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Anti-vaxxers - these cuntage are endangering ProfB's life & all life 😤


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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Never mind this bullshite, what about the 1000s of frail old ladies who’ve already croaked it from bat flu and 10s of 1000s more who’ll be saved after being vaccinated?

People are welcome to their own opinions but anti COVID vaccine cunts should simply be shot and their bodies dumped in their respective town squares to rot. Their putrid bloated corpses and sun bleached bones would serve as an important message to all thick as pig shit wankers and and persuade them to believe scientific facts.

I don’t seem to be dead and I haven’t succumbed to the 24/7  ‘Get jabbed or you’ll kill the world’ Nazi grade propaganda.

Anyway gotta go. Those stickers won’t jump onto windows themselves.

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49 minutes ago, ProfB said:

Hello Spotto.

Bride drops dead of a heart attack at her wedding in India - so her SISTER marries the groom instead after families made 'tough call' to carry on with the festivities - read this in Daily Fail online.

This sort of behaviour has manifested the Indian variant of covid.

I was planing to go to Dubai asap - but now Clacton seems wiser.

Staycations for Proff B xxx (I will not sting you?)

You prize fucking idiot- I wish you’d drop dead before you post yet more of your ‘wacky’ dog shit rubbish 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

I don’t seem to be dead and I haven’t succumbed to the 24/7  ‘Get jabbed or you’ll kill the world’ Nazi grade propaganda.

Anyway gotta go. Those stickers won’t jump onto windows themselves.

Funny that innit? Neither am I....... and I had the privilege of working in a hot house of the thing, with about as much social distancing of clinical staff as sheep in a wagon on the way to the abattoir.

Never mind, KB. It's people's choice........ for now.

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1 minute ago, The Beast said:

Funny that innit? Neither am I....... and I had the privilege of working in a hot house of thing, with about as much social distancing of clinical staff as sheep in a wagon on the way to the abattoir.

Never mind, KB. It's people's choice........ for now.

As you probably know I’m a weapons grade tinfoil hat cunt according to a few of the sites top epidemiologists and world renowned pandemic experts. (Roops and Ape) so what I’m about to say may or may not be correct. COVID 19 Whatever. I’ll take my chances and even at this late stage of the bullshit I’m quietly confident that it’s been a fucking hoax.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

Funny that innit? Neither am I....... and I had the privilege of working in a hot house of the thing, with about as much social distancing of clinical staff as sheep in a wagon on the way to the abattoir.

Never mind, KB. It's people's choice........ for now.

Me neither. I've never distrusted anyone as much as I distrust the lying, self serving cowards that run our country and kowtow to the even more sinister billionaire elite who really run the show.

Chris Whitty and the other 'government scientists' who all own shares in the pharmaceuticals that churn it out can fuck off and die too. Cunts.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

As you probably know I’m a weapons grade tinfoil hat cunt according to a few of the sites top epidemiologists and world renowned pandemic experts. (Roops and Ape) so what I’m about to say may or may not be correct. COVID 19 Whatever. I’ll take my chances and even at this late stage of the bullshit I’m quietly confident that it’s been a fucking hoax.

I wouldn't call it a hoax, more of a farce.

It is not pleasant for the elderly, frail or those with comorbidities. An ITU stay is a bit of a cunt as well, to say the least.

However, from a UK perspective, the PCR test used, taken and processed in the way it has thus far is a nonsense, mask wearing outside of the clinical environment and care homes is totally unnecessary, the variants so far are all no less than 99.7% the same as the original Wuhan strain and the AZ vaccine in particular, has a legacy of underpowered and protocol breaching research and a too high risk of thrombi for those that would unlikely ever have a serious illness from SARS-COV-2. 

At this stage, vaccinating children is not clinically indicated either. 

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Me neither. I've never distrusted anyone as much as I distrust the lying, self serving cowards that run our country and kowtow to the even more sinister billionaire elite who really run the show.

Chris Whitty and the other 'government scientists' who all own shares in the pharmaceuticals that churn it out can fuck off and die too. Cunts.

I listen to what they say, but I also listen to the Professors of Immunology that have been censored to get more opinion.

No one has been correct about everything they have said during this virus, but some seem more predisposed to stretching the truth or omitting certain facts than others.

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4 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I listen to what they say, but I also listen to the Professors of Immunology that have been censored to get more opinion.

No one has been correct about everything they have said during this virus, but some seem more predisposed to stretching the truth or omitting certain facts than others.

I'll guess that they're the ones working directly for the government. Funny that.

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12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'll guess that they're the ones working directly for the government. Funny that.

A big red flag for me was when Ruth May, the Chief Nursing Officer was pulled from one of the daily briefings because she wouldn't play ball. 

I had dealings with her when she was a senior manager at Edgware Hospital, she was the main actor in forcing through the closure of the A&E department and I had further dealings with her when she was Chief executive at Mid Essex Hospitals. She was known as Ruthless May. So for her not to tow the party line gave me more than an inkling that things are not right with these bullshitters.

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5 hours ago, King Billy said:

As you probably know I’m a weapons grade tinfoil hat cunt according to a few of the sites top epidemiologists and world renowned pandemic experts. (Roops and Ape) so what I’m about to say may or may not be correct. COVID 19 Whatever. I’ll take my chances and even at this late stage of the bullshit I’m quietly confident that it’s been a fucking hoax.

You’re quietly confident it’s been a fucking hoax? Fuck me - back to this again. Strap you foil helmet on good and tight, plug it into your special Ghostbusters-like backpack and explain, in simpletons terms (like there’s any option here) why it’s a hoax. Explain what benefit there is in creating such a hoax virus and explain who benefits from it, and why. Then explain how the creators of the hoax managed to coax (I love a little rhyme) the rest of the world into all going along with it. Or is it just coincidence, and every country in the world just independently decided to have their own hoaxes? 

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5 hours ago, The Beast said:

I wouldn't call it a hoax, more of a farce.

It is not pleasant for the elderly, frail or those with comorbidities. An ITU stay is a bit of a cunt as well, to say the least.

However, from a UK perspective, the PCR test used, taken and processed in the way it has thus far is a nonsense, mask wearing outside of the clinical environment and care homes is totally unnecessary, the variants so far are all no less than 99.7% the same as the original Wuhan strain and the AZ vaccine in particular, has a legacy of underpowered and protocol breaching research and a too high risk of thrombi for those that would unlikely ever have a serious illness from SARS-COV-2. 

At this stage, vaccinating children is not clinically indicated either. 

You are playing my song.

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2 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

You’re quietly confident it’s been a fucking hoax? Fuck me - back to this again. Strap you foil helmet on good and tight, plug it into your special Ghostbusters-like backpack and explain, in simpletons terms (like there’s any option here) why it’s a hoax. Explain what benefit there is in creating such a hoax virus and explain who benefits from it, and why. Then explain how the creators of the hoax managed to coax (I love a little rhyme) the rest of the world into all going along with it. Or is it just coincidence, and every country in the world just independently decided to have their own hoaxes? 

You haven't asked him about the 5g brain controlling waves.

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4 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

You’re quietly confident it’s been a fucking hoax? Fuck me - back to this again. Strap you foil helmet on good and tight, plug it into your special Ghostbusters-like backpack and explain, in simpletons terms (like there’s any option here) why it’s a hoax. Explain what benefit there is in creating such a hoax virus and explain who benefits from it, and why. Then explain how the creators of the hoax managed to coax (I love a little rhyme) the rest of the world into all going along with it. Or is it just coincidence, and every country in the world just independently decided to have their own hoaxes? 

What were you saying about scrutinising all of my future posts for grammar and punctuation errors Apo? Fucking dope.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

I don’t seem to be dead and I haven’t succumbed to the 24/7  ‘Get jabbed or you’ll kill the world’ Nazi grade propaganda.

Anyway gotta go. Those stickers won’t jump onto windows themselves.

Whether you agree with the science or not, my one big issue is the possibility of vaccine passports, or the potential that receiving the jab could become mandatory. 

I'm fairly certain that the MMR jab isn't compulsory, or the TB vaccine, and those diseases have far more potential to limit life in even healthy individuals. 

I've got no problem with people getting a covid vaccine, but I do have a huge moral objection for it being enforced on people who don't want it when this hasn't previously been the case with far more deadly diseases.


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I've had my 2nd Covid vaccine and the only difference I noticed between this and the 1st one, apart form absolutely zero side effects, was the inordinate amount of questioning from the doctor with the little prick about previous side effects, risk of blood clotting etc. and, even though I was sat poised with my sleeve rolled up ready, being asked 3x times if I still wanted the vaccine.

Anyhow, alcohol keeps your blood thin and minimises clotting risks so fuck off, and antivaxxers are just little pansies with needle phobias.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Whether you agree with the science or not, my one big issue is the possibility of vaccine passports, or the potential that receiving the jab could become mandatory. 

I'm fairly certain that the MMR jab isn't compulsory, or the TB vaccine, and those diseases have far more potential to limit life in even healthy individuals. 

I've got no problem with people getting a covid vaccine, but I do have a huge moral objection for it being enforced on people who don't want it when this hasn't previously been the case with far more deadly diseases.


The needs of the many will ultimately outweigh the desires of the few.

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2 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

How’s the big ramp up at work going? Keeping you busy? Fucking liar.


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   On 29/05/2021 at 22:45,  Dyslexic cnut said: 

Oh Jesus bastard Christ, Doc...really?

I’m going to be watching every single post you make from now on. God help you if you make any form of typo or grammatical error, you stunningly stupid cunt.


I’ll never be too busy to humiliate you and to highlight your empty threats. Vapid bellsniff.

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8 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:





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   On 29/05/2021 at 22:45,  Dyslexic cnut said: 

Oh Jesus bastard Christ, Doc...really?

I’m going to be watching every single post you make from now on. God help you if you make any form of typo or grammatical error, you stunningly stupid cunt.


I’ll never be too busy to humiliate you and to highlight your empty threats. Vapid bellsniff.

You’ll certainly never be busy, that’s for sure.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I've had my 2nd Covid vaccine and the only difference I noticed between this and the 1st one, apart form absolutely zero side effects, was the inordinate amount of questioning from the doctor with the little prick about previous side effects, risk of blood clotting etc. and, even though I was sat poised with my sleeve rolled up ready, being asked 3x times if I still wanted the vaccine.

Anyhow, alcohol keeps your blood thin and minimises clotting risks so fuck off, and antivaxxers are just little pansies with needle phobias.

There's an idea - any cunt agreeing to get the AZ jabs should get a government funded pass for two years of free alcohol, brand and strength of their choice, with a passport granting them the right to get pissed at work or anywhere in public, seeing as its technically medicinal.

I've already had both my Pfizer jabs, but I'd be willing to double down for the greater good of humanity if this was the case.

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8 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:





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   On 29/05/2021 at 22:45,  Dyslexic cnut said: 

Oh Jesus bastard Christ, Doc...really?

I’m going to be watching every single post you make from now on. God help you if you make any form of typo or grammatical error, you stunningly stupid cunt.


I’ll never be too busy to humiliate you and to highlight your empty threats. Vapid bellsniff.

You prize fucking idiot 

Wind your neck in New Harold 

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21 hours ago, King Billy said:

As you probably know I’m a weapons grade tinfoil hat cunt according to a few of the sites top epidemiologists and world renowned pandemic experts. (Roops and Ape) so what I’m about to say may or may not be correct. COVID 19 Whatever. I’ll take my chances and even at this late stage of the bullshit I’m quietly confident that it’s been a fucking hoax.

Renowned pandemic expert?

@Dawn Choruswhat can you tell us about the post war Spanish flu you no doubt experienced?

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