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3 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

I bow to your expertise on halitosis. It's not an easy condition to live with is it?

.....although if you stopped rimming Len McCluskey it might help.

Halitosis isn't really a real medical term. It was invented by the maker of listerine. He took the greek for breath and added 'osis' to it.

You're welcome 

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2 hours ago, White Cunt said:

It is their problem indeed. But being the mighty EU, facts will not get in the way of one-sided political fervour. Their marzipan-coated jobs are on the line and the fuckers will fight dirty to protect them.

First of all Boris has to visibly show that he has the best interest of the UK at heart .. being an International statesman is all very well but he gets his votes from the UK population not from countries in the EU. In times of plenty a leader can play the international statesman game but these are not times of plenty.

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22 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Halitosis isn't really a real medical term. It was invented by the maker of listerine. He took the greek for breath and added 'osis' to it.

You're welcome 

Interesting (in the sense of it not being interesting in the slightest).

Same principle used by the inventor of 'hate crimes', who took'sectional interest, special pleading hierarchy of victimhood', took away a few letters, went on a LSD and Glenfiddich bender that would make Oliver Reed shit treacle and thought 'the silly cunts will never go for this!'

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3 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

First come first served only applies to the kebab shop. The EU has contracts in place that need to be honoured on an equal footing to the UK contracts. Whatever reduction applies has to be shared proportionately. The issue of "shitty club", what or how the EU deals with vaccination approval or other itself, or how the UK is vaccinating, doesn’t cone into it at all. You really need to get past your brexiteering xenophobia and support the UK as a respectable trading partner. 

Just fucking die you conformist little MSM puppet cunt.

You make me fucking sick.

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7 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

...or just spit, then whistle?

Anyway, breaking the habit of a lifetime, in all seriousness once the UK has bought sufficient vaccine for our own population, I think we should offer supplies of the vaccine to Ireland. Strategically it makes sense, since there is a long-estabished freeflow of citizens between the two countries (The Republic being the only country not subject to the travel restrictions currently being introduced by the Home Office) and if Irish Citizens are to be allowed into the UK it makes sense that a large percentage as possible of them have had the vaccination

Ireland are close to the UK and, despite the 'bantz' in here and elsewhere, we have a shared culture and history (not all of it pleasant, true) and it would be the neigbourly as well as moral thing for us to do.

And, addressing the elephant in the room, it would be a chance for us to demonstrate the outward looking Britain I've always wanted us to be, post-Brexit to do a good thing without playing politics (assuming of course this was reciprocated by the EU Apparatchiks and actually allow this to one of their colonies)

Finally of course, it would mean Willie Mullins' horses able to travel to Cheltenham, where I've got a thuming great accumulator going on'em.

The gobshites would only send the vaccines to their masters in Brussels and distribute the syringes to the smack addicts who make up the majority of the population. Leo Varadkar is live on RTE tonight receiving the new anal swab test. He said he’s prepared to have one every night if the ratings justify it. 

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3 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

So much hate bally baby..n you with a M4 beemer and all..be happy ..and wear a mask..i want ya to live to see the green white n gold fleg flyin over stormont 


Panzy I have no hate for the free state. I look forward to seeing the tricolour hoisted above Stormont Castle. It’s what happens afterwards that I’m going to follow with a lot more interest. Ireland doesn’t have a great track record when you’ve put your fists up to us in the past. Just saying.

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54 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

So much hate bally baby..n you with a M4 beemer and all..be happy ..and wear a mask..i want ya to live to see the green white n gold fleg flyin over stormont 


The only way that will happen Paddy is if all the ravens left the Tower of London and the British Empire fell or if you begged us for re-admittance to the union. We would take the request seriously as we're rapidly running out of landfill sites.

Hows your granny anyway? I hope she hasn't fallen to the chinky flu because her dose of vaccine got given to your GP's second cousin. We've got plenty to spare despite the EU sending its Schutzstaffal to raid our factories in Belgium for all the good it did them.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

Panzy I have no hate for the free state. I look forward to seeing the tricolour hoisted above Stormont Castle. It’s what happens afterwards that I’m going to follow with a lot more interest. Ireland doesn’t have a great track record when you’ve put your fists up to us in the past. Just saying.

Whos us..anyone with a brain will muck in..the rest will either go back to the gorbals or risk prison in Dublin cork or limerick surrounded by filthy papists...we only ask for peaceful coexistence bally baby..yer people need not fear us


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4 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

The only way that will happen Paddy is if all the ravens left the Tower of London and the British Empire fell or if you begged us for re-admittance to the union. We would take the request seriously as we're rapidly running out of landfill sites.

Hows your granny anyway? I hope she hasn't fallen to the chinky flu because her dose of vaccine got given to your GP's second cousin. We've got plenty to spare despite the EU sending its Schutzstaffal to raid our factories in Belgium for all the good it did them.

Trukky baby..we depend on fukwits like you..that confuse emotion with intelligence ..aslong as people like ye are listened to it guarantees years of hostility tween yerselfs n yer biggest trading partner 



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7 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Trukky baby..we depend on fukwits like you..that confuse emotion with intelligence ..aslong as people like ye are listened to it guarantees years of hostility tween yerselfs n yer biggest trading partner 



You forget Paddy, I advocate a return to the Commonwealth no matter what the cost because Europe simply cannot be trusted. The last several weeks of go slows on our goods and the EU spin doctoring over the vaccine is a graphic illustration of that. Small and medium size businesses here are now saying that it's easier to trade with Canada and Australia than with the EU.

Long live the Anglosphere. CANZUK is on its way.

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4 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You forget Paddy, I advocate a return to the Commonwealth no matter what the cost because Europe simply cannot be trusted. The last several weeks of go slows on our goods and the EU spin doctoring over the vaccine is a graphic illustration of that. Small and medium size businesses here are now saying that it's easier to trade with Canada and Australia than with the EU.

Long live the Anglosphere. CANZUK is on its way.

The sun blowing up is on its way trukky baby..take about 4 billion years though..roughly the same time itll take for yer brino to pay any kind of dividend to the pleb.


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Just now, PANZER MURPHY said:

The sun blowing up is on its way trukky baby..take about 4 billion years though..roughly the same time itll take for yer brino to pay any kind of dividend to the pleb.


But the EU is so worried that it's granted equivalence to the yanks so they can pillage your financial markets in a pathetic attempt to fuck the City of London. Expect a run on the Euro in due course.

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15 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

You forget Paddy, I advocate a return to the Commonwealth no matter what the cost because Europe simply cannot be trusted. The last several weeks of go slows on our goods and the EU spin doctoring over the vaccine is a graphic illustration of that. Small and medium size businesses here are now saying that it's easier to trade with Canada and Australia than with the EU.

Long live the Anglosphere. CANZUK is on its way.

Ironically the Irish could by now be a big fish .. they breed like flies but the trouble is that rather than remaining in Ireland to bulk the population up to a very practical 25 to 30 million .. enough to build up a decent sized internal market for themselves their offspring fuck off elsewhere (ironically often to the UK mainland).

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6 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Ironically the Irish could by now be a big fish .. they breed like flies but the trouble is that rather than remaining in Ireland to bulk the population up to a very practical 25 to 30 million .. enough to build up a decent sized internal market for themselves their offspring fuck off elsewhere (ironically often to the UK mainland).

I want the Common Travel Agreement scrapped. They have no more right to be here than Romanians and Bulgarians. I want the 10% of their population that live off us out and sent home. They have no place here.

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