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King Billy

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On 11/03/2021 at 20:13, King Billy said:

Welsh language road signs are usually longer than the actual fucking road. Welsh language is like letting Harold loose in a Scrabble warehouse.

I like the line in Bottom about the Welsh  church "You know the one, St. Chchchchchchchchch. It's got all the gob dripping down the sign". 

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34 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

It's only one letter  change from a ropey but very popular Swedish pop band. 

And it has the same number of letters as IKEA, which I’ve been  told is some sort of Swedish something or other. I feel a conspiracy theory coming on.

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9 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

So far, funnily enough, it's been the Green Party who've stuck the boot in hardest:

"This is the very public meltdown of a thoroughly disgraced individual, a man from Scotland's past who is obsessively pursuing personal vendettas. Alex Salmond is less popular in Scotland than Boris Johnson. I'm quite sure that very quickly after today we can go back to ignoring what is a very sad sideshow."

I'd love to see him out on the campaign trail knocking on doors pleading for votes and some nutty feminist answers who starts screaming "PERVERT! RAPIST! NONCE!" at him in full glare of the TV cameras.

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6 hours ago, King Billy said:

And it has the same number of letters as IKEA, which I’ve been  told is some sort of Swedish something or other. I feel a conspiracy theory coming on.

Prehaps it's going to be the party that, like the Swedes, is going to tell the Syrians to fuck off back home now that the war is over.

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10 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

So far, funnily enough, it's been the Green Party who've stuck the boot in hardest:

"This is the very public meltdown of a thoroughly disgraced individual, a man from Scotland's past who is obsessively pursuing personal vendettas. Alex Salmond is less popular in Scotland than Boris Johnson. I'm quite sure that very quickly after today we can go back to ignoring what is a very sad sideshow."

So the only way is up.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Prehaps it's going to be the party that, like the Swedes, is going to tell the Syrians to fuck off back home now that the war is over.

I think we need to get our ducks in a row first, Drew. I'm waiting on Priti to fuck the Romanians, Bulgarians, Iraqis, and other assorted cunts off before the Syrians. The poor fuckers have only just got here, at least give them a couple of years to cane the benefits system first...

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30 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

I think we need to get our ducks in a row first, Drew. I'm waiting on Priti to fuck the Romanians, Bulgarians, Iraqis, and other assorted cunts off before the Syrians. The poor fuckers have only just got here, at least give them a couple of years to cane the benefits system first...

Who would have thought that someone with the surname Patel can't wait to fuck all these foreigners off out of the UK. I like her and I would willingly plough her minge, from behind of course.

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11 hours ago, King Billy said:

The Green Party, Plaid Cymru and the SNP are three cheeks of the same deformed arse. The Doomberg Party vote with both these anti British collection of cunts every time. What puzzles me is why the Greens are given a platform in debates with the two major parties and the libtards at general elections and local elections. The cycle riding, purple haired, non binary spastics have one Westminster MP ffs, and that’s in poof central Brighton. The Green Party should be publicly burned on a carbon offset bonfire and their remains recycled into tyres for gas guzzling Lamborghinis.

Plaid are absolutely clueless..


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1 hour ago, Hokey Gingers said:

It`s a sad day when a grossly unattractive obese man can`t convey his attraction for a member of the opposite sex by beaching himself on top of her and sticking his tongue in her ear. I`d call that the "first move" ffs....


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17 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

As close to an anagram of "labia" as you can get, and if that's not an admission of guilt I don't know what is.

As a jock, what's you're take on the general felling towards Salmond north of the border? 

His pissed up antics with the ladies is Benny Hill stuff at best, and sex for a cushy position at Holyrood at worst. I'm sure most the wee hens saw it as simply a way to get to the top, albeit being slobbered over by a drunken lump of blubber like him. 

I'm guessing most jock think he's a right cunt.

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