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Goodbye free speech

Eric Cuntman

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On 13/02/2021 at 06:59, Hammer of Cunts said:

Oh dear! You've had to resort to ad hominem abuse,

Which you immediately followed up with a load of school playground quality abuse. 

Sort yourself out for fuck sake and then get back to me with something less ridiculous. No need to hurry.

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31 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Schnell schnell mein OberDickhead. It's a funny ironic thread berating free speech from the creepy Goebbels of the Corner. 

It's a pity you never met Bill Stickers. He was a limp wristed, tambourine bothering snowflake hippie cunt like you. 

Unlike you, he was funny.

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10 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Quincycockfingers was a cunt of epic proportions- just check out his historic output to see what happens when a slumlord off his tits on cheap coke and Aldi vodka his the corner. If he came back I’d genuinely offer to suck him off

Open wide. Mr Brown has entered the departure lounge.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It's a pity you never met Bill Stickers. He was a limp wristed, tambourine bothering snowflake hippie cunt like you. 

Unlike you, he was funny.

He was never the same after Roops went in dry with the world's biggest strap-on.Never seen a man disappear up his own sphincter so quickly. 

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Quincycockfingers was a cunt of epic proportions- just check out his historic output to see what happens when a slumlord off his tits on cheap coke and Aldi vodka his the corner. If he came back I’d genuinely offer to suck him off

Welcome to Valentines night 2021. The ‘new normal’. 

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

Which you immediately followed up with a load of school playground quality abuse. 

Sort yourself out for fuck sake and then get back to me with something less ridiculous. No need to hurry.

Change the fucking record, Mick; we've heard it all before. You're like one of the fucking Diddymen, jumping up and down and waving your little stick around, Careful or you'll get your strings tangled.

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15 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Change the fucking record, Mick; we've heard it all before. You're like one of the fucking Diddymen, jumping up and down and waving your little stick around, Careful or you'll get your strings tangled.

Considering it took you only 14 hours to come back with such an epic reply, I take back everything and bow to your superiority. Can I buy you a pint of bleach before you fuck right off?

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On 12/02/2021 at 16:55, Cuntybaws said:

I get the impression, perhaps unfairly, that Carano is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but still...

She was also castigated for repeating a comment by Donald Trump that the election process needed to be cleaned up. Now, while there is a general consensus that Donald Trump is a grade-A fucking dildo, he was nonetheless the duly elected president of the United States, and it's a pretty worrying day when agreeing with the president can contribute to someone losing their job.

Yes, I agree with your first statement and also broadly your second. However, she has a track record  of being a bit of a motormouth , rattling lie an empty kettle on all sorts of topics...and of embarrassing studios. Whilst that doesn’t condone her sacking it does shed more light onto the lead up to all this. 

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  • 6 months later...

According to Reuters yesterday, the FBI have found no evidence that Donald Trump or any others conspired, plotted or planned in any way the trespass at the Capitol building on Jan.6, the charges levelled at him by the mentally ill democrats and a handful of ‘never trumper’ RINOS in Congress to impeach him for the second time and fail miserably for the second time.

This whole fake news story which the MSM across the world propagated, was and still is the stated reason the kid fucking oligarchs of twitter and Facebook to ban the sitting president from their platforms, and attempt to deny his 90 million followers from hearing his views on the fraudulent election fiasco and other matters.

Nearly 8 months later and Potato head Joe, the ‘most popular’ President ever is on track to destroy every aspect of normal life for the citizens of the US.

The cocksuckers in charge at Silicon Valley have apparently deemed that the Taliban, the Chinese Communist Party, the mad mullahs in Iran, Hezbollah, Little rocket man in N. Korea, Putin, and far too many other despots and demons to list, are fully entitled to use their platforms to spout whatever shite they choose to say.

🇱🇷 TRUMP 2024 🇱🇷


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On 17/02/2021 at 09:56, cuntspotter said:

Now, while there is a general consensus that Donald Trump is a grade-A fucking dildo,

The best grade A fucking dildo to hold the office in modern history. Although President is a more accurate title imo. I don’t subscribe to your generally held consensus Baws because I don’t pay any attention to the fake news media. They have been shown up for their irrational bias time and time again and history will show the facts. It normally does.

🇱🇷 M A G A 🇱🇷 2024 🇱🇷

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On 17/02/2021 at 09:56, cuntspotter said:

She was also castigated for repeating a comment by Donald Trump that the election process needed to be cleaned up. Now, while there is a general consensus that Donald Trump is a grade-A fucking dildo, he was nonetheless the duly elected president of the United States,

There was and still is the issue that Donald Trump actually lost the popular vote back in 2016 with Hillary Clinton getting some two million more votes, even more ironical that Trump also had about two million less popular votes that Joe Binden in 2020 and then went ballistic when Biden was rightly elected as president. The main issue with Trump is not simply his stupidity but his and his family corruption.

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Tangentially related to free speech, the latest insidious twisting of language in the guise of "equality" is becoming ever more prevalent since the Associated Press issued a diktat last year that "Black" should be capitalised when reporting, but "white" shouldn't.

AP says it will capitalize Black but not white

I hope that white supremacists everywhere will also participate in this crusade by ensuring that "N****r" is capitalised when they spray paint it on walls.

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12 hours ago, Clavo Cruz said:

There was and still is the issue that Donald Trump actually lost the popular vote back in 2016 with Hillary Clinton getting some two million more votes, even more ironical that Trump also had about two million less popular votes that Joe Binden in 2020 and then went ballistic when Biden was rightly elected as president. The main issue with Trump is not simply his stupidity but his and his family corruption.

As you obviously know as much about US federal elections as you know about keeping your cock tucked away while pretending to be a woman, maybe you should shut up or fuck off. The  ‘popular vote’ is a completely meaningless leftie whinge  in the US, as the population is hugely concentrated in the major cities all over the country. These cities overwhelmingly vote Democrat, and to add to that the state of California would ensure a perpetual Democrat Whitehouse under a ‘popular vote’ system, a scenario which the founding fathers foresaw when crafting the US constitution and making the electoral college the fair way of ensuring that rural votes counted as much as urban votes. The system has worked well for 200 odd years. It’s only ever the Demtards who cry about it when they lose. It’s all good when they win, or when they cheat like fuck and claim to have won.

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11 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Couldn't give two shiny shits about press that replaces an 'S' with a 'Z' at every fucking opportunity. 

Use English you stupid fucking Yank cunts

Jeezus Christ CBB. Calm down.  Watch your blood pressure or someone’s going to have to call 911.

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16 hours ago, Clavo Cruz said:

Trump also had about two million less popular votes that Joe Binden in 2020 and then went ballistic when Biden was rightly elected as president. The main issue with Trump is not simply his stupidity but his and his family corruption.

I think he was a London gangster and minor celebrity who reputedly smashed Princess Margaret's gammon flaps in with his ten inch cock whilst her guest on Mustique. @camberwell gypsy Will probably soon remind me that he played a recruiting officer in 'Barry Lyndon'. It was 'John Binden'.

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