decline of the UK @ChildeHarold... You were obviously not beaten up enough at school were you? You will not get another response from me until after you've killed @ChildeHarold

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8 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I gobbed in a piece of paper and made cunts like you eat it. 

Harold. I'm going to get myself sectioned, and I'm going to get myself transferred from loony bin to loony bin until I find you. When I've arrived, I'm going to identify as a six year old girl. I will of course be saving up the ribbons that they give me for my hair. I will plait them into a sturdy rope, and when the time is right, and the orderlies have sneaked off for a smoke, I'm going to wrap it round your fucking throat and see what colour your face turns when I crush your trachea.

Just saying.

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30 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

 Successive (mostly Tory) government's have sold off manufacturing, utilities and transport sector's and we now rely on China for most things and our steel production had to be bailed out by the bud bud ding dings. It seems we don't want to own any of our industry anymore.

Don't get me fucking started, OCR.

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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Don't get me fucking started, OCR.

I'd be interested in hearing your views @Decimus , I thinks it's a disgrace we buy our trains from Germany and even the new British passport contract was to the best of my knowledge given to some French company? Could some Tory cunt be getting a nice all inclusive holiday with a brown envelope waiting for him at his destination? It couldn't be could it?

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22 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'd be interested in hearing your views @Decimus , I thinks it's a disgrace we buy our trains from Germany and even the new British passport contract was to the best of my knowledge given to some French company? Could some Tory cunt be getting a nice all inclusive holiday with a brown envelope waiting for him at his destination? It couldn't be could it?

I appreciate your interest in my views, OCR, but the last time I got involved in a debate on our steel manufacturing industry it ended up descending into a two week war of attrition with Mrs Roops. Fun for me and her as we both enjoy a protracted and tedious conflict over a mundane subject, but absolute hell for the rest of the Corner's denizens.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I appreciate your interest in my views, OCR, but the last time I got involved in a debate on our steel manufacturing industry it ended up descending into a two week war of attrition with Mrs Roops. Fun for me and her as we both enjoy a protracted and tedious conflict over a mundane subject, but absolute hell for the rest of the Corner's denizens.

I imagine @Mrs RoopsRoops is a definite Tory, Chair of her local curtain twitcher association, and has Tory party funding tea parties in her local town hall.

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25 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I appreciate your interest in my views, OCR, but the last time I got involved in a debate on our steel manufacturing industry it ended up descending into a two week war of attrition with Mrs Roops. Fun for me and her as we both enjoy a protracted and tedious conflict over a mundane subject, but absolute hell for the rest of the Corner's denizens.

What are your thoughts regarding British viruses vs Chinese viruses?

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Fuck that bollox. What are your thoughts on asylum seekers staying in hotels with free food now going on fucking hunger strike because of the quality of the food that's given to them, one of them even said it was making them suicidal. Now let's get that in perspective shall we, they've travelled fuck knows how far from a shit-hole country where their life is in danger and the thing that really gets to them is getting turkey dinosaurs and value beans served to them while staying in their 4* hotel in GREAT Britain. Fuck off.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Fuck that bollox. What are your thoughts on asylum seekers staying in hotels with free food now going on fucking hunger strike because of the quality of the food that's given to them, one of them even said it was making them suicidal. Now let's get that in perspective shall we, they've travelled fuck knows how far from a shit-hole country where their life is in danger and the thing that really gets to them is getting turkey dinosaurs and value beans served to them while staying in their 4* hotel in GREAT Britain. Fuck off.

I can't stand these fake 'Asylum Seeker's'...they are simply economic migrants who have passed through at least 5 'safe' countries to get to Calais. They seem to have £2000 to pay the smugglers as well who (allegedly) give the useless French cunts a nice little payoff. Do you reckon that bitter ex pat cunt @Witheredscrote is involved? Or are they simply running away from him and his Geese who all seem to have a strange whitish substance dripping amount of their arseholes.

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17 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

I gobbed in a piece of paper and made cunts like you eat it. 

"H" I am thinking that you are between 23 and 26 years of age, you perhaps went to something like a teachers training college, you have little r no sexual experience, simply an ideal of what that would be, perhaps you became besotted with an older but married woman who probably only knows you in passing .. Am I correct?

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12 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I imagine @Mrs RoopsRoops is a definite Tory, Chair of her local curtain twitcher association, and has Tory party funding tea parties in her local town hall.

That's exactly how I picture her. Baking cakes for the local Womens Institute, and laboriously going over the local councils figures on pothole spending, and flower beds in her spare time. 

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7 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

That's exactly how I picture her. Baking cakes for the local Womens Institute, and laboriously going over the local councils figures on pothole spending, and flower beds in her spare time. 

Do you think @Mrs RoopsRoops posh friends know about her role as judge, jury and executioner on the corner? I reckon she puts a judge's wig on and bangs the gavel everytime she signs in to the corner? Lol

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37 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

"H" I am thinking that you are between 23 and 26 years of age, you perhaps went to something like a teachers training college, you have little r no sexual experience, simply an idealof what that would be, perhaps you became besotted with an older but married woman who probably only knows you in passing .. Am I correct?

Are you offering to enlighten @ChildeHarold and help and aid him into the modern sexual world. Lol

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58 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

"H" I am thinking that you are between 23 and 26 years of age, you perhaps went to something like a teachers training college, you have little r no sexual experience, simply an idealof what that would be, perhaps you became besotted with an older but married woman who probably only knows you in passing .. Am I correct?

you thrushy slapper

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2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

"H" I am thinking that you are between 23 and 26 years of age, you perhaps went to something like a teachers training college, you have little r no sexual experience, simply an idealof what that would be, perhaps you became besotted with an older but married woman who probably only knows you in passing .. Am I correct?

This is Cunt’s Corner, not a lonely hearts advertising forum you bad slag.

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3 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

"H" I am thinking that you are between 23 and 26 years of age, you perhaps went to something like a teachers training college, you have little r no sexual experience, simply an idealof what that would be, perhaps you became besotted with an older but married woman who probably only knows you in passing .. Am I correct?

Are you a psychologist? I really hope not as you are clearly mental. 

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Are you offering to enlighten @ChildeHarold and help and aid him into the modern sexual world. Lol

If H is looking for a blow-job, and a 'Crocodile Dundee' meat and two veg surprise, then Lady P could be his Mr(s) Robinson. 

The Cross dressing halfwit had a raging boner for old JudgeTwat at one point, and is also a regular overnight guest at Frank's bachelor pad... 

You can tell by his bandy legged walk in his ridiculous videos. 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

If H is looking for a blow-job, and a 'Crocodile Dundee' meat and two veg surprise, then Lady P could be his Mr(s) Robinson. 

The Cross dressing halfwit had a raging boner for old JudgeTwat at one point, and is also a regular overnight guest at Frank's bachelor pad... 

You can tell by his bandy legged walk in his ridiculous videos. 

Where are these videos of Frank (no doubt acting like a bellend)?

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