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12 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

My prediction, for what it’s worth, is that Donald, and any other member of his family will never play a part in American politics again. Americans are inherently very stupid, but even they can see when something is inherently evil. Fuck Trump, and fuck his family. They’re all criminals anyway, and once they no longer have the protection of the state, I guarantee some of them will be banged up.

Weird how they only became criminals when Trump got elected Ape? Even weirder is how you’ve come to that opinion of the whole family who you obviously know fuck all about except what you’ve been fed by the media.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

He’s not in the slightest bothered what the swamp rats are spouting off to the media about him. He’s showing them all up for the double standards and corrupt agenda he’s had to put up with for 4 years. The Democrats have incited, praised, crowd funded bail money and usually released without charge rioters, looters and murderers all across their sanctuary cities for years now. But all of a sudden they’re horrified at a minor incident in DC? Fucking laughable. Good old Donald. He’s sure shoved a firework up these wankers arseholes on his way out the door. He’s laughing his bollocks off in the Oval Office tonight.

I expect you're right, he's probably not that bothered. He'll be, what, 78, in 4 years? I'm sure he'll have better things to do with his time rather than jump back into that particular swamp. No one can ever take away from him that he was president of the US and I've no doubt that eventually will soothe his hurt pride. 

The GOP on the other hand have plenty to lose if they don't play this right and it's looking more and more likely that he'll be expelled before he 'retires'. 

Better for all just to leave it and move on in my opinion. 

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3 minutes ago, Goober said:

5 dead yanks, is a pretty high pile considering how fat the fuckers are. 

Yanks must be thick as shite to have voted this cunt in the first place. All he does is stand there and talk bollocks, no policies, no facts, trashing science and considered wisdom. And the xenophobic hicks love every word. They even think he’s fighting a war against a global nonce and devil cult which is a bit fucking rich considering his mate Epstein used his golf club for child buggery sessions with the worlds elite.

I want a full scale yank civil war with mass bloodshed and death. Stupid fucking wankers

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1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Yanks must be thick as shite to have voted this cunt in the first place. All he does is stand there and talk bollocks, no policies, no facts, trashing science and considered wisdom. And the xenophobic hicks love every word. They even think he’s fighting a war against a global nonce and devil cult which is a bit fucking rich considering his mate Epstein used his golf club for child buggery sessions with the worlds elite.

I want a full scale yank civil war with mass bloodshed and death. Stupid fucking wankers

They're are peculiar breed, that's for sure. Considering a large proportion of them have European ancestry it's amazing they've managed to selective breed intelligence out of most of the population. 

As the writer H. L. Mencken is alleged to have noted, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people". 

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Weird how they only became criminals when Trump got elected Ape? Even weirder is how you’ve come to that opinion of the whole family who you obviously know fuck all about except what you’ve been fed by the media.

Knock it off billy, trump is a megalomaniac, bully and very bad looser. He’s got zero interest or understanding of how politics works and gives not a fuck about the dumb shites that voted him in. He needs dragging out of the White House and throwing in jail for being a lying cunt with a stunning kick in a bollocks for good measure. With any luck he’ll kick the bucket, top himself or, better still, nuke China, Russia, Iran and North Korea 

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Just now, Goober said:

They're are peculiar breed, that's for sure. Considering a large proportion of them have European ancestry it's amazing they've managed to selective breed intelligence out of most of the population. 

As the writer H. L. Mencken is alleged to have noted, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people". 

I don’t get their insistence that the USA is the greatest place on earth and they’ve the god given right to act like total cunts. I’m probably talking about 50% of them here, but fuck me that’s  a lot of poorly educated hillbilly kin folk with the democratic right to own several assault rifles. Lets hope the trump mob rise up and try to take on the state cops, Army and USMC. Only one winner there

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2 minutes ago, Goober said:

They're are peculiar breed, that's for sure. Considering a large proportion of them have European ancestry it's amazing they've managed to selective breed intelligence out of most of the population. 

As the writer H. L. Mencken is alleged to have noted, "no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people". 

I think the European ancestry bit is pivotal here. I'm fairly certain that we sent over all the thick fucking sky fairy worshippers and other classes of imbecile. 

If only we'd thought to drill a couple of holes in the bottom of the mayflower, the Native American Indians would have been left in peace and we wouldn't have a generation of spastics wandering around saying 'can I get', and thinking that chips are called 'fries'.

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4 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think the European ancestry bit is pivotal here. I'm fairly certain that we sent over all the thick fucking sky fairy worshippers and other classes of imbecile. 

If only we'd thought to drill a couple of holes in the bottom of the mayflower, the Native American Indians would have been left in peace and we wouldn't have a generation of spastics wandering around saying 'can I get', and thinking that chips are called 'fries'.

“I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free”

The small minded cunts start welling up when they hear this and other tunes with similar bullshite patriotic words. No other country in the world worship themselves like the yanks.

Free, unlike the hundreds of thousands of native Americans killed, raped, imprisoned and displaced which has conveniently been written out of their history. Blanket soiled with smallpox anyone?

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19 minutes ago, Goober said:

I expect you're right, he's probably not that bothered. He'll be, what, 78, in 4 years? I'm sure he'll have better things to do with his time rather than jump back into that particular swamp. No one can ever take away from him that he was president of the US and I've no doubt that eventually will soothe his hurt pride. 

The GOP on the other hand have plenty to lose if they don't play this right and it's looking more and more likely that he'll be expelled before he 'retires'. 

Better for all just to leave it and move on in my opinion. 

I agree. The GOP are the biggest losers as they’ve lost tens of millions of voters who feel betrayed by their cowardice. Democrats have done what they’ve always done for decades, lie, cheat, and promise the earth to the underclass..ie the blacks and spics and then keep them in a permanent state of poverty and crime till the next election cycle comes around and then whip up the race war to ensure most of them turn out to vote for them. It’s a very sad but constantly recurring state of affairs and nothing looks like changing it now.

Don Lemon is a sooty faced, shitpipe bothering, fake news cunt

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25 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think the European ancestry bit is pivotal here. I'm fairly certain that we sent over all the thick fucking sky fairy worshippers and other classes of imbecile. 

If only we'd thought to drill a couple of holes in the bottom of the mayflower, the Native American Indians would have been left in peace and we wouldn't have a generation of spastics wandering around saying 'can I get', and thinking that chips are called 'fries'.

Eric I’ve just had a butchers at the leaderboard. I’ve had to put in some hard fucking graft to pull myself up onto the podium.   The good news though is that my skinny stick arms which I only became aware of due to the google bitches keen eye for such things, are now bulging like Popeyes guns after a giant can of spinach.

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31 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Eric I’ve just had a butchers at the leaderboard. I’ve had to put in some hard fucking graft to pull myself up onto the podium.   The good news though is that my skinny stick arms which I only became aware of due to the google bitches keen eye for such things, are now bulging like Popeyes guns after a giant can of spinach.

I'm afraid your resplendent bicep development may be the result of a new strain of coronavirus. It makes people fitter and healthier. Very dangerous. Stay indoors and do what the BBC tells you. Don't forget to stand on your doorstep on Thursday night. Makes it easier for the sniper drones to take you out without damaging your property, which, after you have been executed for being a white heterosexual male with an IQ above 75, will become state property and used to house the new, cheaper, browner workforce that will replace  white scum.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I think the European ancestry bit is pivotal here. I'm fairly certain that we sent over all the thick fucking sky fairy worshippers and other classes of imbecile. 

If only we'd thought to drill a couple of holes in the bottom of the mayflower, the Native American Indians would have been left in peace and we wouldn't have a generation of spastics wandering around saying 'can I get', and thinking that chips are called 'fries'.

Thing is Eric, most white yanks (not of the wop variety) have paddy names or names that end in 'ski'! 

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18 hours ago, Roadkill said:

This cunt is hilariously two faced.


Mmm...you could almost smell the burning rubber after Trump hears the words, "twenty-fifth amendment".  Clearly the men in grey suits had just paid the president a courtesy call and suggested he do a reverse-ferret pronto.

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14 hours ago, King Billy said:

 A masterful forensic financial analysis of Donald J Trump by financial expert and former British Rail ticket inspector Penelope Doubtfire (aged 320).

OTOH, for someone who "knows a bit" and "has a keen interest" in American politics your own predictions of late haven't exactly been on the money, have they? No worries Billy, a career of political punditry at OANN beckons!

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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Weird how they only became criminals when Trump got elected Ape? Even weirder is how you’ve come to that opinion of the whole family who you obviously know fuck all about except what you’ve been fed by the media.

Sorry for having an opinion, Billy. You must share some of the special sources of information that you get all your facts from. Then I’ll be better informed in future.



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7 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Sorry for having an opinion, Billy. You must share some of the special sources of information that you get all your facts from. Then I’ll be better informed in future.

The best that can be said about the Trump family is that they all look like hangers on with a propensity to have bones spurs in their hands and feet which make it easier to climb up the greasy pole. Back in 2016 I was gobsmacked that a great political party could choose him to lead them ans even more gobsmacked that a great nation could actually elect him to office. Comparisons have been made to Boris Johnson but in truth there is nothing to compare with Donald Trump. Hopefully the next four years of Biden will bring recovery but unfortunately Trump has sown the seeds of doubt and I think that the democrats will be crippled by his legacy.

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43 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The best that can be said about the Trump family is that they all look like hangers on with a propensity to have bones spurs in their hands and feet which make it easier to climb up the greasy pole. Back in 2016 I was gobsmacked that a great political party could choose him to lead them ans even more gobsmacked that a great nation could actually elect him to office. Comparisons have been made to Boris Johnson but in truth there is nothing to compare with Donald Trump. Hopefully the next four years of Biden will bring recovery but unfortunately Trump has sown the seeds of doubt and I think that the democrats will be crippled by his legacy.

Biden is dreadfully corrupt but presents a clean image. I expect he will slowly undo the tariffs and other changes Trump introduced; longer term it will be a disaster. 

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Mmm...you could almost smell the burning rubber after Trump hears the words, "twenty-fifth amendment".  Clearly the men in grey suits had just paid the president a courtesy call and suggested he do a reverse-ferret pronto.

Yep - the thrust reversers were fully deployed here!

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56 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Biden is dreadfully corrupt but presents a clean image. I expect he will slowly undo the tariffs and other changes Trump introduced; longer term it will be a disaster. 

Possibly Biden is corrupt but he is completely outshone by Trump .. Trump's only agenda has been to line his own and his families pockets and evade paying his share.

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13 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

No idea, but you wouldnt be allowed in regardless, so youll need to find one local to you.

Fucking special needs wanker. 

Great response Mr. Pants. You’re doing a fine job as ChildeHarolds underspastic while he’s in having his lobotomy. Let’s hope he returns the favour when you’re turn comes.

Have you been out on your jet boat this weekend?

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57 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

I disagree.

Careful WC. It’s probably still got connections on the railways. Some of those old school B R ticket shufflers have gone into the ‘gun for hire’ game. One click of Pens arthritic bony old fingers and you could be sleeping with the fishes.

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